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Angry Faces, War Cries, Soddball Scenarios, and More... Maggot!

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Originally posted by Screaming Flea:

Mastergoodale you are an inspiration.. a.. shining example to your fellows... now tell me the truth.... ..

WAS IT A CLAM BAKE!?!?! :mad: :mad: :mad: ;)

My God, the humanity!! MasterGoodale (the maggot) took his vacation and created a ...

Mini-Me !! :eek: :eek:

Notice that Screeching Fleabite (the mini-maggot) has no information in the profile. Care to comment, MG?? tongue.gif

MasterGoodale (you maggot), this is low even by your standards. :D

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Let's see who has been on the wrong end of Soddball's Stick of Punishment today...

Here are my Evil Edna Updates:

MasterGoodale SHIPPED A TURN!! Actually, he was probably quite glad to ship this one, since his long-promised artillery (two fat doses of rockets, I might add) finally turned up, 20 turns late. It came as a big thundery splodicon excitement shock, because it has doubled his total kills to six. Bring it on, fatboy: :mad:

Mike_the_Whining_Weasel has shipped a turn of our game "Blow the city to pieces for 20 turns and sob". It's not fun. It's horrible.

He has also whined like a weasel about the original incarnation of Cheery Waffle, which is, to some extent, justified. Version 2 will resolve many of the Wino's Whines.

PratCmdr is still failing to successfully take Kneiber Dam. He frots and foams like a frotty, foamy thing. Still, we agree on one thing - MasterGoodale sucks. :mad:

BallyWobble is still cowering like a hoor as I advance across the map. I have now covered 60% of it and still no sign of the cowering weasel.

Snarker has resurfaced after a suckage and is continuing to pound me like a bitch in the showers in jail. :mad: Pass the soap. :mad:

Keke is biting off the rough end of Soddball's Stick of Punishment and is counting down the turns till game-over, hoping that he can scrape a draw and avoid wifedom.

I will have games finished fairly soon. Whoever is waiting to play me better pucker up. :mad:

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Soddball the only person giving me a pounding at the moment is Nippy . I could use another opponent. I'll be up for a rematch against Nippy too, my forces pretty much failed to achieve in our current game. If Snarker has recovered from the mutual nut-kicking we gave eachother I can fling TNT that direction too..... :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Keke:

Hear ye, Hear ye!

mtw's favourite turn sending monkey, Snarker, has fallen again. This time he didn't lose 80% - 20%, but 83% - 17%. :eek:

Lenin badge goes to 152mm spotter (43 inf cas caused) and SU-85 (42 inf cas, 1 Stug). :cool:

Hey, I beat my old score by 3% - you beat me like a drum. Next time I plan on being totally annihilated.
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Man, my e-mail is overflowing with bile flavored dreck today.

Shosties4th - Jebus, you moron! I put Just one small flag on the map to encourage you to not take unessessary losses. Go ahead, keep human waving my MG42s, I need the extra kill points.

P.S. That SU-76 of yours is in a bad spot. Like Rob found out, SU-76s and MG42 HMGs don't mix well.

Robohn - Our epic battle drew to a close with a 70/30 win for me. Much like Axe2121, he learned that letting your troops play in the street is usually a very bad idea.

As for you other fellows (read: maggots) who have extended challenges too me, I saddly must pass. My unpredictable medical condition(s) will most likly interfere with my ability to send PBEM files back and forth for a long while to come.

I'll still around to pester you guys a bit though. You ain't getting off that easy! :mad:

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There is now a burning armoured car in the middle of the commando raid DaveH is carrying out against my Russians. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I thought I could rush it up to where it was needed, however Dave's Germans had other ideas and decided they wanted to use it's burning hulk to toast marshmallows on. :mad:

Ah well, we will chalk that one up to experience and another lesson (hopefully!) learned, albeit the hard way! :mad:

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Originally posted by Crow:


There is now a burning armoured car in the middle of the commando raid DaveH is carrying out against my Russians. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I thought I could rush it up to where it was needed, however Dave's Germans had other ideas and decided they wanted to use it's burning hulk to toast marshmallows on. :mad:

Ah well, we will chalk that one up to experience and another lesson (hopefully!) learned, albeit the hard way! :mad:

Crow, trust me, EVERYBODY who plays CM learns almost all of their lessons "the hard way". I was actually quite surprised to see your AC go up like that. Who'd have thought throwing rocks at it would cause it to explode? I guess my guys are in trouble now. :D

UXcva_ and I played the entire first turn of Cheery Waffle 2.0 without a shot being fired. Is this a record for a Soddball scenario?

