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Has the Challenge Replaced Peng in CMBB? Who to Blame for the Death of the Cesspool

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Originally posted by Mike:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:


And there goes the neighbourhood!

Look here Limpo - can yuo keep it out of the gutter please? this is a cesspool - not a bleedin' toilet!

And don't you owe me a turn??</font>

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Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Ye gods...

Well, what more can you expect. The whole family's as dumb as posts and they home schooled him.

At least my family isn't still hanging out in trees like yours. I'm continually amazed how you managed to get MSN Email and possiple a DSL Account wired into a TREE, you git.</font>
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The young leutnant had brought the challenge to the wild beast Nidan1, and it was accepted. Now, only needing to complete 4 more challenges to finish his quest, he proceeded down the road to find more victims.

After a while the road turned towards a patch of trees, and soon a huge and frightening wild forest surrounded our hero. From inside the woods he could hear strange noises. "Mörrki, Perkele, Pjäxa." someone cursed. It was Jussi the mad finn."

Jussi I can see that you challenged me a while ago. I have accepted the challenge, and you will henceforth be known as victim #2 in the most sacred of missions, the Quest for the Anointed Armored Car . Prepare yourself to be the victim of several vicious drive-by shootings from my mightly Romanian Armoured cars.

--Edited to increase the likelyhood of Denise Richards spotting this thread and falling madly in love with me.

[ January 13, 2003, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:


Blah blah blah etc.etc.etc. bla

mindless blabber and wishfull thinking edited out to spare the reader the dubious pleasure of having to wade trough it a second time...

Send me a turn, treehugger. If Billy Boy lets you, that is.

Edited because it looks better with it.

[ January 13, 2003, 08:31 AM: Message edited by: RSColonel_131st ]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Excuse me.



Get him to the Lady of the Lake NOW!

Something to do with close encounters I think.

You know, people building models of buttes...seeing lights in the sky, stuff like that. Stick around it gets more exciting when the little ant-like aliens come to take you for a ride in their flying saucers.

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Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:

Send me a turn, treehugger. If Billy Boy lets you, that is.

Edited because it looks better with it.

No can do, my Austrian Australopithecus. I'm heading out the door and won't be back until this evening.

Which means your sad, shallow life gets a bit of a reprieve. Lucky you.

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Originally posted by Sgtgoody:

RSColonel: if you have time to post you have time to play. Where's my turn?! :mad:

BZZZZZ.. wrong question. I can post at work, I even have CMBB installed on this Laptop, but I can NOT download my cable emails here.

So, sod off. You should use the additional time to mentaly prepare your T-34 Drivers for dead, anyway.

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

The young leutnant had brought the challenge to the wild beast Nidan1, and it was accepted. Now, only needing to complete 4 more challenges to finish his quest, he proceeded down the road to find more victims.

After a while the road turned towards a patch of trees, and soon a huge and frightening wild forest surrounded our hero. From inside the woods he could hear strange noises. "Mörrki, Perkele, Pjäxa." someone cursed. It was Jussi the mad finn."

Jussi I can see that you challenged me a while ago. I have accepted the challenge, and you will henceforth be known as victim #2 in the most sacred of missions, the Quest for the Anointed Armored Car .

Aah, this one learns fast...

Well done, Squire Hortlund. The irony of forcing a Finn to play as the Russians is perfect. I was waiting to see if you had the talent to pick up on it.

No need to bold Jussi's name. That is reserved for the members of the Pool. Just pour derision upon his head and bring back the ears.

Plenty of other SSN's around here for you to take care of. Should take all of two days for this Quest to fill out. How about the Austrian chap? Let him see what it's like to drive a fine Russian Armored Car instead of all that shoddy stuff his nation produced during the war. No wonder they lost.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Don’t take “no” for an answer.

Now sod off.

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I dont understand half of Boo's insane blabbering with which he pollutes my inbox, but in the other half I think I read something about beeing promoted to Serf.

That means, Larsyboy, that you are not longer entitled to call me a SSN.

And leave our fine maschines of war alone, you Minisodian. And least our tanks weren't called "Ronson" by the brits for they lighted up every time...

