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Those That I Taunt I Do Not Hate, And Who Hates the Peng Challenge I Do Not Love

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Originally posted by Lars:

Well lads, I'm off to the Boundary Waters for another canoe trip. I'll be on the opposite end of it from Seanachai, naturally, now that I've had fair warning.

BTW, Seanachai, best wishes for your Mum.

And stay the h*ll on your side of the woods, the Arrowhead is mine.

Back when I figure out how to use this friggin compass, which will probably take till about Tuesday...

SSN Hint Of The Day: Dish it out, but don’t take it.

Now sod off.

Not going North of the border, are you? Because I know some Mounties that owe me a favour.

Watch yourself in the Boundary Waters, Lars. If Ned Beatty couldn't make it through a canoe trip without assuming the position, what's to become of a handsome, Gary Shandling look-a-like like you?!

Thank you for your good wishes.

What say when we all get back to town that we all go boating, and throw Papa Khann to the fishes?

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Seanachai, on this occasion I will bend my resolve to avoid the toxic wasteland that is the Peng thread. Joyful news about your mother. As others have pointed out, I'm sure to her breast cancer pales vis-a-vis the abject shame of having birthed the village idiot of both of the Twin Cities.

Please let her know that I for one don't hold your continued existence against her personally. It's simply a cruel twist of fate.

Now I must sod off, and go take a 12-hour bath in mineral spirits to feel clean again.

Do you know, I've often noticed your posts on the Board, and I rather like you.

Well, in the same way you like a plucky, three-legged mongrel that simply has 'contender' written all over it. Written with another, more accomplished dog's feces, of course. In the hand-writing of the village idiot.

In fact, I think that of all the ****e-smeared, gimpy mongrels on the entire Combat Mission Forum, you're my favourite.

I thank you for your well wishes. I've done my best to repay them by granting you an extraordinary level of humourous abuse that I normally don't expend on anyone outside this Thread.

A Testimonial, dear friends!

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Originally posted by rune:

Seanachai ,

I also have best wishes for you mum..unlike the Aussies here, you actually have one. May all the news continue to be good news.


Oh, Rune. Just this once, won't you do the 'Mistah Christ-yun!' voice?

I hate all your scenarios. I hate that you make scenarios. I envy you the fact that, if the amount of hatred earned for making scenarios was money, you'd be the wealthiest man in all America.

And even if all you had to live on was the money you'd earned from the hatred generated from my playing of your hateful scenarios, you'd be very comfortably well-off, because I play your hateful scenarios all the time.

How I hate you.

If I could have achieved as many postcards filled with hatred in my call to all the community to send me postcards filled with hate, as your hateful scenarios so obviously deserve, then my work on this planet would be done.

I would have achieved the very pinnacle of hatred, which somehow, still escapes me.

Of course, neither of us would be as hated as Bill Gates. Nor as rich.

Don't you just hate that?

[ July 24, 2003, 01:11 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Simply lovely rules Seanachai, as good as they could be condidering I didn't write them.

I've got my fingers crossed for you my friend, I do indeed know exactly how you feel. All the best to your Mom and our profound sympathies for having to carry the burden of birthing YOU.

Ah, Shaw, what can I say to you? Ever since that day that I first met you in Salt Lake City, when I was driving around, cursing, looking for a place that would sell me beer during the heavily municipally regulated hours of late afternoon on a week day, and you, an unemployed mortgage banker, sprang forward at that stoplight under the freeway overpass with an old undershirt and a heavily watered bottle of windex, and proceeded to smear the bug guts of the desert over my windshield while chanting 'spare change, spare change, clean your windshield, mister?', I knew that we were destined to bring order, justice, and the Peng Challenge Way of Life to a yet unknowing world.

Except, of course, that you were a Texan, and I was a Minnesotan, so you had only the vaguest sense of what any of those words meant. Even the definite articles.

But we have laboured, side by side, to make this Thread a place where even the long-standing members shout 'Christ on a Crutch, someone make the Justicar shut-up about all this rules crap', and 'Good God, has anyone actually read to the end of one of Seanachai's posts and been able to piece together what he was on about?!"

