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Angry Faces, War Cries, Soddball Scenarios, and More... Maggot!

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Turns out to DaveH and Axe.

Sit rep: Daves attack continues against the manor house with unrelenting ferocity. The next few turns will decide much of this scenario I think.

Meanwhile in Icicles in Ipswich some of my troops seem to have misunderstood the command to not open fire yet as a direct order to shoot as soon as they see something! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Alright you hooligans. I'm off until Wednesday for relaxation smile.gif and wedding planning stuff :mad: . No turns until then although that will come as a sigh of relief to Crow, Shosties4th, Teddy and Keke, the only ones bothering to send turns now.

MG, Mike and Prinz Eugen suck. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I highly recommend the operation Beginning of the End. Keke and I are throwing everything inlcuding the kitchen sink at one another. I think he has been dropping grand pianos filled with anvils on my troops. :mad:

Now, to bring a bit of the GF to the Cheery Waffle -- what will happen first -- regime change in Iran and North Korea or a turn from MasterGoodale? Discuss.

Anyone who wants to get in touch with me can call 1-800-INEEDHELP, a support line for the beligerent, foul-smelling, god-awful wastes of skin we call those of you who hang out in this gimp factory.

Later losers,

Jas :mad: n

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Oooooff, two lessons learned this weekend:

1) Make damn sure that you put sun block evenly and completely on your body. Those odd little missed swatches sting like hell and look quite silly.

2) There is a limit to how much liquor one can imbibe and survive. I learned whilst keeping it all contained within my body...my buddy decorated the bathroom with sick. Something about the combination of beer, wine and margaritas disagreed with the lad. :confused:

Good times, indeed.

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

2) There is a limit to how much liquor one can imbibe and survive. I learned whilst keeping it all contained within my body...my buddy decorated the bathroom with sick. Something about the combination of beer, wine and margaritas disagreed with the lad. :confused:

Good times, indeed.

Silly Wino. Beef Steak Charlie's didn't give you all the beer, wine and sangria you could drink for no reason...

Computer is about back to normal so you maggots can expect multiple turns sometime before MGA gets you even one.

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Maggots who sent turns include Mike_the_Vommer, Wallybob and PlatCmdr.

Maggots who didn't send turns and (by definition) suck include Snarker (and his feeble exploding computer), Keke (who is forgiven because he nearly always has to wait for me), Prinz Eugen (who sucks because he has owed me a turn for about a year) and MasterGoodale, who always sucks and always owes turns.

That said, I received an email from Goodale's ants yesterday saying that they will try to send his turns on without him.

My games ride mightily on the crest of total victory. You bunch of hand-shandying wazzoes better buckle up, because Soddy is going to ride you like a cheap hoor.

News on the Scenario front:

Lots of evil being generated. A groovily evil new scenario giving you the chance to enjoy long-range scraps with your tanks is entering beta stage.

[ July 07, 2003, 06:50 AM: Message edited by: Soddball ]

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Back to work again after a great holiday weekend. Those of you maggots who actually sent turns over the weekend (Crow, UXcva_, WallBob, Shosties4th, Stalin's Organ, and Teddy Windsor), thank you. Those of you maggots who were too busy to send turns (Prinz Eugen and MasterGoodale), thank you, too, for proving to the world what low forms of life you really are. tongue.giftongue.gif

Crow's Russians are defending like madmen against my commando raid. Someone must have told them we're not taking any prisoners with us when we leave. redface.gif

UXcva_ and I have started Cheery Waffle version 2.0 and there are significant changes from the beta scenario. For one thing, Ted has informed me that yours truly is the Russian company commander. Fortunately, I find myself playing the German side, with the ever-suave Teddy Windsor as my company commander. I'm inclined to let his virtual self give all the orders. :D

WallyBob seems to have tired of watching his Tigers explode and is turning the tables on my armor. Stuarts just don't shrug off many hits by 88s. Oh, mike_the_weiner, ask WallyBob about his experience on July 4'th. It could put new light on your partying. :eek:

Shosties sent me a file for my unit purchase and setup, but nothing since. My Russians are impatiently waiting to attack. ;)

Stalin's Organ has spent most of our game shooting up my trucks, which are trying to get my Germans to his escape route off the map. Finally I have some guns in place to make his escape more difficult. Russian trucks are burning on the bridge and in the ford. :cool:

Teddy Windsor and I are slugging it out in the original Cheery Waffle scenario. I must admit, Soddball does not leave you to fight emptyhanded. Buildings are burning all over town. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Dave H:

UXcva_ and I have started Cheery Waffle version 2.0....

Bloody hell, you can't keep a good man down.

...and there are significant changes from the beta scenario.
I hope there are more guns. And tanks. And explosions. And burning things. There definitely aren't enough of these in the original.

Fortunately, I find myself playing the German side, with the ever-suave Teddy Windsor as my company commander.
Famous. I can die a happy man.

In other news, Mikey, Axe and MG have been otherwise engaged ... drinking/burning, kissing up to the in-laws-to-be and attempting to identify an arse from an elbow, respectively.

And finally, any other maggots I've been playing are far too sensible to post here, so you're going to have to take it from me that they all regard me as an evil tactical genius who could have taught Zhukov a thing or two...

On a vaguely related note, I can recommend this map for a small ME that doesn't suck half as much as these QBs usually do.

