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Operation Störfang (Sevastopol 1942)

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In reply to your post about receiving the access code...yes, i got it quite early (start of battle 3), so think i have done quite well and 95% of my force is still intact !, though in terms of terrain covered,

SPOILER ALERT..............

the bulk of my force (afv) is still held up before waypoint 2 and bunker complex. but my infantry/FJ forces and some tanks have outflanked it completely and in battle 4 (all going well) i will move in for the kill on both the bunker complex and the airfield.

Thoroughly enjoying the battle, i've never spent roughly 14 hours playing against the AI, ever, feeling frustrated/elated/jubilant as i have in this operation!....well done Eichenbaum, great work and i am really looking forwards to the follow ons !

edit to add: would love to write AAR for battle so far, but think it would spoil it for new players fresh to your post.

PS: How gratifying is it, when you get some pioneers/infantry in close to take out those bunkers that have caused so much trouble?....very!!

[ July 03, 2003, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: JaegerMeister ]

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Very good work Jaegermeister!

It's nice to read you have much fun playing Mission Swartzekätze. That's the reason I'm occupied with this, to see people enjoy the art of war. I wondered when you would write again. Now I see you were very busy with the battle these days.

Are you interrested in testing the up-comming missions of Operation Störfang ? If yes, we can discuss the details by e-mail. It's like you wrote, we don't want to spoil the fun for new players.

icon_bbs.gif Eichenbaum

ps. How did you destroy the bunkers with your Pioneers ?

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I need some advanced players who like to test the next up-coming scenarios for Operation Storfang before they are released on the internet. Detailed AAR's and ideas are very useful for creating and finishing missions. So if you think you're the right person you can contact me by e-mail, we can discuss the details in private.

icon_bbs.gif Eichenbaum

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The first line of bunkers were taken out with plenty of smoke cover (from 105's) and some daring dashes by the pioneers into dead ground spots, a few men were hit by suddenly appearing mg bunkers, but enough got close to take them out and avenge their kameraden !...very gratifying.

And, yes i will happily try out the upcoming scenarios, time permitting (as each turn takes an age!)

I will email you later.

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WANTED : A PHP or CGI programmer who can build interactivity in Flash !

At Eichenbaum's were need a programmer who can build scripts to interact with Macromedia Flash. This has to do everything with Operation Störfang. Examples are : Saving information in a database, returning information from a database to Flash etc.

If you're the one (or you know somebody) and willing to help us out, please contact me at my e-mail address : eichenbaum@eichenbaum.org

icon_bbs.gif Eichenbaum

[ July 04, 2003, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]

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nearly through battle 4, Eichenbaum, you are a sadist !...you must have spent ages siting the guns of those bunkers with interlocking firezones !..the toughest battles i've fought against the AI and still several of them are causing me grief and mounting casualties.

Perhaps you should ask everyone to post their casualty tables at the end of the op for comparison to see who has done well and who hasn't ?

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What computer specs are people using to play this out? I have tried with my P3 1 gig and gforce-4 TI4200 video card with no success.

Moving with the camera is slower but acceptable, but waiting for the computer to plot it's moves takes 10 minuets or longer. I have had to give up because of lack of computing power.

Having a limited budget I am interested in finding out what people are using, as it seems a shame to miss out on giving this a go.


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For MarkL...i'm using a P3 Athlon 1.4 and a geforce 4200, i dont have any probs with the camera moving/panning about but i did have to wait about 10 minutes for the computer to make his moves in the earlier battles (seems to make quicker decisions in battles 3&4 of Op. I was wondering also whether processor speed increased the AI thought process?..anyone else with different/better specs know the facts on this?

As a footnote, i think the AI plays superbly in this Op, ambushing or counter-attacking when and where necessary and deploying smartly...its giving me a real tactical challenge all over the field.

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Really don't remember, but it doesn't go bad for me. I'm using a PIV with 1.4 Ghz and a Geforce 4 Ti 4200. It's true that the computer plans much faster in Ops 3 & 4, I think it's because is more static. Anyway the turn calculations aren't long due to force sizes, believe me I have played much more bigger battles, but due to the map size.

