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My vote for new site would be a historical maps site.

Wouldn't take up much bandwidth (not as much as mods, for sure!) And I wouldn't mind at all seeing bite-size (or fight-size) chunks of Berlin or any number of towns/crossroads made into accurate Quickbattle maps. Surely someone's got a Michelin roadmap and holiday snapshots of Slovakia to work off of.

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

My vote for new site would be a historical maps site.

Wouldn't take up much bandwidth (not as much as mods, for sure!) And I wouldn't mind at all seeing bite-size (or fight-size) chunks of Berlin or any number of towns/crossroads made into accurate Quickbattle maps. Surely someone's got a Michelin roadmap and holiday snapshots of Slovakia to work off of.

I second this,but they dont all have to be historical.QB maps with legit locations and VFLs are more important to me than scenarios(not operations though).Pre-made QB maps are a must for PBEM and would make tcp/ip that much better.This has my vote,as well as my vote for articles and tactics.

I know there are many out there,but you can never have enough,and frankly,after a few pbems on the same map,i dont want to see that same map again.

[ March 27, 2003, 04:34 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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Originally posted by Fionn:

[quoteWith all due respect 40 games does not a record make. I see you've lost 11 of them. There are several people on this forum who have winning streaks longer than your total number of RD games.

So, while command arrogance and self-belief are absolutely necessary one shouldn't allow them to blind one to the fact that, perhaps, one's sample isn't large enough to be statistically significant.

Yeah sure mate,any forum bum can become a Ladder Leader,no problem!

Meanwhile,I'm the Top Gun around here! :cool:

(Shh..don't tell anybody,but Apostol has just whupped me in the RD ladder and he was only ranked 61st!) redface.gif

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Gentlemen!-It came to me in a divine flash of light that I have been sent onto this earth as a prophet to pass on my awesome tactical powers to all of you,so I shall be writing tactical scriptures all over the forums and gamesites and newsletters etc to lift you out of the abyss of tactical darkness into the wondrous light of knowledge so that you too can join me at the very pinnacle of that Ladder to the Stars! :cool:

(Edited to add-In fact I'm the latest in a long line of prophets before me who have graced this hallowed forum:-Veteran Gamer,Scatterbrain Kid,Licensed Fool,Headshot,Gutshot..)

[ March 27, 2003, 09:16 PM: Message edited by: Poor Old Spike ]

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You say in your email that you don't play non-ladder games anymore. A shame since I don't particularly like getting caught up in all that ladder egoism.

Also I find your game settings to be a little iffy. a 25 turn meeting engagement with a village ends up in almost identical games every time allowing a player to figure out a tactic which works and then just repeating it add nauseum against players who aren't as familiar with the terrain ( thus gifting him an advantage).

So, how about a 60 turn attack. I bags the defenders since I'd like to see you conducting a real attack. Same time period as you choose ( for the same reasons you choose it).

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This should be interesting.........the 'self proclaimed' Vs the 'widely recognised' CMBB guru.

Fionn lets his reputation preceed him ......

Poor Old Spike claims to have the experience ... and in another thread says he can 'talk the talk but also walk the walk'

...... time to do the walking Spike ;)

I have just one request ..... an AAR from both players discussing the tactics used and why !

If ever there was a reason to include a multiplayer element in the new website, getting players like this together has to be it ...

Incidently - -no offence meant to either player regarding CM ability etc - I'd welcome the opportunity to suffer a major defeat at the hands of either of you :cool: ... best way to learn :D


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Originally posted by Lou2000:

This should be interesting.........the 'self proclaimed' Vs the 'widely recognised' CMBB guru.

Fionn lets his reputation preceed him ......

Poor Old Spike claims to have the experience ... and in another thread says he can 'talk the talk but also walk the walk'

...... time to do the walking Spike ;)

I have just one request ..... an AAR from both players discussing the tactics used and why !

If ever there was a reason to include a multiplayer element in the new website, getting players like this together has to be it ...

