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Appui-Feu poll results : Which theater of operations interests you most for CM3 ?

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BFC Programmers if you are interested by our willings here is the result of a poll who shows what theather of operations we wwould like to see in a possible Combat Mission 3.

1- France 1940 with Balkans, Poland and Scandinavia addon - 51,81% - 43 votes

2- North Africa front - 16,87% - 14

3- Sicilia/Italy front - 10,84% - 9

4- Vietnam war - 4,82% - 4

5- First World War - 4,82% - 4

6- Korea 50-53 - 3,61% - 3

7- A third world war involving East/West - 3,61% - 3

8- Another ancient conflict - 2,41% - 2

9- Pacific Front - 1,20% - 1

10- Operation Desert Storm ( Gulf War ) - 0,00% -

If you want to look more closely at this poll here is the link : CM3 Poll

Remeber that our site now counts 500 members we become an important community !!!

Have a good time all and take a look here Appui-Feu


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Well, BTS has said a number of times they don't have any interest in the Pacific theater (Steve has stated they don't think it would be as interesting to cover and they don't have as much knowledge of the subject as they do the European theater, and so are much less inclined to tackle it).

And if they do the Med that would involve not only North Africa but also Sicily/Italy as well as possibly Greece and Crete. So they would need to be combined into one category in your poll.

Personally I'd like the Med to be the first theater to see the new engine, then Early war (which may also include Finnish Winter War).

- Chris

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I want Korea and if they don't make it I'm not going to play. :D That's right I won't play anything else. I didn't bitch when they did the Western Theater and I didn't even bitch when the Eastern theater came out but this is where I draw the line. :mad: smile.gif

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perhaps, though, their results might be a little suspect since it is a French site....one would expect them to vote overwhemlingly for another French theatre of war (except for the fact that the French didn't do so well.)

Now, an early war game engine would be a little hectic-looking, wouldn't it? Let's see:

Sept 39 Poland:

Poles vs.

Germans and Russians

...roughly 3 weeks of combat...

in real life, nothing happened until May 1940...although technically Britian and France were at war with Germany.

May-June 1940

Germans (and Italians :rolleyes: ) vs.

Danes, Norwegians, Dutch, Belgians, British and French.

...a day for the Danes, a week for the Norwegians, a week or two for the BEF, Belgians and Dutch and andother 2 weeks for the French...

...and possibly the Italians vs the Greeks for a year...

April 1941:

Germany, Hungary, Italy and Bulgaria vs

Yugoslavia, Greece and British

A month for all, including Crete...

That's it for Western Europe until The Allies invade Sicily (which can be well modelled with CMBO, all the same actors are involved, although I know of no scenarios about the Italian campaign) In real life, the beginning of the war was about 3-4 non-contiguous months of actual fighting. Counter balancing this is the need to model and code for the armies/forces of 15 nations (and horses...horses were a popular unit on the front lines in 1939...). I'd love it (I'm a small-nations kinda guy, I wish I could play (non-historically) with the Estonian Army...) but it's not very cost-effective in time. That small of a time frame, it would be easy to play EVERY actual battle...possibly even in the space of a day or two.

If we were to throw in some other fields of battle, there would be much more fighting, but there would also be more coding. I think BTC might be persuaded to consider extending the scope of this CB3 back to say...1934-35 and forward to 1943 and putting in the Spanish Civil war...the Italian wars in Africa (machine guns vs spears!)...the Afrika Corps battles...even maybe the British invasions of Syria, Iraq and Iran in 1941...

Zimorodok (and his lengthy .02 worth)

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Originally posted by Zimorodok:

perhaps, though, their results might be a little suspect since it is a French site....

100% suspect :D

Ah ! Those frenchies ;)

...a day for the Danes, a week for the Norwegians, a week or two for the BEF, Belgians and Dutch and andother 2 weeks for the French...

18 days !!! The King of Belgium surrendered after 18 days, while his courageous government fled ... redface.gif ... retreated to UK to organise the resistance to the invader.

Nevertheless, I do agree with the point. Interresting historically, but a potential disaster for a game. Unbalanced at will.

