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Hi there, one more question...

I'm in the 11th battle, last one was the first of a 5-battle long big city battle, and my doubt is the following: i did obtain a major victory with few losses in 10th (and first big city battle so far), and rolled for an immediate assault, which should take place immediately after MidDay (at Dusk).

Does this following Immediate Assault count as one of the 5 battles-long city tour, or do i still have to fight there for another 4 more days/battles, regardless of the number of immediate assaults?

Thanks !

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Originally posted by Seahawk-vfa201:

Holy COW

Only sick minds could conceive a map like the Bloody Bridges from Kiev Map Pack. :D

Jeez: traversing those bridges without paying a high tribute must be the closest thing to a miracle in CMBB.

I will need all the help from Wagner's Valkyries while traversing those bridges (as in "Apocalypse Now").

I know the map for my next battle - loaded the wrong one during a setup. Not very nice. Maybe lots of smoke, APCs and light vehicles plus some assault boats to gain a foothold on one side. Some aux thru the sewers?

Don't know yet, but fear is spreading...

Still playing urban chaos, not much time at the moment - 1 turn per day, but the breakthru is imminent... massive counterattack with 30 SO squads beaten back in turn 20 after taking a small flag. 5 of them eliminated, 6 more will be encircled in the next 2 or 3 turns - in rubble, a wall of fire behind and to the left of them, a road with tanks and open fire lanes for MGs to their right, a road and 3 buildings with 2 plts and flamers in front of them... they are pinned, panicked or broken and have to retreat thru a burning house. As long as I don't shoot at them too much, they won't run before their encirclement :D .

Some 20 icons more in the right edge of the central park (my sIG has LOS to near a few of them.... Don't know if I will mop up or just leave them and break thru. My ammo is low, and they have to cross a road to "my" flag - they won't attack simultaneously, so 1 MG and a plt or two will hold the flag with ease while my forces advance on a small front towards the river (across the park with the pond - it should be stripped of most of its defenders right now)

Guestimated OPFOR size was 1000... on 40% ammo from start, I will have problems topping Cmdr. Seahawk - but Victory level with only one flag (1/17th) is around 16%:2%, and I have 30 turns to go. If loss ratio stays with both sides 3 times the losses that's 30:6, 2 big and one other small flag captured will amount to 30:34... that's 60:40. If all goes well my men will have breakfast in the mayor's house, drink his champagne, smoke his cigars, and maybe there is even one of his bunnies around :cool:



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Guestimated OPFOR size was 1000... on 40% ammo from start, I will have problems topping Cmdr. Seahawk - but Victory level with only one flag (1/17th) is around 16%:2%, and I have 30 turns to go. If loss ratio stays with both sides 3 times the losses that's 30:6, 2 big and one other small flag captured will amount to 30:34... that's 60:40. If all goes well my men will have breakfast in the mayor's house, drink his champagne, smoke his cigars, and maybe there is even one of his bunnies around




take your time, do not hurry, and you'll make it through jsut nicely. In my case I did not witness a major counterattack. I mostly went through the middle and the left end side of the city. I actually left behind all righ little flags but the one.

They clustered mostly in the park and buildings line in front of Mayor house (center of map). AI tried to stop all my advance in the middle. We stayed there for quite sometime.

Toward the end they tried to recapture two flags but I had at that time an overwhelming force. They have been hammered.

Some tried to stop my advance on the left and prevent crossing the bridge toward Mayot House island but failed miserably.

All in all a scary start: nothing was moving through, breakthrough started around turn 20+, then cautious advance and wiping the floor :D of Russkies.

At the very last moments I started to see some units (around 8~10) concentrating toward the upper right big flag (which I had covered with 6 Stugs and 1 full platoon) but they run out of time (I guess).

[ May 23, 2003, 12:35 PM: Message edited by: Seahawk-vfa201 ]

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Originally posted by Blow2:

Are we going to get 1943, 44, 45 in this series? If so, when?


Hi Blow,

From the beginning I said that I will carry on with BCR for CMBB until CM3 comes out. CMAK was a surprise, but the same rules stands. Once CMAK is out I will move onto that. I've found (as you will see from the boards as well) that the vast majority of players move on to the new game very fast and never return to the older game since the updates to the AI etc makes it a qualitative step backwards.

