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New to Barbarossa : Need Your Help

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Thanks for your time.

I have spent many hours searching these forums but I am at a loss. I am requesting the opinions of some of the ace players here.

Mod packs. Graphics and sound .. those are the ones that generally enhance the game experience, correct?

If you were starting from scratch and you were going to install some mods, which ones would you choose? What's the concensus and where do you find such things?


I went over to the Madmatt page but I am kinda of confused. I need a veteran of Barbarossa to give me a helping hand and basically say:

"Get this and this .. here. Those make the game look better and sound better."

I really appreciate this as I am overwhelmed by the scattering of the mods. I am just looking for a few good mods and then play the game.

I wouldn't take this last resort of taking up your time if I hadn;t already invested a great deal of mine to try and sort this out. I surrendered and realized that it was time to ask the community for their opinion.

Thanks again and I'll be intensely reading this thread for as long as it is viable.


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I only have one mod installed and (as far as I know) it is the only one that really affects gameplay instead of just making a visual change to the vehicles, buildings, etc. These are Captain Wacky's gridded terrain mods.

Go to Combat Mission Mod Database and choose D/L Mods Here. Sort by type, sort by terrain and scroll down to the Gridded Grass, Snow, Steppe, etc.

This mod imposes a grid of lines across the terrain which really helps a lot to see the changes in elevation very clearly. And it is subtly done so as not to spoil the visual realism.

Are there other mods that directly affect gameplay?

Dr. Rosenrosen

[ March 07, 2003, 09:02 AM: Message edited by: Dr. Rosenrosen ]

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First thing I suggest doing when installing mods for the first time is to make a back-up of the original BMP folder (if you have the HDD space that is).

After that I'd personally go for CMMOS 4.03, which is an excellent third party untility that allows you to easily swap between different mods. Although initially it may seem complicated to set up I think you shouldn't have too many problems if you follow the setup guide included.

Get CMMOS and the different mod packs from www.combatmission.com.

Happy modding mate!

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Originally posted by davedial:


Canuck ..

Care to comment which of those "eye candy" mods are your personal favorites?

And thanks for the advice from everyone.

Downloading CMMOS now. Made the BMP backup, as suggested.


Wellll...I'm not useing CMMOS, so your choices are going to differ slightly from mine, even though some work with CMMOS and without. Honestly, I think it is a matter of personal choice, review the ones you might like and go from there. Hell, a good part of my fun has been swapping in/out different mods to find my preferences.

Beware, your on the road to a CMBB life!! :D:D

When your up for a PBem drop me line(see profile).


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I say to get any and all the sound mods from CMMODS that you can.Sample them in window media player,and select the ones you like the most.You may need to get a mp3 to .wav file converter,but there are free ones that are easy to use.You can even take some of those,and with the windows sound recorder you can amp up or lower the sounds.It may make it less realistic,but i prefer the "hollywood sounds".For me personally,i dont need graphical mods right now,as compared to CMBO(which i still play)CMBB gives me plenty of "eye candy".However that has not stopped me from getting them :D

[ March 07, 2003, 02:16 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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Originally posted by White Phosphorus:

IMHO panzermartin's vehicle, and andrewtf's uniforms are a must have.

Ditto. Canon's whitewashed vehicles, Juju's factories and pavement, DD's trees, bases, all seasons, DD's snow terrain. All non-snow terrain and building files from the RealColor mod. That's a lot of mix and match on the terrain stuff, but it's a combo that is extremely eye-pleasing.

We really need some hi-res buildings now and we'd be pretty well-set.

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<feverishly writing this down like a schoolboy in grammar class>


Boy, at that CMMODS place, it takes a long time to download stuff. But IT IS FREE so I am greatly appreciative. Just kind of confusing.

How about this DD fellas terrains and stuff? They look pretty big.

The CMMOS thing is kind of a hit and miss proposition, isn't it? Some work, some don't. Makes it hard to tell which is good, which is pedestrian.

-Well, on the bright side it's the weekend, there's so snow on the ground so what are you going to do, Dial, golf? smile.gif -

Again .. Much Obliged.


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Hey Doc Rosensquared ..

Question ..

I can truly see how the grids will make a HUGE difference in figuring out terrain elevations and such. At first I thought, "Well, there's no grids on a battlefield so perhaps this will detract from the realism of the game." After further thought, I realized .. if I was there I could obviously see if something was higher than something else and the grids just help display this.

