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Oh bugger, I suppose I'll have to report another three pointless penetrations on a T-34, two front turret and one side this turn, and it's still driving around. I reckon fifteen penetrations and still no tank kills for me so far. What the hell are AT guns for I wonder :confused:

Meanwhile my infantry are still hanging on to the objectives despite massive casualties to canister at point blank range. Whole fresh squads are wiped out in one blast, but we've got plenty of 'em. Turn 28 now, still a fun game despite PK's l33t invulnerable tank hack.

I would post the latest piccy but my image hoster has gone down. Can anyone host for me or suggest another hosting site?

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W00t! Thanks Gary. And thanks also for the suggestion Soddball but IIRC Village Photos have a limited amount of views per photo? I think I tried them once and the image stayed up for about 10 mins on this busy forum.

On the screenshot you are looking from the Russian side toward my postition, and the three big Russian infantry attacks are shown. I'm pretty sure I shot them all to pieces by the time they reached where the red line crosses the arrow. I have spotted a few survivors trying to pluck up the courage for another attack behind his KVs though, so I may have more work to do yet.

The two light tanks and two T-34s which went in on the Russian left flank are the ones which look like Swiss cheese. My AT guns have riddled them mainly through their sides, but they're all still rolling around. Just off screen to the left PK sent a lone platoon after one air conditioning installer - aka an AT gun - but that has been seen off as well.

So as we get to the last few turns it's just a question of how close his uber tanks dare to get to my heroic infantry to try and dispute the objectives. It's going to be a very tense finish.

[ March 24, 2003, 05:44 PM: Message edited by: Rex Bellator ]

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Originally posted by Rex Bellator:


I would post the latest piccy but my image hoster has gone down. Can anyone host for me or suggest another hosting site?


If you are after some free webspace try a search here ..... (no popups, ads or adult stuff)Free Webspace ....there are hosts offering free space for personal or business use ... some upto 999 megs without any ads !

I dont know if they are any good or how reliable / fast they are, but it may be worth a look.


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Thanks Lou2000 I'll check it out now. Right after I've just posted this vent:

BAH!!! Three more side and rear turret hits at close range from a 75mm gun tank, a front hull penetration and a grenade bundle hit on this turn alone and still I've killed nothing! I now tally around 45 AP shots fired, 25 hits, and 17 penetrations! Oh and my HMGs are proving as useless as the AT guns as they are permenantly jammed!

It looks certain that I'm going to lose this game due to the devils own luck. No wonder the Russian players have won all the previous games, their tanks are invunlerable and their infantry are stacked up with SMGs.

Bah! I say again BAH!

Thanks, I feel better now :D

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On turn 25 out of turn 30, I can feel victory, slick and lubricated, sliding in and out of my grasp.

On the plus side, Mr Green has saved me a huge amount of work by dropping his heavy artillery on his own positions. Marvellous stuff.

On the minus side, my green troops are quite tired from chasing his troops all over the battlefield and are down to about half their ammo load.

Edited because I forgot who my opponent was smile.gif

[ March 26, 2003, 06:58 AM: Message edited by: Soddball ]

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Originally posted by Soddball:

On the plus side, Mr Green has saved me a huge amount of work by dropping his heavy artillery on his own positions. Marvellous stuff.

It's the sole way I can persuade the idle buggers to get off their bottoms and show some enthusiasm for the task in hand.

I've been outclassed and outplayed by Mr Pink and the only things greener than my moniker are my troops.

I have a nasty feeling the best man is going through to the next round ... life can be so unfair.


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Oh happy day! I may be getting made redundant tommorow but am I downhearted? No! And why not? Because I KILLED A SOVIET TANK pcangry.gif:D

It's taken until Turn 30 but I scored another SIX penetrations that turn on a KV, a T34, and a T-60, plus two more grenade bundles hitting, and the T-34 is demised. I think a T-60 might finally be in trouble as well as it is immobilised and surrounded by a platoon of angry Kraut infantry, plus an AT gun on a 99% hit chance at the start of next turn.

That has got me back in it, but PK's infantry assault from behind his KVs was bigger than expected and it's very close to call.

So take heart any German players remaining, you only need to penetrate them a mere twenty five times before one will die!

[ March 26, 2003, 08:49 PM: Message edited by: Rex Bellator ]

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Five more penetrations this turn on the T-60 from AT and Grenadle Bundles (making at least 10 in total) and the crew have just voluntarily abandoned it :eek: , but it still counts. I'm begining to wonder about the game when a little light tank is so utterly shot to pieces and is still not knocked out until the crew decide they've had enough. Perhaps with my new found free time I might start testing again, I'm sure BFC will just love to hear that ;)

Game still too close to call...

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Originally posted by Sailor Malan:

Battle between me and Andreas has now been started. He appears to have shed loads of tanks. Now turn 15. Next few turns will probably reveal the result!

Ah yes. I will provide some screenshots for entertainment tonight. I hope by then my Valentine will have dispatched his SPG to the place where naughty things on tracks roll when they have been punctured repeatedly.

His infantry started a valiant assault on my perimeter. They looked very impressed with the return fire from that attempt, and are now busy licking their wounds, errr, regrouping.

Mr. Blue is still coming over the crest of that hill. Well, trying to anyway.

The assembly of soldiers and proletarians of my unit would personally like to thank the wise Comrade Stalin for giving us all those neato tanks.