At the moment I'm busy with the Stalingrad Battle Pack (end 42). Once I'm finished with that I'll do the 43 rule changes. I doubt if I'll have time for a 43 battle-pack.

Once CMAK arrives I'll ask for volunteers to carry on with BCR (CMBB), but I'll be surprised if I find any.

Maybe there's someone out there who has no intention of getting CMAK, who would like to get involved from now, so I can show him the ropes in the meanwhile?


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Originally posted by Seahawk-vfa201:

why do I have to get a screenshot of the unit info? One at a time?

Sorge can handle many screenshots at a time.

But, without a screencapture soft(for example:Screen Hunter[http://www.wisdom-soft.com/downloads/setupscreenhunter100.exe] ), Windows can capture 1 shot only.

I think there are many capture freesofts.

[ May 26, 2003, 02:22 AM: Message edited by: Japanzer ]

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Originally posted by Seahawk-vfa201:


take your time, do not hurry, and you'll make it through jsut nicely.

Call me Cunctator (nick of the Roman Consul following Hannibal but avoiding any major battle)

In my case I did not witness a major counterattack.

The park came alive at turn 17, and since then my axis of advance (thru the alley just to the right of the park) got attacked from both sides until the end. Those plts to storm the park had to wait several turns before they could safely cross the road. Only one plt came out (to the small flag on the upper right edge of the park), the others were tied down so long I could not take them out, choose to mop up after turn 50. The right side of the park was full of "eliminiert" markers, but occasionally some Soviets sneaked behind my lines to the flag I captured first.

After cleaning the small park with the pond I proceeded to the river. The center right big flag was captured in what seemed like a meeting engagement with overwhelming armor in the alley and the two parralel side streets (not much resistance).

I mostly went through the middle and the left end side of the city. I actually left behind all righ little flags but the one.

Had thought about that. Would have been that small front to advance on, and easier to defend, as you have only one flank.

They clustered mostly in the park and buildings line in front of Mayor house (center of map). AI tried to stop all my advance in the middle. We stayed there for quite sometime.

Me, too

Toward the end they tried to recapture two flags but I had at that time an overwhelming force. They have been hammered.

All in all a scary start: nothing was moving through, breakthrough started around turn 20+, then cautious advance and wiping the floor :D of Russkies.

Me, too

At the very last moments I started to see some units (around 8~10) concentrating toward the upper right big flag (which I had covered with 6 Stugs and 1 full platoon) but they run out of time (I guess).

On turn 46, two plts were to cross the bridge toward the mayors house, where a plt of Stugs covered by 3 MGs at the riverside neutralized the flag, trying to lure some squads into LOS of those MGs.

Two ohter plts were just across the road from the rightmost big flag. Stug and tanks support was in the vicinity, neutralizing the flag. 4+ Minutes to clean the area, where I expected mainly MGs (easy prey - AI can't handle them in urban areas). I even sent a core plt thru the sewers to cross a double row of houses just to make it in time.

Then I encountered an auto cease-fire (ammo low...). 78:22.

But I lost a crack squad in the sewers!!!!

Glad I got at least veteran replacments.

Now I have to face those bridges.... Glad I rolled up Large arty (700), 200 pts for vehicles, (have to buy 221, 223 and 251/2) 175 for inf and armor each - but strong wind!!! Aaaarghhhhhhh.

Workers bridge is suicide. Just for a quick dash by an A/C to draw fire and reveal some ATGs and bunkers.

Rightmost bridge has the pro of capturing a big flag, but the island is hard to cross and then I face factories at the water front (->no heavy wpns there??). Setting up firebases on my side with the sIGs is a problem, too.

October bridge looks fine. But I guess once I jump from the bridge, I'm stranded on that island.... Probably shell the crap out of it, then cross there with all armor and drop two plts of pioneers to clean up. Then I'll reverse the armor to ferry two more plts to the far side of the river - after shelling the crap out of the bridgehead there. 700 arty... 25 150mm shells, 180 105mm shells (or some real heavy stuff :cool: AI bought me 33,7cm flame rockets :D . Are they worth their money?)and lots of 81mm shells on any wooded area as smoke won't last to long.

Won't get too easy....

If this wasn't a board for gentlemen, I'd start to call someone rude names.



