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The A.I. is evil. EVIL, I TELL YOU!!!

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I decided to play a QB against the AI the other day, as the low lifes I'm currently playing PBEMs [cough]Pengers[/cough] return moves with glacier like rapidity. So, I came up with an Allied attack, no restrictions, 1200 points, in a rural setting, 1943. I picked some infantry, a couple of small AT guns, three Panzer III's and a STuG. And various minefields, barbed wire and such.

Then I wait.

The first Allied object I see is a captured Panther. (Ouch. That's going to hurt.) The second Allied object I see is likewise a captured Panther. (Hmmm. Odd, but not insane.) The third object I see is a... (wait for it)...CAPTURED PANTHER! Then a T-34 and several halftracks, scout cars and MG carriers.

It is at this point that I know I'm royally screwed. Well, in for a penny...that sort of thing.

Attack-wise, things went very well...for the AI. All of my armor and AT assets were destroyed within five minutes of contact. Allied losses? One MG carrier and one halftrack.

But, AHA! Now they are nearing all my minefields! Yes! All the infantry went through the Tank minefields and all the tanks went through the personnel minefields.

Oh wait! I haven't mentioned my brilliant plan for my flamethrowers who were right in the path of two of the Panthers! I laid down a smoke screen so the Panthers wouldn't see my FTs. And they didn't! Of course my FTs didn't see the infantry that was flanking the Panthers, either and they pretty much went down without a struggle.

After that, it was just waiting while each group of valiant defenders routed and were shot in the backs.

My reverse slope defense did work quite well against the advancing infantry and did take a lot of them out. Until the halftracks and armor simply circled the hill and...well, you can pretty much figure out what happened then.

It was almost as bad as a Ker Dessel* scenario.

This is why I believe the AI is evil.

Just my two cents.

*(Ker Dessel -- When you want to play CM in the worst way.)

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You're an idiot.*

When the third Panther appeared you should have aborted the game and started a new one, this time giving the enemy 500 points against your 1000 and him low quality against your medium. Make sure his force is all infantry while you are at it and give him a huge, flat, barren space to cross before he can reach your lines. And set the game length at 10 turns. And be sure to get lots of HMGs. Cruel? Yes, but enormously satisfying.



*I just wanted to make you feel at home.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

<font size=-1>I decided to play a QB against the AI the other day, as the low lifes I'm currently playing PBEMs [cough]Pengers[/cough] return moves with glacier like rapidity.</font>

I think you meant to say "I decided to play a QB against the AI, as the low lifes I normally PBEM with [cough]Pengers[/cough] whip me mercilessly. So I went looking for an easier opponent - BUT FAILED".
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sorry, i don't know you well enough to call you an idiot. can i just observe that you're stupider than your own computer?

you could have won except you never expected to lose. if you'd been playing a human (or even a Penger) you would have changed your playing style to accommodate his choices. as it was it seems like you just didn't give the AI any credit and got caught. of course, sometimes it just happens & there's nothing you can do about it but that doesn't sound like the case here. what was your armour doing being visible so early on? i know you were playing Axis & therefore where looking for the long sight lines but as soon as you saw the Panther you should have scarpered. took out his T34's from ambush & then it's got to move it's Panthers. as soon as they stop doing their long range pillbox impression they're vulnerable.

i don't need to tell you this, you've been playing longer than i have. you just didn't bother.

BTW, i usually return a turn a night or more. if you're looking to prove me stupider than you and hence your computer, drop me a line. the params you played for the QB sound good.

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Originally posted by Other Means:

sorry, i don't know you well enough to call you an idiot. can i just observe that you're stupider than your own computer?

Now that definitely left a mark. But a little pancake #3 should cover it right up.

you could have won except you never expected to lose. if you'd been playing a human (or even a Penger) you would have changed your playing style to accommodate his choices. as it was it seems like you just didn't give the AI any credit and got caught. of course, sometimes it just happens & there's nothing you can do about it but that doesn't sound like the case here. what was your armour doing being visible so early on? i know you were playing Axis & therefore where looking for the long sight lines but as soon as you saw the Panther you should have scarpered. took out his T34's from ambush & then it's got to move it's Panthers. as soon as they stop doing their long range pillbox impression they're vulnerable.

i don't need to tell you this, you've been playing longer than i have. you just didn't bother.

Nah, what really happened was that whenever one of my tanks popped up for a shot, whether using Hull Down or Shoot & Scoot, they'd aim at a halftrack or a scout car, or one of the other lighter pieces of armor because they knew they couldn't kill the Panthers. While they were doing that, the Panthers knocked them out, one by one. I'm used to the AI picking lots of smaller tanks. I've never had it go for overkill before. I was surprised and amused.