Did MasterGoodale (the maggot) already go on vacation again?

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Nope. I'm here maggot lips! :mad: Your angry TNT package will be whirling through the air tonight at your cranium puss pod!! :mad: So will all the rest of my emotionally disturbed TNT packages! I worked hard over my vacation cooking this latest batch over the campfire and making it fight hungry bears to get it good and bitter towards the world! GRAGRGRAGRGR!!!! :mad:

Somebody ask ScrotumBalls how his men are feeling with a mouthful of angry TNT!??! Go ahead!!, ask him how he liked his early Xmas present!!!

GGGGRGRGRGRAGRAGRAGRAGRA GRGRAGRAGRAGRGR AGRAGRGR ARAGRGRGRAGR!!! :mad: I'm good and angry today and people are gonna pay!! :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Nope. I'm here maggot lips! :mad: Your angry TNT package will be whirling through the air tonight at your cranium puss pod!! :mad: So will all the rest of my emotionally disturbed TNT packages! I worked hard over my vacation cooking this latest batch over the campfire and making it fight hungry bears to get it good and bitter towards the world! GRAGRGRAGRGR!!!! :mad:

Somebody ask ScrotumBalls how his men are feeling with a mouthful of angry TNT!??! Go ahead!!, ask him how he liked his early Xmas present!!!

GGGGRGRGRGRAGRAGRAGRAGRA GRGRAGRAGRAGRGR AGRAGRGR ARAGRGRGRAGR!!! :mad: I'm good and angry today and people are gonna pay!! :mad:

Yes, I'm in agony. Ow, ow, ow. Oh, the pain. Please, no more huge rocket attacks. Ow. Ow.

(I'll say anything to make MG ship a turn).

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Scrotumballs, how are your men feeling with a mouthful of angry TNT? Did you like the early Christmas present? These are the questions put forward by Screaming Flea (or is it Ant?), and inquiring minds want to know. :mad:

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I'm back with more TNT than you can shake a stick at! :mad: Swing a dead cat and you'll hit the TNT! More TNT than a barrelful...well, you get the picture.

Being away from this place for four days was like breathing fresh mountain air, drinking crystal clear water from a spring, having a barium enema.

Turns out to all you freaks and geeks that deserve one. Situation updates later tonight.

Until then,


Jas :mad: n

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What in blue blazes has been going on in my absence?!? :confused: :confused:

Three, count 'em, three turns from Masterneverceasestoamaze so far this evening. And the night is still young.

What's next -- will he start making posts that make sense? Will Mike swear off booze forever? Will Soddball stop using flamethrowers in his scenarios? Will Dave actually be rude to someone? Oh me, oh my, I think I'm going to die....

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Jas :mad: n

edited to credit Great Big Sea for the bit about oh me, oh my...from Excursion around the Bay. Maggots.

"Excursion Around The Bay

Oh me, oh my, I heard me old wife cry

Oh me, oh my, I think I'm gonna die

Oh me, oh my, I heard me old wife say

I wish I had never taken this excursion around the bay

'Twas on one Sunday morning, and the day being calm and fine

To the Harbour Grace excursion with the boys to have a time

Then just before the sailor took the gangway from the pier

I saw some fella haul me wife aboard of the Volunteer

Well we had full three hundred souls on board, oh what a splendid sight

Massed strong and regimental to make our spirits bright

And meself being in the double, when the funny things they'd say

They'd choke themselves from laughing when they'd see us in the bay

My wife she got no better, she turned a sickly green

I fed her cakes and candy, fat pork and kerosene

Castor oil and sugar of candy, I rubbed pure oil on her face

And I said she'll be a-dandy when we reaches Harbour Grace

My wife she got no better, me wife, me darling dear

The screechers from her truly you could hear in Carbonear

I tried every place in Harbour Grace, tried every store and shop

To get her something for a cure or take her to the hop

She died below the brandies as we were coming back

We buried her in the ocean, wrapped up in a Union Jack

So now I am a single man, in search of a pretty face

And the woman that says she'll have me, I'm off for Harbour Grace"

[ July 09, 2003, 08:14 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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I'm not sure how much TNT will be waiting for me when I return to the chateau tonight, but I could be busy over the next few days - word has reached me that an evil genius is planning to stop Big Ben at precisely 4pm, causing infinite tea time in Blighty, allowing him to take over the British Empire, and then the world...