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Quick Question on city battles. I rolled up a city battle, which was to last 3 days. First day I found myself underattack by a soviet armor force, which I didn't think I could repel, so I pulled the rest of my men out. I avoided a soviet counterattack, and from my understanding, the next battle which occurs is to take place on the second day. Is this correct?

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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

Seahawk-vfa201 emailed me a pdf showing a new GUI for Biltaid. You can download it here: http://w1.211.telia.com/~u21117402/biltong/

He and Sabe would like to hear what you think about it, suggestions etc.

I think the interface looks great. It's nice to see the OS X interface to Biltaid.


1. Allow Biltaid to print to a USB inkjet printer in OS X.

2. Allow selection of Player Skill without requiring the custom setup option and having to enter all the starting units manually.

3. Calculate and display the average experience level for your infantry company based on each individual squad's experience. This is necessary to figure out what experience level to use in the Real QB.

4. Add some capability to handle whole units missing due to casualties setting per Note 5 of BCR.

5. Better handling of Emergency Reorganization of Attached Units. I've had some attached units completely wiped out in a battle (poor strategy on my part) and Biltaid just gave the attached unit replacements rather than eliminate the unit from my Battle Group as BCR states should happen. I've also not seen Biltaid use my attached HMG to rebuild any infantry squads from my infantry company, even when the attached HMG had 1 or 2 casualties itself. I thought I could use HMG personnel to resupply a infantry squad.

6. On an interface note, could you make the default( i.e. - no favor used) selection in all the "favor" related dialog boxes stand out more? More than once I didn't know which selection would not require spending favor points. After looking at the dialog boxes more closely, I saw that there is a slight highlight to the "no favor" selection. Maybe you could make this more pronounced.

I think that's all I can think of right now. I really am looking forward to the new version of Biltaid. Keep up the good work and a big "Thank You" for maintaining/updating this very helpful program.

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Originally posted by DBaron:

Quick Question on city battles. I rolled up a city battle, which was to last 3 days. First day I found myself underattack by a soviet armor force, which I didn't think I could repel, so I pulled the rest of my men out. I avoided a soviet counterattack, and from my understanding, the next battle which occurs is to take place on the second day. Is this correct?

That's right - 3 days - not 3 battles. In fact, I think I gave someone a wrong answer on this some time ago.

The right answer: If you get counter/Immediate attacks in the prescibed number of days - tough. The number of days is all that matter, nit the number of battles.

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Originally posted by Biltong:

Anyone close to July 42?

Stuck in Kiev :-(.

Those bridges are hell. No cover from smoke...

Plan is still to cross October bridge, but in turn 8 nobody set foot on any bridge yet. After spotting many and eliminating some bunkers along the riverside and in keyhole positions, I'll have to blast any defenders on October Island to smithereens.

Need opinions for this plan:

a) blast any bunkers and guns until turn 12

(7 out of 11 spotted bunkers are destroyed), try to locate guns with a/cs patrolling my riverside(2 so far, 1 destroyed and the other has hidden again, but area fire from sIGs should wipe it out). Prime weapons are 2cm FlaK (*2), PzII (*2) and SdKfz231/8 (*1). Wooden bunkers can be destroyed by sIGs and 7,5cm, but ammo is limited

B) probe halfway across bridges with a/cs (can push them off the bridges if destroyed?) to get some more guns out of hiding - or expend their limited ammo (turn 14)

c) probe with StuGs and PzII to kill the keyhole bunkers and any guns spotted that are out of reach from my side (end in turn 20)

d) decide whether to go across October or rightmost bridge (turn 14-20)

e) shell according isle/shell intended bridgehead with a 150mm, a 105mm module and a 81mm module for 1.2 turns before

f) troops ride in on StuGs and tanks (first wave 1 plt, second wave another plt close behind). Secure bridgehead, widen bridgehead, take up OPs.

One Co HQ to go in with the first wave, if any plt HQ fails to make it.

Plan "October":

g) smoke last 30seconds, try to have the bridgehead smoked while unlaoding the first wave.

(before turn 30)

h) shuttle service for the rest of the forces. 3 HTs for 7 plts means 10 trips means at least 20 turns. So some have to ride on tanks. Shuttle phase should be over by turn 45! I have 9 tanks for full squads and 3 light ones for teams. Once the bridgehead is established, I will need 4 + 2 tanks for shuttle service.

