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Fun, Feuds, frutescent frolics and flamed frangipani in the Peng Challenge Thread!

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

As the man said while he was slapping a laughing fortune teller, "I like to strike a happy medium."

And I believe I have done just that.

So we'll add assaulting sybils to the list, shall we?

I believe I have the new title for the next Thread, Boo, and, if you're not careful, your name will figure in it.

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I haven't played CM:BB since early March. I haven't even installed it on this system that is lurching about like the Titanic. But here's an AAR:

I and my glorious troopers managed to wrest away the northwestern part of Alma with only minor losses (poor Hamous will never drive his ice cream truck again). The assault was carried out at dawn and the tactics of the day were superior firepower used way beyond the point of overkill and heavy use of the Alt-L feature. My gamey bastiche opponent Deidrianna had hired the gamey bastiche MIKE (who has 99 in all stats) and fighting him was like going against a KV-2 with halftracks in -41.

Thanks to Shadow with his trusty Soviet Sniper rifle and Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski with his G3A3 Mike is now a splattered mess only fit as crow chow. Stephen "Smorgasbord" Baldwin later on blew away the enemy HQ unit while good old psychotic Meltdown was setting up the mortar and never got to use it.

We'll be right back after this short break. Don't go anywhere.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Good God, Boo, they just started up the new Cheery Waffle mess, and currently the Master Goodale thread has a better title than the Peng Challenge.

I bleeding well hope not. We define ourselves by our incompetence and wasteitude. Take that back, or forever become my bidge! :mad:
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Avast there me mateys,

I’ve recently joined the modern world and acquired a ‘puter that will reliably run CMBB with decent graphics and at more than a snail’s pace (actual tank graphic on my old computer below):




To celebrate this new found power, I will shortly (as soon as I transfer files) be chucking molten TNT death :mad: :mad: …. (opps, wrong thread) … I mean sending files to those I owe. The only one I know for sure that is on the list is Red Jo Xia.

Also, I can now finally complete the battle that was originally intended to settle the dispute on who gets to keep Boo warm at night, and now can be used to torture other suitable parties. The battle for Schloss Peng will be ready in a few days.

In the meantime, I will take to heart the words of our illustrious moldy old one:

Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm thinking we should all join the Kampfgruppe Clan ... en masse as it were ... AS PIRATES! Haaarrrrr!


Maybe so, maybe so. What is this 'Kampfgruppe Clan'?

And we would, of course, join as PYRATES!

Aaarrrrr! </font>

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

I trust the wench YK2 found its way back home in here ? I would be very unhappy if it didn't and was left wondering helplessly between the two threads. :mad:

Why ? Because I care.

You sir, are a cad. Your Uber Finn status is in question after the disgrace at the hands of Snarker and now this? Don't you have some mold, mice or maggots to play with? I will now have to think of something special for sig after this disgraceful display.

Now say you are sorry to the nice lady, tuck your tail between your scaly, bow legs and bother the nice ladies no more.

My work is done here.

On a personal note: Wine left Monday for Seanachai. Look for FedEx to knock on the door of the Gnome hovel.

[ September 03, 2003, 10:15 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

I trust the wench YK2 found its way back home in here ? I would be very unhappy if it didn't and was left wondering helplessly between the two threads. :mad:

Why ? Because I care.

Not. :mad:

And for your love of smileys, an extra helping : :mad: .

Now, now, the ladies in the MBT are sacrosanct and are to be treated with respect at all times, be it here or in the Waffle. There's the gentleman.

Remember Pee U {neither spelt nor bolded} SSN you are in here, and SSN you will be in Coventry should you continue to soil {glances around}... uh, stink up {sniffs and grimaces}... well, annoy your hosts.

See Becket's post on rope salesman in the Waffle...

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Originally posted by Marlow:

Avast there me mateys,

While not quite ready to join The Knights of the Kampfgruppe Klan, I do think the pirate thing is a fine idea. To that end I will from this point forward be Talking like a Pirate! Aye, pirates be much better than them thar scurvy ninjas bilge rats. Arrrrrr!


Belay that ye scurvy ridden plagiarist! If'n ye thinks tha ye can don tha nautical attire wi'out serving ye time as cabin boy 'n deck scrubber ye've taken leave o' yer sences.

Tha talk o' tha pirates n' other scum o' tha sea do after tha BilgeRat has compleat 'is task is tha "Blub, blub, blub...." fra davy jones locker.

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Good grief! What the heck has happened in here? Who let the smilies in??? Where's Grue when you need him.

