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Aircraft... are they worth it!?

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I just completed a QB against the AI. Amongst many units , I purchased a single Stuka Dive Bomber (Vet) for, I think it was 267 points. It was the most expensive aircraft availible (which normally catches my eye when I go shopping ;) . I looked at its' stats , aside from its bombs it mentions something about "number of strafing runs" (or something). For this aircraft it was 11 , so I thought KOOL! Thats me right there I will takes one of those please....

It's timing over the battlefield was impeccable , the Ruskies were grouped together in HUGE Infantry formations akin to a "Zulu" charge... the Stuka showed up, dropped its bombs and BUGGERED OFF!! I felt cheated!! Where were my "11" strafing runs!?!? Why was this plane so darn expensive if it just drops its payload and scarpers?? I have seen on numerous occasions aircraft making strafing run after strafing run to my absolute delight (now THATS what I call dollar value)! But this description specificallly states "x" number of strafing runs.. bugger :rolleyes:

Also has anyone ever played a QB where the AI purchases aircraft?? I am at the point where AA assests are a waste of time vs AI , in a QB.


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First off,did the AI have any AA assets?If so,that is why your stuka wanted to live to see another day ;)

Second,i have in fact had the AI purchase aircraft against me.It was an all random QB with me on defense,and i think i had stuff like force mix set to unrestricted.I was shocked because it did a really good job against my unseen infantry and etc that were hiding in trenches in woods and scattered trees.I have no idea how it was able to see them,but it fired on them.I think it was an IL-2.


This is the one of the first times i can remember the AI buying aircraft against me.I think the key to increasing the likelyhood of the AI buying aircraft is to set force mix to unrestricted.

[ April 15, 2003, 04:43 AM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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the cheapest aircraft, in my opinion are. I usually get aircraft with a bomb payload > strafe ability, because those 4 bombs can be absolutely brutal on an infantry squad. I had accidently bought everything but sufficient AT one time on a defense map as russians, and I still got a draw even though he played very well and had quite a bit of armor. reason? my stuka landed all its bombs into an infantry line then strafed a piece of armor to death. I've had nothing but success with planes, even under AA fire.

i think of this way: i can either buy expensive spotters that may die / not be effective, or I can let a plane do my dirty work on the first few turns with ease. they are a bigger risk, however, due to their low spotting capibilties and being shot down / not using full ammo consumption. I still think they are worth it than high level artillery by all means.

Another stuka story: On turn 4 or so (I was russians, another defense QB against human player again), my stuka bombed an area and strafed a few times. I couldn't see what it was killing, until the end really. turns out I had killed a half track and disabled some of my opponents guns. He still had armor, but couldn't pelt me from far away for too long due to my AT bunkers, so I ended up with a total victory. If he had those 150mm inf guns, it may have been a different story.

Its simply all chance. Like rolling some dice. I think the risk is worth it, as said before.

[ April 15, 2003, 04:46 AM: Message edited by: securityguard ]

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After having just played a scenario where my Stuka dive bombed my own tank column, with some considerable success unfortunately. I'm very against purchasing aircraft in QBs. Too much of a risk. I think they're best left to scenarios that include them for genuine/historical purposes.

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Like some of the others have said, aircraft are a hit and miss affair (no pun intended). Without the ability to mark targets for them it is hard to get the full tactical value out of them but they can make some decisive attacks both for and against you. (Does anyone else find that during a friendly fire attack they always seem to go after your most vital unit?)

My personal philosophy is that if they cost me a ground unit that I feel I will really need then I will skip them. If I feel my ground forces are able to handle my battleplan then I might buy them just for variety but I don't put any great expectations on what they will accomplish.

Stuka story: In a recent PBEM, I was waiting with a platoon of 34s for the enemy main body to pass so I could slash into their flanks. Along comes a lone Stuka and drops his big bomb into their hide position. 3 gun damaged, 1 immobile, all shocked.

On a related thought, does infantry have any sort of AA rating. Small arms brough down lots of aircraft. I wonder if it is taken into account in CM.

[ April 15, 2003, 07:10 AM: Message edited by: sgtgoody ]

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I think if you want to see the AI purchase aircraft try playing as German combined arms in 44-45. Then purchase something the AI might like to bomb, like a SturmTiger or Jagdtiger. In my experience a Sturmovik will eventually show up and immobilize your tank (usually while facing away from the enemy ;) ).

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hi, i bought a couple of russkie planes, one being an IL-2, the other i forgot, but the results were spectacular. I believe the IL-2 has rocket abilities, and it stopped one stug and one Pz IV, disabiling the tracks cozing it to be abandoned.

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I'm playing with quite a few right now since they are so much cooler than in CMBO. I have had mixed to poor results employing them.

After starting these games I happened across a post by "Steve" (BFC "Steve") who said he would never purchase airpower in a QB. Can't recall why-- whether it was ineffectiveness or he'd rather be able to throw arty or move a tank around (i.e. maintain control of his assets).

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You don't have to pay 150mm module or tank platoon costs for the big Stuka and Sturmovik payloads. Buy the cheapest fighter types that have a 20mm cannon for their strafing runs. They are very effective against lighter vehicles, and as cheap as a light FO. I especially like them as the Russians, because the Germans have so many annoying HE chuckers that can turn an armor war edge into a rout - but they are all thin or open topped (Grilles, SPW-251/9s, etc).

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I had a big Stuka module win me a battle mostly of its own. Showed up early, bumboed a bunch of tanks, killing and shocking several and then supressed the infanry bejond repair. They never really recovered until turn 30 and they didn't really like my Flammpanzer but weren't in a condition to do something about it smile.gif

Otherwise, I agree with Jason. The small modules with autocannons are great as the russians. Because the germans usually show up with lots of thin vehicles or with very expensive vehicles, making an immobilization a major event.

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Aircraft are a maybe buy, good to keep the other guy honest - nothing causes a human player to buy AAA assets and keep them in the rear more than an earlier savage air attack.

Air attacks can be deadly or nothing at all - they are a gamblers tool, which can often win or lose the game.

If you've ever lined up your troops to move up a road and an aircraft comes in........on my first CMBO game that happened-the bombs and strafings turned a forminable column into flaming junk and got me hooked on the game.

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