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Forgetful Goodales Cheery Waffle of Monthly Moves

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


I mean Geez, the leader of your board can't even find the send key.

Did I hear this correctly? The LEADER of this board? Now our dear, right honorable friend MasterGoodale has been called many, many, many things in these threads. Most of which I really don't want to repeat. My personal favorite for him is Maggot, but that's just me. :D Actually I believe everyone who has ever posted in these threads has taken time from their busy schedules to call MasterGoodale something foul and revolting. As all good men and women of breeding should.

However, this comment of yours really goes far beyond the bounds of good taste. To accuse MasterGoodale of being the Leader of this board, therefore automatically making the rest of us, including me, his followers, is just too much of an outrage to let pass. GRRRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:

Sir, I demand satisfaction! Since pistols at dawn appears a little inconvenient, a CMBB QB will have to suffice. I can send you a setup, or you can send one to me. Personally I prefer Attacks to Meeting Engagements, but as the challenged you will have the option to choose the battle. Scenarios are fine, too. Sir, I look forward to your reply. ;)

All, please note that mike and I have completed our epic battle in "Manstein Cometh". There will be many new widows in Germany and Russia tonight. Both sides fought to exhaustion, earning a draw. However, that was enough for me to shed my "Inferno" baggage after all these many weeks. :D:D

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Originally posted by Dave H

All, please note that mike and I have completed our epic battle in "Manstein Cometh". There will be many new widows in Germany and Russia tonight. Both sides fought to exhaustion, earning a draw. However, that was enough for me to shed my "Inferno" baggage after all these many weeks.

Whhooooaaaaa, hold up there big fella. I will take my case to the fair and impartial masses gathered to dispute your sig line. Having read the AAR many times, only after I knocked enough mold off the damnable thing to make it readable, and it distinctly sez DRAW. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Not a tiniest mention of a womanly minor victory, nary a mention of a manly tactical victory, merely a disappointing draw. As such, I would retain your sig line. Now back with the old and let my words ring throughout the land.*

What sez ye maggots? :mad:

Surprise, surprise. MissusGoodale has yet to deliver any TNT, be molten or freeze-dried. Anyone else notice this lack of set-ups?

Hammering out details of the epic battle to be with Teddy Winznomore .

Whatever moldy, musty thing was pucking up my game with Slave H is also pucking up my game with Ass2121 . But this one will lose, by a fair and considerable margin.

*BTW the score was 54-46 or some such

[ May 03, 2003, 10:22 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:


*BTW the score was 54-46 or some such

To clarify mike's vague posting of the scores, that's 46 for mike, and 54 for me! I told the sniveling wuss that since it was a draw, I would not force him to do something that would cause him great mental anguish, like stay sober for a day. However, since the score is clearly in my favor, I felt that I should at least get to relieve myself of the burden of feigning concern for the lack of watering holes in Elk Grove, California. Yet even this minor gesture of good sportsmanship is clearly beyond his reach. It's so sad, so petty, so anal, so - dare I say it - so mike! ;)
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Let's see -

Soddbottom - Relay the turn to someone with instructions to forward it to me. I know what your thinking. Not SlowAle, but nice try. :mad: :mad:

MassaGooAll - done tuckered hisself out with the latest round of turns and rants. Warm TNT and off to bed to hibernate until the summer...

Unlike bachelor number two, Axe sends turns. He also drops hot, angry marshmallow shells off target. Or really hates empty woods and roads, I can't decide. Bad TNT chucking form!!!

Restarted the game with Prinz Oiy-gen. Good thing, too. The map was a bog the size of Canada, and me without my waders.

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Did I hear this correctly? The LEADER of this board? Now our dear, right honorable friend MasterGoodale has been called many, many, many things in these threads. Most of which I really don't want to repeat. My personal favorite for him is Maggot, but that's just me. :D Actually I believe everyone who has ever posted in these threads has taken time from their busy schedules to call MasterGoodale something foul and revolting. As all good men and women of breeding should.

However, this comment of yours really goes far beyond the bounds of good taste. To accuse MasterGoodale of being the Leader of this board, therefore automatically making the rest of us, including me, his followers, is just too much of an outrage to let pass. GRRRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:

Sir, I demand satisfaction! Since pistols at dawn appears a little inconvenient, a CMBB QB will have to suffice. I can send you a setup, or you can send one to me. Personally I prefer Attacks to Meeting Engagements, but as the challenged you will have the option to choose the battle. Scenarios are fine, too. Sir, I look forward to your reply. ;)

My My, we are the sensitive lot now aren't we?

Unless you are still having technical difficulties the reply to your most humble request should be at hand. Dawn it is, Sir, as you wish!

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Originally posted by Snarker

Jasus Dave. Piss poor high school basketball teams score more points than that. I doubt this releases you from anything save the embarassment of adding another sig line.
Hear, hear, precedent must be established. Clearly stated that a VICTORY would free his sig line, not a lame-ass draw.

