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Wind Conditions: Does it reduce the ability to pick up sound contacts?

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Apart from possible spreading of fires when tiles are very dry + windy, do strong winds in CMBB impair the ability of a player to pick up sound contacts compared to non-windy situations ceteris paribus?


Charl Theron




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[ August 25, 2003, 08:34 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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Originally posted by PeterX:

Good question. The only effect seems to be on smoke drift and dissipation. Wind should have an effect on longer range fire and target acquisition. But it doesn't.

Peter, yes, AFAIK CM does not (as of yet) model wind on ballistics. Probably too complicated. The question is if it has any effect on spotting; if not, I hope it will in some CM incarnation.


I have the USA version of CMBB + manual. Cannot for the life of me find the text regarding wind effect other than fire spreading/smoke dissapation. Anyone care to enlighten me?


Charl Theron

[ August 25, 2003, 12:47 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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I tested it. Turns out that wind conditions DO have an effect. Still and breeze are the same, but I had a regular Panzerschreck team target a SU-85 at 95 meter range. In still conditions the hit percentage was 55, while in strong wind it was 44. 'Windy' was something inbetween. I also tested the same with PaK36 and an ATR at the range of 1 km, and the difference was even more significant (relatively).

So wind effects on hitting have been modelled, but you probably won't notice the difference when firing a FlaK 88 at point blank.

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Are you sure about that, Sergei? We had a lengthy discussion on this topic a few months ago. I tired to retrieve it but the search only goes back 30 days (Or 'Any Date' which takes forever). The consensus then was that CM does not model wind effects on ballistics. However, I'll be happy to be contradicted. smile.gif

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Very interesting regarding strong windy conditions vs. Hit% Sergei. Could you send me your test if you still have it? If not, your paramaters for testing strong windy conditions with AT-guns and shrecks?

Much obliged,


EDIT: for my spelling is woeful at 6:00am SA (GMT+2)Time

[ August 30, 2003, 11:37 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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I didn't save anything, but it is a very simple test. I just loaded the editor and placed a Panzerschreck ca. 100 m away from the target. Do this, and check the hit %age with the LOS tool. Then go to parametres and change it to strong wind. Now re-check the hit probability. It should be lower, or then my version of CM is a pre-alpha-CMX2. smile.gif

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Originally posted by WineCape:


I have the USA version of CMBB + manual. Cannot for the life of me find the text regarding wind effect other than fire spreading/smoke dissapation. Anyone care to enlighten me?


Charl Theron

Sorry, read this a bit late. Which kind of enlightenment do you like to hear? Yes, weather impacts hearing and spotting (according to the manuals as well as in RL and my gaming experience). Wind is not mentioned explicitly in that regard. I do not know if CDV (european distributor) consider wind as a part of weather. I do. :rolleyes:

Gaming (and RL) experience supports that wind influences hearing. No tests, just a feeling.



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Strong winds might decrease the ability to hear the enemy. But a light breeze from the enemy's direction should also make it easier to smell them, an important advantage when troops haven't seen a soap for two months. Especially the Soviet mine dogs have accurate noses (to play the dogs input the code X-Y-X-X-X-A-B-A-Y in the title screen after you have completed the game once at medium difficulty, and the face of Madmatt should show up). OTOH Germans had toilet paper more readily available which balances things.

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Originally posted by Firefly:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Scarhead:

I do not know if CDV (european distributor) consider wind as a part of weather. I do. :rolleyes:

The manual is the same in both versions, it's just partly in .pdf in the CDV version. I don't know who did the German translation though, I only have the English version </font>
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Can't remember whether I did translate 'Assault Rifle' as Angriffssturmriffel oder 'Nicht projizierende Abstandswaffe die 'Bumm' macht'. Must be my age. redface.gif Which one would be right?

Have you got anymore examples with dodgy expressions in the CDV manual (preferably from the German manual though and not from Google and the Sueddeutsche)? If so, feel free to email them to me, I am actually quite interested in getting better at it, and would like to learn from my mishtakes.

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Originally posted by Andreas:

Can't remember whether I did translate 'Assault Rifle' as Angriffssturmriffel oder 'Nicht projizierende Abstandswaffe die 'Bumm' macht'. Must be my age. redface.gif Which one would be right?

Have you got anymore examples with dodgy expressions in the CDV manual (preferably from the German manual though and not from Google and the Sueddeutsche)? If so, feel free to email them to me, I am actually quite interested in getting better at it, and would like to learn from my mishtakes.

Hey, if you did translate it, I have to re-read it and enjoy :D . Somewhere in my head I recall some errors. But as I encounter so many errors during my life, I can't say where I encountered them anymore - except for those serious ones I made myself ;) . Must be the age - or the time on this board. Or both.

