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Oh my GOD, not only do I have to see England snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with 2 balls to spare, I also have to witness the luckiest shot ever in CMBB. The KV hit me instantly in it's 2 second 'window of opportunity' and the result was 'Front Penetration At Weak Point - Knocked Out'.

Unbelievable. F*ing unbeliavable!

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Originally posted by Gary T:

... His jeeps seem strangely bulletproof though...

Ah ha those jeeps. Might appear to be normal...


However ... Sergeant Bursolov be kind enough to lower your cloaking device ...


As you can see these are one of Uncle Joe's new secret weapons (along with the trucks) This is the new MiniJS1 sporting a 122mm squash L/70 main gun, driven by specially trained units from the SGD (Short Guards Division). They will lull your Stugs into a false sense of security before reeping a terrible revenge - I suggest that you devote all of your manpower to their immediate destruction if you wish to survive :D

Mr Black

[ March 02, 2003, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: Lucky_Strike ]

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Originally posted by Rex_Bellator:

Oh my GOD, not only do I have to see England snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with 2 balls to spare, I also have to witness the luckiest shot ever in CMBB. The KV hit me instantly in it's 2 second 'window of opportunity' and the result was 'Front Penetration At Weak Point - Knocked Out'.

Unbelievable. F*ing unbeliavable!

I was gutted about the cricket as well. What was Mr Anderson thinking bowling short and wide.

Hehe apolgies for the KV, I think he had three shredded wheat this morning. ;)

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I am still machine-gunning Mr.Blue's truck, and to add to the enjoyment and hilarity, I am also throwing HE at some of his infantry. Apart from that, I guess I have to turn once my forces reach the opposite end of the map to engage him. He seems to be of the methodical, Monty-like sort. Well, never play 'attrition' with a Russian force, you know you are going to lose.

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I was gutted about the cricket as well. What was Mr Anderson thinking bowling short and wide.

Hehe apolgies for the KV, I think he had three shredded wheat this morning. ;)

LOL, no worries PK and please excuse my rant, but that was without doubt the most amazing shot I've seen in CMBB. I checked my odds for hitting the KV and they were 5%, so I thought you'd have about the same against me, then I thought that the armour would be enough to deflect it anyway.

What really got me was that I checked the armour quality and nothing was listed so it is 100%, and no shot traps in sight, but still a weak point is found. All told it was probably hundreds to one against that actually happening :(;) , and must translate as a hit on a drivers vision slit at 720m on a speeding Panzer with only a few seconds to aquire and shoot. It's enough to make any watching Abrams hand over his laser rangefinders and drive off a cliff. You are now you well ahead in our game, but it aint over yet, and my luck will certainly change muhahahaha etc. etc.

In the cricket I didn't really blame Anderson, he's a novice and he's asked to go in against the best side in the world where every ball was vital and the world is watching, no wonder he lost it. I would like to have a go at Nasser, why on earth did he put Anderson in when he had Caddick with a spare over and figures of 4-35. IMHO it was his bonkers decision to use the novice who was having a bad day and forget about the veteran who was on form that probably cost England the game.

[ March 02, 2003, 11:17 PM: Message edited by: Rex_Bellator ]

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Originally posted by Andreas:

I am still machine-gunning Mr.Blue's truck, and to add to the enjoyment and hilarity, I am also throwing HE at some of his infantry. Apart from that, I guess I have to turn once my forces reach the opposite end of the map to engage him. He seems to be of the methodical, Monty-like sort. Well, never play 'attrition' with a Russian force, you know you are going to lose.

And this is what the Brown camp calls effective engagement!

To quote a recent radio exchange on my side.

"Hello Able leader, Able Charlie here. Contact, grid ref [CENSORED}. I have [CENSORED] at [CENSORED] to my front. [CENSORED]. Out"

"Able leader here. Recieved. Out"

"Able leader to all Able call signs, contact at grid ref [CENSORED]. The wild life has been flushed. Execute [CENSORED]. Out"

As you can see, my totally confident kampfgruppe is using English radio procedure, to fox the nasty Reds. That and I can't do German (lang or radio!)

The merriment begins. But only if our Red fiend does something more effective than lug small shells from 00's of meters away!

Mr Blue.

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Originally posted by Rex_Bellator:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I was gutted about the cricket as well. What was Mr Anderson thinking bowling short and wide.

Hehe apolgies for the KV, I think he had three shredded wheat this morning. ;)

LOL, no worries PK and please excuse my rant, but that was without doubt the most amazing shot I've seen in CMBB. I checked my odds for hitting the KV and they were 5%, so I thought you'd have about the same against me, then I thought that the armour would be enough to deflect it anyway.

What really got me was that I checked the armour quality and nothing was listed so it is 100%, and no shot traps in sight, but still a weak point is found. All told it was probably hundreds to one against that actually happening :(;) , and must translate as a hit on a drivers vision slit at 720m on a speeding Panzer with only a few seconds to aquire and shoot. It's enough to make any watching Abrams hand over his laser rangefinders and drive off a cliff. You are now you well ahead in our game, but it aint over yet, and my luck will certainly change muhahahaha etc. etc.

In the cricket I didn't really blame Anderson, he's a novice and he's asked to go in against the best side in the world where every ball was vital and the world is watching, no wonder he lost it. I would like to have a go at Nasser, why on earth did he put Anderson in when he had Caddick with a spare over and figures of 4-35. IMHO it was his bonkers decision to use the novice who was having a bad day and forget about the veteran who was on form that probably cost England the game.


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In response to my MiniIS/jeep secret weapon, it looks like Mr Crimson has introduced a secret weapon of his own ...


and more ...