The Med is indeed the way to go.



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I couldn't agree more with the last poster, Erwin Rommel. Go back to the western front and either bring it up to the same standards as CMBB or even better with a new engine.

In any case, stick with the two main fronts in WWII. The most bang for the buck can be found here. If the new engine is radically different from what Combat Mission players are used to, then going back to the west or east front will not be boring.

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Korea. - Long conflict, lots of toys, varied terrain.

If BFC stays in WWII, I hope they put the whole magilla in one game, East, West, and Med. 39-45 all three fronts.

I would pay large dollars for an all-inclusive simulation like that.

I also like the suggestion of a blank battlespace with add-ons that plug in the data for each theatre.


ATTENTION GROGS!!! - Do NOT read below this line! It may hurt your eyes and offend you. I don't need to be chased with pitchforks and torches. smile.gif It's just an idea.


The guys and gals(?) at BFC could create a Combat Mission evironment with a Fantasy General twist. Each player can make his own troops and vehicles by plugging in data into certain multiple choice fields, then save those choices, and build his/her own force from scratch. A "be your own grog" game.

For example; Vehicles - each 5mm of armor would add so much weight, ground pressure, slower speed/etc... each gun size would carry certain benefits and penalies, and so on. Track width and other things could have a few choices as well. (if you have ever played Mechwarrior, you know the concept) Everything still tied to a point system like we have now, the more you want on a unit, the more it costs, with certain synergistic cost penalties for 'uber-units'. (extra for any vehicle that has two or more of the top choices on it)

Troops could be adjusted by squad size, number of squads per 'toon, number of men per HQ, and ammo&weapon loadout, etc. Make your own Btn and post it to the Net for others to download type of thing. Modular BMP construction so all the combinations fit might degrade the realism of the vehicles a bit, but who knows?

It could still be put on a timline for unit capability upgrades, just pick an arbitrary dating system like Y(year)1-6. Same as what we have here, better capabilities as time goes on.

We already have a map editor, we could have a UNIT editor. smile.gif This way BFC also won't have to grind through the history books yet again just to be squealed at by grogs when they miss three small items of historical fact.


"Blasphemer!!" yeah, yeah, I know. smile.gif I am not suggestioning in ANY way that BFC should ever stop making historical games. I love them, and will pay whatever they ask for CMIII, however they make it.

[ March 20, 2003, 08:00 AM: Message edited by: Sgt. Schultz ]

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Originally posted by Sgt. Schultz:

If BFC stays in WWII, I hope they put the whole magilla in one game, East, West, and Med. 39-45 all three fronts.

you got my vote, even if it used the current engine suped up a bit it would be worth the wait, two years though, I could be hit by a bus next week and never see a CM3 :eek:

dont know if I could live with that!

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When it comes to the theme for the CM3 it was always going to be the case that many will be disappointed. We will not be disappointed by the engine and what it does, but the theme will not be the first choice of many.

In the case of CMBO and CMBB few could argue with the subject of the games. North West Europe 44/45 followed by the Eastern Front would be in the top three choices of most wargamers. But, of course, not all. However, when it comes to a third choice, there was always going to be a very wide range of preferences.

My choice would be Cold War, preferably 1970s. Fulda Gap and all. I am a little bored with WWII. Overall WWII is my favourite period for all the usual reasons, but just for one game, I would like a change. It would be fun to study up on technology from a slightly different period. The technology in these games being a big part of the fun, in my view. Saggers snaking their way across the map would be fun.

The early period of WWII does not greatly interest me. I am a North West Europe 44/45 or post-Kursk man in WWII terms. However, as I say, we cannot all expect to get our preferred choice for the next game. And that applies to me as well. smile.gif

Happily, unless there is some major change in heart from BFC, it is likely that once the new engine is completed, the through put of new games will accelerate. I read a comment from either Steve or Moon/Martin to the effect that the new engine will be designed with rapid adaptation to new games in mind. I believe the aim is every six months. Even if we get e new game every year that would be great. We would be being spoilt! :D

All the best,


[ March 20, 2003, 12:51 PM: Message edited by: kipanderson ]

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