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Gamey update:

Mike continues to snipe away at my clanketies, so thoughtfully brought on the map in close proximity to him by the scenario designer, a TNT covered lunatic. But no matter. Credit to my opponent for making the best of this and spanking my bared-buttocks troops. He has the better of the exchange.

Noba rises from a long winter's nap and notes my men aren't where he left 'em. Had he asked nicely I would've turned my armor arse side to him and left them there for target practice.

AJ continues his long winter's nap. Has this Aussie gone walkabout? Or is there truth to the rumor others saw him firing a high-powered rifle straight up in the air New Year's Eve and running to the spot he thought the bullet would land on?

ebbert was so stunned by the gameyness of the setup he forgot to send anything back.

PL is a useless git.

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Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:

I dont understand half of Boo's insane blabbering with which he pollutes my inbox, but in the other half I think I read something about beeing promoted to Serf.

That means, Larsyboy, that you are not longer entitled to call me a SSN.

And leave our fine maschines of war alone, you Minisodian. And least our tanks weren't called "Ronson" by the brits for they lighted up every time...

You think I read Boo's blabbering either? If you are a serf you should at least know to bold my name.

Have a ***BOOT*** to remind you, pissboy.

Our fine Sherman tanks were designed with the Brits in mind. It was to help them to brew up a cup.

And to get even for the War of 1812.

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The Quest for the Anointed Armored Car, Chapter 3

Having already secured a decisive moral victory against vile Nidan1 and ankward Jussi, our young Leutnant looked around for new victims. Thanks to the careful guidance from his master he soon spotted a most foul creature to the south.

R-Colon 131, may I call you that? Not that I care what your answer is, so I guess I should have said it like this: R-Colon 131, I'm gonna call you that.

Now then, thats settled.

Stop acting like a retarded treelizzard R-Colon and at least try to act like a stinking idjit. I know you have a long way to go until you can rank yourself among the bottomdwellers on the intellectual food chain, and indeed you have a long way to go before you reach the level of imbecille...but I have never seen such a painful display of complete insanity as you have given here.

Again it is my painful task to punish the deserving. I have little to say to you other than what I have already said to Nidan1. That is SOD OFF.

Nevertheless, my quest must be completed, no matter how dirty it makes me feel having to talk to the likes of you. Yay I would rather bungee jump over a pirahna infested river using piano wire instead of rubber bands tied around my private parts, than having to talk to you, but alas, the choise is not mine to make.

You can expect a setup from me you miserable coward, and you will have two choices. Either you can accept the challenge, and face death and humilitation at the hands of my mighty romanian armoured cars OR you can surrender right here and now, and prove to everyone just what a pathetic spineless paint remover you really are. All you have to do is say "I surrender" with a funny Chinese accent, and you shall be spared.


-- Edited to protect the innocent.

[ January 13, 2003, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

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Whomever plays Jussi next, let me know. I think it fitting that he play the Russians in my latest scenario, Panzers in Finland featuring Explody things, Finns, more explody things, rat-a-tat-tats, and even more explody things. Something about a Finn having to beat his countrymen appeals to me....


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Littlenant Lorthund, hasn't it sunken into your single brain cell yet that I loath russian peasants and their equipment?

I intend to learn one side of this game, and not the russky one at that. Otherwise I'd end up just like you, playing everthing but mastering nothing.

So, unless you can send me a setup with romanian armored cars against german armored cars, you are right out. And I dont think you can do that(just like you still can't tie your shoelaces toghter)

Sod orf.

[ January 13, 2003, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: RSColonel_131st ]

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Egads. I save up 5 days worth of postings for this?? About the only interesting thing to happen is for Dalem to start singing Lola again.

We know Dalem: made you a man and all that. Sounds like Las Vegas will be waiting breathless for your arrival.

That and the buck-private's flagrant use of smileys. Some one get a giant mallet like that one in the Conan movie. (for the argeant that is, we'll take care of the smiley's with the boot.)

Gaylord, how do I get a nice clean shave?

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