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Has the Challenge Replaced Peng in CMBB? Who to Blame for the Death of the Cesspool

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Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:

The problem lies in the use of "Pissboy" which is neither witty nor funny, but simple a mindless boring insult.

Ah, lad, having someone who revels in soaking himself in fox pee calling you

"pissboy" is eminently amusing.

It is also part of the vernacular of the MBT, see posts prior.

edited because this hit the next page.

[ January 13, 2003, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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Originally posted by Snarker :

Gamey update:

ebbert was so stunned by the gameyness of the setup he forgot to send anything back.

PL is a useless git.

Oh, truer words were never spoken, I was in this chair, mouth agape, stunned for three days while my brain fooled the rest of me, that I was off earning scheckles for the next beer fest. I was rudely awoken by the ever lovin' boss phoning and askin' if I was going to grace him with my presence.

I blame it on rune. I had just finished reviewing the latest sendup from this obviously horribly scarred and lonely trollup. (Or maybe just troll). He apparently likes dark places and sends me in to attack with the Russian dishwashing battallion, depleted no less, and without benefit of drying towels, nor drain rack.

Mrs. Poon sends me a setup so lopsided, I have 1 company that has nothing but a depleted squad, short of ammo with a 2 man company HQ and depleted company HQ. Conscripts of course, no artillery, and please to charge across this open ground... I'm gonna see a human wave for the first time that starts out with 8 men (The whole company.)

Hopeless but brave, like the Anzacs at Gallipoli except his bottom sniffers will still run in fear and horror. You just wait for the screenshots of that.

All turns are out for the rest of you gits.

And somebody is gonna have ta email me with the story on the last thread. Last I know I post and end up with 3 posts going in, then have 30 seconds to edit before I have to leave. One of you making with the homemade jacuzzi in the pool again?

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If you feel your wit and steel to be of a strong enough temper then direct your quest hither. I promise to take your preschool blathering with good spirits and laughter. I also promise to verbally and virtually abuse you and your troops but at least I will laugh about it while I administer the beating. :D:D (The extra smiley is for you P.L. )

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

someone who revels in soaking himself in fox pee

It's just a hobby.


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Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:

Okay, this is not the spirit of the cesspool anymore. This is getting personal, but if you feel like it, so be it.

If you have a problem with the fact that I have ZERO interest in joining the russian side, you can kiss my bum. Get of your high horse and respect other peoples heritage.

And now, sod off.

I think he pissed him off on purpose so he would show us his teeth.
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Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:

Well Mike, if calling someone "Pissboy" is okay with the Cess Pool, then I really shouldn't be here.

It is, so I guess you shouldn't be.

Ta-ra - and kindly remember to close the door as you SOD OFF!!

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You summoned me Sire.

Strengthened by his two moral victories against vile Nidan1 and ankward Jussi. And impressed with his own zen like powers in scaring Mr Colon away without a fight, our young hero resumes his quest.

Sgtgoody...or should I call you mr poopy pants?

Quoting yourself in the sig line I see...that is kinda like like talking about oneself in the third person...it might work if you are a roman emperor, or a mad dictator, because lets face it, if you are a mad dictator or a roman emperor, you can do pretty much whatever you want and people will still pretend like you're cool. And if they dont, you can just have them shot, arrowed, quartered or whatever your method of disposal might be.

Anyway, once again it is up to me to clean out this gooey mess. Frankly I would much rather paint my bottom red and go play naked in the Baboon cage at the zoo, but alas, the choise is not mine to make, for I am on a most sacred Quest.

I will mail you a setup. You can either accept the challenge and face my Romanian Armoured cars of destruction. OR you can do what mr Colon did, and SOD OFF.

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Kerensky's Piano is far too classy to be bothered with teh silly little titles that the lower orders around here assign themselves in a pathetic attempt to shore up their infantile egos.

Besides which he's too bloody unreliable to be anything else!

[ January 13, 2003, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by Geier:

Gamey updates:

Oh why bother. I'm winning everything against everyone all the time and if I don't I'll simply stop returning files.


Professor Doktor Hamster X: Has finally seen his Rohan cavalry come charging over that hill yonder while my little orcsies are busy annihilating his shredded infantry outside the city gates. High Explosives for everyone.

Satan: Is taking a break. Snap.

Moriarty: Sends me turns precisely every once in a while. Been a while as far as I can tell but what do I know?

The Bard: Has just received a setup. I expect an autosurrender by turn 10.

May the insides of your skulls fill with hungry angry maggots,


Tricksey, he issss. Yesss. Trying to makes me think I owes him turnses. Won't work. nooo, won't workses.
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Lt. H

For the sake of your quest and your frail ego I accept your offer of battle (when it gets here) and have told my men not to laugh to hard at your pathetic beercans on wheels. They have also been instructed to ignore the stench of the enemy commander although this is proving a difficult order to carry out.

Heed the wisdom of my sig and one day you may be as wise as the great rodent in yours.

Lay on then McDuff...

[ January 14, 2003, 03:08 AM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]

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Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:

Okay, this is not the spirit of the cesspool anymore. This is getting personal . . .

