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Forgetful Goodales Cheery Waffle of Monthly Moves

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

So how'd all you cretins like that hot bitter TNT I chucked your way last night??!! :mad:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's what I thought skunk puss!! :mad:

There's no fury like MasterGoodale's fury maggots. :mad:

I can't speak for the others, but the only way your Russians chucked any hot bitter TNT at my German supermen in our turn was by tossing it back over their shoulders. It's hard for your Russians to chuck TNT accurately as they bravely run away. :eek:

By the way, do you have any pictures of your "MasterGoodale's fury maggots"? Do they chuck molten TNT like you? I'll bet they came with the mold in your basement! Have you raised them as pets? tongue.gif

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You'll find out when they slither over the rotten corpses of your defeated Krauts you heathenous pile of worm fesces! :mad: You think your tough now but you were just an experiment for my men maggot. They willnever make the same mistakes again!(if I let them live to have the chance :mad: ) I'm breeding a new, more angry, more bitter species of "fury maggots" as we speak (I like that!! :mad: )

And you'll be one of the first to lick their puss scumwad!! :mad:


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who the hell are you Chistopher Walken ya moron? Put the emphasis on the DEFINITELY not the IS ya pouch of maggot semen!! You're going down Whiner you just wait until get that furious setup made and chuck it down the pipe! AGRGRAGRGRAGRGRAGRGRRAG AGRGRAGR ARGGRAARGRA ARGGRAGRAGRARGAGRGRAR . . .oh! oh! oh! wait that feels good. . .GGGGGGGGGGGG GG G G GGARAGRGRAGRAGRARGAGRAGRGRAGRAGR!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:


What the hell are you doing?!

Edited for :mad:

[ April 25, 2003, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: Keke ]

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Can't seem to get more than a turn out a night. Hhhhmmm, maybe I should drink less? No, that IS definitely not the solution.

The crowds gather at the wine_to_mike 's dwelling at Sacramento, CA. " More turns, less booze ! :mad: More turns, less booze! :mad: " they chant rhytmically. " More turns, less booze ! :mad: " The situation is extremely delicate. We only need one scrap of TNT and the place will blow skyhigh, in a fiery explosion, kind of which that only furious, murderous and extremely unstable TNT can cause.

We are left to await said individual's response.

" More turns, less booze ! :mad: "

[ April 25, 2003, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Prinz Eugen ]

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Yea, yea, whatever NastyOldBalls . As matter of FACT, Christopher Walken is the greatest psycho actor of AAAAALLLLLL TIIIIIIMMMEEE, or possibly Gary Olsen (The Professional). But from your postes I can tell that you're more of a Julie Andrews type of gal.

Aight, maggot. Send that set-up whenever you can get away from shopping for those lacey things that you feel ever so pretty.

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:


Finally, a post that makes a little sense.

Okay, I'm finishing a game with mike, finishing one with Goodale (the maggot), and playing _UXcva and Paddington at the rate of about two turns a week. My game with Becket is on hold indefinitely. I have agreed to a rematch with Goodale (the maggot), which will require only about one turn each month. tongue.gif Anyone else available for a PBEM? Someone I haven't lost to yet? I know that narrows the field a lot! :D

I play either side, any weather conditions, good troops, bad troops ... it makes no difference. I can lose with the best, or the worst. Somebody send me an e-mail and/or set-up, so I can chalk up another loss in a few weeks. ;)

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Do not, I repeat, do NOT take Dave H up on his offer.

That gamey bastiche from Indiana used mechanized uber Hamster Guards in modified flamethrowing KV2s and IS3s against me. They even had chickenwire helmets.

And everytime I complained about said gamey tactics he would rain down 300 mm rockets on my unfit conscript Volksturm troops.

Despite his tactics I still won although hamsters flambe is not my favorite meal.

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Do not, I repeat, do NOT take Dave H up on his offer.

That gamey bastiche from Indiana used mechanized uber Hamster Guards in modified flamethrowing KV2s and IS3s against me. They even had chickenwire helmets.

