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Fun, Feuds, frutescent frolics and flamed frangipani in the Peng Challenge Thread!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Er...'Mr. Wino' (may I call you 'unrepentant vileness that must be expunged before mankind can achieve a higher level of being'?). Exactly how much wine did you send me?!!

12 bottles. 750 mL per bottle. The pin-headed lackey in charge of shipping materials explained to me that we were out of 12-pack shippes so I had to use two 6-pack shippers. When I asked why he didn't order more boxes for the 12 pack shippers(we have the styrofoam inserts) he told me that we had plenty of 6 packs. When I asked him what would happen if we used all the 6 packs on case orders and then needed a 6-pack shipper for a...*gasp*...6 bottle order, the dullard blinked, not once but twice, "Uh, I guess I better order some more 12 pack boxes". Hoo-rah, give Jimmy a shiny apple for the day.

And do you somehow get this stuff for free, or are you knocking off liquor stores at night to (quite appropriately) propitiate Seanachai?
Not that I am above, below...ah, whatever...such practices, this is an above boards deal. I marked your wine down as "samples". Plus, it's my prerogative to dispense wine wantonly. And it is a task I take not too lightly.

Oh, and who put the GRR, in the GRR ARG ARG ARG GRR GRR ARG GRR?
That I can not say. Not that I am of a secretive nature. It is that I have not cared enough to inquire what that crap is all about. I am happy in kicking him like a puppy and owning his sig. BTW, new sig line coming to a Cheery Waffle Thread near you.
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:


You big, bulbous, brachiating, bog-brained bugger! You low-browed, lop-eared, lanquid lurker of leaky laundromats! My defeat at the paws of your were-truppen has left a bitter taste in my mouth! I demand satisfaction! Amid a flurry of exclamation points, I hurl my gauntlet at your hooves, you parsimonious, puling, pop-eyed PEASANT!!!

Send me a set up or all shall know you for a coward! Especially those who are pretty sure you're a coward already, but haven't quite made up their minds!


<font size=-2 Gawd ! No need to shout. You will have to get that wax out of your ears, your family have all gone deaf from your constant strident bawling. Get a grip lad. The bad taste in your mouth is from putting your fingers in there AFTER you've had them in places your Mother told you NOT to put them, and BEFORE you wash them (you probably don't - again not listening to your Mum.

As for the satisfaction. We know your normal way. Stopped working has it ? Going a bit blind, are you ? You Mother told you about THAT as well.

Now, a setup ??? Hmm, we could send you "Von Lauchert" - you could be Russians. It's really a NICE scenario - just ask RUNE ... you get to play with Churchills ! You get to see lots of tanks turning into bonfires - yours !

I'll ponder more on how to inflict worthwhile pain on your worthless carcass. Patience.</font size>


[ September 05, 2003, 06:01 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]

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Noba are you in contact with that gibberish spouting landsman of yours? Mace has taken to sending me turns that now come up as "A different version" of the game.

Then he claims to be deeply involved in "playtesting". Playtesting what? the latest version of "Sesame Street for Pre-Schoolers"? Let Cookie Monster and all your favorite Sesame Street pals teach you phonics and Joey poaching? Please fling a boomarang in his direction and see if it comes back with some gray matter it.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I shall bugger off, now, and dwell for a while in the house known as 'Sorrow'.

Best thing I've heard all day... better yet, why don't you wander off and dwell a while in Chernyobl's Reactor #2. I hear it's quite warm and cozy. Just the thing to perk you up.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

JE ACCUSE Seanachai ... IT WAS YOU.


Dear Joe Squaw, please be informed that the proper form of the statement you just made is j'accuse, unless it is your intent to appear a sophmoric moron with respect to the French language... *pause* sorry, my bad.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I shall, then, Boys in hand, not go gently into that good night, mate!

Enuff said. Are you sure you're not a Catholic Priest in disguise??? Hmm???

If that weren't bad enough, that wino character sent him more alcohol, which I am sure he will use to ply more young altar boys... oh the shame of it all...

[edited due to whatever]

[ September 05, 2003, 08:43 AM: Message edited by: Mouse ]

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Quoted by Seanachai in that <small>other</small > thread:

Despite the fact that all of you buggers are even too low in the evolutionary scale to actually hate, your current thread title is so much better than ours.

Real nice. How much are you going to suck up to those guys now that they're plying you with free booze?

