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I'd Like to Buy the World A Peng, and Teach The World to Challenge

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Imagine a MBT where we didnt have to endure the endless ramblings of complete morons, or disgusting attempts at "poetry" or "wit" preformed by complete retards...such a nice and beautiful place it would be. Yes, a refuge, a place of peace and tranquility...much like a small lake in the summer, gently caressed by the sun, hidden deep in the woods, surrounded by rolling treecovered hills. Ahhh *sniff* imagine sitting there, covered in fox urine, with a cold beer in one hand and a rifle in the other, doing nothing but basking in the sun and looking at the water, waiting for some hapless animal to walk into sight so you can kill it...bliss I tell you...complete bliss.

***sniff***...sometimes they make you so proud...

See Seanachai, all is not lost. You just need to be a little more, err...sagacious in who you to take to Squire.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Stay directly in front of or behind fire trucks and ambulances.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I'm getting private calls to put the Peng Challenge Thread to sleep. Forever. Stand up, and give us your own take.

Oh, good grief! Here we go again, everybody take your seats for another act in Seanachai's Grand Guignol Extravaganza!

First it's "I don't feel hated. Everybody send me cards!". Next it was, "Let's throw a king into the works and see how that gums them up." Then he feels that he's suffering too much from life's ennui and goes into his Lillian Gish in "Broken Blossoms" routine and NOW he's contemplating pulling the plug on the MBT (Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free, so that we can mock them.)

I hear you complain that it's not like it was in the olden days. And who's fault is that? This new crop of youngsters? I hardly think so. If anyone is to blame, the finger can only be pointed at the elders who have let the traditions slip.

You can't just sit on your laurels, or your hardy's.

It's time to scream your barbaric yawp!

It's time to be an example!

It's time to buy me lunch.

[ March 11, 2003, 02:04 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Ah think tha's a grrreat story wi' a fantastic aindin'.

Where's the moral? The plot twist? The friggin love interest for the love of Berli!!! {not that there's anything wrong with that}.

You need to draw the reader in, OGSF. Seeing as you are completely unable to do it with that mishmash of the Mother Tongue, let us see if you can manage it with a setup.

Do not make it like the last couple where I buggered your King Tiger with a T-34 {the love interest}, overran your positions in the face of the Luftwaffe {the plot twist}, and beat your KV-1's like a drum {the moral – OGSF sucks. Hmm, perhaps I should have filed that under love interest}.

Try to make it interesting this time, caber tosser.

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

I'm getting private calls to put the Peng Challenge Thread to sleep. Forever. Stand up, and give us your own take.

Oh, good grief! Here we go again, everybody take your seats for another act in Seanachai's Grand Guignol Extravaganza!

First it's "I don't feel hated. Everybody send me cards!". Next it was, "Let's throw a king into the works and see how that gums them up." Then he feels that he's suffering too much from life's ennui and goes into his Lillian Gish in "Broken Blossoms" routine and NOW he's contemplating pulling the plug on the MBT (Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free, so that we can mock them.)

I hear you complain that it's not like it was in the olden days. And who's fault is that? This new crop of youngsters? I hardly think so. If anyone is to blame, the finger can only be pointed at the elders who have let the traditions slip.


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rune, A brief morale update.

We are thorughly enjoying the "Relief" scenario.

I suspect dalem is thoroughly enjoying you panzers in the pine forest scenario, heretofore to be referred to as: The car freshener scenario.

This one surely proves the vileness and evil-ity which is uncommonly yours.

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

Sometimes I even like you , Boo .

But Then I'm too afraid that you will misunderstand me.


And sometimes I want to chase you around the 'Pool with a 4lb. short handled tap hammer in my hand, but I too am afraid you'll misunderstand me.

Why is that?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

And sometimes I want to chase you around the 'Pool with a 4lb. short handled tap hammer in my hand, but I too am afraid you'll misunderstand me.

Why is that?

I'd say it's because you are attracted to him but you fear rejection. not that there is anything wrong with that...
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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

And sometimes I want to chase you around the 'Pool with a 4lb. short handled tap hammer in my hand, but I too am afraid you'll misunderstand me.

Why is that?

I'd say it's because you are attracted to him but you fear rejection. not that there is anything wrong with that... </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

How many of you realize that you are standing in the foot-steps of Gnomes, and you're coming up short?