Incidently - -no offence meant to either player regarding CM ability etc - I'd welcome the opportunity to suffer a major defeat at the hands of either of you :cool: ... best way to learn :D


Another phrase that can be used to describe the possible conflict and ( hopefully )resulting AARs is:

WOOT!!! :D

[ March 28, 2003, 10:00 AM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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Originally posted by Lou2000:

Poor Old Spike claims to have the experience ... and in another thread says he can 'talk the talk but also walk the walk'

...... time to do the walking Spike ;)


Hey Lou mate,if you're the Loughborough Lou,me 'n you played a coupla fun cmbb pbems a while back,can't remember who won though..and I can't remember what my handle was then... :D

(Edited to add:-As regards me walking the walk,I've already done a bit o' walking,clear to the top o' the ladder..! Shall check out Fionns params though, but no way do I ever play 60-turn games,as I find 25+ is more than ample to do the job..!)

[ March 28, 2003, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: Poor Old Spike ]

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Hey Fionn!-Thanks for e-mailing me the basic parameters in your challenge,but they don't go anywhere deep enough in spelling out every single tiny setup detail. I showed how to issue proper challenges in that challenge example form I sent you,so can you fill in everything for me please,just as I do myself when challenging people,and send it again.That way I can study the suggested params in detail.

(SPIKES LAW-Never go into a game blind!)

BTW-How do I paste stuff like my form into this topic reply box so everybody can see? Why won't cut and paste work here?

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Ok Poor Old Spike, (POS)

" I showed how to issue proper challenges in that challenge example form I sent you,"


Thank you for SHOWING me how to issue proper challenges. My previous years of experience PBEMing obviously led me to fail to meet your high standards re: parameter setting.

Here is a setting out of Parameters using your format:

Auto-generated Map ( Attack/defence).

Map is 1/3rd as wide as the points the defender get and twice as long as it is wide.

E.g. defender gets 3600 points, map is 1200 metres wide, 2.4km long.

Setup Zones: Attacker gets 300 metres, no-mans' land = the next 200 metres. Thus the defender gets 1.9 km to defend in.


Date-Aug 42



Force mix--(Both sides)=Unlimited ( players send their force purchases to a neutral 3rd party who purchases the forces, tournament saves the game and then sends to the defender so the defender can set up his forces). In real life no commander was told that x% of your force can be armoured, a maximum of y% can be artillery and z% infantry.


Division Type-(Both)=Unlimited


Purchase units-(Both)=Allow human




Sewer movement-No

Battle type- Attack/Defend.


Force size-Negotiable ( preferably greater than 3000 for the defender. Map width and length will vary depending on defender force size.)


Map size- See above Weather-Clear/ Breeze


Game length-60+ / Variable


Parameters for auto-gen

Map type- Rural

Tree coverage-Light or Moderate

Hilliness-Modest hills



Fog of war-Extreme


Germans cannot take Tigers and StugIIIF(lates)

Russians cannot take KV1 and 2

I think that is a lot more realistic than a 25 turn ME featuring a village and moderate woods on a small map ( since the village is usually in the middle of the map you end up playing virtually the same game time and again... thus ensuring that you, who have played these parameters many times before, get a decisive advantage). The above map settings (for auto-generation, map width etc) have been used for hundreds of games by myself and compatriots and represent a high point of balance in our experience.

Variation from the above can, of course, be negotiated on the basis of mutual agreement.

As to your other comments:

" but no way do I ever play 60-turn games,as I find 25+ is more than ample to do the job..!) "

Well, in that case there's no worry in allowing a 60 turn limit. If you crush me in 20 turns then the game ends in 20 turns. However it would be a pity to have the game end in 20 or 25 turns if it hasn't been decided by then. In any case the game length benefits neither side over the other so I expect it isn't really an issue.

[ March 28, 2003, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: Fionn ]

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Fionn-As I said in my long chatty e-m to you yesterday,changing just one parameter in a setup can have a powerful knock-on "butterfly's wing effect",and you've just dropped a whole truckload of wings on me that I'll have to carefully sift and evaluate for those knock-on effects,so give me a few days please as I've currently got about 23 ladder pbems going,mostly under my own popular exciting fast-moving QB Meeting params which most people want to play again and again!(I admire their sheer guts in daring to have a crack at me so they can boast to their grandkids how they once beat the legendary P.O.S.! Alas,for many it will remain merely a pipedream..!)

