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Sock It To Me, Peng Challenge!

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You've apparently missed your footing and stumbled into the Peng Challenge Thread, AKA the Cesspool, AKA the MBT.

We have a few rules. Scum Sucking Newbies (SSNs) should read them.

1) Keep your humor and insults above the belt and relatively mature. How can you tell if your style will cut the mustard, so to speak? Well, if you're the kind of guy who can make slightly rude comments in the office around a group of women, and the worst reaction you get is a slight titter and maybe a "Oh, you're too much!", but conversation continues, then you might be able to tread water here.

2) If, on the other hand, the common reaction to you making the aforementioned comments above is an immediate end to all conversation and a general backing away of all females present, followed by a cautionary email from the boss and possibly a lawsuit, then you're probably a little too "straightforward" and we will tire of you quickly.

3) When we tire of you we will begin to mock you and you will mock back, but it won't work, no one will laugh, and then you will get annoyed. You will begin to think that we don't "get" you, and we obviously are too prissy or geeky or cliquey to really understand your humor.

4) This is your first mistake - we "get you" just fine, we just don't like you.

5) Soon you will be even more annoyed by your inability to qualify for our silly reindeer games and you will become nasty, or even more boorish, as if that is even possible. Boorish? Look it up, lad, look it up.

6) When you do that, we will place you into Coventry, which is just our way of saying "No Dogs Allowed". Yes, you, at this point, are the dog.

7) After that, the next time someone asks what the heck the MBT is on the Outerboard, you will eagerly chime in with a snarky comment about how we think we're funny but we're really not.

8) That reminds me that I really miss Fred76.

9) So if you manage to be as silly and socially lame as the rest of us, you should challenge someone relatively new to a game of CM. Do it with the right attitude and you'll probably get a response. Then you have to report on the game's progress in here. In other words, you dance for our pleasure.

10) When you do challenge, challenge a specific person. "Who wants a piece of me?" challenges have been done. It won't fly well.

11) I had a Dairy Queen hot fudge sundae tonight (note: that is not a veiled sexual reference.) and wonder of wonders, it was actually too cold. I didn't think ice cream could be too cold on a hot day.

12) Annoying Joe Shaw is always a plus. We have ranks and crap we made up in here, but it annoys Joe when you ignore them, so I encourage you to ignore them.

13) Joe send me a turn you old, old person.

14) Be nice to the Ladies of the Pool or several sizable cans of whoopass will be laid down, followed by a healthy layer of smack.

15) They are finally releasing the Indiana Jones movies on DVD - you can preorder on Amazon.

[ August 11, 2003, 01:32 AM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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What a frustrating weekend!! I loaded this program caled "Spybot" into my machine, it was a free pop-up stopper, and spyware identifier, provided by my cable modem company. (which I work for BTW)

Well everything worked great....it identified all these programs, laying low on my hard drive...watching me, and noting what web sites I visited, and preparing pop-ups to send me on my next visit to that site. It is amazing the crap that gets into your machine from the internet, I for one think it should be illegal.

Anyway, on Friday morning I attempted to login to the Forum, so I could banter with you idjits, and low and behold, although the BFC site said I was logged in, I was not, and I couldnt post anything!!! Do you know how frustrating that can be? To read all this verbal tripe, and not be able to respond in some way...in any way? I contacted BFC for help and as usual, Steve was very helpful, although he could not pinpoint the problem to anything in the BFC site. I suspected it had something to do with the "Spybot" program, so I deleted it and restored anything that could be remotely related to BFC. Now I was able to log on this morning from work, so I know its something wwith my PC at home.

I am learning to hate the internet, and although it brings me some joy, i.e. PBEMS, the BFC Forum, and instant messaging, (PORN)...the Madison Avenue purveyors of advertisements and ways to separate people from their money, plus every scam artist that can make a quick buck at some innocent person's expense, have taken the joy out of the experience, as they have taken the joy out of everything else. They think life is one marketing event after another, and that people want to be constantly reminded about products and services to buy. We think that Al Qaeda is a threat to our existence...I say it is Madison Avenue, and all those coke sniffing assholes who spend their entire lives designing commercials and ads to constantly bombard the rest of us with.

Please tell me, do you think there is anyone on this planet who has not heard of MacDonald's? Perhaps newborn babies and dalem, but no one else. I now feel sorry for the Iraqis, I can see these coporate marketing locusts, just waiting to descend on those poor people, they thought Saddam was bad? wait until they are subjected to SpikeTV.

[ August 11, 2003, 07:39 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Anyway, on Friday morning I attempted to login to the Forum, so I could banter with you idjits, and low and behold, although the BFC site said I was logged in, I was not, and I couldnt post anything!!! Do you know how frustrating that can be? To read all this verbal tripe, and not be able to respond in some way...in any way?

Thanks BFC, that's just what I wanted!

You guys are the best!

