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Attention South Of England Players - you are cordially summoned to this thread...

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Originally posted by Holien:

I see you have the file...


Sorry mate but a baptism of fire for both of us...

I think the Gentlemany phrase is being blooded.


LOL What no infra-red night goggles?! - A fix is sumfink is shurly in order

Thankfully my Umbrelledpandaergrenaders were well equiped by the .25master before battle commenced due to the 1.02 patch. (please disregard this intel Mr Richard of York gave birth in vain)

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Rex ... many thanks for the info ...

For those who may be interested I have just opened the North Of Watford Team Special Tourunament aka NOWT Special !. Its open to anybody ... even the Welsh Apache's !! :D

But anybody currently in the SEPTIC Cup will have to sit this one out (of join the standby list).

It will run along similar lines to the SEPTIC but I have added a team play element.

A new NOWT Special thread can be found here ...

Nowt Special

(Who knows perhaps we'll have a north / south play off later - winner Vs winner & runner up Vs runner up)


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Originally posted by Andreas:

I have now received back the set-up from Mr.Blue. To flummox him, I shall employ Maskirovka and not return it until Sunday evening - mwhahahahaharrr, cough, errrmmm

BTW - this battle will be over very quick.

Ah, Mr Brown, so you have agreed to my using the slightly modified vehicle database? The one with the Leopard 2, and the HOT? I did, in the interests of play balance and historical accuracy, not buy the Hellfire equipped Apaches.

[starts singing]

Arise ye workers from your slumbers

Arise ye prisoners of want

For reason in revolt now thunders

And at last ends the age of cant.

Away with all your superstitions

Servile masses arise, arise

We'll change henceforth the old tradition

And spurn the dust to win the prize.

So comrades, come rally

And the last fight let us face

The Internationale unites the human race.

So comrades, come rally

And the last fight let us face

The Internationale unites the human race

No more deluded by reaction

On tyrants only we'll make war

The soldiers too will take strike action

They'll break ranks and fight no more

And if those cannibals keep trying

To sacrifice us to their pride

They soon shall hear the bullets flying

We'll shoot the generals on our own side.

No saviour from on high delivers

No faith have we in prince or peer

Our own right hand the chains must shiver

Chains of hatred, greed and fear

E'er the thieves will out with their booty

And give to all a happier lot.

Each at the forge must do their duty

And we'll strike while the iron is hot.

BTW (to the world in general) does anyone know how to stop the mad heroic chorus from our technically and idealogically challenged Slavic cousins? It's keeping me awake, and clashed horribly with the Wagner.

I do like the smell of napalm in the morning Mwuah ha ha ha. Fritz, I think we'll use the 19.4cm Kanone 485(f) GPF today for the prep. It will at least slow Ivan down looking it up!

Mr Blue.

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Oooooo what a beauuuutiful moooooorning...

Same here Edward, it looks like a perfect day for taking lethal advantage of my Tiger's long range optics. Lovely. Thank goodness I didn't have to face SMGs at night - good luck to you Len, and remember SMGs will have no effect on your Tigers anyway.

However there are some flies in the ointment, as you can see the Reds have lots of nice high ground in their half of the map, and they have cunningly constructed a dual carriageway overnight to get them onto the objectives with a minimum of effort. The view is across the field from the Soviet side toward my deployment zone. Note that I have made sure the Tigers cannot be seen in that picture...


Boff - can you let me know if you haven't had any contact from your opponent by tomorrow and then I'll try and find another for you (if you know a likely candidate yourself please invite them in, same goes to everyone else here).

In fact by the end of tommorrow can we please have a post from one player in each game confirming you are underway if you haven't done one already. Hopefully then I can confirm the closing date for Round 1 smile.gif

[Edit] to say WELL PLAYED ENGLAND! Bowling Pakistan out for 134 - brilliant.

[ February 22, 2003, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: Rex_Bellator ]

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Boff - I mailed the missing Mr Grey myself yesterday afternoon to try to prompt a response. I haven't heard anything and I assume you still haven't, so I've just mailed Prester John who requested the first drop out place available. Unless there is a very valid reason why no-one wants to take you on (are you Madmatt in disguise?) then hopefully Prester John will send you a startup very soon. P.J.'s email is stephen_pearce@hotmail.com if you want to contact him yourself.

Everyone else - after reading back through the thread it seems that Boff's game (Game 1) is the only non-starter and the rest of us are all up and running. Please let me know if it is otherwise. When Boff gets started I'll advise the close date.

In my game with PK so far it has been a peaceful stroll in the countryside for everyone involved. Has the lead started flying anywhere else yet?

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Originally posted by Rex_Bellator:

Unless there is a very valid reason why no-one wants to take you on (are you Madmatt in disguise?) then hopefully Prester John will send you a startup very soon. P.J.'s email is stephen_pearce@hotmail.com if you want to contact him yourself.