Try again or wait 6 months.

After Soddball's last offer for a new sig line I am tempted to just ride out the next 6 months in wifedom. Or if I sober up enough I may send the aforementioned setup.....*gasp*

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

What sez ye maggots? :mad:

Without wishing to tempt fate, I'm already feeling surprisingly optimistic for a draw in my latest encounter against Soddball ... something to do with seeing him running his chaps around in the open while my mortars and MGs are setting up fiendish little "kill sacks" (I have no idea what that means, but it sounds like grog heaven).

I'd hate to have him stop shaking cocunuts from my tree of love on a technicality.

Therefore I say "victory or rematch".

Teddy has spoken.

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As self-appointed arbiter and producer of stoopid rulez, I say that DaveH is a weedy pigeon, and 54-46 is the kind of feeble, slack-arsed weasel-beating excuse for a victory that I'm not surprised, at all, to see.

So well done for trying to weasel out of it, Dave. Now put it right back. :mad: :mad:

Nothing from Massabackondeoleplantashun, but I did have three turns in five days, so I'm not complaining.

I have a couple of rough-and-ready scenarios for any volunteers.

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Originally posted by Soddball:

I have a couple of rough-and-ready scenarios for any volunteers.

Does they have lots of explosion producing units? We loves explosions! And fire? We loves the smoke and bright colors. Vehicles burning, clouds of noxious vapors, the shrill cries of mercey eminating from the various nooks and crannies. *Sniff*

Well, Do they?

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

I have a couple of rough-and-ready scenarios for any volunteers.

Does they have lots of explosion producing units? We loves explosions! And fire? We loves the smoke and bright colors. Vehicles burning, clouds of noxious vapors, the shrill cries of mercey eminating from the various nooks and crannies. *Sniff*

Well, Do they? </font>

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Originally posted by Soddball:

PS - it's spelled 'mercy'.

Quite right. My inexperience has shown. Not having to face many situations that would require the correct spelling of words such as mercey, surrendar, defeet, and loozer, I defer to your obvious much greater familiarity with these expressions.

As always, I remain in your debt.

[edited to add possible sig line]

My Spelling Daddy-Soddball

[ May 04, 2003, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Originally posted by Soddball

PS - it's spelled 'mercy'.

Oh looky, Soddy got a dictionary. While you were looking up the spelling did you eyes happen to wander over to the meaning? Thought not.

Today as I was stratching around the backyard I heard quite a ruckus overhead. As I turned my eyes skyward I spied a majestic hawk soaring gracefully. And behind it was a nasty squawking crow. The crow would pump its wings and attempt to catch the hawk. Then the wretched fowl would try and dive into the hawk. All the while, the noble hawk continued its graceful, barely noticing the annoying bird.

Soddball you are my crow. Set-up went out today, rematch is underway.

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Okay, Snarker and Soddball (the maggots) have given their opinions on the sig line controversy. These I can easily ignore. :D

Snarker (the maggot), I'd be perfectly content to score 54 points every battle. I may not get big wins, but I'd never lose. With unfortunately few exceptions, the players I have run across for PBEM have been far too strong tactically to give up a lopsided victory. They just haven't made mistakes to hurt themselves. Anyone know where I can find players who consistently do everything wrong, so I can run up some big scores?

Back to the subject at hand. Given the current level of compassion exhibited on this thread, I have decided against trying to get you maggots to decide in my favor. Instead, in the proud tradition of American jurisprudence, I've found a technicality to exploit. ;)

It is true that I did participate in a game of CMBB, using Soddball's (the maggot) scenario "Inferno". However, the player I played against and lost to was Member #8484, a guy who goes by the name of mike the wino2 (the maggot). This person has not been seen or heard from since February.

Now this other player, Member #4873, who goes by mike_the_wino (the maggot), is complaining about my sig line. This is clearly an imposter who had nothing to do with mike the wino2's victory in "Inferno", and has no say in the sig line. GRRRR!!! :mad:

Due to the disappearance of mike the wino2 (the maggot; we can only hope foul play was involved), I am under no compunction to change my sig line back. tongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Okay, Snarker and Soddball (the maggots) have given their opinions on the sig line controversy. These I can easily ignore. :D

Snarker (the maggot), I'd be perfectly content to score 54 points every battle. I may not get big wins, but I'd never lose. With unfortunately few exceptions, the players I have run across for PBEM have been far too strong tactically to give up a lopsided victory. They just haven't made mistakes to hurt themselves. Anyone know where I can find players who consistently do everything wrong, so I can run up some big scores?

Back to the subject at hand. Given the current level of compassion exhibited on this thread, I have decided against trying to get you maggots to decide in my favor. Instead, in the proud tradition of American jurisprudence, I've found a technicality to exploit. ;)

It is true that I did participate in a game of CMBB, using Soddball's (the maggot) scenario "Inferno". However, the player I played against and lost to was Member #8484, a guy who goes by the name of mike the wino2 (the maggot). This person has not been seen or heard from since February.