If any units drop off the transport, I'll risk a traffic jam - meaning more tempting targets.

Maybe the HT version is faster than the open deck version?

Plan "right"

g) ride in with 1 wave on isle, secure woods. Widen bridghehead, 2nd wave follows on tanks. 2nd wave tanks to shuttle units across. What I don't like is that the bridge is too small, and the tanks on the isle have not much space. Not a good jumping point for the factory district.


So I again favor plan October. Should have bought some assualt boats to attack that d... isle as I can't jump off the bridges (or take ropes to climb down...)

Any comments?



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Hi fellow COs

Just wanted to complain about my Btn Co who actually removed my tanks before a russian probe mission that caused over 50% casualties on my side.

Why the hell couldn't i had those nice tankers when i needed them most? I wasn't allowed any Inf Gun, nor any fortifications, and the map was clear and without cover, and i was overwhelmed 1 to 6.

Out of all this sigh-ing, still echoes that question : why am i not allowed to purchase any armor at all in Allied Probe missions? Any idea?

Thanks !

P.D. Last 7 battles happened in only 5 days...still Oct 15th 1941, so the worst is still to come.

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Originally posted by Guillem:

Hi fellow COs

Just wanted to complain about my Btn Co who actually removed my tanks before a russian probe mission that caused over 50% casualties on my side.

Why the hell couldn't i had those nice tankers when i needed them most? I wasn't allowed any Inf Gun, nor any fortifications, and the map was clear and without cover, and i was overwhelmed 1 to 6.

Out of all this sigh-ing, still echoes that question : why am i not allowed to purchase any armor at all in Allied Probe missions? Any idea?

Thanks !

P.D. Last 7 battles happened in only 5 days...still Oct 15th 1941, so the worst is still to come.

Well, if it is 6:1, you should have decided to run instead of fight, or put up a token resistance from the rear edge and withdraw to the big reverse slope just behind the board edge.

Your MGs and mortars hould have spent their ammo, and then all withdraw (simultaneously with the bulk of the forces to avoid stragglers getting captured in the forced autosurrender).



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I just reached June, and our infantry type isn't available any more. The closest to the old one seems to be a Panzergrenadier Company (Motorized) from a Panzergrenadier Battalion (Pz)'42A. It costs 463 pts (Reg), and has the same squads as before, but the platoons no longer have any 50mm mortars, and the MG-section now is a HW-platoon, with 4 MG34's and 2 81mm mortars.

Losing those platoon-mortars is a hard blow, how will I take out those AT-guns now? 81mm mortars are slow!

There are some other company types that still has 50mm platoon-mortars, maybe I should switch to those instead? But 4 HMG's sounds nice... smile.gif

What's the official word, Biltong?

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Hi Guys

Update Time

BCR 41 South v2.3 and BCR 42 South v1.2

[bCR 41 South v2.3

A few very small changes - mostly text/rule clarification. Hardly worth a download of you've already got v2.2.

Only slightly important change is in the Prisoner section of the Favor Sheet.

However - for the fanatics: There are some extra Appendixes in 42 South that you might want to incorporate into 41. See below.

BCR 42 South v1.2

Battle Group Sheet

Armor need to inflict more casualties to get experience than in 41.

July 42 - Battle Group Upgrade

Your armor puts on weight ;)

Delayed Replacements - for all Non-Infantry Units

Not just armor: Now Guns & Vehicles can also be delayed.

Using the Editor to set Experience and Names for your Battle Group Units

Got tired of waiting for the patch and stuck it in.

All of the above ready and waiting here:

SuperSulo's Site

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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

I just reached June, and our infantry type isn't available any more.. smile.gif

What's the official word, Biltong?

Welcome back SS :D

Damn! I'll check it out. I better check the Falschirmjager Co as well and make sure it's available the whole of 42.

Will take a night or 2.

There's still the two conflicting thoughts:

1) Stick with one company because it's more realistic and the players get attached to THEIR company.

2) Periodically - every year or so - change the company to something different so that the player can experience the different formations - get to learn how to use different unit combo's etc.

And for variety.

I still lean towards option 2. The fact that some companies disappear also gives option 2 more clout.

So - my recommendation would be to move to the Falschirmjager co, but let me 1st check if it goes right through 42.


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