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When Is The U.N Finally Going To Inspect The Peng Challenge?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Posting pictures is an on again off again thing, apparently. But, if you can see this, you can see that OGSF's petite pixeltruppen decided to go for a walk in the woods on a bad day.

What's amusing is that just a few short turns before this, Groundskeeper Willie showed me a thing or two about massed fire power in close contact.

Guess he forgot about it!


Oh, come on! They are obviously just having a kip!


PSSSST!: tap...tap...tap.... hmmmmmm?

PPPS: Cheezes, Boo! You have un-reliable e-mail now un-reliable piccies. Most un-satisfactory..

[ February 26, 2003, 09:04 PM: Message edited by: AUssieJEFF ]

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Dog eats owner's finger

February 26, 2003

"A FAMILY pet tore off its owner's finger and is believed to have swallowed it during a fight with another dog yesterday.

A friend .. said she was jolted out of bed by the sound of the dogs fighting over a bone and then her friend screaming.

"I was on my hands and knees with a bucket of ice looking for it but we think one of them has eaten it," she said.

It is unknown which dog, a labrador cross ridgeback or a mongrel believed to be part terrier, had bitten off the finger during their fight".

Oh, this is TERRIBLE news Dear Lady Persephone!! Why did you not tell us that Bozo bit Berli's only typing digit off during a bone fight with Patch!

How will he post now? With his bleeding stump??

Oh, the <U>HORROR!</U>

Make sure he gets one of those tetanus injections. You know, the BIG HORSE NEEDLE IN THE BUTT-OCK type.

My obvious sympathies to you and yours,


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Posting pictures is an on again off again thing, apparently. But, if you can see this, you can see that OGSF's petite pixeltruppen decided to go for a walk in the woods on a bad day.

What's amusing is that just a few short turns before this, Groundskeeper Willie showed me a thing or two about massed fire power in close contact.

Guess he forgot about it!


Boo - you such a victor..(zero tolerance for irony)


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

[ February 26, 2003, 09:11 PM: Message edited by: lenakonrad ]

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Originally posted by EBBGHERT:

I'm sorry the road to Cathauses is closed due to snow. And I'm not sure you can get there from here, anyway. Isn't that in Greece somewhere?

The Greek police consider the case closed.Nothing further I can do.

I'm sorry...


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Anybody ready for a banana?

White man's hands slippery like rotten bananas...


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Well, I can see this is rapidly turning into the leaninkorndog & AJ thread.

Thank you .You will be rewarded for the information.


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

too crude

[ February 27, 2003, 05:26 AM: Message edited by: lenakonrad ]

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Originally posted by athkatla:

I have to report that revenge for our hopeless cricket teams dismal performance down under has been seen to be done. I have visciously whipped the butt of that depraved ossie, Noba. His drunken, vodka soaked, potato eating reds were sent packing with their tails between their legs after failing to make any headway against my grandiose umpah playing, schnapps drinking krauts.

Any messages of praise and humble grovelling from said ossie, or any of his mates, will be gratefully recieved!

Now all you have to do is avenge your soccer teams thrashing by Australia.
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Originally posted by Speedy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

I have to report that revenge for our hopeless cricket teams dismal performance down under has been seen to be done. I have visciously whipped the butt of that depraved ossie, Noba. His drunken, vodka soaked, potato eating reds were sent packing with their tails between their legs after failing to make any headway against my grandiose umpah playing, schnapps drinking krauts.

Any messages of praise and humble grovelling from said ossie, or any of his mates, will be gratefully received!

Now all you have to do is avenge your soccer teams thrashing by Australia. </font>
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Whoops,.......... stunbled into some mighty weird doins' Crikey, are we back to this Kricket Krap again?, isn't there any time when no former colony is playing this stoopid game?

lenakonrad is Jeff giving you English lessons? Sometimes your posts are almost lucid, but most of the time they are like AJ's when he is coming down off of whatever type of speed he is mainlining.