These new psychedelic storm troops have struck fear in the hearts of our people. They carry new high powered laser weapons which have already taken-out one of my MiniIS jeeps. However the brave soldiers of the Motherland will fight on and have just got a new consignment of lend-lease Hot Dog vending carts with which they hope to distract the filthy sausage eaters...

Don't ask ;)

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AHA! As I always suspected, and after all these years, I now have final proof that Bertie Basset was a Nazi.

Friendly advice: keep an eye on your flanks. He usually deployed the Jelly Babies there to try to get behind you and do painful things with a Curly Wurly.

[ March 04, 2003, 11:52 AM: Message edited by: Rex_Bellator ]

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I am glad poor Len has not got access to such technology...


The game is near it's end and Len is about to sink as I close the noose around him.


A brave effort but his Stugs later rather than sooner meet their maker and his infantry have been held at bay by my SMG's.

A good fight and the result will be posted soon.


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Originally posted by Lucky_Strike:

In response to my MiniIS/jeep secret weapon, it looks like Mr Crimson has introduced a secret weapon of his own ...


and more ...


These new psychedelic storm troops have struck fear in the hearts of our people. They carry new high powered laser weapons which have already taken-out one of my MiniIS jeeps. However the brave soldiers of the Motherland will fight on and have just got a new consignment of lend-lease Hot Dog vending carts with which they hope to distract the filthy sausage eaters...

Don't ask ;)

I'm sure that uniform is against the Geneva convention. I think the ruling comes under weapons of mass halucination :D
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The game result is in and I would thank Len for giving a quick turn around for the game.

A true gent and he had a tough challenge.

The result is 76% to 24% and he lost 407 men to my 87.

This is in the main due to his force collasping at the end and my vicious mopping up of his men as they ran away.


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Wow, you guys really motored through that, now Holien will need to wait about 5 weeks while the rest of us catch up tongue.gif Commiserations Len, thanks for giving it a shot and FWIW half of us will be joining you very soon. Holien, any chance of an AAR to tide you (and us) over until Round 2? Len, any chance of some tips on how we can beat the blighter when one of us draws him in the next round ;)

In my game the heroic Oranges are securely on the objectives in force and waiting to see what the Reds want to do about it. Although Mr Red had the best access I hit him with an extended wide mortar barrage which seems to have kept his head down for about 5 turns and allowed me unrestricted access. Good or bad plan, I'll find out soon enough.

Now all I want to do is avenge my little tankies miracle demise. In the screenie you can see from his KV looking towards the inspiring flag display, and the red stars of his SMGs who seem to be in shock from the mighty 81mm rounds. The perspective (which I was forced to use to protect state secrets) doesn't really show that there is a 100m patch of open gound beyond the treeline which he is in and before the objectives themselves. I'm pretty sure he can't dispute the objectives from where he is. Your move Red!


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Len was unlucky with the random mularky and he got Green troops. Lots of them mind you....

Anyway I will do a small write up if I have time.

I have offered to replay Len with exact same settings and troop qualities so Len can try the Soviets against the Germans.

Not sure how I can be sure of the troop setting in the game but we can work something out? It would be nice to re-use the map but I have not played with those settings to know if that is possible?


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Ok, my game against Wicky has been fought to its conclusion. Not many casualties on either side.

My force was

1 Company of infantry

load of light mgs and antitank rifles

3 mortars

1 mortar spotter (250 rounds, nine tubes, sweet jesus-it takes only two minutes to fire the lot)

2 snipers

5 valentines

3 T34's

1 Matilda

Total complete loses

1 antitank rifle

1 mortar (crew survived)

1 Matilda, 4 valentines.


AAR screen....


Red army gets to flags first and takes up defensive postions.


Red army kills germans as they come over the hills.

I think Wicky was a bit unlucky with this map. Not only was it raining causing most of his halftracks to become immobile, but I was really defending a reverse slope postion whilst he was attacking with equal sized force.

[ March 06, 2003, 06:11 PM: Message edited by: Makes The Jelly Judder ]

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Congratulations Makes The Jelly Judder, a fine win in double quick time. Bad luck Wicky, hope you had fun and have better luck with the map next time. MTJJ, I'm impressed with the number of tanks you managed to field, looks like a good force selection to me, and nice to see a lot of Brit stuff in the SEPTIC Cup. That AAR post was great, if possible I'd like to see what every player picked for their fight, it makes very interesting reading.

So far it's Russians 2 Germans 0, are we seeing a pattern starting to form? C'mon German players (erm, that includes me) let's even things up a bit. Holien and MTJJ are waiting in the next round, who will join them next...

Can we have a report from a player in the remaining 6 games advising what turn you are on by Sunday? Thanks.

[Edit] An optional idea for the guys who have finished early, if you wish how about switching sides with your opponent and having a rematch, with the winner being decided by totalling both scores. I think my game at least may go the full distance, and I don't like to think of you twiddling your thumbs until the end of April. Any agreements you make between yourselves is fine.

[ March 06, 2003, 07:09 PM: Message edited by: Rex Bellator ]

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Oh oh, must not forget. The highlight of the match was a four minute ding dong battle between a Valetine and a PZIII. The range was about 600m and it was ricochet after richochet, with the PzIII eventually retreating (must have run out of AP ammo?) great viewing.

Another highlight (well for me) was two first shot kills at about 600m from a green t34, what was that about bad optics. This T34 and the Valentine really held up wickys advance.

[ March 06, 2003, 08:13 PM: Message edited by: Makes The Jelly Judder ]

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