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Originally posted by PlatCmdr:

...What "suffering" you gnit!? Whine-o, your posting is as gammey as your tactics. The final score resulting from your requested cease-fire: 51%-49%, with you eeking out a hair-splitting lead. I await the rematch. :mad: :mad:

When I won over mike_the_wino by a couple of percentage points, it was the consensus of this bunch of maggots that if the AI calls it a tie, it is a tie, no matter what the actual score. So don't let mike try to tell you he won.

Whatever else you can say about mike_the_wino, you have to admire his consistency. When you look up gamy or gamey in the dictionary, there is his picture. Gamey is defined as:

1. BRAVE, PLUCKY - used esp. of animals Well, I can at least agree with the animal part

2. a. having the flavor of game, esp. having the flavor of game near tainting Getting warmer

2. b. SMELLY Now we're talking

3. a. SORDID, SCANDALOUS Yes, that's much like him

3. b. CORRUPT, DISREPUTABLE Bingo, we have a winner!!

So the lesson for this morning is, no matter if you're dealing with mike_the_wino, Mike the wino2, or mike_the_squire, you know what to expect. tongue.giftongue.gif

Hey Axe, maybe it wasn't the best idea to ask you about Canada and take a shot at Red Sox fans in the same post. If I struck a nerve, please accept my humble apologies. They have made the playoffs. Maybe, just maybe, this is the year. :D

YEAH, RIGHT!! tongue.gif:D

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I have a satellite Internet connection. It is supposed to have downloads as fast as

Broadband but I haven’t taxed it yet, uploading is pathetically slooooooooooowwwwwwww. My PBEM turns take up two 3 minutes to send most times.

I have not received your e-mail yet but am looking forward to it.

Thank you sir.

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We should walk you through how to setup PBEM helper. I had trouble configuring it, but once I pointed it to the right .exe file and tweaked a couple of things, everything was golden.

I can't rave about it enough. The ease of file management and tracking is incredible. Plus, when I get emails from Axe or He Who Snarks, who also use PBEM helper, we can use the proprietary file format and I just open the file and it's automatically saved to the PBEM folder and ready to play. Lastly, they have a movie replay feature I've mentioned before that allows you to sit and watch a game movie from beginning to end (pauses between turns as the the proggie exits and loads the next movie).

[ September 26, 2003, 09:44 AM: Message edited by: Becket ]

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The main thing it needs is better installation instructions.

What you have to do is go to "add game" and edit the properties for CMBB -- it's looking for the CDV version. Once you point it to the BFC version's .exe on your hard drive, it should work -- hit refresh and it should find all the PBEM files in the first level of your PBEM folder. Then you just go in and edit the properties of each game to add your password, the opponent's email, and the method of file transfer.

The last tricky bit is configuring the program to work with your mail program. Better techies than I can probably help you with that.

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Originally posted by Becket:

The ease of file management and tracking is incredible.

So is the ease of dismantling your forces. :mad: :mad:

As I just said to Becket in the second of our five battle operation: "Look, your old friend Sparky is back. Just remember -- stop, drop and roll."


On a semi-serious note, I want to apologize to my PBEM partners if my turns seem a little slow these days. (Well, slower than usual) That GD-RL has a way of getting in the way, you know?

And an even bigger apology to Edward Windsor who is showing tremendous patience in my snail's pace in getting our AAR finished and off to him. My promised deadline of Thursday has since come and gone but I didn't know I'd be dealing with that little fender bender yesterday. :mad: And now Paula and I are going back to Belleville for the weekend so her side of the family can fette us at a garden party Saturday.

All that, plus a hefty CMAK load and an impending move in three weeks and you get the picture. Still, apologies all around. On the other hand, it is always nice to be able to say I haven't experienced boredom since about the age of 15. Too busy living.

So turns out this morning and none again until late Sunday.

I'll also send a couple of wedding and honeymoon pictures to Teddy Sunday.

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

And an even bigger apology to Edward Windsor who is showing tremendous patience in my snail's pace in getting our AAR finished and off to him.

No problems, Axe. To be honest I'm finding my role as an international man of mystery rather taxing at the moment too, which is leaving me rather less time than I like for the more trivial (yet more entertaining) things in life.

It'll be done when it's ready, etc, etc.



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Originally posted by Becket:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

I've found the Tigers Becket. In Axe's game, unfortunately for him. But one of his T-34s has Annie Oakski for a gunner, unfortunately for me.

Ask Abbott about good gunners. Don't ask the crew of his T-34, though. Unless you like getting your answers through crispy lips. </font>
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Originally posted by PlatCmdr:

What "suffering" !?

The entire scenario was like nails on a blackboard....that was the suffering alluded to. Never a mention was made in any post about anything other than what a pile of ****e this build of the scenario was. But, I guess I could have subconsciously been referring to the "suffering" that is indicative of your life, you knuckle-dragging, Budweiser-drinking, Nascar-fan, country-music-listening,inbred hick.