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OK, I've got plenty of time to browse back and update the thread :rolleyes: and this is where we are at the moment:

Holien, Makes The Jelly Judder, Lucky Strike, and Prester John have all won as the Russians and are awaiting the kick off of round 2.

PK v Rex Bellator

Captain Pies v Iain Fuller

Soddball v Edward Windsor

Andreas v Sailor Malan

All ongoing, and seem to be very well advanced. Edward has dropped the hint that he might be about to allow the Soviets to make it 5 out of 5, but I can't tell who is on top in the other battles (including mine!). PK and me are well into injury time now, and hopefully I'll find out that I'm the Manchester United of CMBB at any moment.

I guess my and PK's game will be over within the next few days, ETAs on the other three would be appreciated.

As we near Round 2 it's probably a good time to discuss the format now. I was simply going to suggest the same parameters but in August 1943, but have realised (from facing them in another PBEm at the moment) that Tigers are utterly invulnerable in that period and also very affordable.

So then, shall I propose a no purchase rule for Tigers if we do 8/43? Please can you all let me know your thoughts ASAP. I'd still like to go 42/43/44/45 for the rounds to the final if possible though. Of course if we ban Tigers we could open up a whole can o'worms, as Stugs and Panthers are pretty invulnerable against 76mms as well, but at least they have a weak side. Decisions decisions...at the moment I'm also thinking of shifting it to very early or very late '43.

[ April 01, 2003, 06:36 PM: Message edited by: Rex Bellator ]

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Re: Iain Fuller Vs Captain Pies

Our game has stalled a little over the last week as Iain has been busy with college course work and I have had machine problems. SP at the moment is I hold both flags on the map and my T34s have fought off a small infantry assault on the main village. All Iains SPW's are dead and my KV gunners are sitting around drinking tea and talking about the medals they are going to get. A Marder Iain was fielding has dissappeared into the weeds somewhere but he is now pummeling my main position in the village with heavy caliber Arty to devastating effect. A suspected Tank has also just popped up on my exposed left flank, which worries me since I haven't seen any German tanks so far and was wondering where they all were :(

So far I think I'm on top

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Originally posted by Rex Bellator:

ETAs on the other three would be appreciated.

Hello Rex.

Hope you're managing to enjoy your career break as much as you can.

We're currently ticking over at a turn or so a day and we're up to 27, although I think there's a fair chance we could go into time added on for sheer incompetence.

I'm currently holding a couple of flags, but that's more a comment on how annoying I can be than a testament to my tactical genius or a true reflection of how the battle is going.

If the need to start the second round is urgent, we can ceasefire to reveal who the lucky winner is.

Chin chin,

Mr Green

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Another result just in! We have a win for Captain Pies who has just taken the surrender of Iain Fuller so congratulations and commiserations to both as aproppriate.

Cpt Pies has said that Iain was handicapped by poor troop quality and pre-battle casualties to important units. Therefore he would like to see a standard Medium quality and No casualties setting for the next round. Please give some feedback on this. Personally if I make it to Round 2 I'll be happy to keep Random settings, but what do they guys who have made it through already think.

After a bit of tinkering this morning I think that by shifting the next round date from 8/43 to 11/43 it will balance things up more i.r.o. the armour. The German player could buy at most one Tiger which at that time of year could have bogging problems to contend with as well. It could be faced by four SU-85s which I think is reasonable odds. Again input is appreciated.

Oh yes, that's 5-Nil to the Russians now :eek:

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BTW Rex: late 43 sounds good. There will be SU-85s, and there will be Tungsten for the 76mm guns. I think Kip believes this to be one of the most balanced periods in terms of armour technology.

I think we can leave random casualties, but I would do away with random troop fitness. Random quality can stay, as far as I am concerned.

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I'll go with the flow on this but the situation that Iain and I experienced was a major armour imbalance. I had 3 T34's and 2 KV's he had a Marder and possibly one tank. I haven't received his surrender file yet so cannot confirm exactly what he was left with after casualties were applied. Iain can you let us know?

A situation like this is probably a one off but wouldn't occur if Casualties were not set as random.

Besides, my unfair advantage has given me an over-inflated sense of my own tactical skills and I'll need taking down a peg or two in the next round.


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Originally posted by Captain Pies:

A situation like this is probably a one off but wouldn't occur if Casualties were not set as random.

Oh no it wasn't..! I know it's too late for me and not really any of my business but I suffered a similar fate. Only difference was that I chose not to prolong the agony after I quickly lost my meagre 3 German armoured units (2 PzIVs & 1 PzII) to PJs 5 rampaging T34s. In short, if I were still in the tourney I would be voting against random pre-game casualties..


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You think you had it tough?! Two PZIVs and a Pz II against 5 T-34s sounds like luxury to me. I've fought a whole battle with a single PZIV against four KVs and T34s and two T-60s.

And when I get home after a 72 hour shift for sixpence every four years my wife slices me in two with the bread knife and dances about on my grave singing hallelujah.

[ April 03, 2003, 06:04 PM: Message edited by: Rex Bellator ]

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Captain would you like to dance?

As for imbalance the skill level of troops makes it a lot harder to work with poor quality troops.

Poor German Armour vs Soviet super tanks (or vice versa) is also an issue.

As this is just for fun I am happy with what the majority go with.

So far it does seem the Germans in the first round were at a disadvantage? What are the odds against all the Germans losing if things were balanced?


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