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MasterAle's Good Waffle of Cheery Thread

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MG, you twinkle toed, pink wearing, cosmo sipping, tu-tu toting pig! Send me the bloody turn!DO IT NOW! (Officially the magic phrase, much liek please, but different.)


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Originally posted by Soddball:

Oh, go on then, if you must.

The die is cast. I will lead my Axis forces into battle against Soddball on a map designed by MG.

I have no preferences, other than it is balanced, bursting with molten TNT chucking malevolence, and cunning as a fox that has just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University.


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FIRST BLOOD! "Master" GoodAle's first tank met its fate at the hands of true german TNT chuckers! His foolish men, coupled wiht inept leadership, drove a t-60 to its certain doom, recklessly advacning without infantyr support. Now charred bodies and the muted screams of the driver whom i believe is fused to the vision slit are all that remains.

In older times, it might have been a noble charge, nay a glroious one, but we do not live ins uch times. Instead it was a a waste oif life that only MG could ordain.

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How do plebes at USMA have all this free time??? Wait, that's not my point. My point is that we'd all appreciate a screen shot from Thermopylae offering proof that MG has actually lost a T-60. Fog of war and all that, you know. We need some gun camera footage. Not to mention the fact that a TNT chucker of MG's magnitude doesn't just lose a T-60 unless he has some really serious molten counter attack in mind. Right, MG? MG?




Carry on, gents,


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Turns are on the way to all you maggots soon don't get your crusty panties in a wad! :mad: I have a map to finish for those two scumbags and believe me the aftermath of this battle ain't gonna be pretty ladies!! :mad: :mad:

And I laugh at the comments from my surrounded opponents (except Para) and chuck bitter TNT in their general direction! :mad:

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Snarkers & I are drawing to a close in ourself inflicted agony - I think it's fair to say that MG's first scenario lacked a few things...like balance, thought, historical forces....and a few other minor things.

Overall there has been far too little HE flying - but that' probably just my opponent's fault - he's the one with the 152mm guns!! redface.gif

So it gets only a GRR rating - a single :mad: .

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I have a map to finish for those two scumbags

MasterGoodale, I know you can't hurry genius, but have you got an ETA on your fiendish creation? Soddball's getting twitchy - I think the tension is starting to get to him. I'm sure when it arrives it will merit more than a GRR rating, but now I'm thinking we might be better playing a QB while you fine tune your scenario building-skills for general consumption by the gaming public?


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Originally posted by Soddball:

Got it and shipped it. Yuck.


WHY?? That's a good scenario!! As for the previous comments about Resting Tiger I'll have to wait to hear the feedback details before I know exactly what was wrong with it. I thought I put a good supply of molten TNT in that scenario and I thought it was balanced!! :mad: :mad:


DON'T make me open up a can of my special home-brew TNT scumbags!! :mad: :mad:

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I've decided that from now on anyone who plays my scenarios will be required to submit upon completion a "GGAAARRRGGGGGGGRRRRRRRR!!!" rating!! :mad: The rating will consist of an appropriately lengthy "GAGRAGRAGRAGRAGR!!" and a number of angry faces from 1-8, 8 meanind this scenario was very well balanced, the Molten, angry TNT was so furious and abundant, and the map so nice and functional that you'd drink a can of hot TNT to play it again!! :mad: :mad:

As for historical accuracy I've yet to determine how to ensure that in the editor! :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:


Easy, MG. Soddball and I will be giving the fruits of your labour careful consideration and will be happy to provide an AAR, complete with snapshots for you to scribble all over. I have to say I'm rather touched you took the time and effort ... nobody's ever done that for me before ... I better stop ... I'm choking up ...

Edited because quotes have opened up a whole new world of pain...

[ December 20, 2002, 02:41 PM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

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You ain't nothing to me maggot!! :mad: You're about as worthless as the TNT-Ravaged flesh beneath my feet!! You're wart puss scumbag!! Don't be getting all teary-eyed and emotional on me peckerlips!! :mad: I hope you burn in the fiery wrath of my custom TNT!! I hope you scream so loud in the throes of your agony you can be heard in the loudest whore house inBangcock!! :mad:

[ December 20, 2002, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: MasterGoodale ]

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