The final score resulting from your requested cease-fire: 51%-49%, with you eeking out a hair-splitting lead.
Dear Twitcmdr,

Thank you for acknowledging the complete and utter lack of a clear victor in this match. Perhaps your tiny bir of grey matter would look at this, spend 3 days on the math necessary to prove that my score is indeed greater than your score and then I would have spend months explaining to you how this isn't a "loss", it is a "draw".

I await the rematch.
And I am awaiting you to make a sensible post rather than your typically idiotic drivel. You must only await the end of harvest. I, on the other hand, suspect a wait measured in decades.
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*Grue wanders in, carrying a soda pop can containing Axe2121*

Grue found Axe2121 peeing in pool again!

*drops can*

Grue was told by boss 'let Grogs in, but no one else'

But Axe2121 not on list, so Grue bring him back to his home.

Grue hope you have can opener.

*wanders back to the MBT*

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by PlatCmdr:

What "suffering" !?

The entire scenario was like nails on a blackboard....that was the suffering alluded to. Never a mention was made in any post about anything other than what a pile of ****e this build of the scenario was. But, I guess I could have subconsciously been referring to the "suffering" that is indicative of your life, you knuckle-dragging, Budweiser-drinking, Nascar-fan, country-music-listening,inbred hick.</font>
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Originally posted by Dave H:

]When I won over mike_the_wino by a couple of percentage points, it was the consensus of this bunch of maggots that if the AI calls it a tie, it is a tie, no matter what the actual score. So don't let mike try to tell you he won.

No worries there Dave, he didn't try to rub it in, my conscience did.

Interesting though how enlightening Websters can be. :D

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Point of order for der Brood. When a "ceasefire" is called by both sides, for whatever reason, does the game outcome still count? I don't mean some lame ass, Dave H-esque, gamey as all get out score like 48-52 score but a Major Victory. Does it still count or is it akin to crying "uncle", throwing in the towel so to speak? Both side threw in the towel just to end the game and is considered a draw?


On a completely unrelated note, how is the BDLRM tourney going? I have never rented a mule but have had the occasional, vigorous bout of "slap and tickle", and Dave is definitely getting the "slap". Don't plan to give the lad any "tickle". How is everyone else doing?

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Did you patch things up with your maggot encrusted co-worker?

Things have been much better since I slipped her a cyanide pill :mad:

Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Point of order for der Brood. When a "ceasefire" is called by both sides, for whatever reason, does the game outcome still count? I don't mean some lame ass, Dave H-esque, gamey as all get out score like 48-52 score but a Major Victory. Does it still count or is it akin to crying "uncle", throwing in the towel so to speak? Both side threw in the towel just to end the game and is considered a draw? Thoughts?

I reckon it still counts, maggot. We only called it quits to prevent a few more turns of clicking "go" in extra time - the result was never in any doubt. The only time I'm not happy to offer or give a ceasefire is if flags are still in dispute. Congratulations, you hurt me bad and you can join Martina in my sig. Roll on CMAK! :mad: :mad: :mad: :D

Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

On a completely unrelated note, how is the BDLRM tourney going? I have never rented a mule but have had the occasional, vigorous bout of "slap and tickle", and Dave is definitely getting the "slap". Don't plan to give the lad any "tickle". How is everyone else doing?

We're nearly through and it has been a TNT-packed encounter. With only a couple of turns left, there are probably still three flags in dispute (one at the factory and the pair at the Axis map edge) so the result is still far from decided. I reckon I should be first past the post, so I don't know if Dave wants to reveal the outcome to give you other maggots something to shoot for?

In other news, I actually received a turn from MG last night. Wonders will never cease, but he is, or course, still a maggot.

Toodle pip,


Edited for extra: :mad:

[ September 27, 2003, 05:08 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

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Good god Y'all, what is this thread good for? Absolutely nuthin'

Say it again...

Good god Y'all, what is this thread good for? Absolutely nuthin'

Good morning Gentlemen. How the hell are you this fine morning? Me? Oh I am doing fine thank you. I picked up a few 2X4’s yesterday and 3 rolls of felt. I am going to frame the last wall on my addition and dry it in today. I also picked up a nice 8’ shop light with a reflector to hang above my workbench, I will get that up today as well. What a beautiful day it is gunna be! I haven't had this much fun since the hogs ate my little brother!

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Originally posted by Snarker:

[QB]Once I'm finished with some other maggots, I'll give you such a pinch!/QB]

S :mad: y :mad: u want you ass kicked as well eh? Bring it smarty pants!


Research at an English University, reveals d :mad: sn't matter in what :mad: rder the letters in a word are, the :mad: nly imp :mad: rtent thing is that there is :mad: .


Damn 8 anti-smiley limit, cramping my style. :mad:

[ September 27, 2003, 03:09 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Your conscience?!?!? You live in Las Vegas and have a conscience? Surprised they haven't put you in a glass box and displayed you at the Luxor or sumfink.

Call it selective. :D

BTW, did someone say drinks in Vegas November 22nd or 23rd?
Depending on my work schedule, that could be in order. Best I start screening now for a new liver to place on standby.
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