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Cheery Threats of Stale Waffles and Moldy Goodales

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Teddy Windsor - my Sig looks like a running sore with comments about hot white coconuts in it. Now that I have turned your PanzerGrenadiere into whining nancies in the SEPTIC cup, how's about a little rematch to free my Sig from pervdom?
I've missed your witty banter, words of wisdom, tales of derring do and manly friendship, my little chum.

Those halcyon evenings spent around an open fire, roasting our nuts, slapping each other’s thighs and wrestling in the tent.

I’m feeling a little neglected since you tied the knot and have a vacant slot that you're more than welcome to fill.

Whatever tickles your fancy is more than all right with me and I look forward to hearing from you once more,

Yours, as always, Teddy

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Oh, the suspense is killing me. My Hoosier friend Dave H and I are on turn 29 of 30. Bodies are strewn everywhere and a war of attrition is about to run out of time.

Who will win? What will the body count be? How often does MoldyGoodale have to act like a eunuch around his wife to be allowed to play two minutes of CM? We'll have answers to all these questions and more right after the break. Stay tuned!

Jas :mad: n

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Working through my turns tonight.

Axe2121 and Dave H will be later tonight. Must feed first.

Gaylord Focker and I are a few turns into an all armor match on one of Old Dog's maps. I love that map set, lots of variety as well as options for ME, Ruskie attack, and German attack.

Almost done playing the wanker lenakonrad. I thought a Penger would have put up more of a fight. Only thing that I see left is a T-34 and a light gun which may, may not, be still active. Lost a Stug to find the gun and bogged a Tiger. That's my losses so far. :D

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Working through my turns tonight.


Almost done playing the wanker lenakonrad. I thought a Penger would have put up more of a fight. ... :D

Whatever gave you that idea? I'd put you and Axe up against anyone from that "other" thread, because both of you keep the pressure building until your opponent breaks. I don't know about Goodale (that maggot), because I'm going to win our game IF IT EVER GETS FINISHED!!! :mad: :mad: On the other hand, he may drive somebody from the Peng crazy by his glacial pace of sending turns. They're like the Chinese Water Torture - just when you think he's quit the game completely, another turn shows up.

I haven't played any of the other regulars here a full game yet, so I can't comment on their expertise. Well, I could, but I would be guessing at how unbelievably incompetent they are. No, I mean I'd be guessing at the tactical brilliance they exhibit. Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket. :D:D

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. I don't know about Goodale (that maggot), because I'm going to win our game IF IT EVER GETS FINISHED!!! On the other hand, he may drive somebody from the Peng crazy by his glacial pace of sending turns. They're like the Chinese Water Torture - just when you think he's quit the game completely, another turn shows up.
- DaveH

Angry Out Loud!!! :mad: :mad:

I'm gonna blow you to tiny specs of flea **** you ugly-mug no tooth having weasel dick!! :mad:


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Just remember you sickening gaggle of maggot abominations - if I beat you in this so-called nonexistent PBEM game your sig is mine :mad: and ooohhh boy do I fancy a few in particular I've been brewing over for months now!! :mad:

SoddBall's "white coconuts" is a classic I wish it wasn't taken! :mad: I'd be slinging that one at SNARKER :mad:

Carrot Top you're gonna get a good one too. You see, we each have a choice. Be a daddy, be a bitch, or change another's sig. :mad:

Eat up maggots! :mad:

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Listen up Parabellum, Hortlund, and Headshot!! :mad:

You've been my daddy long enough for one pathetic win so it's time to step up and pay the piper!! :mad: I want a rematch after my current round (gaggle) of PBEMs is up!! :mad: It's time to kick your skunk-banging asses and give you a tasty sig or add you to my harem of little bitches! :mad: If I don't hear from you in 10 days from today I ose the "Papas" know what I mean Vern??! :mad:

Parabellum didn't Abbott make us a rematch scenario!? :mad: Get with it maggot and send me a setup! :mad:


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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

[QB] Listen up Parabellum, Hortlund, and Headshot!! :mad:

some whining

Headshot's most recent of a long list of names was Poor Old Spike. He may have gotten himself banned from the forum again. He'll be around, though. All of his CMBB games are on ladders, I think. Hi there, Mick, how's Plymouth in the springtime? :D

Goodale, so glad to hear from you again. Are you guys getting more snow up there? Any chance of me finding a turn from you when I get home? Maybe a Russian surrender before my armor cuts off your retreat to the map edge. :D:D

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Sodball!!! Has your maggot infested ISP kept you from receiving my turn yet again? Or are you a practising disciple of MasterProcrastinator's "if I send one turn a month my brillaint opponent (yeah, the one that just misspelled "brilliant") who is whipping the snot out of me will forget the tac-sit and maybe I'll eek a draw out of my sorry predicament" dogma.

Gr! Too winded for a bigger growl after that.

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen

So. If you're feeling like doing some battle send me a setup !

