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Forgetful Goodales Cheery Waffle of Monthly Moves

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Take it easy, MasterGoodale (maggot). I think you scared everyone away. Here it is almost 10 hours later and nobody has posted since. By the way, I think your idea for the next thread title shows real promise. :D

Well, my Friday deadlines produced a turn from Paddington and a setup from the maggot Goodale. Given his difficulty with getting turns out at more than a weekly pace, and given that he is challenging everyone who shows his face in this thread, you may think Goodale (maggot) would set up a small battle. Right?

WRONG!!! He sends me a setup for not one thousand, not two thousand, but THREE THOUSAND POINTS!! This is with me defending, so he's got about four or five thousand points. :eek:

As you can imagine, we'll be playing this battle for the next several years. I'm thinking about one turn per month will be about right. I'm hoping to finish by the time I hit retirement age in 2007. We'll see what happens when the irresistable flood of Russian tanks runs into the immovable wall of German pillboxes with 75 mm AT guns. At least he'll have almost unlimited TNT to chuck (the maggot). :D

Edited because one of the mike the wino clones sneaked in ahead of me. The maggot!

[ May 06, 2003, 09:46 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]

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KINKY is about to get a rude suprise,in more ways than one, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :mad: :mad: Enjoy maggot!!

Shriveledballs ,for some reason refuses to send turns.I see him posting in here,and talking about sending turns to others,but me no GET ANY TURNS!!!!!!ME GET ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Oh, the Mighty Gaylord Focker has deemed to enter our little soiree. Have you come to tell the tale of the Paper Tiger? How about the deadly accuracy of Panthers? Or "The Hetzer That Should, Could, and Did"? All these tales and more in my glorious routing of the lad in an all armor bout. Gawds the behemoth Ferd-naught, did just that...naught.

"Oh, the awe, the majesty, the...*plink*...DAMNIT, YOU BENT MY GUN!!!!"

I feel so special. MasterGoodale has taken to sending me personal emails calling me a no-account, no-turn-attaching maggot. Corrected the no-turn-attaching part and the tortoise race begins.

Axe2121 is still reeling with the revelation that all is lost and his new sig will be......

No word from Soddball. Must be around payday and the lad is on a bender.

Prinz Eugen is Finn-ished before we have even started.

If I forgot to mention anyone it's cuz you ain't sending in your turns, maggots. :mad: :mad:

{editted to add: Teddy had the nerve to claim he has never played a PBEM....wow, now we have someone with less morales than Soddball

[ May 07, 2003, 01:32 AM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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BWAhahahahaahah!! All my turns have gone out as of this morning. Death sucks the face off all of you and turns it into a light pastry dish with whipped cream.

Mike the Wino has picked a rather jolly-looking all-city fight. Mmmm. Tasty.

Teddy Windsor is busy removing the surviving soldiers from his scout platoon from the mess of a full company of enemy infantry. Hardy-har-har.

Nevermind has had his turn back, the whining girl. He seems to be amused that my artillery is dropping on my own forces. Didn't anyone tell you that I'm so good, I have to give myself penalties so that you stand a chance?

MasterGoodale continues to receive an industrial-strength pasting at the hands of my dug-in PanzerGrenadiere. Wifedom is but a few turns away, Goodale.

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SitRep on battle with Axe2121

Jim: "Okay set-up complete, over to you".(Grins happily at sight of full battalion of infantry as it forms up for assault, 12 platoons, hehheh)

Axe2121: "I'm testing this new PBEM file manager, would you mind? Here comes the file."

Jim: File won't load, although clearly something is processing. "Sorry, file a no-load" Checks his set-up. Hmmm..Coulda swore I had 12 platoons before..I guess it was 9.

Axe2121: "Please be so kind as to try one more time, here's a new file".

Jim: File still won't load, but once again the ominous sound of processing. "Sorry, still won't load" Checks back to original set-up....

surprise German force now consisists of three horse-drawn carts and two platoons designated "The Ulcer Brigade".

Axes2121 "Okay, let's get going"

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Jim Boggs (maggot), I didn't have a chance to reply to your e-mail last night. Thunderstorms again, you know. Are you serious about that map we're using? I'm not familiar enough with the Gettysburg battlefield to recognize terrain. I do know that Devil's Den was a very jumbled, overgrown, rocky area with no long sight lines.

