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Attention South Of England Players - you are cordially summoned to this thread...

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Originally posted By Holien

Captain would you like to dance?

Do you mean in round 2 or as a bit on the side (oooer)? I'm always up for a bit on the side so mail me at the address in my profile if you are.

I don't really have a problem with random troop quality as you get more grunts to make up for low quality. The problem is when half of them shoot themselves in the foot or go down with Dysentery, and that King Tiger you bought develops engine trouble on the way to the front.


Should we put this to the vote?

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Back on line and firing hard. Sorry about the drop out, nasty case of RL

As for our Battle: turn 19. And Andreas obviously hasn't realised that my SPGs never go out alone...look out for the hull down nasty!

On the subject of casualties, can't explain yet, but add another unfortunate to the inbalance list. Explain later.

Oh, one last thing...you keep shooting up anything on that ridge Andreas...I'm enjoying it! :cool:

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Well, Mr Blue has re-appeared, and we had a rather pointless shootout between one Valentine (still mine) and two of his Naziscumselfpropelledgameygunsofwagneriandoomwithlongnames.

His infantry is still suffering. Since we have had enough war-porn in the form of firing friggin tanks, I hereby submit my IwillmakehimweepbylettinghimknowhowmuchIknowabouthiseverymove graphic below.


So, blue arrows are Mr. Blue's force movements (well - d'uh!). His northern approach is an infantry only move in strength. I don't know what he wants there, but I am sure I'll find out someday. He has another 10 turns or so to waste bimbling about, after all.

His central approach is the one that has his Stormtroopers eating dust at the hands of my Ewokemulating superiorly spirited young Pinko bastiches. So he brought up two SPGs that could not hit a barndoor if it was leaning against their Mündungsbremse.

The red lines are infantry positions I believe he knows about, and the red dots are tanks he knows about. There are more of either. Oh yes, guess WHOISONTHEVLSWAITING? Hint, they don't wear Feldgrau and jodel.

Because of his frustration he is now committing environmental warcrimes by dropping small amounts of HE onto THE LARCH (see above post, some pages back). Greenpeace is disgusted, and a whale will drop from a big height onto his forces (forces in waiting, more like it), just when it is developing a sense of being.

Now, it is Friday night and I have not been drinking. You should be scared.

Edit: to add that the two blue dots are his SPGs. What they do where they are baffles me. If there are points awarded for baffling your opponent, I am in trouble deep in the tourney.

[ April 04, 2003, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: Andreas ]

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The perfideous communist fails to point out that his Valentine also exhibited a stunning display of barn door missing!

As for being able to see what he thinks I'm up to...well, you carry on then!

I have so far seen a troop (oops, Russian - platoon) of tanks, T34s, Valentines, and so on. Tediously predictable I'd say...Mr Brown obviously doesn't know what flavour of Ubersuperjadgcat tank destroyer I have yet, so I wont say...

The battle continues.

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I am happy - cough - to report we have set a new record this turn for the number of penetrations scored for no apparent effect. Two AT guns and a PzIV at just 180m into a KVs side have beaten our previous total of six penetrations in a single turn. Yes we now have a magnificent SEVEN in a single turn. W00t!

The last T34 took another five penetrations from an AT gun including track and gun hits at 200m, but again just reversed away unconcernedly. The KV is under fire from two different sides by the PzIV and another AT gun as yet seems to be OK despite two side penetrations.

Now standing at THIRTY SEVEN penetrations through various Russian tanks for a grand total of two abandoned, and NO actual kills :eek: I must have fired 70 plus AP rounds now. I'm pretty sure I have found a small bug with one AT gun which would explain the bizarre (lack of) performance, and will post a screenie at the battles end, which as we are on Turn 34 is extremely imminent.

If the Russians do win this then I will claim a long term win anway as the crews drop dead of hypothermia and exposure overnight :D

[ April 05, 2003, 09:54 AM: Message edited by: Rex Bellator ]

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Originally posted by Sailor Malan:

The perfideous communist fails to point out that his Valentine also exhibited a stunning display of barn door missing!

As for being able to see what he thinks I'm up to...well, you carry on then!

I have so far seen a troop (oops, Russian - platoon) of tanks, T34s, Valentines, and so on. Tediously predictable I'd say...Mr Brown obviously doesn't know what flavour of Ubersuperjadgcat tank destroyer I have yet, so I wont say...

The battle continues.

Tediously predictable yet very efficient at slaughtering his sheeplike German infantrymen in their doomed attempts to break into my defensive perimeter.

Both of us have finally started hitting stuff. Which is a something of a change. Clangs of metal were reported on both sides.

The battle continues, but so far the outcome is not in doubt. To me, at least.