Re 60 turns,my style of play is fast,brutal and decisive,featuring high ammo expenditure (SPIKES LAW-Don't lean on the door,KICK IT IN!)and I'd therefore be left ammo-less after taking all the victory flags by turn 20 or so because of Bfronts omission of re-supply in the game,so where's the fun in that?

I have other comments but they can wait for now,as I have to study your params first like I said.

Oh-One last thing,you say you prefer non-ladder games. I don't! They add an exciting adrenalin edge that I like,which soft "fun" games don't have,because the savage law of the jungle holds sway in the ladders and sorts the men from the boys! :cool:

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Re 60 turns,my style of play is fast,brutal and decisive,featuring high ammo expenditure (SPIKES LAW-Don't lean on the door,KICK IT IN!)and I'd therefore be left ammo-less after taking all the victory flags by turn 20 or so because of Bfronts omission of re-supply in the game,so where's the fun in that?
Well real wars don't just stop because one guy's tactics result in his guys shooting off all their ammo. In real life you'd have to make sure that once you took the VLs you had enough force to hold them against an enemy counter-attack (assuming the enemy wasn't too badly beaten up to counter-attack) or your attack would be adjudged a failure as the enemy reserve kicked you back to your start line.

If you really are as good a player as you say then you should be able to adapt your tactics to account for the longer timespan.

I also will point out that I don't think there's any basis for cutting a game at 25 turns just because one player's tactics will result in him running out of ammo then. If the other player still has loads of ammo and a viable plan of resistance/counter-attack the compulsory ending of the game at that stage actually favours the high-ammunition expenditure/short durability tactic of the attacker without allowing the alternate, moderate ammo expenditure/high durability tactic a defender may employ.

In essence though it comes down to the fact that if you are that good then it shouldn't matter if the game goes longer. You will adapt and overcome.

As to the knock-on effect, I'm familiar with chaos theory. Feel free to assess this for tsunamis in Tokyo.

If the absolutely only way to get you to play is to make it a ladder game then so be it. FWIW though I think ladder play brings out the worst in players.



As to AARs: My position re: contribution to this "community" is well-known so, no AARs. If my opponent wishes to make one then I'll comment on it but no full AAR will come from me for this community.

All predicated on Poor Old Spike agreeing to the game... We'll only find out about this over the next few days.

[ March 28, 2003, 08:36 PM: Message edited by: Fionn ]

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SPIKES LAW-Don't be bullied into playing a game you don't like the look of!

In my early cmbb days I used to play other peoples setups because I didn't want to hurt their feelings,and even when I won I was secretly glad it was over because it sucked and bored the socks off me!

Nowadays,if a setup looks boring I won't go near it,and that's how your setup looks Fionn,(no disrespect) so don't hold out any hope of us ever playing it mate,I'm sorry. I didn't spend 600 quid on a PC,Stormovik,Civilisation 3,F/A-18,Red Baron 3D,Sega Rally,Steel Beasts,Comanche 4 and Cmbb to spend hours yawning my way through long boring pbems!

I like short snappy highly-mobile battles,and so do most of my opponents,I've finished 43 ladder QBs since joining Rugged Defense 7 weeks ago,mostly to my params,so obviously,people LURV 'em!

You CANNOT just dump a setup on somebody and say "play this or you're yellow" for heavens sake,I never do it and I don't let others to do it to me!(Edit to include clarification-I certainly have nothing against Att/Defends if the params are not too wild,and am currently engaged in 4 against Macnab,Engelbrekt,Hodo and Copper,and have just Drawn a 5th)

As regards anyone with the gall to try arguing tactics with me,the notion is pythonesque,and I prefer to let my impeccable credentials speak for me,which are:-Rugged Defense Cmbb Ladder Leader :cool:

[ March 28, 2003, 11:48 PM: Message edited by: Poor Old Spike ]

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Originally posted by Poor Old Spike:

Hey Lou mate,if you're the Loughborough Lou,me 'n you played a coupla fun cmbb pbems a while back,can't remember who won though..and I can't remember what my handle was then... :D

(Edited to add:-As regards me walking the walk,I've already done a bit o' walking,clear to the top o' the ladder..! Shall check out Fionns params though, but no way do I ever play 60-turn games,as I find 25+ is more than ample to do the job..!) [/QB]

Yeah its me in Loughborough ... so we have already played a couple of games ......