*sticks head out in the hallway of the castle and whistles: "Grue! Here boy! We've smilies that need exterminating!"*

I get dragged into reality for a tiny moment and we've got Smurfs, smilies, odd emanations from some nasty little SSNs - by the way, someone should clean up that puddle by the hearth - and the most bizarre (yet catchy) title for the thread I've ever seen...

What's wrong with you people???

[ September 03, 2003, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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I know that none of you give a toss, but due to this announcement and the 100% probability of me investing a substantial percentage of my savings in this, the most holy of endeavours (to bring excellent New Zealand vodka to this savage world of neanderthals) - might I humbly suggest that, should you come across the wonderful product (42below vodka), you attempt to drink at least 750mls of this refreshing liquid and repeat this process daily?

This, of course, would ensure that your CMBB experience takes on a new dimension of realism. Especially if you are playing as the fearless, mighty and fanatically drunk cb61ed8d3eb0544aef458.gif soldiers of Mother Russia.

[ September 03, 2003, 11:32 PM: Message edited by: v42below ]

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Originally posted by BilgeRat:


Belay that ye scurvy ridden plagiarist! If'n ye thinks tha ye can don tha nautical attire wi'out serving ye time as cabin boy 'n deck scrubber ye've taken leave o' yer sences.

Tha talk o' tha pirates n' other scum o' tha sea do after tha BilgeRat has compleat 'is task is tha "Blub, blub, blub...." fra davy jones locker.

Yer be no pirate ye besotted lubber. Any self ‘spectin tar knows tha “Aarrr” be the way tis said. If’n ye wer on the account, ye’d well know tha “Arrrgh” be wha ye yell if’n yer drop round shot on yer Long John Silver (n yer case, Short Jack), or if’n the Cap’n treats ye like the cabin boy ye arrr.
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Originally posted by v42below:

I know that none of you give a toss, but due to this announcement and the 100% probability of me investing a substantial percentage of my savings in this, the most holy of endeavours (to bring excellent New Zealand vodka to this savage world of neanderthals) - might I humbly suggest that, should you come across the wonderful product (42below vodka), you attempt to drink at least 750mls of this refreshing liquid and repeat this process daily?

This, of course, would ensure that your CMBB experience takes on a new dimension of realism. Especially if you are playing as the fearless, mighty and fanatically drunk cb61ed8d3eb0544aef458.gif soldiers of Mother Russia.

Wow, you Pengers even have ads.


Honestly, no good can come of this...this...blending. You all must know that the separation of Peng and Waffle is the only way. If this continues, there will be a GREAT MERGING. As much I as would love to stand amidst the shadow of virility and villainy of der Uber Gnome, the inevitable clashes would arise. First off, you see that Prinz Eugen has all the grace of a frat boy on a bender in a nunnery. Secondly, you have an incomprehensible Scot and a pirate wannabe, we have MasterGoodale. You have a Swede whilst we have two Uber Finns...well one Uber Finn and one Junior Finn (the lad just needs some schooling). You have lawyers, we have one lawyer too many. Do you really want another lawyer? I would try to barter but any trade would be good enough to be done with the lad. You have Australians, we have a Canadian. I could go on...ok I will. You have Ladies, we use terms best not repeated near Ladies, ladies, ladies of the night, or even night-crawlers for that matter. You have rules, we have Dave H. If you don't see the contradiction now you will soon enough. Lastly, do you realize how much collective crap these two threads generate? I would have to hire an assistant just to free up some time to keep abreast. And then a new thread would have to be generated every 30 mins or so. Chaos would ensue. MasterGoodale would be back to starting a new thread every 15 minutes about "how he loves this F*ing game" and "wiping molten-TNT off" his face. Not a pretty sight now is it?

Oh, looky the time. Night

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Originally posted by BilgeRat:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Marlow:

Avast there me mateys,

While not quite ready to join The Knights of the Kampfgruppe Klan, I do think the pirate thing is a fine idea. To that end I will from this point forward be Talking like a Pirate! Aye, pirates be much better than them thar scurvy ninjas bilge rats. Arrrrrr!


Belay that ye scurvy ridden plagiarist! If'n ye thinks tha ye can don tha nautical attire wi'out serving ye time as cabin boy 'n deck scrubber ye've taken leave o' yer sences.

Tha talk o' tha pirates n' other scum o' tha sea do after tha BilgeRat has compleat 'is task is tha "Blub, blub, blub...." fra davy jones locker. </font>

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