As for all the helpful oberservations, encouraging words and generally brain dead posterings given by my cohorts from the MBT, know that I hate each and every one of you much like a lassoed shorthorn heifer hates bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

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Nah, what really happened was that whenever one of my tanks popped up for a shot, whether using Hull Down or Shoot & Scoot, they'd aim at a halftrack or a scout car, or one of the other lighter pieces of armor because they knew they couldn't kill the Panthers. While they were doing that, the Panthers knocked them out, one by one. I'm used to the AI picking lots of smaller tanks. I've never had it go for overkill before. I was surprised and amused.

one of your tanks? and why did they pop up in LOS of the Panthers? and why didn't you give them target lines to the Panthers. or cover armour arcs? did you have any smoke? why were they in LOS of the Panthers again?

never mind, i'm sure if i saw the setup i'd know why all these things were impossible.

coz as it is, i'm starting to think you may have an Amiga.

actually, do you play axis exclusively? playing allied i'm used to running scared of big cats and looking for keyholed LOS on the map. i'm going to start playing axis soon to see how the other half lives.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I'm used to the AI picking lots of smaller tanks. I've never had it go for overkill before. I was surprised and amused.

I had the AI pick a Panther on me as far back as CMBO. Fortunately, I had taken the precaution of choosing a couple Pershings myself. First shot nailed that sucker right through the upper glacis. Happy, happy, happy!



[ August 11, 2003, 02:38 PM: Message edited by: Michael Emrys ]

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Originally posted by Other Means:

one of your tanks? and why did they pop up in LOS of the Panthers? and why didn't you give them target lines to the Panthers. or cover armour arcs? did you have any smoke? why were they in LOS of the Panthers again?

never mind, i'm sure if i saw the setup i'd know why all these things were impossible.

Heh. The Panthers sat themselved down on top of some big old hills and stayed there in overwatch. (did I mention that I had the skill level of the AI on +3? Yah, I had smoke, but not enough to cover the area that I needed. Look, I just posted this because I thought it was funny that the AI gave itself a slew of big cats when it normally doesn't, and no, I didn't play this like it was a life and death struggle. So any micro examining you do is wasted because I didn't sweat any bullets on it.

coz as it is, i'm starting to think you may have an Amiga.

No, I drive a Ford ZX2, as a matter of fact.

actually, do you play axis exclusively? playing allied i'm used to running scared of big cats and looking for keyholed LOS on the map. i'm going to start playing axis soon to see how the other half lives.

I play whatever I'm in a mood for. Except Italians. I've never played Italians for some reason.

Oh, former squire of mine Nidan. I'm not ducking you. Well, no more so than ANY of us try to duck you. Which is to say...yes.

[serious] I've just cut way back on my games until the new PC arrives, just in case there's a big delay or something, I won't have to hold anything up.[/serious]

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Sometimes the AI can't do anything right during a (dull) battle, but occassionally the AI can do no wrong and gives you a jolly good (and entertaining) thrashings.

I have an observation. When starting a Quickbattle where the AI chooses its own forces and you pick yours, I know the AI says "purchasing units" BEFORE you get to choose, but I swear the AI often seems to customize its force mix to match-up with what you picked. If I pick infantry and ACs it picks opposinginfantry and light armor. Last time I picked a couple Panther the AI countered with the surprisingly deadly 57mm gun Valentine, practically the only anti-Panther weapon he had available at that stage of the war. Coincidence? :confused: :rolleyes:

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Do what I do.

Every now and then set up a 1000 point battle on a small map.

Assault. You're assaulting.

Give yourself a +200% bonus.

Spend all you can on coscript rocket spotters.

(About 2000 points gets you plenty)

Use them all on prebarrage (at least 600m away from your spotters).

Every single rocket lands during the first 30 seconds.

Very soothing.

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Originally posted by Jarmo:

Do what I do.

Every now and then set up a 1000 point battle on a small map.

Assault. You're assaulting.

Give yourself a +200% bonus.

Spend all you can on coscript rocket spotters.

(About 2000 points gets you plenty)

Use them all on prebarrage (at least 600m away from your spotters).

Every single rocket lands during the first 30 seconds.

Very soothing.

I think that we all, at one time or another, have "spanked" the AI. Sure, it's not something any of us are proud of, but it is indeed soothing.
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Ive read this topic before. Noone had responded then. I wanted to because i thought it was a funny topic. It made me laugh.

Now im reading all this and i dont see where Boo Radley made some of u so angry.

Im hoping u guys know eachother...

ore else im pretty disappointed.

But, OMG, maybe the ai has seen a spark of life!!!?

And was that maybe the first actual spotting of what it has learned!!!?

Is the whole communitie doomed now!!!?

*shivers go down my spine

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Originally posted by theike:

Ive read this topic before. Noone had responded then. I wanted to because i thought it was a funny topic. It made me laugh.

Now im reading all this and i dont see where Boo Radley made some of u so angry.

Im hoping u guys know eachother...

ore else im pretty disappointed.

Don't worry theike, they do know each other. A little bit of taunting never hurt anyone...
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