[And in the bleak paddock, riven with wind that tears at the year's first shabby daffodil, something grey and not altogether happy inspects the imprint of something that hopped through the mud... and with a great solemnity and sullen labour a hoof is placed to measure the something's gait and stride... ]

*sniff* oh, dear... lesser-spotted, I should think, lesser-spotted and *sniff*.. hunting.

I want to see a roll-call of Cesspool participation. A 'present, sir, and I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts' sort of response to who believes, and who simply wants to be believed.

I'm getting private calls to put the Peng Challenge Thread to sleep. Forever. Stand up, and give us your own take.

*sniff* as I survey me surroundings, noting the forms that leap or burrow or scratch around with grim and dull endeavour, that *sniff* splendour needs its prima materia...

[waves a lofty limb]

... *sniff* gives better lustre.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

I'm getting private calls to put the Peng Challenge Thread to sleep. Forever. Stand up, and give us your own take.

You could do that, but I'd just keep creating a peng challenge and posting in it repeatedly, even if I'm the only one who bothers.


3) Annoyance value: I know it'd p*ss off whoever it is that wants to do away with the Peng Challenge,

1) More Annoyance value: the outies hate us, and annoying them is gratifying, and

9) I'm not quite all there.

Mace </font>

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Truly amazing. A constant, never ending thread frequented by so called masters of the Whore language. Taunting all who they believe to be ignorant(Much Obliged). To make matters even more interesting you belittle not only the ignorant, but the enlightened. I love it.

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So how often exactly is MrSpkr private calling your 900 number Seanachai ?

Well Mace (pretend it's bolded) is'nt the only one here who is sick, i've come down with a flu and i may be running a fever, and not the boogie kind.

Four chords and eleventeen years ago our founding bladders set forth to form a new thread, a thread like unto the world has never seen before, a thread so think that you could fit it into your sewing machine and knit yourself a half of mitten to stick on your head and proclaim to the world that, "I am Golax! Master of the Potatoe and creator of the Brunch!"

You see this has become something so barely above average that it would be far to great a force for any gnome to contend with.

Between me and you all i think the only kind of private calls Seanachives(pretend it's bolded) is recieving are feline in nature and ryme with cat, and coming straight from Persephone (pretend it's bolded).

My point you ask? Well mabe if you inquire about toast then ye shall find yer answer!

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Four chords and eleventeen years ago our founding bladders set forth to form a new thread, a thread like unto the world has never seen before, a thread so think that you could fit it into your sewing machine and knit yourself a half of mitten to stick on your head and proclaim to the world that, "I am Golax! Master of the Potatoe and creator of the Brunch!"

Your proctologist called. He found your head.
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*yickety thack* *yickety thack* *yickety thack*

A flagstone moves gradually oop fraim even, an' suddenly flips o'er.


A dirt-raggled wraitch clambers oot o' tha hole an' stands stooped tae look aboot tha dank an' fetid room. Haes filthy kilty as tucked oop ain tha back o' haes skid-marked white underpants. A sporran made o' rat fur as stapled tae haes shtyupid haid. Hae as obviously a compleat an' utter pillock.


Tha pillock begins tae realize tha' hae haes spaint tha last four months diggin' tae freedom wi' haes bare baboonic canine teeth, ainly tae emerge ain tha dung strewn ubliette o' tha 'Edinburgh Hoose o' Bonnetry tae tha Great Unwashed' naixt door.

Momaintarily stunned, tha twit Lars MacBaboon takes a wee dump an' falls back ain at.

Ah thank tha' as a feckin' grrreat story wi' a brilliant endin'.

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Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Four chords and eleventeen years ago our founding bladders set forth to form a new thread, a thread like unto the world has never seen before, a thread so think that you could fit it into your sewing machine and knit yourself a half of mitten to stick on your head and proclaim to the world that, "I am Golax! Master of the Potatoe and creator of the Brunch!"

Your proctologist called. He found your head. </font>
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At were tha night afore Christmas

An' all through tha hoose

No' a crrreature were stirrin'

No' e'en a moose.

Anyone heard fraim Panzerleader lately? As hae still ain therapy?


Meeks? As tha' yoo?

[ March 11, 2003, 11:23 PM: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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