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Vehicle Database

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Is there a comprehensive database for BB? I am thinking of creating one if there isn't but I don't want to do a ton of work just to have someone tell me, "hey you should just go here."

What I mean by comprehensive is one with the data for all the vehicles (speed, penetration, armor, etc.). If there isn't one let me know and I will get started.

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Database? Do you mean like an SQL DB or Access DB? If so, not that Im aware off. There is however a Excel chart with all the info. I asked for it a month or so ago, search for a thread I started, called "unit info chart" or something like that.

Im toying with the idea of creating a application where you get the info about the vehicle in quetion displayed, just have to get off my lazy ass.

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I've been having a go at doing one myself Sgtgoody, more as an web-based database though, however first I need to learn PHP in order to make it easy for the common joe to find what he is looking for quickly.

BTW if someone can point me in the direction of a good downloadable PHP tutorial, I'd be much obliged.

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i did a test yesterday and managed to import most of the data from CM2_inf.xls into filemaker pro. I had to strip some of the battlion / company info found in the spreadsheet.

In the end, the fields for the database are:


1 Country (Germany, Romania, etc)

2 Side (Axis or Allied)

3 Branch (Infantry, Mechanized, etc)


4 Unit Name (renamed from Squad)

5 Firepower 40

6 Firepower 100

7 Firepower 250

8 Firepower 500

9 Weapons

10 Anti-Tank Weapons

11 Fromto

Added (at the end)

12 From Date (date format)

13 To Date (date format)

14 Container Field (to store Picture for the Unit, if any)


* Alot of the units are similar, and I am thinking of what constitutes a unique identifier (index). Seems like Date+Name would be a unique key ?

* if the above is useful by itself, I can have the database + Filemaker RUNTIME compiled and ready by this week. Runtime software will allow Add/Delete/Edit of records. But i suspect most of us will use it as a fast search + comparisons. Note that Runtime program is royalty free and is a standalone program.

* I doan know how to put hierarchy of Battlion+ Company + squad details above into the database. (need to refresh my memory on Relational database again). Any suggestions are welcomed.

* if there is any interests on this, I will proceed on the AFV database.


[ February 04, 2003, 09:07 PM: Message edited by: laxx ]

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I have been loading Chris's CMBB xls tables into Jason McGrody's CMBO graphical database. Im learning excel as I go so its a slow process (3 months so far). Editing the database functions etc. adding in more data (all data found on unit details in fact). It just needs time to get extra unit details for minor sides and add them into the tables.

My conversion is only for vehicles. I couldnt track down Jason to get his permission but im hoping (if hes still around?) he doesnt mind if it gets released.

[edit - added image]


[ February 04, 2003, 11:30 PM: Message edited by: Pud ]

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A couple of quick questions here:

(a) the t-38 tank used by Romania retroffited with a 37/L48, is that a tankette or a tank ?

(B) is Chris Hare, the author around ? i made some mods while importing. and want to ask for permission to use his data into file maker.


I am almost finished with Importing CM2_tank.xls into the Filemaker, and will make available shortly (with some modification), otherwise, it is ad verbatim import.

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The raw version of the standalone proggie can be found at:

http://www.web.ms11.net/retro/CM2TANKS.sit (3MB)

It is unfortunately only for Mac only (os9 or osX) as I do not have the runtime license for Wintel.


Users with FileMaker Pro who wish to download the database only can do so at


Users of Wintel who do not have Filemaker Pro can download the trial software at http://www.filemaker.com/products/try_filemaker.html , the trial expires in 30 daze.


Utimately, the data is a raw import from the CM2_tank.xls spreadsheet, I have modded the XLS spreadsheet with the following changes:

- Removed the Classification "Armor" to either Tank, Tank Destroyer, Assault Gun or Vehicles. I did some check up on the several sites, some of the vehicles i had to make educated guesses, eg. Romian TA Assault (Pz III), I had no reference, so I placed it in Assault Guns. Armored cars, Half-tracks are classed into Vehicles.

- Removed all references to Artillery, Guns etc, including Flamethrowers, Motars, Sharpshooters, Tank Hunters etc. I wanted just the Vehicles and/or AFVs. I did leave the assault boat and trucks in there smile.gif

- Added several fields, Country, Side, Type.

- The link to the modded XLS spreadsheet can be found at, I have not gotten permission from Chris Hare to mod this spreadsheet:


- If anyone can make changes to the spreadsheet for better accuracy or more granular classifications (eg. crew size, Armored Cars, Half-Tracks etc) , please send it to laxx@myrealbox.com, so that I can use it to do a raw import to filemaker.


What you can do with the runtime filemaker:

- You can add, delete, edit entries

- You can add, delete Pictures into each afv/vehicle, maximum of 3 pictures per record. (go into View->Forms-> CTRL-Click on picture, option to import picture, movie, sound or record sound)

- You can view via table, list, form format.

- You can sort via any column (ctrl-Click the column bars) or Build Complex sort

- You can Search for items. (remember to press cmd-J to reset the found records). And potentially build very complex search criteria (eg.show me all vehicles, that are Axis, Not from Hungary but are tank destroyers).


I have not made any significant changes to the program, so it is very raw. I am learning FileMaker, so I intend to spruce it up as I go along.


Btw. I did not change the original abbreviations in the entries, so if it is cryptic, please refer to the original legend found at http://users.erols.com/chare/cm/

[ February 05, 2003, 08:29 AM: Message edited by: laxx ]

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no problem.

what you trying to do?

you on linux? if you're trying to make a searchable db it's quite easy with PHP & mySql. i've never set up the php - mysql connection myself but the documentation is usualy pretty good. and once php knows where mySql is it's just 3 lines or so.

i think this is probably straying off topic so: email me if you have specific questions.

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Originally posted by laxx:

(a) the t-38 tank used by Romania retroffited with a 37/L48, is that a tankette or a tank ?

It's a tank, AFAIK

(B) is Chris Hare, the author around ? i made some mods while importing. and want to ask for permission to use his data into file maker.
Hi, Laxx. Looking good! Feel free to use my stuff as you wish. smile.gif

- Chris

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Hi Wolfe,

1. thanks for the permission.

2. My current to-dos:

- Merge the Tank spreadsheet with Gun spreadsheet, this will provide things like, blast values for different ammos. Not the most "efficient" way but the least hassle once it is set up. The data is historical, so unlikely to change.

- Finalise the structure: some extraction of abbreviations into separate fields. Maybe add placeholders for additional images (I realise this could be a killer feaure, for users to add their own pix of tanks).Figure out weather is there a need for penetration charts (?) since it is only available for German forces.

- Work on interface, program flow etc, data input checking, integrity.


- hi, how do you propose we collaborate ? We could share info since Wolfe "Chris" has given permission to use/mod his data.

- we could collaborate on the standalone filemaker thingy if you like.


[ February 05, 2003, 06:33 PM: Message edited by: laxx ]

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This looks like an excellent project, and one that I would certainly like to see once it is done and available. :cool:

There seems like a lot of work to do getting the data. I for one would be glad to help out and forward any data on for inclusion.

Just let me know exactly what data you want, how you want it and I'll see if I can help.

If others are also willing to help then the job could be divided up into packages and you should get the info you need in no time leaving you to concentrate on the actual database.

...............Just a thought


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