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I Peng You Everyday in Public and All You do is Challenge Me

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

But there's only one Justicar!

Which is a good thing...If he were cloned bare. </font>
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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

But there's only one Justicar!

Which is a good thing. If he were cloned...well, it just doesn't bare thinking about. </font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:


Always remember, in this house, we are mean, nasty, violent, vile, hurtful, hateful, boastful, wasteful, insolent, indolent, impudent, insolvent, irrespectful, irreverent, irradiated, irritable, incorrigible, illegitimate, illiterate, impervious, impractical, impossible, impoverished and vain.

Now, go forth and take no prisoners.

You left out ill-mannered, ill-tempered, and that we have a license to ill.

Good show anyway.

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

A license to what again?

If Croda asks anyone to "pass the mike", instead just turn the head of a german potato masher and hand it to him.


Gaylord Fenker ,who identified himself as a Gaylord Focker ,is currently in jail charged with possesion of three dozen pornographic post cards described by arresting officers as "the hottest we've seen yet.Man, you couldn't even sell them in a adult bookstore..."

Focker was seized today on a tip furnished by an unidentified teenager whom he had allegedly approached as a potential customer...

Good luck Focker.

I can wait for Yours turn longer.


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Well looks like we got this weeks porno news update from th Netherlands.......next week be sure to tune into our breaking story of a man named Mace , caught on tape attempting to "wrangle" under cover sheep in Australia by offering them Foster's and Boomerangs, in exchange for "a good time".

Sheep, Australian for where?!?!?

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I just wanted to note that MrSpkr is an anti-French bigot.

I wasn't aware of this until recently and wanted to make sure you, my loyal subjects (and Joe Shaw, Justicar and Traitor) were aware.

All I can say is I'm shocked, shocked, to discover that MrSpkr has anything ill to say about that unwashed, cowardly, cretinous race of frogs, a people so morally degenerate that they produced Pawbroon.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

I just wanted to note that MrSpkr is an anti-French bigot.

I wasn't aware of this until recently and wanted to make sure you, my loyal subjects (and Joe Shaw, Justicar and Traitor) were aware.

All I can say is I'm shocked, shocked, to discover that MrSpkr has anything ill to say about that unwashed, cowardly, cretinous race of frogs, a people so morally degenerate that they produced Pawbroon.

Did he tell you about the time the brilliant French military tactician Mon Ami Flosse Le Aussiecheff butt-whipped his Battalion of Crack SS Elitetruppen and a division of Panzers to HELL AND BACK with a mere handful of brave Free French resistance fighters and a side dish of smoking, second-hand, lend-lease tin cans? NO? Not surprising really... who would want to admit to LOOSING to the FROGS in such an <U>embarrassing</U> manner, eh?




[ February 10, 2003, 11:00 PM: Message edited by: aussiejeff ]

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

{... some extremely cutting and cruel taunting of the poor, hapless Gaylord .. ) Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

Excellent work, my faithful Squire!

Plenty of spit and venom.

However, may I suggest in this case that you wind my patented Cruel-ometer<SUP>tm</SUP> back a notch or two, lest the poor, fragile Focker crash and burn on take off.

Your caring and knowledgeable Liege,

Sir AJ

[ February 11, 2003, 01:21 AM: Message edited by: aussiejeff ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Aussie Jeff: Some WW1 thing where we all crouch in our trenches while artillery goes off around us. Noisy and boring, much like its creator.

Now, Boo. . I WARNED you this latest masterpiece from the Land Of OZ would be tough going. Ultra-realistic. <U>Not for namby-pambies!</U> But nooooooo. You have to stuff your gob with sour grapes as soon as the hard rain started to fall.

And what is your tactic? To COWER KNEE-DEEP IN YOU LATRINES with your FINGERS IN YER EARS {thank god I spelt aers right - the alternative doesn't bare thinking about!} wishing to HELL that you could get back to fantasy land PRONTO where everything is shades of light and fluffiness.

FEH! and *Ka-P00t*!!

