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Cheery Threats of Stale Waffles and Moldy Goodales

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You blasphemous pouches of oven baked Ziti filled with Zit Puss!!! :mad:

You disgust me!!

I just sent all my turns out and let me assure your sheep-banging Sh*t-speckled a$$ses it's coming first class fed-ex with a good helping of bitter TNT you MasterGoodale GrandMaster TNT Chucker wannabe non-fighting cowardly excuses for a sack of fermented **** that's been sitting in the desert for 20 years!! :mad: :mad:

From now on it's no more mister nice guy scumm scrotums! I'm gonna start splashing TNT in every damn direction until the crack of dawn's ass and you're gonna like it maggot!! :mad:


Becky - You moronic piece of pig **** I love mowing down your grunts with machine guns and land mines! AHAHHAHAH !!! What a rush!! Stacking them like cord wood you pouch of piss!

Mike the Whiner If you had more than 2 ounces of **** for brains you'd tell mw what's happening in "Mein Kampf" but that takes ambition and intelligence and we all know those aren't prevailent traits in a family whose gene pool has more beer than water. You make me sick.

Snarker HAHHAH AH AAH AH AH AH H AAH AH AH H AH AH AH AH AH !!! Man I'm really vrushing your dumb grunts! Do you REALLY think a few dumb kraut grunts can rush 3 T-34s and multiple squads of brave Russian infantrymen across an open field and up a hill?! IDIOT!!! My men are starting to feel sorry for those poor misled sons of bitches!! Have mercy man!! Your tactics are ghastly. :mad:

Carrot Dude, sorry about all that hot bitter angry gray stuff my men are chucking randomly in your direction. We are trying very hard to miss but it just aint happening bro.

ScuzzyBalls Hey! My men have come up with a brilliant new strategy that is sure to change the course of the war!! They gonna actually SURROUND your men! Can you believe that ****!??? It was some dumb private that thought of it too wouldn't ya know!!

Konrad You're just plain doomed maggot balls. I don't know what else to say. Have you ever thought of a career in ballet dancing? That Billy Elliot kid was pretty good!


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I have today discovered why Mrs Goodale calls MasterGoodale "Old Mr Once-a-Fortnight". I have received a turn, and sure enough, it's two days inside my 'two-weeks and you're my wife' deadline. Poor Mrs Goodale. MasterGoodale's attack pattern is as incoherent as his speech.

Snarker continues to lose armour at a delightful and prodigious rate. Our scenario has deep snow as its weather conditions, which makes advancing a real nightmare for infantry, and the terrain is open and flat, ensuring that tank battles are frequent and decisive. The whiff of impending wifedom wafts across the battlefield.

Mike the Wino has given up returning turns due to terror at impending wifedom.

MikeT and I have fought each other to a draw in our savage 800pts infantry-only battle. Tremendous fun, and a lesson that mortars and MGs will win the day. MikeT was unable to break through and rout my forces because he couldn't bring up enough support firepower. I had bought extra 82mm mortars which routed and broke the majority of his troops.

That said, I learned the lesson about remembering to split squads to make your forces look bigger than they are. I frequently frotted about Mike's apparently innumerable hordes of german soldiers, only to find that it was less than a platoon of routed infantry with no ammo. Oh, And I learned about not bothering to buy conscript 82mm rocket spotters with a time delay of 32 minutes. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

You blasphemous pouches of oven baked Ziti filled with Zit Puss!!! :mad:

carries on as usual

Becky -

Mike the Whiner





So MisterGoodFail, have you sent your long overdue turn to me, or is your plan to hope I forget the total victory my Germans have achieved over your pathetic, leaderless Soviets? Not going to happen. GRRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:

Axe, congratulations to the Orangemen! I don't know how they managed to get Kansas to miss 18 free throws, and lose by three points. It really doesn't matter though. :D

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Originally posted by nevermind:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

[sNIPS]My turns went out to everyone first thing.

Isn't there someone else I should be fighting?