Hmmm not sure unless you used to be 'Veteran Gamer' (from Plymouth) but I'm sure you didnt as you'd never have posted ..........

"I'm the latest in a long line of prophets before me who have graced this hallowed forum:- Veteran Gamer ,Scatterbrain Kid,Licensed Fool,Headshot,Gutshot.." :confused:

(Unless of course you were all of those people, which would explain how you managed to beat them all :D )

As I remember Veteran Gamer's force picks were always armour heavy and the tactics involved an armoured rush for the flag.

Effective the first time but once you know its coming its easy to defend against .... I'm sure veteran gamer only played 'unrestricted' games and nothing like 'mechanised' (or others) that would limit the amount of armour he could use as that would destroy his 'tactical' play ;)


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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Originally posted by Speedy

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> GROG PORN

What? Wasn't one photo of Michael Dorosh's mannequin enough? What esle do you want? Grog Dorosh in a speedo, laying on the beach? :eek:


No. What we really need is TANK PORN !!!

"Oh, look at the clean lines on that Jadgpanzer...hhhhmmm. Open those hatches and show me the good stuff." :D </font>

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if Poor Old Spike chickens out, you should have some spare time. I challenge you (CMBO), not much of a challenge though, I'm afraid. But it's just GAMEY if you play NEVERMIND and not me.

If you don't want to, nevermind, otherwise schulli_2000@yahoo.com.

LOU2000, I liked your idea of a CM multiplayer site smile.gif . Still looking for an opponent, then write me.

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SPIKES LAW-Don't be bullied into playing a game you don't like the look of!"
There's no-one bullying you. I proferred some parameters for you to play under since I felt that you playing the exact same parameters 40some times in a row in a game whose end-point you admit is designed to come once your troops run out of ammo were less than equitable.

I explicitly stated a willingness to discuss and change those parameters based on the principle of mutual agreement. Unless, in your part of the world, bullies try to engage in discussion, compromise and are willing to listen to your point of view I don't see how the above could be labelled "bullying".

Nowadays,if a setup looks boring I won't go near it,and that's how your setup looks Fionn,(
Could you point out, specifically, which aspects of the setup appear "boring" to you? If it is the time limit then I will point out that there's nothing stopping you from crushing me within 15 turns. 60 turns is the outside maximum allowed. If you beat me in 15 then the game stops in 15. The only way I can see that 60 turns would be scary to you is if your tactics are developed such that your ability to fight on beyond 25 turns is extremely limited ( due to force mix and tactical usage)? Perhaps I'm missing something though, please feel free to explain it to me.

My games tend to be quick too. I don't expect long games BUT I have the ability to play them. I simply suggest that if you are as good as you say you are then you should be able to adapt and overcome.

That attempt to get you to play a game whose parameters you haven't optimised to your own style of play etc is what I'm attempting here.

I've finished 43 ladder QBs since joining Rugged Defense 7 weeks ago,mostly to my params,so obviously,people LURV 'em!

One could argue that the fact that you've finished 43 games in 7 weeks merely proves that you play a lot of games. I'd also point out there's no end to people who don't consider all the ramifications of playing someone who has a list of settings which create quite similar maps time and again ( SMALL village maps with moderate woods don't present one with deeply varied maps. Most of the maps generated will have a central village with many woods leading to them. The fighting will key on the village and, as such, a player who plays this sort of map repeatedly can build up a very good idea of what most opponents will do and utilise this to give him an advantage in most of his games.)

You CANNOT just dump a setup on somebody and say "play this or you're yellow"
Ah, but I didn't say that. What I actually said was that I offered these parameters but that they were EXPLICITLY open to change based on mutual agreement.

Hardly the same as dumping a setup on you and calling you a coward if you changed anything. I specifically invited you to inform me of your concerns and inferred a willingness to change said parameters if I didn't feel they were unbalancing.