Now this other player, Member #4873, who goes by mike_the_wino (the maggot), is complaining about my sig line. This is clearly an imposter who had nothing to do with mike the wino2's victory in "Inferno", and has no say in the sig line. GRRRR!!! :mad:

Due to the disappearance of mike the wino2 (the maggot; we can only hope foul play was involved), I am under no compunction to change my sig line back. tongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif

I hate to say it, but that's the most flawless piece of logic since the Enron case. Mike_the_Wino, you suck goats for being unable to conjure up a useful argument. Congrats, DaveH. Your sig is safe with me. smile.gif
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You know, the fact that he spent that much time on the subject is a marvel. I don't think he spent that much time on any one turn in either of our two games. Additionally, in the finest American tradition, he found a loophole. And precedent HAS now been set....look for any technicality you can find to keep your sig line safe. :D

It's times like this...*sniff*...that I am PROUD to be an American.

Dave H may be a no-game-having, inbred, weasel-humper but he is wily fellow as well. Kudos to you my good man.

[ May 04, 2003, 08:40 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Originally posted by Soddball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dave H:

Okay, Snarker and Soddball (the maggots) have given their opinions on the sig line controversy. These I can easily ignore. :D

Snarker (the maggot), I'd be perfectly content to score 54 points every battle. I may not get big wins, but I'd never lose. With unfortunately few exceptions, the players I have run across for PBEM have been far too strong tactically to give up a lopsided victory. They just haven't made mistakes to hurt themselves. Anyone know where I can find players who consistently do everything wrong, so I can run up some big scores?

Back to the subject at hand. Given the current level of compassion exhibited on this thread, I have decided against trying to get you maggots to decide in my favor. Instead, in the proud tradition of American jurisprudence, I've found a technicality to exploit.

It is true that I did participate in a game of CMBB, using Soddball's (the maggot) scenario "Inferno". However, the player I played against and lost to was Member #8484, a guy who goes by the name of mike the wino2 (the maggot). This person has not been seen or heard from since February.

Now this other player, Member #4873, who goes by mike_the_wino (the maggot), is complaining about my sig line. This is clearly an imposter who had nothing to do with mike the wino2's victory in "Inferno", and has no say in the sig line. GRRRR!!! :mad:

Due to the disappearance of mike the wino2 (the maggot; we can only hope foul play was involved), I am under no compunction to change my sig line back. tongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif

I hate to say it, but that's the most flawless piece of logic since the Enron case. Mike_the_Wino, you suck goats for being unable to conjure up a useful argument. Congrats, DaveH. Your sig is safe with me. smile.gif </font>
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Oriiginally posted by Snarker

His argument is sound. We are all maggots.

With a sound foundation like that I knew I was in trouble. Add that he is a bureaucrat and I knew there was no winning this one. Who knows what else lurks in the black heart of this one.

Deamons expelled from the evil bitch-box. Now my triumph of the mad Canuck, Axe2121, can continue.

Set-up going out tonight or tomorrow to Teddy Whinesmore.

Games being deleted due to the MasterGoodale syndrome: Javaslinger & Beowolf. Sad the spineless maggots we get these days. :mad: :mad: :mad:

[ May 04, 2003, 08:58 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Snarker. Who is the maggot this time? Please tell me it's not me again....my brain is really starting to rot. It's probably from spending so much time in these mold-infested climes.

She: "What is so funny?"

Me: "Well, you see, there's this guy named MasterGoodale and his band of merry....oh, never mind."

Paddington, come out, come out wherever you are cowering....

And to think Mike_the_wino was giving me hell for shooting up that church early in our battle. He himself his now putting the rrrrrr in Easterrrrrrn Orthodox Chrrrrrristianity.

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Snarker. Who is the maggot this time? Please tell me it's not me again....my brain is really starting to rot. It's probably from spending so much time in these mold-infested climes.

PBEM helper says you are the biggest maggot of all. Download it, figure it out and use it!!!!

:mad: :mad:

Keeps me regular, not unlike Raisin Bran.

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There's so much maggotism in these forums it makes me sick!! :mad:

I've been fighting ants for 3 days!!! :mad: The little bastards are everywhere! But ooohhh don't you worry my little fledgelings daddy's coming with a big Humadeeeah!! :mad: Let's see how they like a little Boric acid mixed with powdered sugar!! H AH AH AH AH AH AHH H AAAAAAA!!! :mad:

No???? Doesn't taste so good?? I saaawwaaayyyy. . . maybe we're in the mood for some honey mixed with Boric Acid? yeah, good little ant that should "sweeten things up" a bit. :mad:

These ants are gonna wish they never stepped their sticky little feet one centimeter on my property maggots! It's time for Ant Jihad and there aint no time for praying puss wads! :mad:

Oh yeah. . .turns and a couple of setups out tonight you slithering gaggle of cockroach fesces! :mad:

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