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Cheery Threats of Stale Waffles and Moldy Goodales

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Aaahh, 3 glorious days in the Sin City, the drinks, the lights, the shows, crush of unwashed masses, the giant void left in my wallet...ah, good times. Won some, lost some and was forced to go see a trio of blue, fanny-farmers, banging away on some old PVC pipes and buckets as the moronic horde was entertained. I actually had to be nudged awake by the girlfriend as they dragged my hapless brother onto the stage. The best part of the show, other than the half-hour nap, was the end...WHEN THEY STOPPED MAKING ALL THAT HORRENDOUS NOISE!!!!!

Spent yesterday not taking calls and laying on the couch watching movies, didn't even turn my computer on. A few liters of water and steaks last night returned my health and refreshed my spirit.

All and all not a bad trip but glad to be ensconced in my safe little cubicle, sipping tea and pretending to work.

Turns out tonight...lest i forget

ggggrrrr :mad:

[ April 01, 2003, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Aaahh, 3 glorious days in the Sin City, the drinks, the lights, the shows, crush of unwashed masses... snip

Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Aaahh, 3 glorious days in the Sin City, the drinks, the lights, the shows, crush of unwashed masses... snip

Is it a parrot or a robot? :confused:


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Speaking of Robots, how come they always turn bad in movies and books?

Being a robot woukld'nt it's creator have to first program the thing to turn against him and the rest of humanity?

How come A.I always = machines killing humans?

It makes no sense at all, but then again neither does a giant continent island out in the middle of no where in the south east pacific populated by British ex cons.

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Gaylord try this.

Put emails in one hand and sh*t in the other.

Check back with your results later.

Scampering home to continue my life of leisure and non-work in another location. Becket you gap-toothed, sister-kissing, cousin-marrying, hobo-wannabe there had better be a turn in my inbox. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

...a trio of blue, fanny-farmers, banging away on some old PVC pipes...

Eeewwww. Undoubtedly a picture unintentionally painted, but none the less disturbing.

And drinking water and tea? Good gawd man! You've a screen name to uphold. GRRRRRRR :mad:

[ April 01, 2003, 08:00 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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Hey Gaylord, have you and Michael Dorosh decided which Village People concert you are going to celebrate your 3000th post? OR maybe he will let YOU dress in the uniform and sit on his couch.

{scene opnes in middle-class Canadian home*}

MD: Come and sit, my liebshin(sic).

GF: Grog Dorosh** it is a pleasure to in your presence.

MD: Let us not waste time talking...I want to "BLIZTKRIEG"...

*fade to black*

Only 100 more thought provoking posts until your "reward". :eek:

{*middle-class in Canada is indoor plumbing and the bear sleeps outside..unless it's really cold, which is, well not very often.}

{** apologies to Grog Dorosh and his mannequin}

[ April 01, 2003, 10:26 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Gaylord why do you speak the name that must not be mentioned? We have been getting alongs quite nicely without nos Just-a-farce, squirrels and mcnuggets gumming up the werks. Rulz? PAH!!!

No time for that crap. Next you'll be using the Queen's English and not good-ole American like you should.

Render unto Peng that which is his......but this ain't it.

A set-up? Why not, I mean it's not like I have too many games to stop posting here yet. And, barring drinking binges out of town, I am generally able to send 10-15 files per week, which in this bunch of slack-jawed, knuckle-dragging nimrods is incredible. Now, in a REAL Waffle-house-of-Ale-and-TNT that would be unacceptable but our brainless namesake rides the short bus so the bar is lowered for all.

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ARAGRGARAAGRAGRAG :mad: :mad: :mad:

All my turns have gone back out, and some hoor challenged me and I will send them something when I'm good and ready.

Goodale has failed to send a turn for 5 days now. This is par for the course. I expect to wait at least another week.

I have two new scenarios ready to rock and roll. The first one is quite dinky (low points, small map) but fun and an interesting challenge. The second one is significantly larger but looks babelicious.

If there is any demand for a Soddball Special in the style of Inferno I shall put my mind to such a thing.

Edited to add some :mad:

[ April 02, 2003, 05:05 AM: Message edited by: Soddball ]

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Originally posted by Becket:

And the wino rematch is underway!

In other news, Dave H and Soddball are both yeller.


Them's fightin' words. All right, what do you have in mind? Want to give one of Soddball's new masterpieces a whirl? I'll have to make this the last PBEM I have going for the time being. If Goodale, wino, Paddington, Axe, and _UXcva all returned turns once in a while, I'd be covered up in my limited gaming time. Fortunately, Axe seems to be the only one conscious right now. :D

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Dave H (now rebolded!), did you miss this from last week? :D

Originally posted by Becket:

Soddball or DaveH, one of you losers should send me a set for Stalino. I care not whether I play the attacking Germans or the defending Soviets, what the point value is, the date, or anything else.

Stalino is one of the BCR maps, in Map Pack 4 to be specific.

I'm dying to play this one.
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Originally posted by MasterGoodale

:mad: :mad: :mad: Arrghh , Grrrr :mad: :mad: :mad:

Yea, yea whatever. Listen here, slapnuts, when the game gets going update forthcoming. Why don't you scroll back up to the top and read where I posted what a sackless-no-turn-sending fool Beowolf (not bolded cuz he allows work to interfere with CMBB) truly is. When that jizz-bucket figures out the recipes for a latte and a mocha he will have the free-time to game. Until he is standing in front of the mirror practicing "Hi, welcome to Starbucks". Either that or he got a government job...those are about the only two things the troll is qualified for. If I spent all my time telling about the louts that were not sending turns this thread would be at 300 posts every other day.

Dave H I sent your turn out last night if not received let me know and I will re-send.

The rest of you maggots turns out last night.

[ April 02, 2003, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Originally posted by nevermind:


You tea sipping UK pansy boy,set it up!What type, size,etc doesnt matter as i will destroy all your forces and laugh at your pityful attempts at "manuevers".Hell i'll even have my units facing the wrong way while fighting you and still prevail!

Oh and since it seems you need these to be in here :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

TNT chucker in the making :mad:



it seems you are 14 days older than me,odd,though i thought id mention it. smile.gif err umm :mad:

This is the best i can do,lol,i would hope you seasoned threat vets will go easy on me.

Turn 1 to follow as soon as I have pushed some more molten TNT into my weasel.

Goodale, you rotting vagina, what the hell is wrong with you? My guess is Mrs Goodale says that Master Goodale is only allowed on the computer for 15 minutes a day. tongue.gif

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