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Fun, Feuds, frutescent frolics and flamed frangipani in the Peng Challenge Thread!

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ROIGHT! Listen up then lads, this here is the Peng Challenge Thread also known as the Mother Beautiful Thread (MBT for short), the CessPool or just the Cess.

If you don’t know that, it’s because you are an SSN (Scum Sucking Noobie, that is).

Now, as an SSN, you only have one thing to do. SOD OFF! That’s our little way of telling you to hit the road, take a hike, hie thee hence and git stoofed.

WHAT? Still here are ye? Well, aren’t you the cheeky one. If you plan on staying around, here are the rules. Read them. Learn them. Live them.

(XLV) Challenge someone! That’s why it’s called “The Peng Challenge Thread” . No, you may not challenge a Kanigget or an Olde One. Nor may you challenge a squire. You can only challenge an SSN such as yourself. If you fail to do so, you can SOD OFF! Oh, and anyone bothering any of the lovely and charming Ladies of the Pool, will have to deal with Grue, and no one wants that now do we?

(ibid.) Challenge with wit, panache and hatred. Use what wit you have not as a cudgel, but rather as a rapier...or a cudgel. If so, you can accrue many points that can be used later in our gift shoppe. If you have no wit, you can SOD OFF!

(L.S.M.F.T.) You need to have an E-mail address and a location in your profile. Why? The better to send PBEMs and to mock you. If you have no E-mail or location in your profile, best be putting them in now or you can (Sing it with me!) SOD OFF!

(ipso facto) Act as if you have a pair, but don’t go on about YOUR pair. It’s embarrassing for everybody. Also, kindly leave your prejudices and racism at the door. if you can’t do that...wait for it...you can SOD OFF!

(abba dabba do) If you have any questions, please feel free to SOD OFF!

( Ha! Weren’t expecting that one were you? Idjit!)

[ September 03, 2003, 03:48 PM: Message edited by: Boo Radley ]

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(abba dabba do) If you have any questions, please feel free to SOD OFF!

( Ha! Weren’t expecting that one were you? Idjit!)

It's YABBA dabba do you unlettered Ohio goof! Oh, but perhaps I'm not taking into account where you live ... have they started showing The Flintstones there yet?

Welcome to Ohio ... set your calendar back forty years.


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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Ah well, Gentlemen of the Shavian House and all Ladies, Knights, Squires and Serfs of the CessPool I call upon you to take notice and give honor to ... Sir SirReal, the newest Knight of the CessPool!

Ah, why, many thanks, my liege. But I must say that Sir SirReal has something of a redundant ring about it. Just plain old SirReal will do just fine.

Now, seeing as how Senior Kaniggits were just about off-limits to me as a squire, here's something I've been wanting to do.

Joe Shaw, you pathetic excuse of a lobotomized sheep! Your parasites have more personality than you do, and a higher IQ to boot, but since they're unable to operate heavy machinery (i.e, a keyboard), I can't challenge them. So I have to challenge you!

No doubt you'll dribble out some frightened lame excuse how it's improper for a knight to challenge his House's leader. Well, to that I say BITE ME! Expect a setup shortly.

/SirReal </font>

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New thread, fresh start.

So how's about some challenge information... isn't that what this is supposed to be about? Challenges, games, and gamey updates? Well, speaking of gamey updates:

Pondscum, having lost one of his tin lizzie's to my uber-mousen-stuggie-thingy, is failing to send back any turns, forcing me to play a superior opponent, like the AI.

AI, you stankin', lazy-arsed computer program. I tried out one of those Rune scenarios, with a bunch of German kitty-toys supposed to halt a big Russkie counter-stroke. You never even made to turn 36, much less the 45+ that it was designed for. And you didn't even advance some of your armor. Your dangly bits and bytes must have shrunk all the way up into your cpu as you watched T-34 after T-34 get turned into scrap metal as they crested the ridge. Your vaunted "Animal Killers" fared no better. Feh!

<h1>Joe Squaw</h1> I call you out. Stop this feeble cowering behind Rules and Titles. Knight Champion. Champignon is more like it! Justicar...

Drain Commissioner... Founder of the Shaving House... You have rested on your laurels long enough, and they have grown fat and wide in your sloth! I suppose that in all your travels, forclosing on mortgages like some New Age Snidely Whiplash, you take two seats side-by-side. And the last time the airline upgraded you it was to balance out the weight in the 737. Can't have you sitting too close to a wing you know. As a figurehead in this... place, you are old, worn, and full of rot (to put it nicely). Shall we cast you down like a ruined statue of Sham Hussein, or have you got any fight left in you... you... you banker!

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />(abba dabba do) If you have any questions, please feel free to SOD OFF!

( Ha! Weren’t expecting that one were you? Idjit!)

It's YABBA dabba do you unlettered Ohio goof! Oh, but perhaps I'm not taking into account where you live ... have they started showing The Flintstones there yet?

