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Fallback Foxholes

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you can always use them to write rude words on the map with!

Other than that they are quite useful as forward positions - if you are worried about first turn/planned arty strikes you can laways lay out the foxholes where you want your defensive line then deploy most of the troops a hundred meters back ready to move forward to the line when after the arty has hit.

You can also use it to prepare 2 different lines depending on the apptoach the enemy takes.

Obviously dont put them where the unoccupied ones will provide cover to enemy forces shooting at the occupied line

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That would depend on terrain. In forests re-deploying isn't that difficult. However, I would find them more useful as secondary positions. Put few on both flanks of your platoons in case your opponent is trying to come through from that way. Or place your reserves (you have reserves, right?) so that they can move to a second line of defense on the part of front where your enemy is trying to come through.

Late. Damn you, Beta1! :mad:

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Use them for deception. A couple of empty foxholes around a terrain feature that you don't want to defend may draw some area fire from guns, mortars or arty and buy you some time while the enemy is trying to deal with your empty position.

Ok, placing a single (L)MG there may be a good idea to create a sound contact in the area.


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It is possible to fall back, but not at the ranges most people try to. Use the forward positions for harassing fire only. If you open up at 150m for 1-2 minutes and then fall back, many of your units will not have been fully located and IDed and should be able to fall back in good order. Trying to fall back under concentrated fire at 40m is usually certain to fail. Forward positions should be used for a delaying ambush, not a killing fight.

To prevent the enemy using them to assault your main line, don't put them in LOS of your second line. This makes them useless for the enemy. It's also a good idea to TRP them. Calling in artillery on a position you just vacated can catch an enemy concentration pretty easily, just remember to use large calibre guns (the target will be in foxholes after all).

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Fallback foxholes can also be used to create lateral reinforcement paths across open terrain. Some maps make it easy to cut the defender into sections and attack each in turn. A row of foxholes can give you just enough to cover to regain defensive mobility.

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I second what Slappy says. Once you're getting serious return fire, it's too late to think about falling back unless you're on a treeline or ridge (not a bad thing for a harassment/route discouragement force - an ambush detachment would of course be behind the treeline/ridge to whack overenthusiastic pursuers)

If you're in the desert you need to be outa there before he spots you, and even then expect to be pinned unless you can get some smoke. Smoke is, of course, the best way to fall back, so why not use all those silly Challengers for something before they get whacked smile.gif

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