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Brooding over stale ale, cheery ants and moldy waffles

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You foul pouch of maggot-infested vermin nads!! :mad:

What a bunch of GrandMaster-TNT-Chucker Wannabes!!!! :mad: GGRGRGRGRAGRARGAGRGRAGR!!!

I swear by all that is slathered in angry TNT I'm gonna set the record straight!!

ScrotumBall you're so full of the hot air that's expelled from my TNT that's exploding over your head you can't even see the fury that's heading your way! My calculations tell me. . . "let's see 250 300mm rockets times (tap tap tap) 200 Krauts plus (tap tapetty tap) 300 angry Russian infantry divided byyyyyyy (tap tap POP) one unsecured, German-Held cluster of flags (click click clickety click!) tiiiiiimes perfectly coordinated assault following furious blizzard of concentrated artillery equaaaaaaals YOUR WORST FECKING NIGHTMARE MAGGOT!!! :mad:

PudJerker will undoubtedly beat me in what started right out as the most gamey and ridiculuous battle I have ever laid witness too. He too will pay. Enjoy your time in the sun maggot lips - if you think your sig NOW is bad - ooohhh boooyy do I have a surprise for you. :mad:

NotVeryBraveH what a boring name you sack of caterpillar dung I'm coming in to collect limbs puss pod so you better have a heck of a lot kore than what I've seen so far. :mad:

ASS69 thinks he's winning. He's not.

Keke aaahhh yesss Keke. . .what happened to that PIIc to the south Kinky? It was the strangest thing, one second it's racing along my southern flank and the next moment, as I zoom in greedily, I see an explosion and it just stops dead in it's tracks! Is there a sale at the local d*ldo shop or something? Perhaps they just stopped for lunch? :mad:

WHINER he also thinks he's winning. "You got a biiiiig surprise coming to you Wendy" (flicks his tongue and twittles his fingers on the monitor in an oh-so-Jack Nicholson way)

ISP problems last night maggots, some got turns and some didn't as my email went up and down like a yo-yo at home. All turns out tonight that didn't get mailed last night. I hope you all puke maggots tonight after supper :mad:


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Originally posted by Dave H:

Okay, Teddy Bear Windsor, since I'm almost finished losing a couple of my PBEMs, consider yourself slapped on the cheeks (only the ones on your face, maggot) and challenged. Name your terms, sir. QB or scenario, but please no meeting engagements, unless you want one with no victory flags. :cool:

How can I refuse such a challenge? I accept, muppet. Bend over so I can slap your cheeks too. After recent traumatic experiences at the hands of the evil Soggyballs, I have also grown weary of both MEs and the sterile maps that are generated in QBs. Select a scenario you've never played before, that you fancy might be both balanced and entertaining, and we shall attempt to go head to head in a double-blind PBEM. My only other caveat is we play 1.03.

Originally posted by Dave H:

By the way, how's the Queen doing on the 50'th anniversary of her coronation? :D

Actually Mumsy is having a whale of a time. Thanks for asking ;)

Bottoms up,


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TEDDY you pouch of puss I have just the scenario for you two to play!! I finished creating it recently and put a lot of time into the map and unit balance. It's a Russian Assault in 1942, about 2200 points if I remember correctly. It's called "Blood and Scones". The map isn't huge but it's plenty big enough for the force size. 4 flags, some buildings at various locations and some nice open areas for tank battles. Nice varied terrain that's suitable for the units. Sunny, dry weather. Want to give it a crack? :mad: :mad:

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Oh yeah, as for KnobGobbler's comments on his victory against me in my own home-made scenario it is true that he beat me, however I think it should be mentioned that YES it was a playtest and the first thing I realized was that I had way too limited movement of my tanks. They were basically forced to be funneled through two fairly narrow, predictable paths. This cost me some serious armor. But alas!! My armor broke through and this battle actually turned out to be quite fun and went to turn 57 of a 45 turn battle. I suffered a "Tactical Defeat". Grrrr! :mad:

We are going to have a rematch on a QB, and THAT, Brood, will determine sig ownership. :mad:

Good job to WallyBob for a great fight :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Oh yeah...KnobGobbler's ...in my own ...two fairly narrow, predictable paths. This ....turned out to be quite fun and....I suffered . Grrrr! :mad:

Good job...WallyBob

I think I just channeled Mike_the_wino2...
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I'll be downloading the new patch this evening. If there is anybody I'm playing now (that would be _UXcva, Paddington, Keke, Paula's Axe, mike_the_armor-illiterate, Stalin's Organ, Prinz Eugen, WallyBob, and MasterMaggotdale) who is not planning to upgrade immediately, our game is probably going to have to end. I don't want to have different versions of CMBB going simultaneously. Making you people feel good by losing to you is tough enough with a single version. tongue.gif:D:D:D

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Originally posted by Dave H:

If there is anybody I'm playing now who is not planning to upgrade immediately, our game is probably going to have to end.

Oh no you don't. I'm upgrading to make sure you don't get off that easy. The brave citizens of Romania will not be left in your hands. Their country deserves to be maggot-free.

Freedom!! FREEEEEEDOM!!!!!

That goes for my other opponents, you maggots. I'll upgrade tonight and will be more than happy to convert 1.02 PBEM turns into 1.03. I have got to get away from those stupid pop-up tank commanders.


Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

[QB] TEDDY you pouch of puss I have just the scenario for you two to play!!

MG, you know I'm your number one fan and I'm remarkably touched by your generous offer.

