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Company HQ Leadership Bonuses

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Originally posted by Colonel J Lee:

The manual for CMBB (and CMBO) says that if a Platoon HQ is eliminated, a subordinate squad will receive the leadership bonuses of a Company HQ whose command the Platoon HQ was under. Will the squad receive the bonus from the Company HQ IF THE PLATOON HQ IS STILL ALIVE, but "OUT OF RANGE" of the squad???

Yes, whichever is closest controls the troops. Which means in certain situations you can create an uber platoon and use them as you wish.

For example, you have a Co.HQ with good stealth skills, you can take a Pioneer squad, a rifle squad, a LMG, an AT team and slink off into the woods and set 'em up to create a much needed diversion, ambush etc. mix them as needed, I've used this "platoon building" many times. The only downside is the nuisance factor of "double clicking" your chosen squads Platoon HQ and telling the whole platoon to go in the opposite direction and up jumps your hidden rifle/Pioneer squad and marchs off, you've got to be careful of that.


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Col. Lee;

As an example, the cards deal you a company of Panzergrenadier and a platoon of Pioneers.

You notice a great spot on your right flank to set up an ambush, but, you want a special mixed unit to do the damage. You select one rifle squad, one Pioneer squad, a LMG etc. When you put the selected forces near the Co. HQ they all have the "red" command line. If, for some unforeseen reason any of the chosen(orphaned) squads are no longer under the Co.HQ command they will revert to a "black" out of command line to their original platoon HQ.

If you do not notice this and you "double click" their original platoon HQ and give an "advance" command(or whatever) to the entire platoon, and that "black" line extends all the way across the map to the distant "orphaned" squad, that "orphaned" squad you worked so diligently to get into position, will follow the command given and jump up and "advance" along with the rest of their original platoon.

Hope this is clear enough,


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Actually, guys...I didn't know about EITHER of these logistical/command phenomenon! Well...would it then be wise to order your platoon squads one unit at a time instead of doing a "combined all-in-one platoon order" to the Platoon HQ? Wouldn't that prevent the "stray" squad (with the ad-hoc Cpy HQ platoon) from going off to his original commander (that is, following his original commanders orders contrary to your wishes)?

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Originally posted by Colonel J Lee:

Actually, guys...I didn't know about EITHER of these logistical/command phenomenon! Well...would it then be wise to order your platoon squads one unit at a time instead of doing a "combined all-in-one platoon order" to the Platoon HQ? Wouldn't that prevent the "stray" squad (with the ad-hoc Cpy HQ platoon) from going off to his original commander (that is, following his original commanders orders contrary to your wishes)?

Yup, and the "wandering, looking for their original HQ" phenomenon is not that prevailent actually. Usually by the time I "forget" that the Co.HQ has his own platoon of specialists I'm in the thick of things and am down to giving the individual squads specific commands(which means, I once again am scrambling just to stay alive! :( )


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when i've got a battalion sized force, i'll take the battalion hq, the company hqs, and all of the section and gun platoon leaders and put them together... then i parcel them out one by one as the 'glue' holding the heavy weapons of the force together...

for instance i'll look for any hq with good stealth and put it with some units i want to remain hidden...

the infantry platoon hqs stay with their platoons, but all of the other hqs are treated pretty much the same.. the ones with the great bonuses get the toughest tasks...

if i have an abundance of these hqs... the ones with no bonuses sometimes end up being scouts in tandem with tank hunters or sharpshooters...

but 'detached' platoon hqs (from mg and heavy weapons companies), section hqs, company hqs and battalion hqs.. i treat them all roughly the same...

yes i'll put each heavy and support weapon type in a little 'stack'.. separate the infantry platoons out.. and all of those 'independent' hqs in their own 'stack'...

sometimes i have gotten upwards of 10 50mm mortars attached to a single 'independent' hq...

that is hopefully a bit of a shock to the opponent!


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Originally posted by manchildstein (ii):

but 'detached' platoon hqs (from mg and heavy weapons companies), section hqs, company hqs and battalion hqs.. i treat them all roughly the same...

That sounds too simple to me. You can treat company and battalion HQs as equal, but since section HQs cannot command infantry squads they have to be issued to weapon teams, while the higher HQs can also command an infantry reserve or stay close to the squads to take over in case one of the platoon HQs is killed or a squad drops out of command for whatever reason. If you keep that in mind, you should do fine.


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how can you tell what HQ is in command of particular weapons teams? If you double click on a HQ, will it include weapons teams under its command (MG, Mortar, Bazooka, etc. etc.)? I'm curious, because, apart from the HQ specifically assigned to a weapons team/specialist, I was wondering if ANY nearby Platoon or Company HQ could exert command over them. Please clarify. THANKS.

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Watch for the red command lines. The closest HQ will be in command of a weapons team, except(there is always one exception) when the HQ w/two stars(command bonus) is further away yet has stronger command traits.

It's easiest just to watch for the red command lines, except........just kidding. Watch for the command lines and you'll be o'k.


edited 'cause of poor typing skills.

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