So, I don't see how an explicit public statement that the parameters are open to change based on your input is the same as dumping them on you and demanding you play them, else be labelled a coward.

Edit to include clarification-I certainly have nothing against Att/Defends if the params are not too wild
Ok, there's an implication here that the reason you are turning down this "attack/defend" is because my "params are too wild" ( to paraphrase).

So, please list which parameters are "too wild" and then what you would prefer. I can then generate a compromise solution from that. One neither of us will be entirely delighted with but which should form an equitable basis for game parameters. ( Again, hardly the stuff of "bullying".)

As regards anyone with the gall to try arguing tactics with me,the notion is pythonesque,and I prefer to let my impeccable credentials speak for me,which are:-Rugged Defense Cmbb Ladder Leader
Yes, indeed those credentials are brought up time and again.

Harsh truth of life:

1. Being top of the RD ladder doesn't mean you're the best player there due to the issues with frequent play etc.

2. Even if it did it doesn't mean you are the best CMBB ladder player since there are several ladders.

3. Even if it did it doesn't mean that you are the best CMBB player ( I know lots of good players who have nothing to do with ladders).

4. EVEN if you were the best CMBB player in all of the world ... it means very little in the real world.

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My popularity in Rugged Defense amazes even me sometimes,as people are clamouring to play me all the time,as proven by my finishing 44 pbems in the 7 weeks since joining the club,and I currently have 23 going!

People appreciate not only my fair balanced parameters which give fast exciting battles,but they know I'll also help them with advice not only at the buy screen,but actually during play itself! For example I'm currently playing Durango and have taught him how to use his panzers in "hunting packs" and am now seeing my T-34s get picked off one by one as a result,boy am I weird!

"Thanks for showing me how to do it,and I'm now doing it to others" he says!

Win or lose,people know they're going to come out of a game against me as stronger players and I like to help them achieve it!

After all if you play against the Ladder Leader,some of his awesome tactical power is bound to rub off on you! :cool:

(Edited to include STOP PRESS NEWS!-Mumpfelpfrumf has just slaughtered me in RD ladder! Serves me right for saying to him before the start "Sure,take Tigers if you want,I'll take just T-34/76's"!)

[ March 29, 2003, 09:18 AM: Message edited by: Poor Old Spike ]

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POS - I certainly believe you are a Legend in your own mind and its clear from this and other threads that you have a high regard for your own abilities ... pity your adoring fans have not come forward in support of your claims ! and you seem intent on avoiding Fionn's challenge.

However interesting though this is........ this thread was started by MG-42 to find out how he could contribute to the CM community. I doubt any of this is helping him decide.

So in a vain ( vain not vanity) attempt to bring the thread back to MG's intended purpose....


MG-42 .... having read all the relevant posts my choice would be for a website that combines tactics/tutorials AND a multiplayer portal (NOT another CM ladder) into one site.

The tactics ( if written by the right people) could provide a good core base of information, but due to the time taken to produce this type of information I believe new (good quality) tutorials would be fairly slow to apprear...

Thats where I believe the multiplayer part would benefit the site ....

It would provide a place for likeminded players to meet and put into practice the lessons learnt in the tactics discussions and tutorials, which in turn could generate user AAR's to provide more site content, by allowing the 'average' CM player to see how others have interpreted and implemented the various tactics ...

and thats one big part of any lesson ....

Not just being given the info but applying it and developing it into an individual style of play.

If Fionn (or another) gave a detailed tactical description of how to advance over a given map and 10 people tried to apply that advice on the same map ... I'm sure we'd see 10 slightly different approaches to the same problem.

So to summarise, my vote is for .....

Tactics for core content.

Multiplayer for putting things into practice and developing a community around the site.

(hopefully we'll now get further relevant posts)


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Can you believe it - as soon as I post that I see the Proving Grounds are back active again.

Without the mods but with an opponent finder with user profiles and no ladder play, and a scenario finder and AAR's coming soon ... I'm in CM MULTIPLAYER HEAVEN :D

With player from Green to Vet and names like 'kwazydog' on the player list it should be good.


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