WTF?!?!? Only a limp-wristed, sister-humping, slack-jawed, knuckle-dragging Euro would dare post such a lame-ass attempt at a challenge in here. There wasn't a single :mad: , or even a Grrrrr . Now I see from your profile that you reside in Finland and as such I would expect more from you. Grow a pair, turn off the Techno music and try again. Or you can go back to playing Magic the Gathering at the mall with your friends.

On to more important things:

In a gloriously brilliant victory of epic proportions I triumphed over lenakonrad in a 73-27 Unfecking-Believable MAJOR VICTORY . With his 10, yes 10, 82mm mortar teams doing naught but 6 casualities. Couldn't even chuck TNT proper like. My other losses were a Stug and a bogged Tiger.

Mayberry Mopper is using the Shoot-and-Poop command quite ineffectively as he craps all over hisself and begins to lose. Some....*yawn*...talk about him chuckin-TNT at yours truly but at this pace it will be over, he will be dead, and I will rule his sig.

Axe2121 is taking some time away from CMBB this weekend. Some yammering about "family" and "holiday". I think he is just taking some time to reflect on the insanely brilliant tactical moves that I have made so far. Like losing both of my guns(1 ATG and 1 inf) in less than 4 turns. Even that floundering has not stopped me from holding more flags than the sackless wonder.

"Mannstein is coming" is the phrase Dave H keeps uttering. Well, just jerk the lad off, be done with it and send me my turn.

"Mein Craphole" has been mired in nothingness as Beowolf has turned all MasterGoodale on me. I give the little lass 1 week to post here, send an email, carrier pigeon or I am dumping him like a bad girlfriend.

That is all.

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Only a limp-wristed, sister-humping, slack-jawed, knuckle-dragging Euro would dare post such a lame-ass attempt at a challenge in here. There wasn't a single :mad: , or even a Grrrrr . Now I see from your profile that you reside in Finland and as such I would expect more from you. Grow a pair, turn off the Techno music and try again. Or you can go back to playing Magic the Gathering at the mall with your friends.

Oh it's GRRRRRRS and :mad: s you're after then ? Well ??? Did it make you feel any better ?

I like to do things my way, not to copy off someone else if lacking imagination. MAGGOT . I wasn't sure how to behave here, but thanks alot for giving me a lesson here you pile of rot. In the future though, I won't be paying much attention to your empty threats. I prefer letting my actions on the field speak for themselves. If you already didn't know, we Finns tend to be like that. And I bet I could give you a good lesson in any battle of your choosing, but I think you're too intimitated to take part. No, I don't just think , I know . What if you should happen to lose ? To a Euro ??? Ah the SHAME ! The mere thought of it prevents you from playing me. And that makes me :mad: :mad: cos I need a challenge !

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:


"Mannstein is coming" is the phrase Dave H keeps uttering. Well, just jerk the lad off, be done with it and send me my turn.

mike, if you would look someplace like , oh, I don't know, maybe your IN BOX, you would find the turn I sent you yesterday about 6 PM. :mad: What's that, about noon your time on the left coast? Anyway, even an e-mail that slows down in shame for having to go to California should be there by now. And don't bother your silly little head about Manstein, he's doing just fine as his double envelopment rolls along.

Prinz Eugen, I would send you a set up, but I'm currently playing Paddington, another uber-Finn, so I don't want to take on too much. Besides, you guys hibernate for about 6 months over the winter, right, so I don't want to face all that pent-up hostility and aggression at once. Keep posting though, now that you've stirred up the ire of mike the wino. He can never find too many people to hate. :D:D And that's not even mentioning the other alleged humanoids who post in this thread. ;)

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Oh looky, I got der Uber-Finn all kinds of growlie. :mad: That there was a right perty challenge maggot boy. And for the record I don't discrimate against whom I will pummel. I am even playing a Canadian with French leanings. The Scottish heritage of his is showing through as it turn 15 and he hasn't surrendered.

So what'll it be? Lutefisk at dawn? Dueling with eels?

[ April 19, 2003, 05:42 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Originally posted by Dave H:


And that's not even mentioning the other alleged humanoids who post in this thread. ;)

Speaking of which,where is Snotball ?OMFG!! and WTF!! is he a 90 year old woman with alzheimers?Does someone come along and give her the "remember pills" once a week and that is why she only sends a turn a week?Send turns you sadistic bastid :mad: :mad:

Kinky ,OTOH,atleast has the decency to get about 5 turns into the game,let the TNT start falling for 15 seconds,and then go on a vacation!GGGGRRRRRRRR :mad: :mad:

[EDIT to fix my screw up..sorry Wino]

[ April 20, 2003, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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never-had-a-mind WTF? Would you kindly stop attributing drivel from Dave H to me? I can make myself look like enough of a horse's ass without having to covering for that festering pustule.

BTW, let's quick like start another thread, not tell MasterGoodale , then wait and see how many times he posts in the old before he catches on.

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