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Yeah! The 38th penetration (side turret KV1) gives me my first outright kill! A KV is finally deceased to my PzIV. I also seemingly shot down most of the surviving Russian infantry on the right flank that turn. It looks pretty good for a win for me now, although I've (seriously) never worked so hard for one and credit is due to PK. Turn 35 next...

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Well I've tried all the links, Googled myself silly, and groveled to get a few screenies hosted but give up now.

So I'll just have to announce in somber and sobre text that the THE BLOODY GERMANS HAVE ONLY GONE AND WON ONE! Ahem. On that last turn the last light tank bailed out under a hail of hand grenades, and the threat of PzIV flank shots forced the last KV to back away from the objective and stay there. So I got all the objectives, and in the last few turns had knocked several tanks out, which swung it late on to a major victory to me.

The Reds took twice as many infantry casualties, and at the end lost 4 tanks in total to my 1 tank, 1 Halftrack, and 1 Kubelwagen. I knew I had mangled his infantry pretty bad, but his KVs had piled up 54 of my men with cannister and still had plenty of rounds left at the end.

I can honestly say that I've never had to work so hard for a win, and PK fought an excellent game. Hitting him with Arty early on to keep him off the objectives was probably the single most important event in the game. If his SMGs had got into those woods first I would have been in real trouble.

The possible bug with the 42/L50 AT gun is that it is showed in the unit display as being a 28.9mm AT gun. That gun used up it's entire allotment of 46 Tungsten rounds, and couldn't even take out a T60 after hitting it 10 times. It did get a T34 though, by blowing the tracks off and panicking the crew. However according to it's units stats it should be able to handle them frontally anyway.

My other 75mm AT gun achieved nothing aside from drilling more holes over long range in various tanks, he was also virtually out of ammo. I had IIRC 38 penetrations by the end, and might have hoped for about 20 dead tanks ordinarily out of that lot!

A fine game which turned decisively my way in the last 5 turns or so, and now we await the results of the last two games, Sailor Malan & Andreas, and Edward & Soddball.

If those two are finished or ceasfired by the end of the week we could do the draw for round two early next week, but please don't worry guys if you need more time, we budgeted to the end of the month anyway.

[ April 08, 2003, 09:12 AM: Message edited by: Rex Bellator ]

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Well, sadly it doesn't get much more comprehensive than this...


Thanks for organising the tourny Rex and well played Mr Pink ... a very worthy victor - I just hope you get your bottom soundly spanked in the next round.

You've done so well I'm going to let you stop with the "cocounts" and start on the "coconuts".

Mr Green

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Originally posted by Rex Bellator:

Well I've tried all the links, Googled myself silly, and groveled to get a few screenies hosted but give up now.

Could have emailed me...

A Mr.Pink, a true "pinko in training" I guess. Good thing you spanked the invaders.

Mr.Blue seems to be afflicted by another nasty dose of Real Life™.

Well, I just go back to reading the philosophical essays on the Matrix website. If I blow up his SPGs in the forest while the action runs on my computer, are they really destroyed? And was Cypher's steak just right, or a bit too bloody (a bit like Mr.Blue's victims, err, soldiers...)?

Questions, questions...

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Yep, it's high time the old thread was retired in a blaze of glory, for me anyway - hah.

Andreas has kindly hosted my screenies so you can all gaze in wonder (possibly) at how it should be done for the Germans. First the result:


Then the final situation:


and the oddness that is the 42/L50 AT gun:


Thanks Andreas.

I'll hopefully be doing the draw for round two by Sunday, after I've thought about the parameters a bit more. In true cup style it looks like we will be having one game as Player v's Andreas or Sailor Malan unless they want to negotiate a ceasefire by the end of the week.

That's it for this thread - lookout for SEPTIC II on a board near you...

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I might be way off the mark but the key seems to be get the flags first and sit and beat off the attacks?

Would that be a fair view?

As for the next game how about and attack / defend game?

Would that be too unfair?

I have not played many (these being my first) QB's and I am not sure how it would stack up?

As it is just for fun I am happy to play an Attack / Defend as it will require a different thought process than the meeting engagement.

I know I have been spolied with ROW's and playing scenarios blind so i have forgotten how the QB's stack up.


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Fair point, but knowing that your opponent is going to make a balls out rush for the objective straight away can give you an advantage, especially if you can get a line of sight to likely approaches on the opposite side. Even a blind Arty barrage can ruin it. However, I only chose MEs because both players have plenty of scope for manoeuvre, and don't mind if another format is preferred for round 2.

Anyway for more discussion and for all your SEPTIC needs please post on the new thread. This oldie is at the magical 300 post mark and needs to be laid to rest...

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