We have, Shaw, fought the good fight.

The only difference, being, of course, that I've fought it well, using sound tactics, intelligence, and a mastery of words and concepts that has left me a semi-mythic figure of grave import, whose every pronouncement screams 'significance', while you garner cat-calls and jeers from a bunch of half-wits while thanklessly ejecting spotty teenagers and self-important gits from this most amusing of places.

Funny old thing, life, eh?

Thank you for your well wishes. I know, indeed, what they and all this means to you, my friend.

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear Seanachai,

Glad to hear your Mom has been been doing well. Me own Mum went through a bout last year (colon) and has been right as rain ever since. Medical science has grown in leaps and bounds in our lifetime. Quite frankly I am counting on it growing even more with all the smokin and drinkin I do.



Ah, Elvis, Elvis. Childhood playmate of Peng himself. What, indeed, can I say to you?

Well, and this is more than you deserve, I recently read "Lamb", by Christopher Moore, and you remind me of 'Biff'.

Having cozened some poor woman into accepting the physical and spiritual degradation of inflicting your genetic material on another generation, I can only imagine that you spend most of your time listening to Elvis Costello, and playing endless games of CM against Hiram and his Lady, doubtless encouraging them in their own attempt to cloud the gene pool past all hope of a sunny day for humanity.

How well I remember our game, the only one we've played, which you won by a convergence of circumstances, poor scenario design, and evil-minded bastardy that are unlikely to be repeated while this age of the world endures.

Wank on, Elvis.

Love and kisses to the wife and child, your own window of opportunity on eternity, and the best to your family.

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Well Seanachai you can't say fairer than that eh? Not sure, of course, exactly WHAT you said but then that's part and parcel of BEING Seanachai isn't it lad. The not being sure part that is, we being the ones who are not sure. Of course there's no real assurance that YOU'RE quite sure either so perhaps we're all not quite sure that either of us are quite sure what you said but there's no debating that you DID say it is there?

And that, after all, is the important part. For if you DIDN'T say it, whatever it was, then we'd be the poorer wouldn't we? My word it IS late isn't it and my virus checker choked and locked up my machine so I'm not really sure if it caught that apparently virus laden email supposedly FROM MY OWN COMPANY! It wasn't, of course but how was I to know eh?

I'm of the opinion that MrSpkr is a hillbilly from Oklahoma. Who's with me then?


[ July 24, 2003, 02:19 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Seanachai, bonnie news aboot ye Mum!

Ah, yes. The 'Poor Man's McAuslan'.

Your good wishes are much appreciated. Of course, your wee Spaniel emailed me days ago, and promised that you'd be chiming in just as soon as he could explain to you enough key concepts for you to wrap your large, worn, flannel of a mind around the significant bits, Jimmy.

An intelligent and long-suffering animal. Get him a new chew-toy. Ten thousand years of loyal, loving and working partnership with mankind, and your wee Spaniel draws you in the canine lottery of life.

Talk about a sense of evolutionary foolishness. Neutering must have come as a huge relief.

Aye, Jimmy, I'm lookin' at you! Good on ya', ya' daft Aussie Scot.

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Originally posted by Wildman:

Seanachai, My sincerest congrats for your mother, the sheer saintlyness of your mother after dealing with you is truely something to behold.

This good news, and the fact that I'm finally back from hell on earth, Berli's mansion the middle east, specifically Al Udied AB, Qatar.

Ah, well. You've returned with your shield, then, eh?

Now, not to task you too sharply, given that you've been busy filling foreigners with disgust and hatred for everything 'American' (or did you have the good taste to fake a very bad English accent and trash Britain in the eyes of the world?), it seems to me that we were, you bugger, playing a game at some point.

I still have the files.

Now, if you're done playing cat and rat in the 'Reno' of the Middle East, what's become of our game.

Oh, and thank you for your kind thoughts. It just goes to show that even daft military lunatics can still have tender hearts!

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Doubtless Berli wishes to prevent my ascension.