PS: Mail nach Hause mit Prüfauftrag geschrieben!



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Based on research with noise impacts from auto traffic:

1. winds above a certain speed tend to bend sound waves upwards, and turbulence has the same effect

2. sound seems to carry better in winter (made noise readings for aircraft landing at the local air carrier airport during summer and winter)

3. low vegetation tends to absorb sound waves and reduce noise impacts

For wind effects on ballistic accuracy, the lateral impact on first shots can be substantial but is a function of range. Second and follow-up shots usually include corrections for lateral error (jump, trunnion cant, wind, etc) so steady wind is an initial but not continued problem.

Gusts are another matter.

The Americans published analyses of crosswind effects on 75mm, 76mm and 90mm APCBC during WW II:


75mm APCBC fired at 619 m/s

0.55m lateral drift at 915m

2.20m lateral drift at 1829m

4.66m lateral drift at 2744m

3"/76mm APCBC fired at 793 m/s

0.46m at 915m

1.83m at 1829m

4.53m at 2744m for 3" APCBC

4.09m at 2744m for 76mm APCBC

90mm APCBC fired at 814 m/s

0.32m at 915m

1.35m at 1829m

3.13m at 2744m

90mm APCBC fired at 854 m/s

0.24m at 915m

0.99m at 1829m

2.25m at 2744m

The lateral drift due to other factors varies but is a fairly good percentage of wind effects.

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Interesting Lorrin...

It seems that the typical close tank duel range in CMBB combat might not be THAT much of a influence regarding CM's ballistic engine calculations with regard to wind, seeing that projectile lateral drift being usually less than a metre at range 1000m. At most, Charles (probably) factored a certain lower hit% into a hit probabilities when there is strong wind. That's enough for me IF it is the case.

But I will test tank/ATG duels later tonight at 1000m and play with wind settings to see the effect on Hit% as reported by Sergei.

Will report later my limited findings...

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Yup, my limited test confirms what was so ably tested by Sergei earlier regarding Wind vs. Hit%


Target T-34, 847m+ away from these units below, hit % as shown


50mm ATG - Still = 39%, Windy = 39%, Strong = 36% [847m]

37mm ATG - Still = 36%, Windy = 35%, Strong = 33% [855m]

75mm ATG - Still = 44%, Windy = 43%, Strong = 40% [884m]

88mm ATG – Still = 47%, Windy = 47%, Strong = 44% [900m]

76.2mm ATG - Still = 39%, Windy = 38%, Strong = 35% [850m]

Pz. IVG - Still = 41%, Windy = 40%, Strong = 38% [863m]

Pz. IIIN – Still = 28%, Windy = 27%, Strong = 22% [871m]

EDIT: All units above = regular, shooting from N-S, wind lateral from E-W

[ September 02, 2003, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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That's fascinating, so BFC really has thought of everything! This will have implications for long range desert gunnery in CMAK.

What was the size of your sample? Also, it might be worthwhile to measure mortar fire drift. That seems like it should be a weapon highly susceptible to wind conditions.

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Interesting results on the "to hit" probabilities. I wonder if crew experience plays a factor as well. A crack crew should be better able to adjust for wind than a conscript crew, other things being equal. In fact, if the wind speed (and direction) is constant, I would think that a crack crew would have no penalty to its "to hit" probablity, certainly not after the first shot. Even conscript crews should start to zero in on a target after the first shot, with wind having an increasingly minor effect on "to hit" probabilities, by virtue of its constant effect on the rounds fired.

What is more important than the speed of the wind is its variablity. The more the wind varies (in speed or direction), the harder to accurately adjust fire. Of course, stronger winds may be correlated with greater variability.

All in all, given the distances involved and the ability of units to adjust their fire, I would expect wind to play a pretty minor role in "to hit" probabilites in CM.

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The following net site offers an interesting summary of how climate and weather influences sound waves:


If one stands on the end of an active aircraft runway and faces into the wind, they may not hear an oncoming aircraft due to the bending up of the sound waves.

[ September 02, 2003, 08:52 PM: Message edited by: rexford ]

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Originally posted by Scarhead:

IIRC The manual (CDV booklet or the pdf-file) says that weather impacts spotting and hearing. Guess that means wind conditions and not just fog&rain.



Checked this. Weather impact on spotting and hearing ist in the general "weather" section. Listed for each weather, but no mentioning of wind.

@Andreas: Translation of the manual is not bad, really not bad (I'm from Southern Germany smile.gif ). "Biggest" flaw found yet was "Pacht&Leih" - even my GE history book says lend&lease. Fixed expression, just like rock'n'roll (never heard a translation of that :D ) First Amendment or Bill of Rights.



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