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How do you get the AI to attack ?????

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A couple of days ago i made a few scenarios where i was defending against the AI. To start with the game was only 30 turns and the AI only managed to get half way across the map so i increased it to 60 and at the 60th tick fighting had only really just started :mad:

This really annoyed me as the map was only 1920x1520 and only of medium size. Even when the AI units were not under attack (which was most of the way) they spent 3/4 thier time stopped still, or in resverse Yes you heard it reverse ?????.

Any way is there any way to make the AI attack or is it just scared of moving forward?

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The AI in CM isn't too capable when attacking, as in most tactical wargames. Therefore you've to help her a bit when designing a scenario.

You have to give the AI some clues where to go. One or two small flags usually help a lot, same goes for roads that lead towards the VLs.

Organize the AI's forces a bit. Put the tanks in a position from where they can roll towards the VLs. Put the infantry in positions from where they have covered approaches to the VLs.

And most important: If you defend against the AI, give it a BIG bonus on forces. Since the AI tends to attack piecemeal it'll need these troops.

When I defend against the AI I usually give it at least +50% troops and +1 experience.

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The AI doesn't like advancing without cover (who can blame it!) so a few strategically placed houses, trees, hills should help a lot. And place the AI's assets so he can immediately start on the march. If you place everyone in an open field they'll first look for the nearest cover, then they'll eventually head towards the flags.

I played a defensive QB against the AI last night. Not only did he attack (admittedly after 9 turns on the march), but he split his forces, flanked me, encircled me, and crushed me!

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I'm still pretty much a novice at designing CMBB scenarios but the more I experiment, the more success I have in making the AI attack reasonably well. As suggested by others, flags and cover definitely help. Placing the AI troops closer to the objective will reduce the march time. And giving the attackers a good numerical advantage together with varying attack lanes will prevent the defender from shutting down the whole attack by blocking one sector...

Finally, I try to give my attacking forces some fanaticism. That seems to help them push forward.


[ January 29, 2003, 04:12 PM: Message edited by: cbb ]

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Here is a link to a battle designed to be played as the Axis defender. It has been extensively play tested and I have noticed the AI seems to develop four different avenues of attack upon different playing.

Thank you to Admiral Keith at The Scenario depot The Depot for hosting the battle 5th SS PzGr Wiking. I would suggest playing the battle then opening it up in the editor and having a look. It may offer a few hints to supporting an AI attack.

[ January 29, 2003, 04:38 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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The best way I found to get the AI to attack is to put them close to the VLs. The AI has a tendency to want to mass his forces. If you spread them out in the vicinity of separate VLs then you can overcome this. If not the the AI will tend to push everyone into the same cover and then advance on one VL.

You also have to give the AI favorable ground conditions. It is absolutly horrible at dealing with bad ground. If you think that by making the ground muddy it will force him to the roads then be prepared for the AI vehicles to never make it to the fight. Also try not to put too many barriers in the way (woods, pines, rough, etc) or AI vehicles will get stuck.

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Another thing to understand is that the AI "keys on" its spotting reports. If you conduct a totally hidden defense, everybody back and hiding, waiting for perfect ambushes, the AI does not know what to do. When LOS is very restricted, this is even more true (e.g. in a dense forest, the AI will sit at the start line).

Try putting a few observation posts - listening posts forward for the defenders. Like LMGs with orders to fire on anything they see, 200 yards ahead of the main defense. If you couple this with the minor flag suggestion, you will see a dramatic change in AI aggressiveness. The AI likes to come for known enemy occupied flags. In a open ground, a defending light armored vehicle on a flag with wide LOS will get its attention.

Give it something to chew on, in other words. Incidentally, the fanaticism suggestion is also a fine one. Even 25% will make a difference, since the forward guys will draw fire and that should help the laggards get moving again.

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