And everytime I complained about said gamey tactics he would rain down 300 mm rockets on my unfit conscript Volksturm troops.

Despite his tactics I still won although hamsters flambe is not my favorite meal.

Axe, you lying gamey Canuck, you're leaving out the parts about your Germans being equipped like the mobile infantry in Starship Troopers. And I mean the book, not the joke of a movie. I think it was your battle armor and nuclear weapons that gave you the advantage in our little tussle. Don't worry, the time will come when I feel like taking another real beating and we'll have at it again. :D:D

Come on all you tough talking girlie-men, who has an opening for a PBEM? Any takers? Or will I have to look elsewhere?GRRRRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Come on all you tough talking girlie-men, who has an opening for a PBEM? Any takers? Or will I have to look elsewhere?GRRRRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:


Here's an opponent should you need one. There still lies space in my inbox for another victim of my tactical brilliance, so mail me a setup. I'm open to all ideas, as long it's in the 1500-2000 range points-wise, with myself as the Fascists for a change.


[ Edited to add AGGAGGGAGGGGAGGAARRRGGRRRGGGG ! :mad: to make it sound more intimidating .

[ April 25, 2003, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: Prinz Eugen ]

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen

" More turns, less booze ! "

Yea, whatever. The sight of me running around in my boxer shorts, with an AK-47, was enough to send the protesters scampered away. I didn't even get to slathering myself in molten-TNT before they scattered like the sheep that they were.
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Turns outs

Snotball Stop making this harder than it has to be :mad: :D

Kinky For someone from the Great Wilderness of Finnland,you sure do seem to hate mother nature.Shooting innocent clumps of woods with HMGs,dropping arty on the poor open ground,what gives dude? :D

That is all :mad: :mad:

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Hey SNARKER you sniveling snot-faced pimple-faced whiney-voiced excuse for a maggot wannabe!! :mad: How'd ya like the latest batch of lead-sprinkled TNT I slung at ya huh?!! HUH!!?? :mad:


Angry Out Loud!! :mad:

I don't think SNOTTYBALLS is very happy with his situation right now either AHAHHA AH AH AH AAH !!! :mad: Seems he totally miscalculated my strategy that armchair warrior wannabe pouch of cockroach dingleberries!! :mad:

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

Here's an opponent should you need one. There still lies space in my inbox for another victim of my tactical brilliance, so mail me a setup. I'm open to all ideas, as long it's in the 1500-2000 range points-wise, with myself as the Fascists for a change.

Setup sent tonight. Let me know what you think. Your high quality Germans attacking my low quality Russians. :cool:
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Loadza turns sent out.

mike_the_wino received his own just a while ago. He's started punishing my poor infantry just about to enter the village. The squad in question honours its dead by panicking and turning its back to the enemy. Thus increasing to the :mad: of their comrades. GRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGR ! The only way to go is to go forwards !

The fight with snarker is progressing steadily - no contact as of yet.

I have agreed to do battle with Dave H . With such a setup, how could I refuse ? Looking forward to a tight competition here, both of us have very good chances of losíng ! :D

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The game with Prinz Eugen came to an unfortunate end as a file mix-up gave me a full viewing of his movie. Weird never seen this before in a file-mix. Hit "enter" at the Allied p/w page. Normally it sends incorrect p/w and then I hit cancel, notify my opponent, call him a nong for sending me a the wrong file and wait impatiently for the right one. My conscience wouldn't let me continue, which is really funny cuz I thought that part of personality was destroyed eons ago. :D

Looks like the next game will be an equally tree-less dance on the steppes with Prize Urine

Note to Dave H: yesh that KV-1 is shtill funxioning even wish all the vodka drinking by the crew...*hiccup*

Axe2121 ever play that scenarion "Inferno"? It was done by none other than Soddball . Should be required playing by all. You are getting a taste of it of now...with loads of flaming-TNT-flying at your sackless scamper-truppen. I like the part where your horrified, panty-wearing, girlie-men break and run out into my firing lanes. Thanks, that's real fun to watch.

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