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Originally posted by sGTGoody:

I'll even keep Borg spotting if they will make it cover the entire ETO.

Away, you! Borg spotting is eeeeevil. Take our current game -- I wonder if the ATG that shot out your magical Panzer II actually could have spotted it in time to acquire and shoot it in the brief period it popped out from trees.
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That crew was drunk and firing into the air. A blind man with his eyes closed could have spotted them.

I am just tired of being restricted to one theater. If it is in the med what are we going to play after 42, assaults against dug in Tigers on a 100 meter wide 2k long map? I would love to be able to construct a series of battles to take a unit from Africa to Normandy (ala the British 7th Armored) or to simulate linking up with the Russians through the Lubjana gap.

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One of the comments BTS has made about the new engine is that they plan on making it more flexible and adaptable.

What they seem to mean by this is that the new engine will be easier to upgrade with, say, new units or terrain feature & c.

This raises the possibilty that the new engine will have more of a modular expansion path. For example, it might be originally released with units and terrain features for North Africa and the Med., but future 'expansion packs' might give you the units and terrain features for NWE, the East Front, or even other conflicts entirely.

This is all semi-educated speculation on my part, but if you do a search for recent posts by Charles or Steve on the forums, you can read the comments for yourself.



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Originally posted by sGTGoody:

That crew was drunk and firing into the air. A blind man with his eyes closed could have spotted them.

I am just tired of being restricted to one theater. If it is in the med what are we going to play after 42, assaults against dug in Tigers on a 100 meter wide 2k long map? I would love to be able to construct a series of battles to take a unit from Africa to Normandy (ala the British 7th Armored) or to simulate linking up with the Russians through the Lubjana gap.

[ February 28, 2003, 04:51 PM: Message edited by: V ]

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Originally posted by sGTGoody:

I am just tired of being restricted to one theater. If it is in the med what are we going to play after 42, assaults against dug in Tigers on a 100 meter wide 2k long map?

If you are speaking of the Italian Campaign, I think it would have many excellent tactical engagements and difficult situations to overcome.

I would love to be able to construct a series of battles to take a unit from Africa to Normandy (ala the British 7th Armored) or to simulate linking up with the Russians through the Lubjana gap.

Personally, I think the next version of CM should cover The West Front from 40-45 and should include the African Campaign and the Italian campaign.

[ February 28, 2003, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: V ]

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My guess is that soon there will be an announcement of the next project in some computer games magazine that has been particularly supportive of BFC. I very much hope they announce it soon as it would be fun to know what was next in line. Playing CMBO while reading up on the Eastern Front and pondering it was a laugh.

My own wish is for a Cold War game. I would like a change from WWII, just for one title. Time will tell. What is true is that on this third title not all will agree with the subject matter in the sense of it being their preferred choice.

Anyway, it will be fun whatever the subject matter.

All the best,


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While we do not know theatre, BFC has said in various threads that if feasible Borg Spotting will be gone (and Steve had a sly electronic sly grin on that one, me thinks they have an evil plan for this) and graphics that will rival and/or surpass anything else on the market.

In other words my tanks will be kicking up sweet (and by that I mean totally cool!) dust clouds that even though your infantry can see you cannot because you are clicked on the armoured car behind the hill!

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Borg spotting refers to the fact that once one of your units spots an enemy unit, all of your units spot it.

So even though only your forward scout can "see" the advancing infantry, suddenly all your infantry guns up on a ridge 500m away can fire down upon them.

I believe they are talking about implementing relative spotting, where only the units that actually have spotted the enemy can see them, with the neat addition of a "radio net" to simulate passing information among units connected by radio.

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One tidbit that was posted on a thread regarding the artillery model stated that for the next game they would be starting by simulating all the capabilities of modern times and then scaling it down appropriately to the period and doctrine of the units involved...

I doubt that this approach is limited to only the artillery model which brings visions of Korea Kuwait and evrything in between and on either side dancing through my head (in a way rather like sugerplums now that you mention it ;) ).

Of course I don't expect all these at once...

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If they are looking at making the game really expandable and customizeable from the user end, then I wonder if there is any possible way to allow users to create their own 3D models and textures and put them into the game. It would be a huge stretch and probably wouldn't work, or enough people wouldn't bother making their own modelsto make it worthwhile, but it could be cool if it were easy to implement. The Game's 3D models are intelectual property and would stay hardcoded into the game NOT accessable by users. Otherwise you'd probably see the models show up on LOTS of other knock off games. But if you included models and labled them correctly, they would replace the in game models. It would be pretty difficult. you'd have to model the body, wheels/suspension, turret and gun separately and know where they joined. You would then have to figure out the polygons and how to map to them. Do you only use the same number of polys and the same naming conventions (then why remodel) or would there be a custom table to map textures to each specific polygon....

As I think about this, there is probably no way to do this that's easy. Any other ideas on replacing models?

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Peering into my crystal ball...

Wait, somefink is developing, it's a lil hazy yet, but yes, yes there it is, I see it now, it isn't clear when this will happen of course but there's no doubt about it. We've crossed over and ... yes BTS will suddenly begin to answer questions again. It's all right there. The ball doesn't lie.

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