By the way Boo_, my former master, not only do your picture links not work, but you have not sent a turn in AT LEAST A FRIGGEN' WEEK!!!! Stop blaming MSN for your ineptitude, passing the buck does not suit you....passing the gas is more your speed I'm afraid.

Top o' mornin'... for those experiencing it.

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Quest for the King

Part 2:

Having figured out how to get into the PKW CL, we find our hero careening down the autobahn toward the port of Bremen. Because he has forgotten to leave any part of the vehicle uncoverd by duct tape he has no idea where he is going, but as he has yet to hit anything all seems to be going well.

Peering inside the vehicle we find that he has MOVED TO THE BACK SEAT! WHAT THE...

"Hey, don't worry I set the cruise control."

With a grilled bratwurst in one hand and a map of Luxemburg in the other, our would be king saver begins plotting his route across the stormy Atlantic.

[ February 27, 2003, 07:18 AM: Message edited by: sGTGoody ]

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Originally posted by Hawk:

Blah blah blah!

This is all wery good and true, but life's most fundemental question still haven't been answered: WTF is cmmos ???

Not to mention, WTF does WTF mean??????? Wild Togo Females? :confused:


Move along, potty mouth nothing to see here.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

By the way Boo_, my former master, not only do your picture links not work, but you have not sent a turn in AT LEAST A FRIGGEN' WEEK!!!!

You talkin' to me, Bub? So, am I to take it that you DID NOT receive the e-mail from me requesting people who had not gotten a return move from me to please resend their last move as it was lost somewhere in the ether? Or did you receive it and just not understand the request?

You know, former squire of mine, if you get any stupider, you're going to have to start wearing a helmet.

Stop blaming MSN for your ineptitude, passing the buck does not suit you.

As I recall, in our latest effort to maim and crush each other, I was shelling the living daylights out of your positions and had just gotten a penetration into one of your hunky pillboxes. I don't think you fully understand the meaning of the word "ineptitude", which is surprising. I mean, isn't it emblazoned all over your family crest? Two hillbillies fighting over a single chromasome on an azure blue field, as I recall?

I'm afraid.

Understandably. Now shut up and resend that move.

And as for the rest of you grundoons. If you have not received a move from me in the last few days, please resend your last move to me. Or you could just surrender now and get it over with.

As for the problems with MSN, now they want me to log into their "chat" line, so one of their technicians can "chat" with me about the problem. Just what i want to do, "chat" with an employee of MSN. Well, it can't be any worse than reading through one of leaninkorndog's posts.

(This ought to bring him/it/her bubbling to the surface for another series of semi-legible rants.)

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Okay, caught up with the threads after another massive dose of RealLife™ and discovered that I have a small part in this passion play.

M'lord Boo, I would remind you that war is an art, and not simply an excuse to wear khaki. And likening anyone to the French is, under UN charter 183.b, grounds for sanctions, war, or at least having "Joanie loves Chachi" broadcast non-stop into the homes of the offenders. Need I say more?

I will gladly meet Dame Moraine on the field of honorable combat. Not that this is an issue of her honor, or that I have any myself. Hmm, a taunt is in order, but nothing over the top. Regardless of the people with whom she associates, she remains a Lady of the Pool.

"I wave my hand at you and your puny, silly girlish notions of total war. Hah! If you can keep your troops from playing "he loves me, he loves me not" with the daisy-chained mines then this may be worthwhile. Lowly squire I may be, yet still a member of the Nefarious Legions. We need no excuse to trample the lowly and weak. My House was spawned from a lawyer, established by a Croda, and is now run by Boo. You think you have anything that can make a dent in me after that?"

Madam, you may send me a set-up, how 'bout something urban from 1945? Gotta love that Gotterdämmerung. Just a suggestion.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

By the way Boo_, my former master, not only do your picture links not work, but you have not sent a turn in AT LEAST A FRIGGEN' WEEK!!!!

You talkin' to me, Bub? So, am I to take it that you DID NOT receive the e-mail from me requesting people who had not gotten a return move from me to please resend their last move as it was lost somewhere in the ether? Or did you receive it and just not understand the request?