SSN Hint Of The Day: Pee on the toilet seat.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Anyway, on Friday morning I attempted to login to the Forum, so I could banter with you idjits, and low and behold, although the BFC site said I was logged in, I was not, and I couldnt post anything!!! Do you know how frustrating that can be? To read all this verbal tripe, and not be able to respond in some way...in any way?

Thanks BFC, that's just what I wanted!

You guys are the best!

SSN Hint Of The Day: Pee on the toilet seat.

Now sod off. </font>

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dalem you are foul little man, I saw it immediately when we first met and I've seen nothing since to change my opinion.

The "ranks" you so blithly dismiss are a critical part of the CessPool and you would do well to remember that. Without order, we are doomed, DOOMED I SAY! It is BY that order that we have the refuge of Coventry, it is BY that order that we are not inundated with substandard SSNs (wow, there's a tautology for you) and it is BY that order that I am superior, in every way, to YOU ... as it should be.

As to the turn ... I'm miffed now and may not CHOOSE to return it ... you've hurt my feelings you have and I'll be waiting for an apology.


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Originally posted by Hans:

good lord censorship of the Pengy thingy

You mean I won't be able to suggest that those who use the challenge resemble hemorroids with hickies?

Probably not

So Hans retrogrades quickly

No no no - that is perfectly acceptable, and almost clever. Welcome back, lad.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

As to the turn ... I'm miffed now and may not CHOOSE to return it ... you've hurt my feelings you have and I'll be waiting for an apology.


"And tonight, on a very special Blossom, Joe shows that under his gruff and surly exterior, he's really quite girlified inside."

Oh, and dalem? The title this time is really, really suckatrocious. It sounds like something I'd expect from Leeeeeeo.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

As to the turn ... I'm miffed now and may not CHOOSE to return it ... you've hurt my feelings you have and I'll be waiting for an apology.


Miffed, shmiffed and a pox on apologies. That's not the way of the thread you simpering whelp.

Since you have the time as you're not returning anything to Dalem, why don't you send the turn that you have owed me since 12 April 2003.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

If, with my title, I have, angered, then, my purpose, it is, achieved.

Hiding behind an excessive amount of commas there, aren't you dalem? What do you think you are? A Comma Chameleon???


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Originally posted by dalem:

Damn you, Sir. You have made me laugh. I demand satisfaction.

A smallish (500 pts or so) BB scenario or battle will do. You send me a setup.

Send you a set up? Send YOU a set up?? SEND YOU A SET UP?!?!?

Why certainly, kind Kaaaaanigget! Is there anything else you would have me do, sweet dalem? Peel you a grape, perhaps? Shave the palms of your hands? Tell all the naughty neighborhood children to stop lighting those little bags on your porch and then ringing your doorbell and running away? Find you a myopic Ukrainian bride who won't run screaming when she sees the hovel you call home, much less your fly specked visage? Anything? Anything at all?

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Seanachai, I saint ye a setoop. Ye hadnae rrreturrrned at as yet. Tha wee span'l 'as suggaisted tha' Ah tape ye tae tha aind o' mah feckin' caber an' practice tha tossin' o' at. Ah'd prefer tae dip ye ain cold porridge an' toss ye aintae a box o' rabid squirrels. At's ainly 300 points. Point ye twae armoured cars towarrds tha other aind o' tha map an' hit "go".


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Originally posted by v42below:

Mmmmm...ukrainian bride...



Direct quote from V42's favorite site.

"Visit our Kiev. Order number in hotel or flat. Meets with our ladies. Visa backing.

Your travel will be indelible."

Because what is the point of taking a delible trip?

Even better

"You'll find the true love of Ukrainian women and Russian women. Love love love - it is what do east European women seek. Noble foreign men - the most beautiful women wait for You. "

Notice "Noble", so you olde ones, Canadians, and those from Minnesota need not apply.

And my favorite

"Become our member"

Do I even need to comment on this?

I am sure that all the hook-ups arranged by this firm are true "Love Matches"

Maybe even a certain Gollum-like gnome that lives to my west, could find love? Instead of skulking around the banks of "his" lake, muttering to himself about the evil Mormon, or the evil Aussies (what do they have in their pocketses??), maybe he could exchange letters and pictures (the one that came in his wallet of course) with some naive little Ukrainian peasant girl. He could woo and amaze her with his tales of 3, count them, 3 meals a day!!!!! Running water!!! Low background radiation levels!!! Yes, things are looking up for our little gnome.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Seanachai, I saint ye a setoop. Ye hadnae rrreturrrned at as yet. Tha wee span'l 'as suggaisted tha' Ah tape ye tae tha aind o' mah feckin' caber an' practice tha tossin' o' at. Ah'd prefer tae dip ye ain cold porridge an' toss ye aintae a box o' rabid squirrels. At's ainly 300 points. Point ye twae armoured cars towarrds tha other aind o' tha map an' hit "go".


Silly Irishman. Send me a turn!
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