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Campaign Engine. Or Atleast Unencrypted Scenario Files

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I would like to make a request. I have before but I want to see the response. If you like the idea and would want something like this Please just put a positive response so that The programmers here might think they can make money on it. smile.gif

Here is the basic Idea that is completely free to use. A Second level to the CM game. This second level will control Divisional or Battalion level movement. This Second level will also keep track of composition of the various units in this campaign and automaticly create a battle based upon the units involved and the terrain being played.

I made something on paper very similiar for a board game called Warhammer Epic. My opponent and I would play small battles that did not take long to play because there were not alot units involved but because you had to fight again you would not put troops into a suicide charge.

What I would like to see is a basic hex based strategic level. You would then have you units what ever size is feesible that you would place and move on the Stregic battlefield and then when your unit was going to make contact the second level game would make a CM sceneario based upon the units involved and the map. After the battle is fought the SecondLevel game would calculate the end of battle situation. Who controls the area, What units are still workable, what units gained experience, etc. The game would also need a quick resolve method also.

An example of a turn.

I move the 4th Battalion into a Hex that contains a village. I also designate how much air power I will use on this battle. I also move 6th Battalion and the 1st Battalion in Flanking positions.

The game decides that I made contact with the Russian 2nd Battalion dug in to the Village being attacked by the 4th Battalion. I get a selection to fight or automaticly resolve the attack by the 4th Battalion. I choose to fight. The game automaticly makes a scenario setting up the units involved and the creating the map(or using a prestored map of that terrain) I play the battle and I Breach the russian defences and have a decieve Victory I gain control of the hex and the russian unit retreats. The Russian player then counter attacks my postion and I again play over the same territory but this time I am the defender.

At the end of the turn the game takes stock of what has been lossed and makes adjustment to the armys for the next Strategic turn.

Well If you would like something like this just say "that sounds good" and maybe we could get something like this. I like using lots of units but the game bogs down. This way I could still lead large units but just alittle a time.

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This is pretty much the system that numerous player-run campaigns use right now, doing it by hand works okay but is pretty tedious for the poor bastard who has to set up all the games (me). While I'm sure BFC will weigh in soon about their focus on the tactical side of things, one seemingly-small improvement would allow alot of automation in running campaigns outside of CM.

The improvement is to have the game output a list of remaining units at the end of a battle, preferably as a nice easy text file. An then be able to import that list of units into the scenario editor, much as a map is loaded into the QB generator. That's it.

Having these files available will allow alot of automation in running campaigns, whether multi-player or solo. We have the Mapping Mission to help with the maps, and having the units in a machine-readable form would be a huge step forward.

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Originally posted by danscan:

I would like to make a request. I have before but I want to see the response. If you like the idea and would want something like this Please just put a positive response so that The programmers here might think they can make money on it. smile.gif

I, also, would like unencrypted save game files. A campaign game would be a nice third party thing. (Of course, just the non-PBEM save files should be unencrypted)

I've spent many hours trying to decode them. Its beyond my capacity.


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hi Danscan,

what you've described is excactly what I have in mind. I've started programing some applications 3 month ago. It will be this way:

1. create a campaign

- units (battalions, companies)

- map (bmp,jpg.gif)

- Terrain information (for spotting and movement calculations)

(- no hexes but squares)

2. play the campaign

-move units

-reinforcement and maybe supply

-create battles

-import battles

3. create battles in cmbb

-import battle files to cmbb

-export battle (unit casulties) from cmbb

(in a similiar way as map mission does it)

If anybody knows how to post pictures I can show you a screenshot...

Nothing has been really finished yet but I am on the way....

Maybe you have some good ideas which you want to share with me.... ?

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Yeah, not going to happen from BFC, but I like what you are describing.

I am sure you have checked the Biltongs Campaign Rules thread? There is plenty to see in terms of campaign talk there, as well as some solid (but very paperwork heavy) rules.

My only wish for what you are describing-please make a playable single player campaign!! Also, the more open ended the better in terms of nationality, force composition, size of battles and years.

Sounds good, I can't wait tosee what you have so far...

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