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The Laying of the King Before the Altar: The Peng Challenge Sinks Gracefully Backward

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Seanachai, were you planning to respond to my earlier query or have you been huffing the copier toner again?


Joe, you do truly deserve an answer. And I would answer you, but I found a very strange link to a very strange site while slumming around the General Forum, and I have been reading of series of vulgar, over-the-top reviews that have me literaly sitting here with tears of laughter pouring down my face.

I can barely gasp for breath from laughter. And it's that uncontrollable, high-pitched squeaking laughter that comes out of you when you're actually helpless to laugh in a normal fashion.

I know that many would not find what I have been reading humourous. Some, indeed, would be deeply offended. And even some who would find it funny would still be deeply offended.

I am going back there, now, to continue immersing myself in this truly, truly vicious and demented experience.

Tomorrow. I will reply to all tomorrow.

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Originally posted by Marlow:

I've heard of "Outlaw funnycars," but what is an "Outlaw Justacar"? How fast is it? Can it use NOX, and most importantly, is the only reason to watch one racing to watch it crash and burn?

An "Outlaw Just-A-Car" has almost no power whatsoever and so cannot compete well in a so-called "race". Adding NOXious devices only lessens the available MEEK power - a strange effect not fully understood by sane individuals.

It has little chance of crashing or burning either, since it is best suited for spinouts in the muuuud and kerb crawling the streets of Dallas.

In fact, the ubiquitous Goggomobile - that's G-O-G-G-O .... G-G-O ... oh, stuff it - the googly-eyed toy car, when strapped to a Just-A-Car can impart <U>almost a whopping 3%</U> more power at the rearend of a Just-A-Car! Unfortunately, this power overload may lead to copious backfiring and subsequent knocking in the Just-A-Car's BIG end. A complete overhaul may then be required...

Personally I'd stick with a Segway .......


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Guest PondScum

MrSpkr, stop playing footsie with the Outlaw Justicar and send a turn. I wanna see your Turans try to make it over that ridge again.

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Outlaw fluffy, I think I've found a new song for you. It's much more fitting of your title and of your stature in the Pool. Now carefully follow along, it's a little complicated for you:

The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round.

The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round, early in the morning.

The fluffy and his troop go up and down, up and down, up and down. The fluffy and his troop go up and down allllllllllll night long.

Everybody now........

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

The Outlaw Justicar Strikes Again!

Justicar, Justicar, return that which was lost

Justicar, Justicar, this new king is a frost

Seanachai's at fault, let's call this madness off.

Justicar, Justicar, Justicar.




I just want you to know that while you are working on the outside to topple the pretender <small>king</small> Meeks,

I am working from within!

Of course with him not being around, I haven't...ehh...really been able to DO anything much...oh sure, I've tagged all the mostly clean walls around the CessPool with such inflamatory phrases like, "Meeks Reeks!" and "The Justicar, not just a pretty face...as a matter of fact, absolutely nothing like a pretty face!", but rest assured that when he does show his pimply face around here, I will attack with a vengence!

Spray adhesive on the royal toilet seat, (although I know it may make it harder to "dethrone" him, heh-heh), toothpaste in his hair gel and ice cold marbles in his odiferous cot!

Yes, Joe, I have the situation well in hand!

"Justicar, Justicar,

Shooting from the hip.

Justicar, Justicar,

Don't give him no lip!

Fight against the <small>king</small>

Or for the right price, anything!

Justicar, Justicar, Justicar!

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You know, Joe, it's just an example of quality over abysmal quantity.

You post and post, and the only way I can tell the difference between your inanity and the asswash from that Gaylord Focker chap is to place each in a bucket of ammonia. Yours seems to turn a cheap paisley, while his continues to smell like roasted toad ovaries.

I've eaten toad ovaries, a delicacy of Chinese cuisine, mind you, and they taste just like your posts: squishy, limp and flavorless. My reasons for not posting are obvious, I'm out of titles and I see no real threat to my power.

Outlaw Justicar, ha!, you're just a sniveling coward. This is what's wrong with the 'Pool, it's filled with fops, too busy spinning donuts to make anything of themselves.

And get that cat off your crotch, man, show some dignity.

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Meanwhile, back at the castle...

Meeks: Damn that Outlaw Justicar, his taunts are so, so, nettling.

Seanachai: Yes, your regalness, such qualities were paramount to his assuming the role of Outlaw Justicar. Nettling, as you can tell by that resume he keeps pinned to his chest, is his most salient attribute. By far his finest, and almost as constant as his overwhelming flatulence. I say, have you heard about the Shaws, as a people, they hail from--

Mace (From deep within the catacombs beneath the Schloss Peng): Grue want silence! Grue try to watch Osbornes!!! Grue a nielson family, responsible for television programming!!!!

Seanachai: Amazing thing, grues, only coming out at night and all, I say, have you heard about the species, Gruellis Gruesomarius? Yes, astounding things, covered with hard chiten and calcified spikes. Not the kind of thing you'd expect from... (Moves downstage, continues to ramble throughout scene)

Meeks: Could it be Shaw's angry about my poisoning his father and marrying his mother?

Sycophant 1: Oh yes, my potentate, such wisdom, it must be true!!!

Sycophant 2: Except, dear majesty, he knows not who his father is.