If my Russians start hearing Rebel Yells, we're going to get nervous. On the other hand, if the Union Army had the kind of firepower we have, the Battle of Gettysburg would have been over in minutes, instead of days. So I recommend that your Germans do a human wave charge at my Russians, and we'll be finished in a couple of turns. :D

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Originally posted by Dave H:

I do know that Devil's Den was a very jumbled, overgrown, rocky area with no long sight lines.

You should see the map Axe and I got. Somebody at BFC must be a Civil War freak. It looks like the bottomland at Shiloh. I will be forced to attack Prentiss at the Hornet's Nest to have a chance in that one.

By the way, you don't have any commanders named Chamberlain do ya?

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Let me tell you gaggling pouches of maggot nads something right now and tell you good! :mad: - MasterGoodale will be sending turns at a hot, blistering, furious rate over the next month or so. So if you think these newest battles are gonna drag on you better take another swig of that hot TNT I just slung your way (MAD FACE)

DaveH you're such a maggot I can't even stand to infect my inbox with your pbm files. I can't wait to get this rematch underway you slithering pile of cockroach fesces! :mad: needless to say I will be taking a very methodical, well-planned approach at destroying your Krauts this tiem around. There's more TNT to be chucked in this one than you can shake a TNT-Slathered stick at maggot balls. :mad:

Soddball I am truly aghast at the fact that you don't yet realize you will soon be overwhelmed with a mixture of grunts, tanks, and TNT. I already own 1/2 the flags for the love of flaming TNT! And I haven't even unleashed my big artillery yet maggot!! AR ARRARA RA ARR AR AR A RAR AAR RRRRR!! :mad:

Snarker You suck. I still have a bunch of hot ballbearings to chuck and I ran out of dumb Kraut grunts!! :mad:

Thermoplae What's it like to lose so badly? I mean seriously, you were all tough college boy when you knocked out my two light tanks but then what happened? When your grunts saw those clouds of blistering ball-bearings being slung their way furiously - why didn't they just duck?? :mad: I am at the point where I'm shooting dead units just to use up ammo! I flamed that PIV good didn't I? It was already dead but I figured if I flamed it up good maybe the fire would catch the nearby building on fire and "smoke out" that last squad of beleaguered grunts. I mean afterall, all they are doing is laying down and sleeping. I also notice you never enter this thread anymore. Did my brilliant tactics scare you away? AH HA HAHAHAHHAAAA!!! God I love this game and all the hate it festers!! :mad:

Carrot Top Show yourself in this forum maggot so I can remember your real game name!! You may have won the tank battle but you're not gonna win the war! :mad:

Konrad Loser. You can delay as long as you like, but in the end the limbs will still fly and the Krauts will still die (MAD FACE)

WallyBob Good match. Still don't know who will win this one. Thanks for playtesting it with me. Wallbobber and I are playtesting my "Mein Kampf" scenario. It's a pretty good one. I made several changes as a result of our test and that new version is the one that Whiner has. The maggot will never play it though. Whiner why don't you find somebody else to play it?? Idgit. You'll pay for your ignorance in our current match, don't worry your TNT-Slathered pants about that maggot.

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Originally posted by Axe2121:


Hee hee.

Just wanted to see Dave H run for cover under the table.

Jas :mad: n

Ha, ha. I laughed 'til I stopped. ;)

Last time I looked at weather.com, we are supposed to have thunderstorms every day for two weeks. My computer stays off during storms. I've been in a house struck by lightning once, and it fried every appliance plugged in. You don't want me to lose my CMBB CD and all of my CMBB turns, do you? Maggot! GRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Last time I looked at weather.com, we are supposed to have thunderstorms every day for two weeks. My computer stays off during storms. I've been in a house struck by lightning once, and it fried every appliance plugged in.

Hmmm. Maybe if MasterMoldMan moved to where your are and had his house hit by lightning, it would finally solve both his mold and ant problems.

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Dave H:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:


Hee hee.

Just wanted to see Dave H run for cover under the table.