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I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK you foul gaggle of slithering Zit Licks!! :mad: What an inbred pile of GrandMaster TNT-Chucker Wannabes! :mad:

I'll be slinging turns full of angry, hot, bitter, emotionally disturbed, sleep-deprived , molten TNT at a furious rate to catch up with my hapless victims maggots, so you better pray you're not one of them! :mad:

GGRRRRR!!! Oh that felt good GGRRRRARAGAGRAGRAR!!!! :mad:

Good one about the ants SnotBall. Unfortunately, the ants that transmitted that message were writing checks that their little bodies couldn't cash. How shall I put it. . . .they are currently "tied up" and unavailable for comment and their Queen appears to be experiencing "morning sickness" with her latest bacth of brood. :mad: Ever since I announced "Ant Jihad" a few months ago there appears to be less and less of the little buggers lingering around. :mad: I recently launched an all-out assault on my front and back lawn with pesticide (attack them where they camp! GRAGRAGRGRA!!!!) and ever since it seems that walking around my lawn isn't the "Day at the beach" that it used to be. Sometimes on cooler days I'm even nice enough to go outside with my propane torch and heat the sand up a little. The only drawback to this thoughtful gesture is that it appears to have increased the number of "ant smokers" on my land. I can't see them well enough to tell the brand. I just see little puffs of smoke rise from there they are sitting. It's just tragic. :mad:

[ July 07, 2003, 01:57 PM: Message edited by: MasterGoodale ]

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK...plus inane ranting.

Oh, is that you MasterGoodale, you maggot? Were you gone? I hadn't noticed. Since I have received at least one turn from you in the last 60 days I wasn't expecting any more contact with you this month. tongue.giftongue.gif
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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

......and their Queen appears to be experiencing "morning sickness".......

Anyone remember that part in the movie "Braveheart" where Edward the Long Shanks was talking about pre ma nactu(?),or first night for all scottish women getting married?Remember how he said that if you cant drive them out,breed them out?

So MG whatcha been doing?? :D:D :mad: :mad:

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Maggot Goodale !!!! Resend your last turn or should I say, PLAY THE TURN FIRST!!!!

I've been incomputercado for a week but I still doubt you actually sent anything.

The rest of you chewed up pieces of gristle went soft? What's with all the fluffy posts? Soothing background music?? :mad: :mad: :mad:

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To: MasterGoodale (aka Cockmuncher)

From: mike the wino (aka the guy controlling the boot kicking your spotty a**)

Subject: You sending turns like a stroke victim.

In your post dated 7/7/03, you wrote:

I'll be slinging turns full of angry, hot, bitter, emotionally disturbed, sleep-deprived , molten TNT at a furious rate to catch up with my hapless victims maggots, so you better pray you're not one of them!
Will this be at the same rapid fire pace we have come to expect from the in-breeding, brain-dead, goat-humper you have proved yourself to be. I am still waiting for the FECKIN TURN YOU WERE SUPPOSED SEND BEFORE YOU WENT OFF TO VISIT YOUR MOUTH-BREATHING, MOONSHINING IN-LAWS.

Now, I am really at a loss. In attempt to annoy Soddball I actually defended your non-turn sending. GAWD..I feel dirty now.

Let me sum up:

-You suck.

-You will lose.

-No amount of no-turn-sending, or lame-ass posts will delay your inevitable crushing defeat, nancy.

BTW, I am still awaiting a turn, hoor.

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Turns out to Axe2121, Nippy, Keke, and DaveH.

Keke, in wishing to settle wether Stravinsky or Shostakovitch was the composer who wrote the most TNT, naturally gave himself UNRESTRCITED force for his defenders in this probe thus availing himself of TRPs and BFA (Big F'ing Arty) while I get plane Jane combined arms. Well gee, guess who's having TNT party time right now.... :rolleyes:

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I see dead waffles...

Speaking of a Bruis Willis style ass kicking:

Shosties4th - Is trying to use smoke cover to get his troops into close quarters combat with my soldiers. News flash, failure factory, your rifle squads aren't the only ones with huge Firepower ratings.

Robohn - Turn 36 of 35+ and so far he has taken 1 of 4 objectives and the one he took was the one I chose not to defend.

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Close to finishing a game or 2. Draws most likey...if the Gods favor an American over an Uber-Finn.....and if Prinz Eugen can stop breaking packages long enough to send turns.

nevermind announce your preferences, no, dammit, not SHEEP COLOR, GAME PARAMETERS!!! The next time I kick yer arse I want no whining aboot "unfair" and/ or "gamey-ness".

Have I mentioned lately that Dave H is a hoor? No? I must be remiss...Dave H is a FECKIN HOOR!!!

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Damn I am bored.

Hey Nippy wanna try the Wino Bitch-Slapping Challenge?

What is that you ask? Well let me splain. It's kinda like the Nippy Challenge 'cept I get Panthers and sharpshooters to offset your T-34/85's and sharpshooters. Are ya feeling funky, white boy?

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Hear ye, Hear ye!

mtw's favourite turn sending monkey, Snarker, has fallen again. This time he didn't lose 80% - 20%, but 83% - 17%. :eek:

Lenin badge goes to 152mm spotter (43 inf cas caused) and SU-85 (42 inf cas, 1 Stug). :cool:

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Originally posted by Shosties4th:

Keke, in wishing to settle wether Stravinsky or Shostakovitch was the composer who wrote the most TNT, naturally gave himself UNRESTRCITED force for his defenders in this probe thus availing himself of TRPs and BFA (Big F'ing Arty) while I get plane Jane combined arms. Well gee, guess who's having TNT party time right now.... :rolleyes:

Although I enjoy watching the movie again and again, where your Soviets suffer under the rain of TNT, I'd appreciate if you would send me *new* turns instead. :mad:

Gotta love those Hungarian mortars. :cool:

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