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Fallschirmjaeger airborne operations on the eastern front

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I'm trying to make up a list of all of the drops made by the Fallschirmjaegers on the eastern front.

Here's what I have so far...

Nov '43, 2nd Division airlanded in Kirovgrad.

May '44, SS 500th Para Battalion made a glider and parachute drop to capture Marshal Tito, at Dravar in Yugoslavia.

Is this it? Anyone know of any others?

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After the German parachute corps was decimated at Crete, it is my understanding it was never rebuilt to its former self, nor enjoyed the blessings of Hitler. Altho Crete was tactically successfully, the price that was paid was strategically a failure.

Also, after '41 and '42, the German Army was for the most part on a slow retreat. And airborne is basically an offensive tool. In addition, the transports needed for any large scale airborne operation were for the most part relegated to resupply for the German Army.

I am hoping that in CMAK we get to see a scenario featuring the German airborne rescue of Mussolini.


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Are you sure that the Kirovograd thing can be counted as a 'drop'? I have not been able to find anything on that, which leads me to believe it was maybe just flying the chaps to an airport close to the frontline.

Have you got some easily accessible info on that?

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Originally posted by Mikelas:

I am hoping that in CMAK we get to see a scenario featuring the German airborne rescue of Mussolini.


Given the dearth of gliders, Feiseler Storchs, and above all Italian carabinieri, I tend to doubt this will be possible. Too bad, a Gran Sasso scenario would indeed be...err...atmospheric. As for interesting, or playable, didn't the Italian guards pretty much give up without firing a shot?
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Just as an addon to this , I have found a scenario called "SS Fallschirmjager" which covers the Tito operation , althought I have no clue how authentic/good it might be! It's at The Scenario Depot. smile.gif

Scenario Name SS Fallschirmjager

Version 1.2

Game Length 25 Fixed

Size Medium

Date May 1944

Time Mid Day

Region Balkans

Allies Partisan Infantry Green

Fit Full

Axis German Airborne Crack

Fit Full

Brief Description: On 25 may 1944 was launched the operation"Rosselprung" against the Q.G of Tito at Drvar in Croatia(ex-Yougoslavia). The objectif was a capture Tito and destroy the partisans forces(1,6 proletarian div and brigade Lika).The german engage the 7ss kavalerie div"prinz Eugen",the 373 rifle div,the rgt brandenburg I,gren.rgt 92 and Pz abt 202.The capture of Tito was entrusted ss fallschirmjager bat.500 of Rybka(very rare).The ss was divided in KG.KG "panther" for captured Tito.KG "draufganger" for captured the transmission center.Others KG neutralised the partisans.

Ground Dry

Weather Conditions Clear

Wind Breeze N

Temperature Cool

Defender Digin? Not Dug In

Map Contours Normal (2.5m)

Allow Sewer Movement Axis No

Allied No

Fanaticism Axis Regular or Better 25%

Allied All Troops 50%

Battle Type Axis Attack Historical

Map Edge Friendly To W Allied

N Allied

E Allied

S Allied

Map Edge For Esit Points Axis No Exit

Allied No Exit

Flag Type Static

Flag Quantity Large 1

Small 1

Best Played As Axis vs. AI

Play Second As Two Player

Computer Should Stick to Scenario Default

Hosting Website The Scenario Depot

Author Name christophe ambre

Download Fallschirmjager.zip

[ May 19, 2003, 11:56 PM: Message edited by: Brigadier ]

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