Turns out tonight and possibly tomorrow morning, but then all maggots will have wait until I'm back in circulation (which allowing for a little flirting, a few witty one-liners and some mindless gun-play could be Sunday evening).

Chin chin,


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Originally posted by Axe2121:

I have nothing to do tomorrow, or the next day. Still on vacation. Have fun at work maggots! tongue.gif

Strangely enough, I figured you would save your vacation time for your honeymoon!! So what is your plan? Something like this: on your wedding night you tell Paula "Sorry, dear, but I already took my vacation. We can't go anywhere, because I have to go to work in the morning. Let me just get through these CMBB turns and I'll be ready for bed in just a few minutes." Four hours later you turn off the computer and sneak into the bedroom.

Or will you save that for a month or two into your marriage? I know I've done it more than a few times. :D:D

It looks like my "Beat Dave Like a Rented Mule" will have to wait for a while. With Shosties and UXcva_ piling on, I now have eight PBEMs going (although Prinz Eugen - the maggot - is threatening MasterGoodale - the maggot - as the least likely to send a turn). When I finish a few of these I'll get back to it, for you maggots like Keke the uber-Finn, mike_the_gamey_wino, and Axe of the Great White North. Not to mention the so-called people I haven't yet had the pleasure of playing (you maggots might even know who you are). tongue.giftongue.gif

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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

Turns out tonight and possibly tomorrow morning, but then all maggots will have wait until I'm back in circulation (which allowing for a little flirting, a few witty one-liners and some mindless gun-play could be Sunday evening).

Chin chin,


What's the matter, aren't you getting enough mindless gun-play in Cheery Waffle? :eek: I think you have set every building in the town on fire, except for the church I had the honor of setting ablaze. Have you noticed I am trying to put out the fires by blowing up the buildings? You did get my message to make sure all of your Russians were safely out of town, didn't you? :D:D
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Originally posted by Dave H:

Strangely enough, I figured you would save your vacation time for your honeymoon!!

I have two more weeks of vacation that I'll use then. Paula gets four weeks. Ah, the joys of living in a socialist paradise. Nothing compared to Europe though. If only we could shut down for the summer like, oh, say, Paris. Membership has its benefits.

It's a national crisis for some here that Canada has slipped to eighth on the U.N.'s list of best places to live. We were third last year and first for nine straight years before that.

My question is -- what is Norway like as a country? Some guy wrote a letter to the Toronto Star telling people not to worry (I agree), Canada is still a great place to live (it is, the neo-cons' bleating to the contrary -- why do they always seem to hate the countries they live in, whether it's here or the U.S.?) and he lived in Norway for most his life and said leaving it was like getting out of prison. :confused: He said the people are humorless, the food stinks and so on. Any of you maggots ever lived there?

You all stink. Finishing games with you is like getting out of jail. So why do I keep playing? It's like the guy who hits himself on the head repeatedly with a hammer. He does it because it feels so good to stop.

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Dave H:

What's the matter, aren't you getting enough mindless gun-play in Cheery Waffle? :eek:

There's mindless gun-play, and then there's senseless destruction...

Originally posted by Dave H:

I think you have set every building in the town on fire, except for the church I had the honour of setting ablaze.

That's only because you lost your H/Ts* before they had a chance to torch anything smile.gif

* At this point I should emphasise that this had less to do with my competence at CMBB and more to do with the fact my guns overlooking the God-forsaken town lasted long enough to slot them as they materialised at their reinforcement markers.

Originally posted by Dave H:

Have you noticed I am trying to put out the fires by blowing up the buildings? You did get my message to make sure all of your Russians were safely out of town, didn't you? :D:D

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
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Originally posted by Axe2121:

It's a national crisis for some here that Canada has slipped to eighth on the U.N.'s list of best places to live. We were third last year and first for nine straight years before that.

UN, please fix or somefink!! tongue.gif
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