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I recall up intil the 1.01 patch there were still a smattering of 'the AI sucks" postings showing up every few days. Then after the patch came out things got very very quiet. I suspect people suddenly started losing to the AI more than they were used to. I'm not at all sure what tweaks BFC made, but it sure worked! :D

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The problem is that in CMBO we all learned some bad habits. Enemy MGs weren't a big threat, you could run your infantry across half the map without them getting tired and the arty strikes arrived on the battlefield with little delay and very high precision.

No command&control for tanks and no vehicle morale made armour combat a lot simpler than CMBB.

If you start to play CMBB and bring along all those 'bad habits' from CMBO you'll be in BIG trouble.

I had the same problem in my first games and really learned the game from scratch again.

I still remember how amazed I was how different the game played, when I saw CMBB the first time.

Start from scratch, forget what worked in BO and see how it works in BB.

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Knaust, are you referring as in vs. AI or vs. human opponent? If you lose in the same time frame both as Germans and Soviets, then I'd suggest having a look at the list of changes implemented in CMBB since CMBO. And then try to use those to your advantage!

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The difference in infantry model probably means that things that would work in CMBO don't work in CMBB (think infantry running across 200m of open ground)

To win more, you need to adapt your infantry tactics to the new model. Use MGs for suppressive fire, backed up by mortars and direct fire HE. Advance your units in a leapfrog fashion over short distance.

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Some you lose some you give up on....


How will you learn if you give up on a game 3 turns in?

Sure you had bad luck losing two tanks out of three but by playing on you might have learnt more about how to defend with what you had left.

Luck for sure comes into it, that has not changed.


Anyway, don't give up you are far better than that and I still remember our first Meeting Engagement with CMBO where your Hetzer was taken by my lucky Stuart front on....



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Just keep pluggin at it Knaust... You'll get better, I reallly really sucked ass when I started playing CMBB (havin not played CMBO for more than a year hurt me too)

After a few rough PBEMs and playing single player intensively I'm doin better =D

If you want a PBEM mail me...

Otherwise my advice on one way to learn really fast is get Biltongs Campaign Rules and prolly Biltaid as well.. Play with the same battlegroup for several battles and you'll get an excellent feel for what you can do with a certain type of Infantry Company

Also remember a lot of the weapons and tactics you used in CMBO may not work not only because CMBB is different, but because you may be playing in 1941 or somefink... =D

Lot harder to kill tanks without 'schrecks and 'zooks huh?

In the end I like CMBB a lot better, I think the armor is improved a whole lot, and the infantry is more realistic.

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