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Partial Fog vs Full Fog?

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OK I know I'll get a lot of flak from this but I just have to say it. I think partial fog is way more fun then full fog. Enough so that I really don't enjoy the games nearly as much when playing full fog. Now this post wasn't to start a fight or even heated debate just wanted to see if anybody else and I mean anybody else agrees with me or is everybody fully behind this full fog thing? If you are a 100% full fog believer don't you at least agree that partial is more fun? Come on tell the truth. :cool:

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Yep. I agree with moneymaxx on this one. Full FOW (or EFOW in CMBB) is the best way to go. I just find it more enjoyable to have that added dimension/complexity.

Just came off a PBEM game that included an amazing "cat n mouse" game between two AFVs. Full FOW made all the difference. Partial IDs and the units popping in and out of sight made it truly immersive and enjoyable.

One man's' opinion.

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A while back i started a simple CMBO campaign and to get any kind of joy from it I needed to switch to limited FOW to have atleast have moderately accurate kill info. And I must say I enjoy it vey much. The added information allows you to more effectively give orders and fine tune them for maximum effect. Nothing quite like nailing the one squad that carries arround a faust.

I enjoy the uncertainty and mistaken IDs of ful/extreme FOW too. But I wouldn't say it's better or more/less fun, just different. Both modes of play add to the game, though I too am inclined towards putting FOW to max most of the time, especially when playin a new scenario. As they say, fear of the unknown is worst fear of all.

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I guess it's because I started out playing Partial from the start years ago but I just can't get used to or enjoy full and I have played full in all my Pbem's so far so I have tried getting used to it. I realize it's not as realistic but I don't really play this game for that reason I play it to have fun. It's the same reason I guess that I am having trouble buying CMBB. I realise it's more realistic but do I want to trade that for fun, I don't think so. I can see however times where maybe full would be necessary in certain scenario's for example but overall I don't like it.

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I used to play some 128 scenarios. You know, using exclusively 'realistic' scale, full trees and smoke etc, using level 1 and 2 vision only, with 8 simulating fieldmap. That wasn't even with the look-from-officers-only limitation and still you'll have severe problems just finding your objective, let alone finding your men smile.gif

Partial or no FoW is trading a bit more realism for playability. I don't see what's wrong with it really, or why it would be more lamentable than, say, using vision levels 3 and 4 (unless you own a chopper). On the flak issue I mean. Again, choosing to use any other scale than 'realistic' or any other tree or smoke coverage than 'full' is also conceding realism for playability. Nothing wrong with that either as I see it. Like Shakespear said - as you like it smile.gif

Met a guy who suggested we'd mod away the unit markers. You know the wish-you-were-here crosses/stars etc marking a units last spotted position. I declined, but have since been wondering more and more if it wasn't a good idea after all. Do you use these markers?



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Dandelion I do use the markers but they do clutter up the map and interfere with the game to a degreee but I don't know I'd go that far as to mod them out completely. Too bad there's not a button to change betwee off and on. I can't imagine playing the game for very long, anyway at those low levels that you did. Now that would take a lot of the fun out, at least for me, but like you said to each their own. But nope nothing wrong with it if you like it that way. ;)

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