As for AI, it plays well, the only annoying deployment I found so far was on the right flank (where I as using romanian nf) cause the deployed in open ground. But really there isn't much cover in that part once you have passed the vneyards and the wooden path.

So far their infantry screwed me a bit in the central sector (I lost a full platoon due to ebing outnumbered and ambushed, and run out ofammo damn).

As for my loses, they aren't too bad, but that depends on how do u try to clear the fortress complex. If you make an assault with infantry it can be harmfull. I cleared almost all bunkers with massed tank/gun fire so I didn't have to assault them with infantry and in that sector my infantry was hidden almost all the time until they could advance w/o bunker fire and with the support of the tanks.

An excellent operation.

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My G4/500 takes a few minutes to run the turn - at least in battle 2. I haven't tried battle 3 yet (though I did get the access code at this point) - the setup areas are screwy enough that I'm about ready to write off operations entirely. I'm taking a break from it for now, at least. I'll probably get around to taking a crack at battle 3 again soon.

















In battle 2, my armor got torn apart by the Sturmoviks (AA couldn't hit jack). I lost all my halftracks, a couple trucks, most of the Pz 38s, and a StuG. Ow. Fortunately I still have four StuGs, three of them Ausf F.

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Sturmoviks ?...i haven't seen any aircraft in the Op so far from both sides (all 4 battles), and was actually thinking that it was a bit incorrect for the scale of the battle..ie a major operation! Some Luftwaffe support would surely have been called upon considering the defences and numerical forces i'm up against?

The AI is actually counter-attacking me all along the line now !...(limp-wristed Romanians!!)

So are there varying random parameters that dictate how this Op plays out?..ie do the forces differ, aircraft availability, weather etc

[ July 09, 2003, 05:00 AM: Message edited by: JaegerMeister ]

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Not really. The aircraft are there, on both sides in fact, but because of game mechanics

1) They won't fire always.

2) Even if they fire you don't have to notice it always, as far as they aren't shooting at you.

3) If you don't have clear sky they won't show up.

Those are some reasons because you haven't noticed them.

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I can help with testing the scenarios. I really enjoyed the first operation. Drop me an e-mail.

A lengthly, detailed AAR report is available in on Eichenbaum's site on the SchwartzKatze Operation. In the end I got a Minor Victory.

Here is the link.

von Nev AAR report

v. Nev

[ July 09, 2003, 04:24 PM: Message edited by: von Nev ]

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Well, the hard slog of a battle is all over, i am disapointed as i only achieved a 'minor defeat' !..That was a very tough and very enjoyable, sometimes frustrating battle. After looking over the map at the end i am wondering how i would have taken all the objectives, the map is swarming with Russians and equipment. As it is i ended up just about reaching the outskirts of the airfield but not in great numbers, and two-thirds of the bunker complex was taken out (only 3 remained).

Casualty figures were:-

cas=289 German 311 Russian

KIA=119 141

guns= 1 5

Pillbox=-0 13

vehicle=18 5

It all went horrible wrong in the 4th battle for me, casualties were very light upto that point but time started to go against me and i had to take risks.

Roll on the second Operation !...i need to impress Manstein or its mine clearing duties for me !

One thing in my defence, i played out the battles as realistically as possible, troops and AFVs stayed in the positions they ended the previous battle in (no magic hops to better terrain/different flanks) and i kept my vehicles & afvs mainly to the roads (as per the briefing stating the terrain was very rocky).

[ July 09, 2003, 06:09 PM: Message edited by: JaegerMeister ]

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Ah Von Nev, after reading your AAR i see you 'exploited' the setup zones at the beginning of each battle (glad your gamey pioneers got the chop!). But you have made the right point, the Op designers need to 'fix' the positions of certain units to maybe prevent this. Other than that it relies on the players self discipline to not use 'gamey' deployments.

Incidentally, the Russian infantry never dropped back on the flanks for me, if anything they counterattacked me down them !

