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Three Olde Ones in a Boat, and a Peng Challenge from a Dog named King

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Originally posted by Nidan1:


I want to state now in this Cesspool , in front of all of you {insert insulting discription here}...that Aussie Jeff is probably the funniest bastard that I have ever come across in my sojourn through this veil.

I am not sure whether his comic abilities stem from a natural talent for humor or from a drunken dementia.... I don't feckken' care! he is thoroughly entertaining..... and gamey as well (in a road kill sense).

AJ if you ever have the chance to visit the States mate, mi casa en su casa , I'd love to throw a few back with you. (serious).

P.S. Don't bring Noba with you if you decide to come.


Faithful squire Nidan1. I had thought that you'd come so far, but now I see that I was mistaken.

What you're feeling now is just so, so...horribly wrong. It smacks of a Frenchman's love for Jerry Lewis and as we all know, this kind of love is evil and dirty and robs the universe of all hope and joy.

Watch carefully where you step or you could be labeled as an "Aussie FanBoy" and that's something that no one wants.

I was serious about petitioning for your knighthood, but now I'm just frightened and confused.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:


I want to state now in this Cesspool , in front of all of you {insert insulting discription here}...that Aussie Jeff is probably the funniest bastard that I have ever come across in my sojourn through this veil.

I am not sure whether his comic abilities stem from a natural talent for humor or from a drunken dementia.... I don't feckken' care! he is thoroughly entertaining..... and gamey as well (in a road kill sense).

AJ if you ever have the chance to visit the States mate, mi casa en su casa , I'd love to throw a few back with you. (serious).

P.S. Don't bring Noba with you if you decide to come.


Faithful squire Nidan1. I had thought that you'd come so far, but now I see that I was mistaken.

What you're feeling now is just so, so...horribly wrong. It smacks of a Frenchman's love for Jerry Lewis and as we all know, this kind of love is evil and dirty and robs the universe of all hope and joy.

Watch carefully where you step or you could be labeled as an "Aussie FanBoy" and that's something that no one wants.

I was serious about petitioning for your knighthood, but now I'm just frightened and confused. </font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

... {snipped} ... Mea culpa , My Liege.....earlier I was overcome by mirth......a feeling long repressed in the dark recesses of my psyche....I will be more careful next time... **Twitch Twitch** From now on venom, bile, expletives and hatred for all will dominate my posts. [/QB]

I don't know Boo_Radley, I fear that too much damage may have already been done in this case. When brain damage THIS severe is evidenced it's unlikely the patient can make a full recovery. Perhaps it would be best just to put him down immediately?


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Ah, that was very nice, nooding off while I sodded off. Now, I'm back. Yes, the IQ has risen, along with the level of the sump, but not much.

No need for all the cheers, thank you.

I am cursed with the same fevers as the Outlaw Justicar.

I return to town to find a head crash (Down Bauhaus, I said crash.), .pst files are gnashed with big teeth and some PBEM files rolled over big big clanky things.

The real problem is that I have no addresses with which to return the severe beating I am handing out to each of you worthless twits. (Of course, those turns that went out last night and this morning, I have complete info on, no need to repeat.)

If you deem to roll off your respective (ehem) ladies and resend your last, I'll bare your bottom and administer the punishment. The spankings will and continue until morale improves.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled idiocy.

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Joe, you, uh, forgot your theme song.

Like everyone else, I hated it and the individual neurons that conceived it, at first. But, I'm ashamed to say, it's kind of catchy, it lulls me into a state of transcendental bliss.

It's interesting writing a post in the 'Pool. You put together a general idea (Originally this post was merely the first line), then you spend some time explaining it, you try to effect adoration and haughty dismissal at the same time. Then, on the final edit, you change any expressions that may be too pedantic, as if sheer originality outweighs anything so silly as comprehendability.

I wonder what The Courtier of the 'Pool would embody? What Rennaisance would affect the Dark Ages that are the 'Cess? What is Neo-Poolism and does it require sonnets to produce?

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Originally posted by Wallaby Breath :



We already have a House of Commmons, what do we want with Lords?

Nong, we'd just end up polishing the silver spoons in their mouths.

I think I hear your mother calling you. Sodd Off.

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Here you see the picture,that one night in a dream

I saw before my eyes:

And ,over in a corner of this silent cave,

Myself I saw,hunched up,cold ,mute,

and envying

Envying these people their tenacious passion.

Then my heart took fright-to envy some poor man

who ran in frenzy to the sheer abbys,

who drunk with the pulsing of his blood,


Grief to death,and hell to nothingness.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Joe, you, uh, forgot your theme song.

Like everyone else, I hated it and the individual neurons that conceived it, at first. But, I'm ashamed to say, it's kind of catchy, it lulls me into a state of transcendental bliss.

It's interesting writing a post in the 'Pool. You put together a general idea (Originally this post was merely the first line), then you spend some time explaining it, you try to effect adoration and haughty dismissal at the same time. Then, on the final edit, you change any expressions that may be too pedantic, as if sheer originality outweighs anything so silly as comprehendability.

I wonder what The Courtier of the 'Pool would embody? What Rennaisance would affect the Dark Ages that are the 'Cess? What is Neo-Poolism and does it require sonnets to produce?

Meeks (nb) you unutterable bore, you really have NO conception do you?

The Outlaw Justicar Theme Song is used ONLY when berating losers and lowlifes ... lowlives ... low ... hell with it, such as yourself and ANYONE who follows you. For common comments to common people, no Theme Song is necessary or desirable.

Besides ... it ain't always that easy coming up with new verses. Luckily when I'm responding to YOU the bile and venom are refreshed and I find myself inspired anew ...

The Outlaw Justicar Strikes Again!

Justicar, Justicar, Meeks don't understand,

Justicar, Justicar, His court I will disband,

He'll be crying in his beer, the CessPool gang will cheer,

Justicar, Justicar, Justicar.



[ February 06, 2003, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:



How did this happen?...


It happened because you didn't use the UBB code correctly. It would work better had it been:



Of course you also neglected the exclamation point following "CESSPOOL".

Feel free to come to us at any time for other formatting tips.


[ February 06, 2003, 12:28 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:



How did this happen?...


Well, konrad (may I call you konrad?), it all started with a block and tackle, several strong-backed stevadores, plenty of elbow grease, some marmelade, scented unguents, scaffolding, a truckload of rebar, an architectural design firm, a catering service and a plumb bob.

After several failed attempts and a nasty letter, rife with veiled threats from OSHA, we had Joe standing.

Any other questions?

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Originally posted by OGSF:

SHUT THA FECK OOP, YE PYTHON RECITIN' GIT BASTARRRRDS! Wae all knoo tha stankin' worrrds. Pillocks.

Since I didnt understand one word of this (well, I did understand "Shut", "python" and "all") first I thought it was some clever code "shoot all pythons"? but then I realized it might be in another language so I tried to run this through the internet translator, Bablefish or something... alas it didnt work, my computer blew up, and now I think I might have started a new internet virus.
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