Nothing could be further from the truth. I fervently hope that you will find a place in heaven. I sure as HELL don't want you here </font>
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Originally posted by Wildman:

On that note, Speedy or some other poor, deluded Aussie who can look up from his Fosters lager and see Speedy email me. I've tried to return files periodically anf they get bounced...email is in my profile, not that I expect any Aussie to read.

Only a poor, deluded Aussie would drink Fosters. (after which real, fair dinkum Aussies would beat the cr*p out of him for touching that swill and being un-Australian).


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Envy becomes you, Boo. You wear your desire to be worthy of me like another man might wear a tuxedo. Shoot your cuffs, straighten your bow-tie, and give your cummerband that final smoothing as you step out before all the world saying 'Good golly, aren't I just the spitting image of the Gnome's intellectual sartorial display?! Never mind the seed-cap, I'm from Ohio! Squint up your brain, and read my posts, and can't you just see how erudite I am, too?'

Yes, I've finally been caught out. My whole goal in life is to be as much like Seanachai as semi-humanly possible. It is my dream to pattern myself after someone whose forged family tree has roots as steady as Birnham Wood and whose fondness for dishes cooked in huge concentrations of lard proves that at one point his people went west in steerage.

It's like what my great Aunt Ruth used to say, "You can achieve all your goals as long as you set low standards for yourself."

You are never alone, Boo. I am always with you.

Yes, surely, but thankfully with the court ruling you have to stay at least 500 yards away.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You may versify.

Before Seanachai comes to his senses, I will offer a piece that has been in progress for sometime. If you do not like it you are free to:


Thank You!



He stands aloof, both proud and tall

He brings us art, both large and small

He sometimes speaks, it seems unclear

If you listen, then you will hear

Of pain and angst and things of joy

Sometime's he's old, sometime's a boy

A stoic face with eyes that see

a world apart from you and me

And when he posts, he bares his soul

To those that see this noble Pole

The Ladies know and share his sight

Their vision clear in darkest night

So now I close, but there's no doubt

Of Konrad's soul, I sing and shout

Go forth young man, your destiny

To see the things we cannot see

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

None of us will get into heaven without their memories.

The period goes after heaven, dimwit </font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I'm glad to see you corrected your post a full ten minutes after you originally posted.

The irony of life is sometimes amazing.

Without my bifocals I had posted nitwit instead of dimwit.

Funny how you would come along shortly thereafter.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I'm glad to see you corrected your post a full ten minutes after you originally posted.

The irony of life is sometimes amazing.

Without my bifocals I had posted nitwit instead of dimwit.

Funny how you would come along shortly thereafter. </font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

That's OK, lad. No apology needed. I understand how you might get confused between two of the "pet" nicknames your wife bestowed upon you.

If you only knew what she calls me when she's mad.


[edited to annoy Boo]

[ July 24, 2003, 02:51 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Seanachai, you insignificant pimple on the behind of the creator, know you well and well, lots, that it's a bad day this side of hell that I venture in to this pubescent pustule of a thread to post anything - mostly because the foaming nonces that salivate here do a far better job than I ever could.

However, my mightiest and most gleaming best wishes for your ma. The canker seems to be a modern-day plague. My younger bro has fought off a nasty brain tumour and I know what a strain it can be. If you're less witty than normal, I'll put in down to poor quality alcohol.

Remind your ma that a day when she doesn't get a chance to cuff you around the back of the head whilst wearing a chainmail glove is a day wasted.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Shoulders ache. Depression looming. Life sucking. Stress rising.

I hope your day has been as fun as mine.


MrSpkr I want you to know that we, and most specifically I ... me ... are HERE FOR YOU!

Here's an old family recipe that's sure to put the spring in your step.

One quart rotgut whiskey

Juice from six lemons

one entire clove of garlic

pour into a large vat of boiling water

wait exactly one minute to let the mixture blend

stick your entire head deep INTO the mixture and inhale sharply.

Mind you my family has poor complexion but no depression.


[ July 24, 2003, 08:05 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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