My question for you (or anyone else in the case that the good doctor is pre-disposed at a gynecological appointment with Catherine Zeta-Jones .. or Star Jones .. or Anna Nicole Smith .. OMYGOD could you imagine) is this:

If I install the grid terrains ... will that supercede the other hi-res terrains that I install?

More clearly: I like the work done by "the real dd" (could be the name) and I would like to have his terrain textures and look with a grid overlay.


Again, thanks for any help ..


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Hi there!

Thankfully my busy schedule still allows me to read the battlefront forums!

In answer to your question, you cannot have both the hi-res grass and the gridded grass installed at the same time. I don't know if anyone has done a high-res, gridded grass tile yet, but that would be the only solution. The reason is that each mod replaces the grass file entirely.

If you are in doubt about whether two mods are compatible or not, compare the file names that you are replacing. If two different mods replace the same file, then you have to decide which one you like better.

Dr. Rosenrosen

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I believe that Captain Wacky has a hi-res gridded grass at CMMODS.If it isnt hi-res then i have no idea why it is alomst 10mb in size.Also Strontium Dog has a CMBO and CMBB compatible version of grass and mud with grids,my personal fave.


I could swear that once i downloaded a mod from a dave dial.I think it was for CMBO,but not sure.Now im confused,how many DD's are there?

[ March 08, 2003, 10:28 AM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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Hey thanks again everybody. I'm in to it and have quite a few installed.

Yeah, Nevermind, if you compare your member number of 11,341 to my member number of 693 you'll see that I have been around a very long time. I was in to CMBO quite a bit. I believe I did a few very minor, probably low quality mods for it. Nowhere near the quality of most of these mod designers.


The Vehicles

My God, man. :eek:

How many mods of those are there? JHEES.

I'm baffled and overwhelmed.

Could you lay on me your top three vehicle mods for CMBB? This is strictly your opinion, no formal poll or anything.

Again, I greatly appreciate your time.



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Yet another vote for the girdded grass ... I use SD_GRIDGRASS ....

But I also think the 'thinline' mod helps gameplay ... for those that have not seen it, the mod makes your movement, los, target lines (etc) thinner ... IMHO it gives a less cluttered display !

Oh and if you are after eye candy - dump those dull VL flags and get REXVLFLAGS - they are Excellent - they have not been off my CMBB since i installed them ... (but dont tell Rex I said that :D )

The vehicle mods are just too numerous to mention but all add to the game ... its just personal choice :cool:


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Originally posted by Dr. Rosenrosen:

I only have one mod installed and (as far as I know) it is the only one that really affects gameplay instead of just making a visual change to the vehicles, buildings, etc. These are Captain Wacky's gridded terrain mods.

Go to Combat Mission Mod Database and choose D/L Mods Here. Sort by type, sort by terrain and scroll down to the Gridded Grass, Snow, Steppe, etc.

This mod imposes a grid of lines across the terrain which really helps a lot to see the changes in elevation very clearly. And it is subtly done so as not to spoil the visual realism.

Are there other mods that directly affect gameplay?

Dr. Rosenrosen


Which ones you actually downloaded ?

There are gridded mods by two authors "Captain Wacky" and "Strontium Dog".

Which are the best ones ? and what means "hi res" and "low res" ? Correct me if I'm wrong but you can run CMBB in 640x480, 800x600 (like me), and 1024x768.

So which ones should I get if I run the game at 800x600 ?

Thanks in advance.


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Personally, I just grabbed Captain Wacky's gridded snow, steppe and grass and I'm doing fine with it. It appears Strontium Dog has done a similar mod for less common terrain (mud, etc), but I haven't tried them personally. I might if I ever get a game with those conditions (but I try to avoid it!)

I haven't compared high-res vs. low-res to see if there really is a visual difference. Try them both out and post some screenies! (Anyone done this already?)

Dr. Rosenrosen

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First off, the 'low res grass' didn't work; game wouldn't start. So... using the backup I replaced the .bmp files, made sure it worked then, and did the download of the 'high res grass'.

It's down, and it's great! *Really* helps with recognizing height and slope changes. Can't recommend it enough; well worth the wait for the 10meg download.

Snow and Deep Snow are on there way to my PC as I type. Thanks Mr Wackey, and *all* modders out there!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yep the griddeds are fantastic and anybody playing witout 'em is making gameplay a lot harder for themselves.

I also like the "Transparent Ruins" mods which make it easier to see inf in the rubble of collapsed houses.

Also go for the "Tracer" mod to make tracers easier to see.

Sorry I can't remember which mod site I got them from.Been back to look but can't see 'em, so perhps the sites withdraw mods after a certain time?

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