Anyone know when Op B1 is being released ?..Eichenbaum?

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I think it will take sometime. Eichenbaum was out in a trip to France this week.

With a bit of luck it will be out late this weekend, but I think it has to be tested and all that, so it might get at least an extra week (or half a week).

But the best one to anwer tha question is Eichenbaum himself so you will have to wait until he is back.

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I liked the scenario however perhaps the map should be a little bit smaller (makes for better processing time)...if it is a question of getting to the other side of the map just make it lengthier? As for the bunkers...they were a pain...The advancing was strange because all you had to do was to advance to contact...wait till the next battle and then your set up area would cause the russians to move back!

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As JaegerMeister said, don't get profit of set up areas. Don't game the game.

Do not move all the troops fordward etc. Just make some minor movements and keep the troops more or less were they were (move them to cover but not much more). You just have to see that it is like if you were playing a 60 min battle.

But for various reasons Eichenbaum couldn't make it a single battle (hiding the code, ammo levels, etc).

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On the gamey tactics thing, and i'm not having a go at anyone, but i really dont understand why people want to play a tactical simulation game like CMBB which attempts to be as realistic as it can, and use arcade type tactics or 'cheats'...who are you cheating? just your own tactical skill !

In my own small way i want to emulate the difficulties that the commanders of those times endured and win in difficult circumstances as i'm sure most on this forum do, otherwise you may as well play 'suddden strike' or games like that!

..gets off high horse! :)

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I agree with your points, but to give some perspective the "Russians" in my operation warped back every time that I got close enough to attack them. So, I never had a chance to fix an enemy infantry unit in place and destroy them. They warped back (as others havc spoken about) after the end of 15 minutes. Must have been nice to get out of a jam like that. That was my point about creating some fixed infantry units. Did this occur in your operation?

My other suggestion to reduce this effect is make this a 60 scenario turn (15*4) and bring in reinforcements at set turns. That way the enemy can't escape when you close on them. This will truly better represent what you can do in 60 minutes and reduce the setup zone effect. However, I would limit the amount you are trying to accomplish in that 60 minutes.

Finally, to perhaps put the whole operation into "real world - real time" perspective what was accomplished in the 60 minutes of CMBB battle time would have taken much longer in real life. In my current experience in the Marine Corps as an infantry officer with 24th Marine Regiment that first attack on objective A would have taken a lot longer than 15 minutes. Maybe 15 minutes once all units were in position and that's if everything went like clockwork. But not manuevering all the units into place and attacking. The first 15 minutes was to me the recon and manuevering phase (as the game represented). In the second battle I was in position but when I assaulted the objective the setup zones moved all the Russians out. Additionally, recovering from that attack, organizing a defense to defeat a counterattack, tending to the wounded, resupply and redistribution of ammo and water, scouting out the next position and preparation for the next attack would be a hour at least just from the first attack. The one thing that is not modelled during the game in CMBB is this resupply and redeployment phase. This is instead represented in the time between the battles.

To your point you can take advantage of this and to the degree you are comfortable with, but I would submit if you just keep all your units in one place, this is also unrealistic. The breaks between the battles represent natural lulls in combat. You use this time to reinforce success and stop throwing forces at dead ends.

von Nev

[ July 12, 2003, 09:38 PM: Message edited by: von Nev ]

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Von Nev, i agree with what you are saying, i found it frustrating the Russians 'bugged-out' from what should be defensive positions, especially as i deployed myself to take on certain objectives only to find them un-inhabited and therefore wasting valuable time, especially, as you mentioned, the meagre 15 minute battle-time available! In Eichenbaums defence, he did release this out for 'testing' and i'm sure will take all this feedback into account for the following battles, which i'm looking forwards to, and no doubt the Ops will evolve/refine from suggestions from guys like us.

I think your idea about the 60 turn scenario with reinforcements at set turns is a good idea and like you say, would certainly cure some o the problems we've encountered so far.

A Marine huh?...glad i didn't bad mouth you ! Salute !

[ July 13, 2003, 06:23 AM: Message edited by: JaegerMeister ]

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