Welcome to Ohio ... set your calendar back forty years.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by SirReal:

Bah, the rules posting just gets nicer and nicer. Next there'll be fecking excuses in there! What's this with explaining all the terms to the SSN's beforehand? Where's the fun in that, I ask?


As much as I hate to agree with the meat ball, he gives a valid point, and I don't mean the one on the top of his head. The SSN's need to be slapped around a bit, I had to suffer through that monstrosity known as "IL be seeing you". I want each and every SSN to suffer at least as much pain as I had to go through. Maybe we can have them write essays trying to find a point to the posts by SeanaChia-Pet.
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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I want each and every SSN to suffer at least as much pain as I had to go through.

Oh, aren't you the cruel one, Sir Knight Sir. Oh noble Sir Knight Sir, will you spare the worthless SSN that I am Sir knight Sir, from your holy wrath ?

Does it help if I call you a Sir just once more ? Sir Knight Sir ?

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

Does it help if I call you a Sir just once more ? Sir Knight Sir ?

KA-CLACK{Sound of a H&K spamlauncher being cocked}

Alright, little snufflebear wannabe. You do, in fact, have an email address in your info. But we don't care. We hate you because you've attempted to put a smiley in your profile! So why don't you take your malfunctioning automatic icon generator and

<h2>SOD OFF</h2>


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Originally posted by SirFake:

Alright, little snufflebear wannabe. You do, in fact, have an email address in your info. But we don't care. We hate you because you've attempted to put a smiley in your profile! So why don't you take your malfunctioning automatic icon generator and

<h2>SOD OFF</h2>


I won't take orders from some Swede. tongue.gif Sir Knight or otherwise.

I do embrace the fact that you hate me. It will make me happy when I go to sleep, knowing that the :mad: in my profile made you hate me. What a reason is that to hate someone ? C'mon, you can do better than that. Surely you will. Swede. tongue.gif

In the meantime, as you are that fond of smileys, get a load of this :

tongue.gif :mad: tongue.gif :mad: tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I told Croda not to go stirring up those losers in the Goodale thread, now they are coming in here leaving slime all over the place.

I'd fire a volley from the H&K, but I think it would just be encouraged by that. Finns. The only thing they're good for is breeding those easy finnish girls we take advantage of on the ferries. Oh, and getting dead drunk. They can usually manage that, too.


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Princess Eugenia ... NEWSPAPER DELIVERY? NEWSPAPER DELIVERY? Do they even HAVE newspapers in Finland? Go away little boy, you bother me.

Louse ... PLEASE read the rules! I am bound by them as surely as you are ... as far as you know. I don't CHOOSE to play SSNs. I especially don't choose to play SSNs whom I think have wandered in before and couldn't stick it out.


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Originally posted by SirFake:

The only thing they're good for is breeding those easy finnish girls we take advantage of on the ferries.

I have no doubts you are good at taking advantage of them. No doubts at all. What is questionable, though, is whether that can be counted as your merit.

Originally posted by UncleJoe:

I am bound by them as surely as you are ...

Be bound to them by all means. Doesn't mean I have to. Infact, I have disrespect for your rules. If you had rules written on paper... Well, you know to what they would be good of.
















A hint : It involves the toilet at some point of its cycle.

Still didn't get it ? In that case...

















Congratulations ! You have just proved to be a genuine Penger !

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Originally posted by SirReal:

Bah, the rules posting just gets nicer and nicer. Next there'll be fecking excuses in there! What's this with explaining all the terms to the SSN's beforehand? Where's the fun in that, I ask?


I explain the rules because watching gap-toothed lack wits, such as yourself, stare open-mouthed in awe at all the pagentry and pomp which is the MBT (Don't Tread On Me!) grew tiresome.

And if I didn't, then gap-toothed lack wits, much like yourself, would never know the PROPER way of entering and finally getting their spurs, as it were.

Any more questions, brand spanking new kannigget?

(Sheesh, you make them a knight and suddenly they think they're as slick as snot on a doorknob...and in this case, he might be right.)

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

(Sheesh, you make them a knight and suddenly they think they're as slick as snot on a doorknob...and in this case, he might be right.)

I wouldn't know; we don't put snot on our doorknobs over here. Now get off the board and send me a turn instead. I feel the need to spank some of your pixeltruppen coming on. Much like what you feel when you see dead squirrels clogging your drains. Except I take it out on your pixeltruppen, and you... well. Let's not get into that.


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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

I have no doubts you are good at taking advantage of them. No doubts at all. What is questionable, though, is whether that can be counted as your merit.

snip infantile faeces joke

No style, no wit, and no panache. Perhaps you should return to the warm, cozy little fairytale you came from before we accidentally hurt your feelings. We wouldn't want that, oh no. Perish the thought. I don't think you have what it takes to hack it as a SSN of the MBT.



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