Madmatt in disguise? Well there is a slight resemblance I suppose... :cool: I'm looking forward to hearing from P.J. and finally getting started :D
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Message to Rex_Bellator

Hi - I think I am Mr Gray.

The reason that I have not replied to you, or started our game,is that I am stuck in Texas on a business trip.

I have no access to email or CMBB until I get home Friday morning - we can get going then.

I do have web access, hence this message.

Please post on this thread if you want to contact me.



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Mr Brown and Mr Blue have now got to the interesting bit - German set up done, and file returned. I am a bit rushed so no map piccy, but brief description: a road runs the width of the map, halfway between us. There are a few scattered buildings, and that's about it. The land rolls gently, with, if anything a slight benefit in my direction. Reasonable tank country, lots of good long los. Should be interesting...

But as I am playing Andreas....short. (I might as well declair myself a CBMM PBEM virgin at this point (although lots of CMBO, and other wargames). This tactic is a little known one that I discovered in some of my reading, and is known as getting the excuse in early before anything goes wrong!

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Comrades, rejoice. Through the wisdom of our esteemed Comrade-in-Chief Iosef I.Stalin, we have received new, shiny tanks, new, shiny guns, and new, shiny boots, all of which shall be employed to give the Rodina-occupying scum a nice hard kicking.

Soviet set-up completed, and orders to liberate another vast swathe of the Rodina have been given.

To achieve the goals espoused in Declaration No. XVII, sub-point c) line 3 of para 193 of the declaration of delegates from the machinery plant 357 in Gorky we fight.

All soldiers have sworn an oath to over-fulfil their quota of arse-kicked fascists today. 27 applications for the Communist Party have been received. Things could not be better!

[ February 23, 2003, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: Andreas ]

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6 turns gone here in the Essex v Kent Battle


Mr Indido (Jelly Head Ruskies) has taken one pot shot at one of my AFVs with one of his T-34's but he was as successful as a Russian manned moonshot as I reversed back into the murk. My recce troops have radioed back the type, size and disposition of his rust riddled and Vodka saturated forces - A Valentine, T-34s, mortars & Mgs etc.

Hide & seek continues in the rain with a pause in the action as Mr Jelly's head recovers from eating to much vodka jelly on Sat night

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Hello chaps,

After much tinkering, borrowing of html gibberish and cussing, I've finally got my very first website up and running (in a fashion).

The only problem is I now need lots of lovely content to fill the many empty pages ... maybe something like Rex's motorway of death (obviously a great inspiration to our current Highways Agency) and Wicky's novel twist on Sunflowers (I think Vincent van Gogh would have liked it).

If anyone can be arsed to knock together AARs and take of few snapshots of the death and destruction, I'd be more than happy to give them a home.

Toodle pip,


[ February 23, 2003, 06:29 PM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

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LOL, it had to happen. I mail Prester John, and Sandy immediately gets in touch! Steve (aka Prester John) has already kindly sent a setup to Boff, but has offered to stand down if Sandy would like his place back.

It's your call Sandy, no problem at all if you want to continue when you get back, or if you're happy for PJ to take up the challenge, we await your advises.



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Originally posted by Rex_Bellator:

LOL, it had to happen. I mail Prester John, and Sandy immediately gets in touch! Steve (aka Prester John) has already kindly sent a setup to Boff, but has offered to stand down if Sandy would like his place back.

It's your call Sandy, no problem at all if you want to continue when you get back, or if you're happy for PJ to take up the challenge, we await your advises.



Not wishing to insert any spanners but I have already sent my setup file back to PJ and consider it to be a game in progress..
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Hi Guys,

Well what can I say? I was really keen to participate in the tournament,and signed up as soon as I saw the posting about it.

I checked my email at home at 5 am on Sat morning - just before I had to leave for the airport...no messages from Boff then.

Now its Sunday night, and I seem to have lost my place??

You guys decide, and let me know if I can still play.



I still cant play till Friday next -

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Originally posted by Andreas:

I am considering London Drinks for next Thursday from 1830 in The Chandos near Trafalgar Square.

Anyone interested?

Yes, me too. Just a short inturruption to say that plans are definitely on, and I will be in London somewhere twoards the last week of September this year.

Andreas, our pal Justin has agreed to let me buy the first round. All you other London buffoons are expected to join us. Details posted as the date draws nearer.

We now return you to your regular programming.

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Originally posted by sandy:

Hi Guys,

Well what can I say? I was really keen to participate in the tournament,and signed up as soon as I saw the posting about it.

I checked my email at home at 5 am on Sat morning - just before I had to leave for the airport...no messages from Boff then.

Now its Sunday night, and I seem to have lost my place??

You guys decide, and let me know if I can still play.



I still cant play till Friday next -

Damn :( It seems that Boff is keen to continue with Prester John, but I sympathise with Sandy. However, I see you have dropped into the NOWT tourney so how about you give that one a shot as a compromise? It'll probably kick off around Friday when you are back, and it looks like the winner of that will end up facing the winner of this anyway!

Anyone have any other ideas?

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