However, having sampled "Operation Mein Kampf" with Soddball, I'm unsure as to whether I'm well-versed enough in the art of TNT chucking to rise to the challenge of another of your scenarios.

I'd hate not to do "Blood and Scones" justice, but I'll leave it to Dave H to decide whether we're worthy of this great honour.

At the current rate I've only another 6hrs and 20 mins until the 1.03 patch downloads :mad:


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So what did you think of "Mein kampf" anyway? :mad: On a serious note? :mad:

You're the second person to playtest it so I expected it was fairly well balanced, fun, and refined by the time it's TNT reached your sweaty little hands! :mad:

What did you like/not like about it? Who won? Which side were you? What was the final score?You can email me at home to answer that if you want. Be honest!! :mad:

That's the scenario WallyBob beat me at(just barely). :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

So what did you think of "Mein kampf" anyway? :mad: On a serious note? :mad

Mmmm, it was quite some time ago we played it. I was the Germans and I seem to remember I secured a major victory.

Historical accuracy is not my forte, but with a large map like that and enough wood to give the Amazonian Rainforest a run for its money, I'd suggest a lot more grunts and a few less Brummbars (althought the rockets were fun). Judicial use of a chainsaw may be in order too.

As the defender I spent most of the game waiting for Soddball to find his way out of the jungle and by the time he did it was all too late - he didn't really come close to capturing any of the flags (I'd love to say it was my tactical genius, but I'm not so sure).

To avoid upsetting more knowledgable players I think the "airport" might more accurately be described as an "airstrip".

Maybe "Hitler's secret hideout" would be more believable as "the general's chateau" or a "secret communications base"?



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OOOOOOHHH. . . that wasn't "Operation Mein Kampf" you played that was the very first scenario I ever created and it wasn't very good. I don't even remember the name. OMK doesn't have an airport, but it's a very fun scenario. I playtested it with WallyBob and made some improvements as a result of our test. Trust me, "Operation My Kampf" and "Blood and Scones" are MUCH better and have far more mobility(they also have a generous portion of angry TNT) :mad:

Let me know if you two want to give either angry scenario a crack. I guarantee either one will have you running for mama with a TNT-Slathered face you filthy pile of chicken gonorhea puss :mad:


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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Keke aaahhh yesss Keke. . .what happened to that PIIc to the south Kinky?

LMAO!!! PIIc ran to a mine you mindless toad. This happened while my tank hunter team single handedly toasted your T-34, remember? :D :mad:

FYI, maggots, I have just downloaded the patch. :cool: :mad:


[ June 05, 2003, 03:51 PM: Message edited by: Keke ]

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Excellent maggot breath. I'll take that as a "forfeit". :mad:

You really have got to love this guy. When he loses it's a "playtest". When somebody else is going to upgrade it's a "forfeit". And you maggots gave me a hard time about my little misunderstanding with mike_the_whiner and his alter ego, Mike the wino2. GRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:

I'll just count all of my games as playtesting from now on when I lose. Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket. :D:D

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I decided to upgrade you non-post-reading lawyer-wannabe maggot pod! :mad:

Especially since I'm going to BEAT you. :mad:

How's about making MasterGoodale a less angry man and playing "Blood and Scones" or "Operation My Kampf" against Teddy? HHHRRRRMMMMM Davey Boy?? :mad:

I hear he has a tree chock full of heavy love coconuts :mad:

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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

Historical accuracy is not my forte, but with a large map like that and enough wood to give the Amazonian Rainforest a run for its money...

As the defender I spent most of the game waiting for Soddball to find his way out of the jungle and by the time he did it was all too late - he didn't really come close to capturing any of the flags.

This sounds suspiciously close to the QB Masterreject and I are playing right now. Maybe he's trying to peddle his crap on unsuspecting opponents. :mad: :mad: :mad:
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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

ScrotumBall you're so full of the hot air that's expelled from my TNT that's exploding over your head you can't even see the fury that's heading your way! My calculations tell me. . . "let's see 250 300mm rockets times (tap tap tap) 200 Krauts plus (tap tapetty tap) 300 angry Russian infantry divided byyyyyyy (tap tap POP) one unsecured, German-Held cluster of flags (click click clickety click!) tiiiiiimes perfectly coordinated assault following furious blizzard of concentrated artillery equaaaaaaals YOUR WORST FECKING NIGHTMARE MAGGOT!!! :mad:

Oh jeez, I'm so scared.

So, you're going to be dropping those well-known precision weapons on me, are you? Better hope they make it onto the map, because I'd hate you to waste the effort of digging me some more foxholes to camp in.

As for the infantry - bring it on. If you think a battalion of infantry is going to run head on into 150m HE and live, I'm willing to be your guinea pig.

I am so scared, I do believe the turd chisel is required for my underwear.

You gormless strap-on.

To My Opponents:

Getting patched blows goats. I will get round to it ASAP but my connection sucks harder than Keke at the Blue Oyster so it may be a day or so.

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Getting patched blows goats. I will get round to it ASAP but my connection sucks harder than Keke at the Blue Oyster so it may be a day or so.

Oh, keep your sexual fantasies to yourself, you no-turn-sending 'n' goat-humping maggot! :mad:

What kind of Internet service provider forces you to blow goats anyway?

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Originally posted by Keke:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

Getting patched blows goats. I will get round to it ASAP but my connection sucks harder than Keke at the Blue Oyster so it may be a day or so.

Oh, keep your sexual fantasies to yourself, you no-turn-sending 'n' goat-humping maggot! :mad:

What kind of Internet service provider forces you to blow goats anyway? </font>

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