Will you paint your pretty face and and wear that certain red, backless number for them?

I always thought better of you than that. (Not really, of course, but I'm going for a heavy guilt trip here) But to see that you'd sell out your own for some cheap hooch. (Once again, no surprise, but as for myself, I really hope it's 12 bottles of Ripple with screw off tops. Or maybe cans)

Compared to you, Otis of Mayberry had a certain kind of quiet dignity.

(Edited to say: I edited this.)

[ September 05, 2003, 08:46 AM: Message edited by: Boo Radley ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Berli I know, only too well, how you value anarchy and deplore unnecessary rules.


I recommend, as Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and keeper of the sacred traditions of the MBT, that we treat that other thread as Sanctioned and Blockaded and that any ... mark you Berli ANY CessPooler who posts therein be considered Persona Non Grata here in the MBT.
Bit harsh, doncha thank? Mind you, I'm all in favor of harsh... matter of fact I'm more in favor of harsh than anarchy. I don't suppose the term Sluming means anything to you? So, how exactly Non grata persona geta treated? Details, dammit, we need details (I particularly like the details on that steno... er... nevermind)
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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

ooooh! I just realized that, as the 'lady' of House Rune, I get to redecorate!

My, my...the possibilities!

*takes a look around the abode*

Hmmm...maybe some lace doilies and frilly curtains. A pale mauve paint on the walls. You know - liven Rune's dungeon up a bit.

Yes. Now to go find his credit card to purchase a few things.

Oh yes...this does have potential...

Don't forget the Velvet Elvises, and I think I have a tapestry of some adorable dogs playing poker that would be just darling on that southern wall. hmmm, and where are we going to put the neon Budweiser light that Jim-Boggs brought?
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, and who put the GRR, in the GRR ARG ARG ARG GRR GRR ARG GRR?

Lord, he's been watching Travolta movies again. Any day now he'll blast forth a soliloquy along the lines of "The Poetry of Bad Acting: Battlefield Earth as a Metaphor for Our Age" or somefink.

Lars, maybe you should change that note to read: "Seanachai needs another day under the lake."

No need to thank me, just trying to do my part.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

No need to thank me, just trying to do my part.


Does that mean that the new MBT (Post no bills!) website is finally finished?

Oh, I guess not, now that you have the CMAK proofreading job to occupy your time.

And you're doing it for free, too.

(Squints hard at MrSpkr)

I don't think I recognize you, boy.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Quoted by Seanachai in that <small>other</small > thread:

Despite the fact that all of you buggers are even too low in the evolutionary scale to actually hate, your current thread title is so much better than ours.

Real nice. How much are you going to suck up to those guys now that they're plying you with free booze?


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, and who put the GRR, in the GRR ARG ARG ARG GRR GRR ARG GRR?

Lord, he's been watching Travolta movies again. Any day now he'll blast forth a soliloquy along the lines of "The Poetry of Bad Acting: Battlefield Earth as a Metaphor for Our Age" or somefink.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Unless you get here soon, you'll have to carry me on to the boat...

Get dalem, get the earless dog Sten, get Papa Kahn, and get the hell out here tomorrow. It's going to be 85 and sunny. Last chance to leer at the bikini babes for awhile I figure. Check your e-mail.

Oh, don't forget the booze.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Unless you get here soon, you'll have to carry me on to the boat...

Get dalem, get the earless dog Sten, get Papa Kahn, and get the hell out here tomorrow. It's going to be 85 and sunny. Last chance to leer at the bikini babes for awhile I figure. Check your e-mail.

Oh, don't forget the booze. </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Quoted by Seanachai in that <small>other</small > thread:

Despite the fact that all of you buggers are even too low in the evolutionary scale to actually hate, your current thread title is so much better than ours.

Real nice. How much are you going to suck up to those guys now that they're plying you with free booze?


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Berli I know, only too well, how you value anarchy and deplore unnecessary rules.


I recommend, as Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and keeper of the sacred traditions of the MBT, that we treat that other thread as Sanctioned and Blockaded and that any ... mark you Berli ANY CessPooler who posts therein be considered Persona Non Grata here in the MBT.
Bit harsh, doncha thank? Mind you, I'm all in favor of harsh... matter of fact I'm more in favor of harsh than anarchy. I don't suppose the term Sluming means anything to you? So, how exactly Non grata persona geta treated? Details, dammit, we need details (I particularly like the details on that steno... er... nevermind) </font>
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