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Forgetful Goodales Cheery Waffle of Monthly Moves

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Originally posted by Dave H:

I have run two different virus scans on my hard drive, and neither picked up any sign of a virus. [snip] I don't want to send any more turns until I'm sure I'm not spreading some kind of virus. Help!! I suspect it's a curse from Goodale or Axe, but I can't be sure. :mad:

Since the virus scanners had nothing to say on the virus, I would think it really was a frickin' false alert by Hotmail.


As this was the first virus alert by Hotmail, I had no reason to suspect it's authenticity. But, as no-one else has found a virus, including those virus scanners, it's safe to continue. Do a re-send, as I deleted the file earlier. I'm sorry for the inconveniences caused ! redface.gif :mad:

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

As far as your request Soddball , I would decline on putting that in my sig. You may not know this but this is a line between good and poor taste. Should you require an endorsement of your sexual prowess by all means canvas the bevy of prostitutes that have enjoyed your company, and cash, or have one of your four-legged partners chime in. So you are supremely confident of your victory, eh? Why should I even bother? Ah, yes. Pride goeth before the fall and you sir, are ready for a tipsy.

Fair dinkum. I had a feeling it was a ridge too far. smile.gif Still, no-one can accuse me of being afraid to push the boundaries of poor taste beyond the call of duty.

As for pride - well, I was feeling in a mischevious mood. I promise to be on much better behaviour next time.

Maybe a crueller and more satisfying penalty would be for you to have to drink a bottle of "Blue Nun".

Goodale is returning turns at a savage and furious rate - one every day - which gives me the trouser-dampening satisfaction of knowing that I will destroy at least one tank each day.

Good news: I have received an email from "Valrie" telling me how to get a penis enlargement. To find out, go here.

I'm too scared. As it is, I'm on the verge of overbalancing.

Teddy Windows and I are just getting to grips with each other in our all-infantry set-to.

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Originally posted by Soddball

Teddy Windows and I are just getting to grips with each other...

and of course from the sig line:

I shake hot white coconuts from Teddy's tree of love.

Oh how cute. It's springtime and love is in the air. :eek:

Anyone know if a building collapsing can damage a adjecent Sherman tank? Anyone? Guess I will give it a go against Axe2121 , as his solo remaining tank is in a nasty spot to get to.

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Originally posted by Soddball

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

Teddy Windows and I are just getting to grips with each other...

and of course from the sig line:

I shake hot white coconuts from Teddy's tree of love.

Oh how cute. It's springtime and love is in the air. :eek:


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Originally posted by Soddball:

Good news: I have received an email from "Valrie" telling me how to get a penis enlargement.

Me too - small world ;) You didn't refer me, did you?

Originally posted by Soddball:

Teddy Windows and I are just getting to grips with each other in our all-infantry set-to.

All infantry? Bugger. Does that mean I can't use my Brummbärs?

Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Oh how cute. It's springtime and love is in the air. :eek:

You wouldn't understand, Mikey, as I'm guessing you've never had a close chum or been to public school. A little male bonding and mutual appreciation can be a beautiful and noble thing.


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Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Maggots. The whole lot a ya. :mad:


You should see a doctor about that cough. </font>
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Okay Prinz Eugen, I will resend your turn. Mike, I have a turn to send you. Your KV doesn't seem to be vulnerable to anything we've tried. We're scurrying around trying to locate a silver AP bullet. If that doesn't work out, we're trying kryptonite next. :rolleyes:

Paddington, _UXcva, and Goodale (you maggot), if you want turns you have to send one first. If any of you fine competitors sent turns last night, I didn't see them, because we had thunderstorms. As anxious as I am to see your pathetic troops oozing their way toward my stalwart men of iron, I don't try mixing my computer with lightning. tongue.gif

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DaveH you slimy can of slug saliva I sent you back an email with additional requests for our rematch. :mad: That's right scum nads I plan to battle you with a fury so intense my eyes will singe holes through your fleeing Krauts shoulder blades! :mad:

Soddball I don't think I've ever known a man to be so lucky when it comes to killing tanks. :mad: My GOD I am going to torture you in this game when I finally take those last few flags. As I mentioned in my last email maggot - Geneva Convention?? It hasn't been invented yet! :mad: I have multiple prisoners and let's just say they ain't happy with their present living conditions or treatment.

Snarker- Turn around, put your hands in the air, and slither 5000 paces back to your burning hulks and riddled comrades. Tell your commander that your TNT is suppose to explode - not burst into blooming flowers and candy. We will clean up the mess don't worry about it. I'm sorry. Pussy. :mad:

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Oh yeah one last thing maggot pouches! :mad: Thermoplae I haven't heard from you in quite some time you flag-burning jock-strap full of VD-infested nads! :mad: ARARRAACRCRACRACRACRACRACRCRARCRARARACRACACACAA AAAA RAR RR A AR ARA AAAAAAAAAAAR RRRRRRRR!!! :mad:

I beat you and I beat you good you pile of ameoba piss and I want my victory! Take it like a man!! :mad: Whas da mattaaa did masterGoodale blowy wohhwy offy waaffy you limby wimbies?? I so saaaawwwaaaayyyyy. . . :mad:

Konrad I was kicking your ass too so you better send back a turn by our mutually agreed upon deadline! :mad: I always give my victims 30 days leave anyways so when you're ready for me to mow down a few hundred more of those sadly misguided grunts just let me know. My men had to replace 29 barrels because they got so hot and furious spitting all that lead at your Krauts!