Jas :mad: n

Ha, ha. I laughed 'til I stopped. ;)

Last time I looked at weather.com, we are supposed to have thunderstorms every day for two weeks. My computer stays off during storms. I've been in a house struck by lightning once, and it fried every appliance plugged in. You don't want me to lose my CMBB CD and all of my CMBB turns, do you? Maggot! GRRRR!!! :mad: :mad: </font>

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Duh. Surge protectors. :rolleyes:

I use a surge protector, maggot! It's great if the storm is 10 miles away and lightning hits a power line. Do you think a surge protector will save my computer from a lightning strike that blows the (melted) metal cover off an outlet? I don't. :mad: :mad:

Oh, I forgot, you're from England, where the weather is always perfect and the sun is always shining. Maggot. :D

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I would hereby like to apologize to all oponents of Kinky ,it seems i have put such a "serious beating" on his troops that he will not be able to send any turns until sunday evening.He choose to refer to it as "real life scheduling",but i know what it really is ;)tongue.gif:D

I can not help that i have so much ANGER that it grants me a brilliant tactical mind :mad: :mad: Hopefully he and his men can rally and return to us with the same pent up Finnish anger that we have grown to love...err hate...err whatever :D

That is all!Carry on with your pitiful attempts at "tactics" MAGGOTS :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Last time I looked at weather.com, we are supposed to have thunderstorms every day for two weeks.

Look at it this way -- Indiana hasn't experienced excitement like this since.....well, since ever.
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Asse and Nevermind you two maggots will soon be receiving a setup from the GrandMaster Goodale so full of hate, fury and TNT-Slathered chunks of lead you'll be begging for a Sig that refers to your homosexual tendencies! :mad: I'm sick of all that smack you two have been slinging and it's high time I show you real brilliant tactics! ARAARR AR R AR AR R AR AR R !!!! :mad:

Now that I am eliminating my pathetic maggot opponents (if you want to call them that) one by one, I have free slots opening up! And guess what??! :mad: I'm saving a couple just for you two slithering cowards! :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale

Konrad Loser. You can delay as long as you like, but in the end the limbs will still fly and the Krauts will still die

You giant, festering, pustule of idiocy. I have posted several times that the lad is no longer playing CMBB. Shortly after my rousing 79-21 Feckin' Brilliant, Ass-whooping, Total and Complete Victory he decided that life was too hectic. I think all the TNT scared the poor little girly off. Poor lil git was used to the softies on the other challenge thread. Poor lad hadn't been toughened up enough, what with the pool boys, kaniggets, suires, squirrels and other assorted clap-trap.

. Wallbobber and I are playtesting my "Mein Kampf" scenario. It's a pretty good one. I made several changes as a result of our test and that new version is the one that Whiner has. The maggot will never play it though. Whiner why don't you find somebody else to play it??

Dear Mr MissusPooBalls

In regards to your latest, albeit lame-ass, comment on the scenario "Mein Kampf", henceforth to be referred to as "Mein Kraphole", aforementioned scenario was funny. Not "Ha-Ha" funny, more like queer funny. And by queer I mean a grown man (you) dressing in womans clothing and trying to have sexual relations with the neighbor's goat kinda queer. As such, when Beowolf developed a case of MasterGoodale-itis, this scenario was put away and forgotten. I remember there were no FTs, only a smattering of arty, and what looked like a reproduction of the Grand Canyon on my left flank.

If I am home for a month with absolutely nothing to do, perhaps I will try it again.


mike the wino

(P.S. MAGGOT :mad: :mad: )

In other news:

Did I mention that Axe2121 is losing and doing it poorly? You can call my daddy, laddy. :mad:

Is killing 10 T-34/85s whilst losing only 3 Hetzers and a gun damaged Ferdinand a fair trade-off? Is it Gaylord Focker? Whoz yer daddy? Whaz dat, punk? :mad:

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What's the maaattaaa ya dwunk afwwwaaaid of a few hiiwwwwies?? Pussy. fight like a real man, not on farmland. It takes real tactics so I understand your fear. I'm a military genius so I don't have that problem. :mad: :mad:

I'm going to crush you in our game by the way maggot breath. I've been goofing around with the rest of you maggots - it's time to get serious and use some of that brilliant strategic genius that's been hibernating in the back of my brain since I destroyed Snarker like a little virgin girl on a Friday night at a Frat Party and got bored. I play to the level of my slithering opponents. :mad: That's why I sucked against DaveH

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I play to the level of my slithering opponents. :mad: That's why I sucked against DaveH

So, if I understand correctly, if you were to play a hotseat game against yourself, the suck that would be created would rival a Black Hole?

[edited to insure Soddball's approval of spelling form]

[ May 07, 2003, 01:49 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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