Snotball You slack ass,challenge taking,no setup sending,waste of CM playing space,what is the malfunction you wanker? :mad: :mad: Now i see why everyone in here is so :mad: :mad: :mad: How am i to force humility on you if you wont send the setup? :mad: :mad:

:D I like this thread. </font>

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The main reason you haven't had a setup, RETARDED SPASTIC BOY, is that it's difficult to email a setup to someone WITHOUT AN EMAIL ADDRESS IN THEIR PROFILE!!.

What exactly did they teach you at the "THPEFFAL SKHOL" you went to?

Look who's talking! :mad:

If you don't send me your turn in next 24 hrs, I'll declare you as my unlawfully wedded bitch, and the first thing I'm gonna do is call mike the wino and his vaseline posse over to give you such treatment that you'll spend rest of your life in a wheelchair! :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:


You slithering vile of zit puke!! Nobody talks to me like that in my thread!! Setup on the way you flag-burning pouch of skunk piss!

What's this "my thread" excrement anyway? You disappear for weeks at a time, you never send turns to anybody, and you expect everyone in this thread to just take you back in a big group hug? :confused: :confused: :confused:

You're just lucky that we all think you are so swell, ya big lug. tongue.giftongue.gif

Now send me a turn before I'm forced to create a regime change in the Goodale household.

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Originally posted by Keke:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />The main reason you haven't had a setup, RETARDED SPASTIC BOY, is that it's difficult to email a setup to someone WITHOUT AN EMAIL ADDRESS IN THEIR PROFILE!!.

What exactly did they teach you at the "THPEFFAL SKHOL" you went to?

Look who's talking! :mad:

If you don't send me your turn in next 24 hrs, I'll declare you as my unlawfully wedded bitch, and the first thing I'm gonna do is call mike the wino and his vaseline posse over to give you such treatment that you'll spend rest of your life in a wheelchair! :mad: </font>

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale

Mike the Whiner If you had more than 2 ounces of **** for brains you'd tell mw what's happening in "Mein Kampf"

WTF!! Mg you are a no-turn-sending, never-posting, tact-less, tactic-less, grub-eating, fanny-farmer. Not even YOU could be this stupid. Go back and read my post you giant turd. If necessary have someone read it to you. And then go back and read my other post. Beowoldf (not-bolded because he is a no-game-having, no-turn-sending MasterGoodale(which is no considered an insult :D )) said somefink about a new job and then buggered off.

On the bright side:

You make me sick

Now, if you are gonna bother to post, keep up with developments.

My apologies, Soddball, I didn't forget you, I would have had to have thought of you in the first place to forget you. :D

[ April 08, 2003, 03:44 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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I dont want to cut into your self pleasuring time by making you look back a few pages at the post that you responded to not once,but twice that contained my email.

Here it is again hunter77@bellsouth.net .Be careful that the lube on your hands doesnt cause your fingers to slip when typing it,ive already had to wait(lets see,whats it been now,two weeks?)for frecking ever :mad: :mad: to get this setup,i dont want to give you another excuse.Im sorry to tear you away from your copy of "Bovine:Utter of the Year Awards",but can we please get your lesson started? :mad: :mad: tongue.gif:D

Damn,this is very theraputic.Say,when do i get to start yelling and ranting at the rest of you? :D:D

[ April 08, 2003, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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Originally posted by nevermind:

Damn,this is very theraputic.Say,when do i get to start yelling and ranting at the rest of you?

If you feel like it, send me a setup. That goat-porn-downloading sorry excuse for MasterGoodale, has send me nuffink since his latest forum bunkum. :mad:

Edit: For the most retarted of you, 'sorry excuse for Mastergoodale' = Soddball

[ April 08, 2003, 07:12 PM: Message edited by: Keke ]

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I just sent all my turns out and let me assure your sheep-banging Sh*t-speckled a$$ses it's coming first class fed-ex with a good helping of bitter TNT you MasterGoodale GrandMaster TNT Chucker wannabe non-fighting cowardly excuses for a sack of fermented **** that's been sitting in the desert for 20 years


Mike the Whiner[/b






GOODALE, you sorry piece of retarded dog excrement, you have NOT sent MY turn! Unless I hear something within 24 hours, I shall declare you my bitch (when you do send the turn, you will eventually be my bitch anyways, you soggy pus-filled, francophile, yankee scum.) I just hope the mold-infested rathole you consider a home will not further delay...yeah, right...any turns from you. I mock you.



to you, SIR.

