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Scenario\Web\Mod designers - Thank you

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I've been reading some rather "unpleasant" threads lately so I thought I'd go ahead start a thread of gratitude.

I wrote something very similar about mods in AndrewTF's Mod FAQ and Etiquette thread.

I sit here on my lazy butt waiting for these awesome mods and scenarios to come out to enrich my CM experience. Downloading them from convenient web sites with a few mouse clicks. I've never had it so easy. :cool:

Basically, I'm asking complete strangers to spend their valuable time creating something that is going to bring me hours and hours of enjoyment...for free.

When I was a small boy I learned that when someone gives you a gift, don't complain about how it it's wrapped. You say "thank you".

So, to all the scenaio designers, web designers and modders out there. A collective THANK YOU. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by this CM fan.

ps - please don't hi-jack this thread and turn it into an ugly debate. Read it as it was intended. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Rex_Bellator:

Of course their work is appreciated, as intelligent fellows they should know that, and shouldn't need a flattery thread, unless of course they are doing it for flattery.

And the winner of the "worst parent in the world award goes to..." (Sounds a lot like my dad - bring home a B+ he would want to know why you didn't get an A).


I will also single out Andrew Fox for the brilliant work he is doing, and add my thanks to guys like Admiral Keth, and all the authors, webmasters, testers and artists out there who keep the community thriving.

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Originally posted by Kingfish:

What! No mention of the testers?!?

it is posts like yours that really destroy my motivation to test scenarios in the future.

i now have little incentive to test more


Believe it or not, I remembered to include testers before reading your post. They too contribute a lot. I should have added "reviewers" too.
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Ok, they obviously do need a flattery thread, and accordingly I'd like to offer up the renowned Modslut's Prayer (with a small apology to M Python). All together now ;)

Our modders, who art on websites,

Ooooo you are so great,

Gosh we're all really impressed on the forum I can tell you,

Forgive us this day our miserable toadying,

And lead us into the bmp folder,

For thine is the wav file,

The scenario and operation,

Forever so clever,


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many,many thanks to modders,scenario makers,reviewers, the cool web sites out there ,this great community and again the source of our fun - bfc.

if i have forgotten something plz excuse ;)

have fun

ot i know but yesterday i have seen mulholland drive so thanks to david lynch for these movie :D

[ January 07, 2003, 02:49 PM: Message edited by: Horus ]

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Just a nOOb here so I haven't got any downloads yet, however, I am currently in a scenario in CMBO designed by Wild Bill that is the tutorial where the Germans are attacking an American AT defensive position (Fire & Maneuver) and I will say this:

"I have learned more about tactics and movement playing this scenario than all the previous games and books I have played or read. The designer and play-testers have delivered an incredible gaming experience that borders on reality to

the nth degree.SPOILER ALERT












When my halftrack hit that minefield at the start of the scenario, I was physically stunned by the explosion. When my tracks and tanks assembled en masse on the first objective, I was properly hit with continuous artillery and anti-tank fire that had me shaking my head in amazement. Whatever may NOT be said in tribute, my hat is off to all of you incredibly gifted people who take the time and effort to create such fantastic experiences for this game. As a nOOb, I am thrilled with the thought that once all the built in scenarios have been thoroughly played that there are hundreds more as well as the mods.

Whatever motivation you have to continue to do this fine work-PLEASE CONTINUE.

[ January 07, 2003, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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I just want to add my thanks to all you modders,designers,playtesters, reveiwers, and CMMOSers who spend SO much of their time and energy making these great games even greater. And I want to add a special thanks to Y2K (you know why), and Bruno Weiss for sending me those excellent colour plates. I already have a 1/35 scale Panther A based on one of the renderings you sent me. I'll post a couple of pictures of it as soon as my photographer friend takes them for me.Maybe one of you modders will want to try your hands at it?

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Thanks to everybody EXCEPT a couple particular game reviewers - you know who you are (no weapons upgrades at higher levels... cheesh!) ;)

People work so hard on this game because this game is their dream come true. I'm an aging armor buff and I still recall exactly when someone told me BFC was coming out with a 3-D true-scale accurate combined arms tactical level strategy game. Something you'll never forget, like where you were when Kennedy got shot, or when Gore got screwed out of the presidency.

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Actually, I'm glad to hear the "thank you".

I currently have several scenarios in development:

1. "The Last Spearpoint": 2nd SS Panzer Corps last offensive gasp during the Balaton Offensive, 1945. A massive, sprawling battle near Simontornya, Hungary.

2. "Hitler's Son": The Battle of Novo Buda. The Walloon Brigades defense against Guards Cossack Cavalry in the Cherkassy Pocket (1944).

3. "The Punitive Expedition": Efforts of SS and Blocking Division troops to subdue a Partisan Krai (near Leningrad, August 1942); Both winter and summer versions.

4. "Riga, Latvia": A trapped element of the 1st Infantry Division is attacked by hordes of security division troops on June 27, 1941.

Why do I say this? Because most of these designs have been stalled because I've lacked enthusiasm. This recent discussion has got me interested again. The "thank you" goes a long away. Remember, we spend HOURS on these things. Feedback is the only reason we do it. Basically, I want someone to say "that was cool, you researched the hell out of it, its an interesting battle, and it was fun" or even "that sucked, here's how you could have made it better". Without it, the act of designing becomes sort of hollow.


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How about a massive CM-style mega-thankyou to ColumbusOHGamer for the phenomenon that is The Combat Mission Mod Database.

MODsluts and MODers alike have to agree that he has changed the world of MODing forever, providing instant gratification for both MOD designers and users.

This is not to disparage any other CM mod-hosting website folks out there--you all have done a great job that is tremendously appreciated--but this self-service system is a great thing. Not only that, but you can go and check your download statistics to see how popular you are. ;)

So it's a little slow sometimes... it's FREE!!! :D

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I would like to thank Wreck and Biltong, those two have brought me more fun than anyone I can remember (besides BFC smile.gif )!

Also thanks to anyone who has done anything for this masterpiece of a game. I'm proud of being part of those, even if I only do a tiny tiny thing that only a few has any interess in.

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