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ROW III - The Boots and Tracks CMBB tourney (Part 4)

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Too late. I ran into one gun with god mode on, and it made one big mess. I hate to spoil the fun, but I for one have already had the chance to "enjoy" that feature. So in my point of view, if others play with 1.03 I am the one who gets shafted. Sorry, but I vote 1.02 to the end of this tourney - that's what we agreed at the beginning. And that's what the scenarios are tested with. If we go to 1.03, the medians won't be the same IMO.


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I hate 1.02 but I think we have to play with it as Juha Ahoniemi stated some of the players have already been burned by this bug.

I would have thought that no player in this tournament would be using a bug to there advantage.

so I think we will have to stay with 1.02

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Originally posted by StoneAge:

I would have thought that no player in this tournament would be using a bug to there advantage.

so I think we will have to stay with 1.02

This is very much a subjective thing. Is someone using the "bug to their advantage" by simply placing their guns just behind slopes and ridges? Whether I was using 1.0, 1.01, 1.02 or now 1.03 I would still place any guns I had in the most advantageous position possible. Is that considered using a bug to ones advantage? I would hope not since that tactic wouldn't change for me no matter what version of the game I'm using.

Food for thought, that's all.


Jim R.

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For the version issue, I see no choice but to stick with 102. Once the games start, it should be locked in, since the playing field has to be level for all players. A bug like the AT Gun one can signifigantly affect the outcome of a scenario. The only fair way is for everyone to play at the same version.

As for the statement wondering about tourney players using the AT bug to thier advantage. If you play this game right, you HAVE to use this bug. The ideal placement for any gun is behind a ridgeline, with as little of the barrel peeking over the top as possible. In order to not utilize this bug, you would have to intentionally place your units in less than optional positions. There is a difference between bugs that make you a cheater if you choose to exploit them, vs bugs like this one where you don't have a real choice in using it or not.

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Yep, if You want to place Your guns to best possible position, the bug comes into the picture. Nobody shoud be accused "using" the bug! I'm glad You guys see my point. You don't change the "rules" during any other form of a game (not including tv reality shows ;) ) either. If the finals were launched today, I among others woud vote to play with 1.03. Alas, the games are already rolling and that is just not acceptable.


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If at all possible can you e-mail me and let me know how things are progressing. Have you encountered any problems, or have any comments on the finals? I'm curious to know.

Also, section 1-7, I will be sending out your scenarios either later on tonight or tomorrow.

Finally, who is trying to sign on to the ROW BBS under the username 'Pannekoek88'? I need to know who you are before I accept you in.


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Just got back and can see why I have no waiting turn from Juha.


BTW I don't think you have been bitten by that bug Juha but we can see what people think at the end of the game. I can see your point of view and can see why you would think that. I on the other hand think you have been very very very lucky in other regards. But that is the way it goes.

I am happy either way. 1.02 or 1.03.

I would rather upgrade if given a choice.

I will e-mail now...



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Originally posted by redwolf:

Seems like me and at least some of my opponents will use it anyway.

There is just no point in conserving bugs.

If anyone uses 1.03 for a battle that contributes to the scoring of the tourney, then that can negatively affect the outcome of the tournement. Everyone who plays in the tourney has to play by the exact same set of rules. It sucks that the finals started right before the 1.03 came out, but that's life. It's not hard to set up multiple versions on a system at once, so it's not life someones asking for an arm or a leg for everyone to play these final scenarios with 1.02.
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I concur with Mikeydz. Because everyone's performance (including the finalists) under the Nabla scoring system is based on all the scores achieved by the various players competing in this 2nd round, it could adversely affect players who have made significant progress in these games under 1.02. It would unduly penalise players who have made significant progress in their games but suffering from the unhittable gun bug under 1.02 compared with players who have just started but would obtain the benefit of being able to hit those guns under 1.03.

Seeing as there's no ladder position attached to these games I would have thought that it's essential to ensure the Nabla scoring system maintains its integrity in the circumstances. It seems to me that the way to ensure a level playing field is to have everyone playing under 1.02 so there can't be any argument that one competitor benefited from a different version of the game compared with another.


Jim R.

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Kanonier, I think You said it very clear. During this tournament, 1.02 should and will be used. If someone refuses to do so, his section should not be counted in the Nabla - scoring. By all means, if You are not in position to fight for the wine and want to use 1.03 then do it. BUT please tell it to Kingfish. He should exclude those game results from Nabla - scoring. This is the only way to have same rules for everyone!


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Originally posted by Juha Ahoniemi:

Kanonier, I think You said it very clear. During this tournament, 1.02 should and will be used. If someone refuses to do so, his section should not be counted in the Nabla - scoring. By all means, if You are not in position to fight for the wine and want to use 1.03 then do it. BUT please tell it to Kingfish. He should exclude those game results from Nabla - scoring. This is the only way to have same rules for everyone!


My only problem with what you're proposing Juha is that it may turn out that there are not enough results under 1.02 to be able to obtain a statistically reliable measurement under the Nabla scoring sytem. I would imagine (off the top of my head) that one would need at least 15 to 20 results under 1.02 to be able to produce meaningful statistical information. If a whole bunch of players decided to complete their games under 1.03 then there could well be a problem in meeting the required number of games completed under 1.02.

I'm sure Kingfish will set me straight if I'm talking out of my arse. smile.gif


Jim R.

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