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So how are all you gauntlets of worm **** liking that fury I'm slinging your way??!! :mad:

I didn't think so. :mad:


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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

So how are all you gauntlets of worm **** liking that fury I'm slinging your way??!! :mad:

I didn't think so. :mad:


Be better if you actually sent some fury. To paraphrase a country/western song, "Needs a little less talk and a lot more action".

SEND the NEXT turn! GGGRRRRR, I'm gonna have to open a six-pack of whoopass on you. Don't worry, you'll love being my bitch!

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Originally posted by Keke:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by nevermind:

Damn,this is very theraputic.Say,when do i get to start yelling and ranting at the rest of you?

If you feel like it, send me a setup. That goat-porn-downloading sorry excuse for MasterGoodale, has send me nuffink since his latest forum bunkum. :mad:

Edit: For the most retarted of you, 'sorry excuse for Mastergoodale' = Soddball </font>

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2 PBEM files? WTF?!?!? You maggots are not even trying.

Dave H is all puffed up over his latest turn. Mannstein may be coming but it may not be enough for our intrepid bureuacrat.

Mein Kampf still gathers mold as it sits on the shelf. All it would take is a turn of beowolf (no longer bolded or capitalized since he is a no-turn-sendin-MasterGoodale*)

Becket sucks more than a whore on Saturday night in a brothel. First his scenario is an abysmal failure of TNT-Chucking and he has not sent a turn in our rematch.

Soddball turn out, sorry I missed ya mate. I want this horrific mess over as soon as possible.

Axe2121 is the only one of you ball-grabbers that sends a turn on a regular basis. Take him as your messiah and send out FECKIN TURNS YOU MAGGOTS!!!!

*MasterGoodale is now a recognized insult for a no-turn-sending-slack-jawed-inbred-goat-humping-bastiche.

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Snarker has just gone from "Person most likely to have his arse whooped" to "Person most likely to score jammy knockouts on my tank destroyers with his surviving Panzer IV, swinging the game from total victory for me to total arse whooping for me". The bastard.

Mike the Wino and are I are sobbing in exhausting as we hump our way to Becket's end. God, this is awful. I hate variable turns.

Keke has had his setup. Hurray for random terrain and weather. Look, another night battle in a terrain so full of craters it looks more like an Aero than a battlefield.

Nevermind has received his setup - 1250pts, infantry-only. tee hee hee.

MasterGoodale has sent 2 turns in four day. I am about to pass out in disbelief.

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Gamey Bastid, the huge amount of goat porn has infected your QB generator. :mad:

Nevermind, you'd propably send me a setup, where I'd defend open steppes with conscript Italians against your elite Soviet tank army, unless I strongly advice you not to do so. Please, no early war KV-1 clashes either, right? :mad:

Edited to make it more polite

[ April 09, 2003, 07:36 AM: Message edited by: Keke ]

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Dave H is all puffed up over his latest turn...

This is true, I admit. Anytime I can turn a parade of mike's KVs and T-34s into a pile of scrap iron, I'll get all puffed up. :D Now with only a few Russian tanks still running, and those few trying to hide behind buildings, I can turn my attention to mike's infantry. Those poor slobs, who a couple of minutes ago were gleefully watching the Soviet armor blasting my terrified German infantry cowering in buildings, now see their doom approaching.

By the way, for any of you who haven't tried the scenario "Manstein Cometh", it's a really good one. You can find it at the Scenario Depot.

I got a turn from Goodale!! The end is near!! GRRRRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:

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