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I Peng You Everyday in Public and All You do is Challenge Me

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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

all my turns are out

the voices in my head shriek

quite bestial they are

A bucket and a hammer will clear that right up.

(Notice how I used a preposition to end the sentence with) </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by TikiBob:

Noobie here....


3 games played

All vs. humans via TCP IP.

0-3 (never close)

Haven't played in 2 months due to severe weather, busy inspecting in Iraq, or hijacked and until recently locked in a container crate on an ocean going vessel... You pick...

Anyway, I hear that this is where noobies go to get opponents.

Sooooo, I'm here...

Any takers? OR is this the GIRLS locker room??




Oh joy, look lads, we've a newbie who asks a boon of us! What joy there'll be in the CessPool tonight eh lads, there'll be dancing in the shallow parts and no error.

Now obviously he hasn't bothered to read the rules or ... oh wait ... there, there ARE no rules are there! Our esteemed king (I never have been bothered to learn HTML codes but I REALLY liked the way someone used the really, really small font on king, that would be useful to know) didn't bother to use them, instead he choose some superficial and obviously useless "edicts" and by George didn't THEY work well. This may not have been a complete sentence.

Look TikiBoob, this is the Peng Challenge Thread and is NOT the place for someone who actually advertises that he's an aspiring chef ... if you'd said EXpiring chef you'd likely have had a better reception as it would have indicated that you finally tumbled to your worth and decided to end it all.

AND the clown lists his credits for the luv of Gawd! Like WE CARE!

Allow me to be the first to wish you a hearty SOD OFFFFFFFF!

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

1. AJ, your email is busted. fix it, I want to kill more of your thingies.

v. etc.

Stop pandering to the Aussie thingie and choose a field of battle for our next duel, you swine. (Notice I refrain from outright demanding a setup from you, since we both know you're either too lazy, too stupid, or too lazy and stupid to accomplish that piddling task.)

Name a scenario or a set of QB parameters. You are called out.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

1. AJ, your email is busted. fix it, I want to kill more of your thingies.

v. etc.

Stop pandering to the Aussie thingie and choose a field of battle for our next duel, you swine. (Notice I refrain from outright demanding a setup from you, since we both know you're either too lazy, too stupid, or too lazy and stupid to accomplish that piddling task.)

Name a scenario or a set of QB parameters. You are called out.

Papa </font>

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Email fixed. Send it Squire Lunacrab and pray Sir AJ doesn't hold abject defeat against you.

I must salute the political savy of HRM Meeks, by sacrificing a no one to the netherworld he has averted a potentially nasty civil war. Shrewd I say.

BTW: If netscape is broken use the email in my profile you gits!!!

[ February 10, 2003, 03:21 AM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]

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Originally posted by SgtGoofy:

I must salute the political savy of HRM Meeks, by sacrificing a no one to the netherworld he has averted a potentially nasty civil war. Shrewd I say.

Oh, sure what did he promise you, Regal fanboy? Perhaps a job cleaning the Royal privy?

or as official taster? Smelling the Royal poop would be my guess. Perhaps a good spanking is what you need, send a set up, schweinhund, I'm in the mood for some light amusement.

[ February 10, 2003, 07:44 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Joe as usual you are too harsh.

Teenyboob, I'll be more than happy to send you a setup . . . let me see . . . I happen to have a little number here . . . what's it called . . . oh yes Desert Redux.

I'll take the evil nasty Soviets -- you can be the fine southern European chefs, err, Axis.

No, no need to thank me, just doing my job as Inquisitor General of the Cesspool.


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Originally posted by TikiBob:

OR is this the GIRLS locker room??

Damn! That one left a mark.

But, let's go on as if nothing happened, shall we?

Gamey Game Updates (Now with Lecithin!)

Aussie Jeff: Some WW1 thing where we all crouch in our trenches while artillery goes off around us. Noisy and boring, much like its creator.

Egbert: Is being a nice fellow by bringing his tanks out in the open one by one. He also is in the habit of shelling wide, empty expanses of grass. Might be part of an evil plan or just stupid.

Nidan: Just started, but I plan on much nastiness for my former squire.

Hiram: AWOL

Croda: Just started this one too and I may have upset his plans with my preplanned barrage. At least I hope so.

Leeeeeeo: We're dancin' in the dark and there aint no way this little pas de deux is going to go 30 moves.

Papa Kahn: My first attempt at scenario design. I'm thinking of using the nom de guerre of "Dirk Essel". I think it has a nice ring to it.

R_Leete: First he knocks out my tanks, then he kills my men, now I think I'll knock out some of his halftracks, etc, etc, etc. Daily grind and all that.

Seananchai: complains that I'm not killing him fast enough. To this I say, "Twit. Send faster moves."

SpeedBump: Optics schmoptics! My panzers smoke in the hot sun and the only thing that might stop his advance are some landmines. Don't hold your breath.

OGSF: He keeps whining that he has no tanks left and then one will pop up from behind a hill and fire off a round. I don't mind all the shooting, because it's pretty innefectual. It's the lying that hurts.

Ah warrrrned ye aboot thet, JIMMY!

If I've forgotten anyone it's simply because I can't bother remembering every little annoying twit who crosses my path. Happy Monday!