You know, former squire of mine, if you get any stupider, you're going to have to start wearing a helmet.

Stop blaming MSN for your ineptitude, passing the buck does not suit you.

As I recall, in our latest effort to maim and crush each other, I was shelling the living daylights out of your positions and had just gotten a penetration into one of your hunky pillboxes. I don't think you fully understand the meaning of the word "ineptitude", which is surprising. I mean, isn't it emblazoned all over your family crest? Two hillbillies fighting over a single chromasome on an azure blue field, as I recall?

I'm afraid.

Understandably. Now shut up and resend that move.

And as for the rest of you grundoons. If you have not received a move from me in the last few days, please resend your last move to me. Or you could just surrender now and get it over with.

As for the problems with MSN, now they want me to log into their "chat" line, so one of their technicians can "chat" with me about the problem. Just what i want to do, "chat" with an employee of MSN. Well, it can't be any worse than reading through one of leaninkorndog's posts.

(This ought to bring him/it/her bubbling to the surface for another series of semi-legible rants.) </font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

If you are quite capable of checking your in-box, which is quite doubtful in light of this ranting, you will see that I have sent turn number 22 AT LEAST THREE FRIGGEN' TIMES!!! Have the terrorists released STOOPID GASS in Ohio, or what?

As I am not home right now, but rather, at the office, I cannot check my inbox to see if this is indeed the case, or if you just sent them all in the last five minutes, you burbling charlatan. But, rest assured, looking for your message will be job one when I get home this evening (yeah, right.)

lenakonrad is seeming very bright to me lately.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please return your seats back into the upright positions and lock your tray-tables as we prepare for Nidan1's final approach to madness."
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Another Dispatch from the Front!

In a hard fought battle, the forces of the Motherland have dispatched the fascist scum led by the imported Swedish Leader (a Gustavus Adolphus he's not), Lt. Hortlund, due to a {wait for it}.....








Nothing like snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, eh Hortland?

Don't bother playing with green troops, use conscripts and just play against the truly incompetent.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Remember that your teenager is under 12 when buying tickets.

Now sod off.

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snipped utter garbage from the ex-convict, AUssieJEFF...........thought they learnt to speak English down there!
Oi, dafthead, I see you managed to raise your slobbering beer filled belly off the desk long enough to find your keyboard and get someone with a little more intelligence than a dyslexic fly to type out your usual drivel!! Well it doesn't hurt me old bean, stick it where the sun don't shine, if you can reach that far round. I'd challenge you, but I'm too busy, and anyway you're not worth it, it would be over in 5 turns!!

And Nobhead, so I made a slight mistake in identifying who was playing which side! I STILL WON................DIDN'T I???

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Originally posted by athkatla:

And Nobhead, so I made a slight mistake in identifying who was playing which side! I STILL WON................DIDN'T I???

Interestingly enough, this translates into "I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but I'm damn good at it!"

Are you, by any chance, middle management?

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Lars:

<font size=-1>In a hard fought battle, the forces of the Motherland have dispatched the fascist scum led by the imported Swedish Leader (a Gustavus Adolphus he's not), Lt. Hortlund, due to a {wait for it}.....


Let's not mince words here - it wasn't so much a hard drive crash as an attack by Leutnant Hortlund's X-fighters on the exhaust trench of the hard-drive death-star.

That poor laser tower never stood a chance.

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The Russian infantry forces of the long-absent Nestor were given a rude surprise last night, when my forces of the Reich unveiled the new Wonder Weapon, the dreaded (for him) Sonderkraftuberschleppenfan155 Ausf. A

As his infantry advanced over the open ground behind (what he thought) was an impeneterable smoke screen....my troops plugged the Sonderkraftuberschleppenfan155 Ausf A, into a handy outlet and swooosh, blew away the smoke.

What happened next is too horrible to describe, but suffice to say, the now exposed sons of the Rodina were horribly cut to pieces.

Strike up the "Horst Wessel Lied", break out the sauerkraut, "Sieg, Sieg"

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