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If a AFV gets bogged it sometimes works itself free.

If it becomes immobile, is it done for that scenario or can it also work itself free?

If a tank main gun becomes "gun damaged" is it out for the duration of the scenario or is there a chance for it to get repaired during the fight?

I played a QB inwhich I spent almost all my points on two Panthers. On the get go 1 Panther becomes immobile (adios) and the other had a 20mm aa damage it's main gun. Then it got ugly when the ai had 2 IS-2's hunting my platoon of riflemen.

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Immobile and gun damage last all scenario long. In ops you might get them back later.

Rotten luck with those Panthers. No less a personage than BFC-Steve once said something along the lines of he'd rather have 3 PzIVs than 2 Panthers, and a lot of CM players would agree--but then, sometimes you just want to use Panthers, eh?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Game explanation please?

I am having trouble with the embark/disembark order. Is there a way to move your carrier to a point and then have the passenger disembark, then have the carrier continue on to another location?

So far all I can do is plot the loaded carrier to a location in one turn. Disembark the troops on the next turn, then plot a move for the carrier on the next turn.

What would be the sequence of orders to have a carrier move to a location, pick up a unit, move to another location, unload the unit, then continue to a new location?

Is it possible to do this, or do you need to issue new orders every turn?

Thanks for any help.

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You really can't plot all of this at once. Troops will only mount or dismount a stationary vehicle. Sometimes you can get away with a pause command that will allow the infantry half a turn to load up and then have the vehicle move out, but the risk is pretty high that the vehicle will leave without the troops. Better to just sit there for the turn. You really shouldn't be loading and unloading under fire anyway.

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Originally posted by Slappy:

You really can't plot all of this at once. Troops will only mount or dismount a stationary vehicle. Sometimes you can get away with a pause command that will allow the infantry half a turn to load up and then have the vehicle move out, but the risk is pretty high that the vehicle will leave without the troops. Better to just sit there for the turn. You really shouldn't be loading and unloading under fire anyway.

Thanks for the answer. I was afraid of that. I am in a scenario where I do not have enough carriers initially to move all my weapons forward, so I have been moving them up into position (not under enemy fire) then returning to pick up the next load.

I've tried a number of things, including the pause as you suggested, only to see the exact thing you describe happen, mainly the carrier takes off without loading.

Thanks again.

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Originally posted by Lioneyes:

Game explanation please?

I am having trouble with the embark/disembark order. Is there a way to move your carrier to a point and then have the passenger disembark, then have the carrier continue on to another location?

So far all I can do is plot the loaded carrier to a location in one turn. Disembark the troops on the next turn, then plot a move for the carrier on the next turn.

What would be the sequence of orders to have a carrier move to a location, pick up a unit, move to another location, unload the unit, then continue to a new location?

Is it possible to do this, or do you need to issue new orders every turn?

Thanks for any help.

The disembark point (the waypoint you want the infantry move to out of the vehicle) must be within 15 meters of where the vehicles stops or gets "slow enough", for whatever slow enough means, standing counts but is not strictly required.

A time back we had a true artist here who figured out how to allow disembark from sharp enough turns with infantry waypoint right by the turn point. He could drop off several units in different spots in the same turn that way.

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The embark behavior is annoying, but not that unrealistic. It's easy to think that they should be able to get in if it's close, but twelve men in full combat gear loading into a halftrack in twenty seconds is tough when it's stopped and far harder when it's on the move. Loading an 81mm mortar assembly or limbering a 75mm gun along with crew and 100 rounds of ammunition is even harder yet. Just be grateful it doesn't take longer in the game.

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