. . . .

you can kiss my bum.

Sigh. Another who 'just doesn't get it.'

What part of keep your Real World hatreds and bigotries out of here are you having problems with?

As several knights and squires have pointed out, here in the Muthah Beautiful Thread we have a heirarchy of sorts. You will deal with it whether you like it or not. You are currently a Pissboy, whether you like it or not.

You will play the setups you are given -- whether you like it or not. The fact a knight would deign to spray a glob of spit on your bespectacled forehead should make you cry with happiness at the attention. If a knight gives you two battalions of Russkis to assault a single conscript Volkstrum ATR in a scenario titled Rape the Fascist Women, you play what you are given -- simple as that.

In short, lad, if you want to play in here, you play by OUR rules -- not yours. You've been told that, but don't seem to care. That's fine, and your right, but that doesn't mean you belong here. Frankly, your inability to carry on in the spirit of the MBT, your lack of wit or panache, and your inanity all argue against your being here.

It would seem Coventry* is the appropriate response for this one, but, as the Justicar is gone, I leave that to the Seniour Knights and the Olde Ones. What say you?


*for the dimwitted amongst you, Coventry means:

Joe Shaw said:

In that event, ANY Knight, Squire or Serf of the CessPool shall be prohibited, on pain of ... uh ... pain I guess, from responding to ANY post from the interloper until such time as the edict is lifted ... if ever.

Seanachai said:

If all three Olde Ones abjure a participant, the Justicar shall review that decision, and call for someone to speak well of the applicant. If no Knight or Squire shall come forward to speak for the judged, the Justicar shall pronounce them anathema, and prohibit all righteous members of the Peng Challenge Thread from responding to them.

Pursuant to tradition, the regular participants of the MBT shall ignore one under investigation for Coventry until said investigation is completed.
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I must post to express my extreme surprise, nay, horror, at a monstrosity of a map, of the Frankenstinien order, imposed upon me simply because I deigned to enjoin against Snarker in a game.

Neverbefore [sic] have I been subjected to such a vile and bewildering creature now to be referred to as The Map. How, on s'dog green earth one has managed to squeeze heavily wooded, large town, steppe, beach and heavily sloped onto 1 small map and yet still, maintain such long LOS is beyond comprehension.

Did I say sloped? HA. This field of battle shall be self cleaning. The dead and broken shall simply roll downhill, food for the fishes in the briney deep.

The man must be spawn of rune, or perhaps The great Satan himslf to conceive, let alone, bring off such a despicable, vile, maloderous, gamey thing.

Don't you know from watching all those WWII movies that you attack at the beach, not along it?

I shall now acquire sand in my skivvies beyond the pale. I will hate you, hate you, hate you, and drop dog poopie on your shoes. (But not until all yer hampster run away.)

edited to say "Neverbefore" once again.

[ January 14, 2003, 01:09 AM: Message edited by: Egbert ]

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Originally posted by Mike:

Kerensky's Piano is far too classy to be bothered with teh silly little titles that the lower orders around here assign themselves in a pathetic attempt to shore up their infantile egos.

Besides which he's too bloody unreliable to be anything else!

You forgot to mention his multiple personality disorder. Both of them gits. He he.
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

It would seem Coventry* is the appropriate response for this one, but, as the Justicar is gone, I leave that to the Seniour Knights and the Olde Ones. What say you?

Let’s not be hasty. After all, he IS just a serf. Maybe he will wake up and realize the gamey possibilites inherent in the ampoulmet. Or whatever that white cigarettey thing is supposed to be.

Then again, we could just sic AussieJeff on him.

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Originally posted by Geier:

Gamey updates:

The Bard: Has just received a setup. I expect an autosurrender by turn 10.


It is nice to see that Geier is now regarding me as a serious contender.

Nothing in our previous two games would otherwise have led him to such a pessimistic appraisal of his chances.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Excuse me.



Get him to the Lady of the Lake NOW!

Let it be so. I've read 2 pages of the limpest swill I've seen since Freshman Comp when the stupid children were weeded out for remedial help. Most of it sounds more like a goddamn recording of CB radio traffic in Nebraska at midnight on a Tuesday, than the banter and badinage expected within the Cesspool.

Hell, vulgarity is starting to look damn near preferable. At this rate we'll have to remove the prohibition from rambling on about thingies and bodily functions just to get the commentary up to the level of simply being stupid and tedious. And I'm not even caught up, yet.

Berli, we are agreed.

Let us Summon Him Forth. Do you want to send a deputation, or should I just go over and whack the bastard with the Brick a few times to get his attention?

An Embassy is so much jazzier, though.

[ January 13, 2003, 07:25 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Egads. I save up 5 days worth of postings for this??

That and the buck-private's flagrant use of smileys. Some one get a giant mallet like that one in the Conan movie.

Ahh, it was here in the corner all along!


The following is in no way shape or form to be considered an inane smilie. It is, in fact, an image of the Holy Mallet of Antioch showing the only valid use for the vile things.

SSNs note well.


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