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Leeeeeeo: We're dancin' in the dark and there aint no way this little pas de deux is going to go 30 moves.

This little peek into the abyss of Boo's head makes me feel, well, icky.

They shoot horses, don't they?

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Originally posted by Sgtgoody:

Sir Nidan

To avoid the inevitable cries of "unfair, unfair" I leave the details of our duel to you. Give me the specs and I shall pick up the gauntlet which you have thrown upon the ground.

Damn it, what did it land in? That is really disgusting.

I never cry, especially "unfair, unfair".....well except if I'm losing badly...which I am not expecting against you.

1942-1943 timeframe, Northern Front, 1500 points is OK, any type of engagement you choose, even a created scenario, I'll be the Germans, you can be the other bad guys. Weather can be anything, other perameters I leave to you.

One question, do you wear the ski mask only to the Bader-Meinhof meetings, or to cover your bleached orange hair?

[ February 10, 2003, 10:13 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Leeeeeeo: We're dancin' in the dark and there aint no way this little pas de deux is going to go 30 moves.

This little peek into the abyss of Boo's head makes me feel, well, icky.

They shoot horses, don't they? </font>

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It's the dancing, Boo, the dancing in the dark that requires the shooting of horses. You've read books, I think, but I'm not sure you ever got beyond Richard Scary.

Suffice it to say, Boo, that you are dancing at the precipice to your doom, the knife's edge of inanity,

And I'm going to







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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

at first I thought that his veterans against my conscripts did well.

But they seem to have little sense or discipline.Besides,Hortlund grown very big and fat and sleek.Probably he cannot fend for himself,and must be fed like children,and I doubt whether he can endure hardship of command.

Oh my God.

I didn't even believe in gods (or generals) until I read this post and now...

Oh my God.

We need to put together some rites of succession, because when I go, this Polish person shall be king.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

We need to put together some rites of succession, because when I go, this Polish person shall be king.

Do you think you could go now? lenakonrad is much more amusing, and far better looking I might add.
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Originally posted by Leeo:

It's the dancing, Boo, the dancing in the dark that requires the shooting of horses. You've read books, I think, but I'm not sure you ever got beyond Richard Scary.

Suffice it to say, Boo, that you are dancing at the precipice to your doom, the knife's edge of inanity,

And I'm going to







Yes, yes, yes, I'm sure that you will. Or at least attempt it. But as you rush forward with your arms outstretched, I will merely step aside and allow your own fumble-footed, pidgeon-toed shuffle to carry you over the edge with all the grace of a three legged gazelle.

Oh, and the dancing comment was just a metaphor, you slack-jawed ninny.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

But as you rush forward with your arms outstretched, I will merely step aside and allow your own fumble-footed, pidgeon-toed shuffle to carry you over the edge with all the grace of a three legged gazelle.

You've been attending the Chuck Jones school of repartee again, I see.
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Inquisitor General Updates!

Agua Perdido refuses to play PBEM games -- a relic of his habit of inviting the little boys in the neighborhood over for a game of 'Pat Me Down for Candy', I'm sure. If we were playing, I would be crushing him handily.

dalem is having a hard time mixing and matching his Soviet cavalry, partisans and airborne forces. His most recent reinforcements took 85% casualties in less than a minute. I am crushing him handily.

Joe Shaw has refused to playtest the latest Ker Dessel* creation with me. If he would return the file, I would be crushing him handily.

Lars is off in southern Mexico, hopefully with second degree burns on his unmentionables. I have wished him well on his trip and hope he gets snowbound in some godforesaken place like Kansas City or St. Louis. In the mean time, I am crushing him handily.

Mace seems to be having a lot of trouble advancing through the snow, rain and fog on my hapless Romanian stragglers. He has also learned that the Romanians DO have cannister rounds, to his misfortune. It goes without saying, I am crushing him handily.

OGSF is as incomprehensible in email as he is on the boards. Nevertheless, I am crushing him handily, too.

Lurkur is crying 'henpecked' as an excuse for being so slow in returning files. Of course, the real reason is that I am crushing him handily.

Iskander hasn't returned a file since December -- making him one of my favorite opponents. I was crushing him handily, but he was too drunk to notice.

R_Leete is playing hide and seek with my stormtroopers in the ghetto. He think sthe fact I blow up his buildings rather than enter them is cheating. I think he is just upset that I am crushing him handily.

Hakko Ichiu and I have just started the fight for Hill 621. I may be weak and disorganized, but I am still crushing him handily.

Seanachai waxed ineloquently about truth, justice, and his despair at the thought of assaulting my citified fortress. I will crush him handily in 500 words or less.

Pondscum is an evil gamey bastiche -- which probably explains why he is both a programmer and company morale officer at Micro$oft. Oh, I shall enjoy crushing him handily.

Speedbump claims his crack and elite troops are doing well, but I haven't seen anything impressive yet. Come to think of it, I haven't seen ANYTHING yet. I will crush him handily if he shows up, though.

Teenyboob has yet to respond to my most generous setup. If he does, I shall crush him most handily.

BTW, King Meeks, your Royal edicts sucked. You need someone with a bit of skill, talent, and lawyerly ability to confuse, obfuscate and irritate to draft the next set.

Just an observation.

Now sod off.


*Ker Dessel -- when you want to play CM in the WORST way

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