Sir AJ

[ February 11, 2003, 01:19 AM: Message edited by: aussiejeff ]

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Ahh -- a ray of enlightenment hath appeared in my mailbox.

Young TB (appropriate initials for someone so resembling a pestilent (or is it pustulent) mass) wrote:

TennnisBob said:

I'll stay out of the thread until I come up with

something good to say...

If only all SSN's were as bright as this one. I am therefore taking this occasion to nominate TikiBob to the ranks of Serf of the Muthah Beautiful Thread, with all the rights (hah!), privileges (snigger), and duties (YK2 -- you needed a poolboy?) thereof.

In related news, although he outnumbers my poor tank platoon by about six to one and has us surrounded in the open, he has yet to do much more than scratch paint and irritate Sgt. Golokov, who left his vodka ration sitting on the rear deck. Of course, my tactical brilliance deserves the credit for what I predict will be a TOTAL victory.


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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by aussiejeff:

Well Kangaroo Jeff , if you stopped trying to get everyone to watch Crocodile Dundee part 3 then you would at least be taking a step in the right direction. </font>
Oh, but we have done even BETTER than shipping THAT pile of poop orf to the good ol' US of A, Mr f-OCKER. Well fancy that. You even included OCKER in your name. Clever lad!

Witness our current assault on your ocker-less sensibilities with our secret weapon - Lil' Johnny Howard hisself! You can all sleep tight knowing that Li'l Johnny is on YOUR side of the planet!

*snicker* ... oh Lordy.... we DO so miss his wise guidance in matters of importance. *gag*...


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Faithful Squire lenakonrad.


Please disregard my previous missive regarding backing off the throttle on the Cruel-O-Meter<SUPtm</SUP>.

Engage Warp Factor 9. NOW!!!

Good. That should do it. Don't worry about the subsequent horrendous screeching noises. That will just be f-OCKER's pea-brain complaining bitterly about being trapped forever inside a dumb-ass.



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Originally posted by Sgtgoody:

Sir Outie Giraffe

Tell that miscreant squire of yours to get off his butt if he is going to challenge me. If not he should throw himself at your feet and admit his cowardice.

WOT? After YOU grovel at MY feet for <U>NOT HAVING SENT ME A TURN YOURSELF</U>, you proprietary git!

Thank you for your prompt attenshun in this matter.


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Originally posted by Sgtgoody:

Sir Outie Giraffe

Tell that miscreant squire of yours to get off his butt if he is going to challenge me. If not he should throw himself at your feet and admit his cowardice.

That is not precisely what I had in mind.

I have to produce a tremendous impact on you mind ,so that you will have no doubt of my superiority!I have several battles picked which should do very nicely,but you said you have to have the exact latitude and longitude,to say nothing of the date and time and maps of terrain,and I simply don't have the necessary data with me.And I prefer to parley with you here or in the open field,rather than in you camp,where you can prepare all maner of treacheries

So I shall wait.If you persist ,I shall destroy you utterly.


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Though it pains me to soil my computer with mail from either of you, turns are out and the challenge has been sent.

Sir AJ

As I progress through this monstrosity of yours one question comes to mind, "What was he smoking?"


Perhaps you should seek high ground for this challenge. I would hate for the Dutch to have to make any more dikes (down Bauhaus spelled with an i not a y) to contain your tears. Oh yes there will be a great wailing and gnashing of teeth.

TikiBob remains in hiding rather than respond to my challenge. Show some spine man. We have seen your want of wit, show us not your pusillanimity. Stand erect (Bauhaus please I am trying to be intimidating here) and seize the bull by the (man that is just wrong...) horns.

Lt. Hortlund

End your sulking for your failed attempt at romance and resume the fight. My heroic troops long to crush you into your own trenches.

Sir Nidan

The setup file decided it wasn't worth its time and so returned home laughing. I sent them back with strict orders to see it through even though we all know that I shall crush you like a grape.

Field of battle set

Brave troops move to destruction

I shall crush you all

[ February 11, 2003, 04:38 AM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]

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