God I love this game :mad:

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By the way puss pouches there will be some serious changes taking place with MasterGoodale's SIG in the next few days! :mad:

For starters, I will be adding a few fresh bitches to my sexually abused harem! My calculations put the number at 5. Not a bad start considering there's only one big cock to go around! :mad: Some will have sig lines worshipping yours truly to add. :mad:

I will also be taking Parabellum, Hortlund, and Headshot off of my daddies list. They were deadbeats anyway. It's been over 90 days since their victory with no rematch. I've paid the price :mad:

Parabellum and Hortlund I'm coming after you maggots!! Where are you!!? RARARARARARARRARARRR!!! :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I never heard back from either one!!

That :mad: :mad: makes :mad: :mad: me :mad: :mad: so :mad: :mad: ANGRY ...


BTW Did anyone else know the maximum number of images allowed per post is 8? I'd wondered why MG was so thoughtful and restrained these days...

Chin chin,


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Originally posted by by Edward Windsor

You wouldn't understand, Mikey, as I'm guessing you've never had a close chum or been to public school. A little male bonding and mutual appreciation can be a beautiful and noble thing.

Copy that. But I still leave one seat open between me and a chum in the movie theater, so it does look, well, GAY! :mad:

Originally posted by MasterGoodale

Konrad I was kicking your ass too so you better send back a turn by our mutually agreed upon deadline! I always give my victims 30 days leave anyways so when you're ready for me to mow down a few hundred more of those sadly misguided grunts just let me know.

IF you meant lenakonrad he/ she/ it is no more. 30 days?!?!? It takes you that long to get out bed you decrepit sloth. Besides IF it was lenakonrad, even YOU could have won that game. Final score in our match was 71-29 , in favor of yours truly. Marched my uber-truppen to town unfolded the pack lunch and waited for naught. :D

BTW, Moses may have lived for hundreds of years but even he tired of waiting for a turn from you and silently shuffled off this mortal coil. :eek:

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Alright you non-fighting, non-strategy-having, goat banging' flag-burning abominations! :mad:

I'm thinking about buying Strategic Command and I want to know if there are any die-hard MasterGoodale thread dwellers out there that would be willing to engage me in an epic battle in SC!? :mad:

Also, I want some opinions on this game from people who own it! :mad:

I've played some good maggots in CMBB and I would love to kick your sorry twitching twats at SC!! ARARARRARRRAR!!!! :mad:

You'll never be the same after I conquer your lands and leave your ravaged peasants scraping the crater-riddled battlefields for stale bread. I am a savage imperialist in games like this and I will not lose. :mad:

Call me :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I'm thinking about buying Strategic Command and I want to know if there are any die-hard MasterGoodale thread dwellers out there that would be willing to engage me in an epic battle in SC!? :mad:

Also, I want some opinions on this game from people who own it! :mad:

Forget it MGD it involves Strategic thinking. You know, like first unzip your fly, then go to the bathroom. This type of complex thought process would be too much for you to handle, so stick to tactical.

If you must play, try Terif or Rambo. They're pretty much newbies at the game and you should get a fair match.

[ May 02, 2003, 01:59 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I'm thinking about buying Strategic Command and I want to know if there are any die-hard MasterGoodale thread dwellers out there that would be willing to engage me in an epic battle in SC!?

Also, I want some opinions on this game from people who own it!

Forget it MGD it involves Strategic thinking. You know, like first unzip your fly, then go to the bathroom. This type of complex thought process would be too much for you to handle, so stick to tactical.

If you must play, try Terif or Rambo. They're pretty much newbies at the game and you should get a fair match. </font>

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Don't mess with me Bogg Boy. If it breathes. . .I can kill it. :mad:

Geez MGD, I don't think drinking a bottle of cheap wine after allowing it to breathe would qualify as terrifying. Besides you can always screw the top back on.
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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

You just earned yourself a big can of whoop ass in CMBB maggot crust! :mad: Whether you like it or not you're getting a setup in the mail. If you don't accept my challenge within 1 week I will accept your defeat and add you to my Harem. :mad:

Puh-leaze :rolleyes: I can't count the number of times I've insulted you, you've responded angrily and threatened a setup. What are you waiting for MisterGoatherder -- the engine rewrite?

Jas :mad: n

P.S. About that Strategic Command challenge -- thanks. I haven't laughed so hard in weeks.

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

You just earned yourself a big can of whoop ass in CMBB maggot crust! :mad: Whether you like it or not you're getting a setup in the mail. If you don't accept my challenge within 1 week I will accept your defeat and add you to my Harem. :mad:

*Yawn* Sure why not. I need the excitem...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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What follows, is a status report on the furious fighting conducted by myself, and, well, myself mostly.

It's stalled for a moment between me and Dave H, thanks to Hotmail playing tricks on me. I should've known not to trust anything coming from Microsoft.

Not much to tell on the ME against mike_the_wino. My men advance stoutly, cherishing the thought of destroying anything they may encounter on their way to victory. Any maggot cowering in the dense forests of Mother Rossija will be squashed. Such is the fate of maggots.

I do not know what Snarker is up to. Up to last turn or so, he failed to make anything resembling a challenge towards the four, yup, count them one, two, three, four flags, owned by me. Earlier he tested the defense of my middle flag using a Marder. My defense held, hardly surprising. Aren't captured Panthers sweet ?

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Oh man, this getting to be hilarous. Go away for 2 hours and MasterGoodale has worked hisself into a frenzy.

Let me repeat this s-l-o-w-l-y s-o y-o-u u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d. lenakonrad got busy IRL and quit playing CMBB. This happened about 3 weeks ago, yea, that's right, check that "Inbox" thingy once in a while.

Continuing with updates;

-Becket has gone away as well.

-Beowolf is MIA so Mein Kampf gathers dust after turn 3

-You still owe me a set-up o' King of idle, empty threats

-Bill Clinton is no longer President

-The Berlin Wall has fallen

That should bring you up to speed a bit.

[ May 02, 2003, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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