Meeks: Perhaps what troubles him is death, or perhaps he thinks his life a comedy when all know it to be tragic. It begs the question, is he deserving or undeserving of his fate?

Berli: It matters not, the deserving meet their just desserts, the undeserving their untimely end.

Meeks: Where'd you come from?

Berli: Pits of hell, I was out walking Cerberus, decided to stop by, see if you'd been usurped yet.

Meeks: Oh, what happened to the Sycophants?

Berli: Fed em to the dog.

Meeks: Oh.

Mace appears stage left, festering

Mace: Grue can't concentrate on tetas, Grue no watch TV, Grue want eat fluffy.

Meeks: I say, couldn't we find some of Shaw's old friends, tell them to find out what madness afflicts him, inside and out, then send him to England to have his noggin lopped off?

Mace: Grue hate to point out logical fallacy but Shaw have no friend.

Meeks: Damn.

Curtains fall as schemers continue scheming...

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Days later. Schloss Peng remains undisturbed, the throne room vacant except for Seanachai, still expounding on the Grue, specifically the difference between the texture of Grue dung and Grue mung, and how it relates to the fall of the old Levantine empire of the Hoosnak

Enter MrSpkr and Speedy

MrSpkr: Boy that did it, just the appearance of the king scared the Outlaw Justicar back into hiding.

Speedy: How'd you get that scar on your neck, anyway?

MrSpkr: Problem is, it seems to have overawed the entire Cess, scared the lot into the wilderness. I think I saw young Croda in the Strategic Command Forum.

Speedy: And those pins, and those staples, don't they hurt?

MrSpkr (Staring at Speedy with disdain, then continuing): Yes, his regal power, I don't understand why that Outlaw Justicar can't acknowledge it.

Speedy: You know, according to most laws of biology, you shouldn't be alive.

MrSpkr: Come let us leave this place, I feel Seanachai may soon notice us.

Exit MrSpkr

Speedy (Following): Did you notice that gaping wound in the vicinity of your liver? My god man, you should have that looked at, I can see your pancreas.

Exit Speedy. Curtains fall as Seanachai continues to expound

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Curtains fall as schemers continue scheming...


In the pantheon of schemers, there are, in descending order:

(Tonto) Lady Macbeth

(Chico) Mr. Drysdale

(Beppo) Schemer, from Thomas The Tank Engine

(Klepto) Many, many more

(Zero) You lot.

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Dya see then? Gone for weeks at a time and suddenly drops in and expects three limp, wilted posts IN A ROW to restore his place! He just doesn't GET it does he lads. We who have borne the battle, we who have fought the fight, we who have seen comrades die in ... well I was going to say in our arms but luckily not much chance of THAT happening ... in fact "comrades" is pushing the bounds of credulity now that I think on it ... where was I ... oh yeah, we who have BEEN here, day in and day out, fighting the good fight, constantly on watch for the SSN incursions, it is WE who have a RIGHT to say in which direction the CessPool flows (mind you, as I've renounced my role as CessPool Drain Commissioner there's damned little flow, yet another example of how Meeks (nb) has misused his minimal authority.)

Boo_Radley I thank you for your efforts (I think my theme song is catching on) but would remind you that it was not my intention to create a rebellion or civil war. I walk a lonely road ... oh how far I am from home ... hmmm, why are my feet getting all hairy of a sudden?

No matter, Meeks (nb) shall never be MY king and Seanachai's continued ... "incapacity" is more proof that even the Olde Ones are turning from him.

Pity really, reminds one of the last days of Mussolini in a way. Pretending to the last that they are still in charge, still important, with only a single loyal companion following along behind like a lap dog (mind you Mussolini's girlfriend was probably substantially more attractive than MrSprkr is ... not that there's anything wrong with that) until every man's hand turns against them and they are strung up by their heels to be pelted with rotten fruit.

You know ... as mental images go ... that's a right pleasant one isn't it lads.

The Outlaw Justicar Strikes Again!

Justicar, Justicar, Meeks swinging by his heels

Justicar, Justicar, Meeks whining an appeal

Please to let him down, he'll then give up his crown

Justicar, Justicar, Justicar.



p.s. Have you noticed lads, he's even incapable of using UBB properly! What a goof eh?

[ February 02, 2003, 10:31 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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A whole thread of arguments about who is the officailist high lord of the official authority of the authenticity pseudo-plutocratic title of beetle dung?

Is there any reason why these two simply could not have had a straw drawing, or a game of russian roulette to decide this moot argument?

To make a bad situation worse, of course the Lawyer has to be brought in, or did he bring himself, to mulitply by pi a boring long winded pointless babble-thon.

With that i bid you all goodnight.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:


I just want you to know that while you are working on the outside to topple the pretender king Meeks,

I am working from within!

With opposition like this, we should see a very long reign by Meeks

[ February 03, 2003, 06:16 AM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Seanachai's continued ... "incapacity" is more proof that even the Olde Ones are turning from him.

Josef, you couldn't be more wrong. Seanachai has been busy reading about masturbating parakeets or somefink... he should return as soon as his eyes uncross
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Originally squeeked by Pvt. Hortlhund:

W H A T? Are you seriously saying that the British navy has had a ship named "Mars"? ANYONE with even half a brain knows that "Mars" is the proud name of one of history's greatest warships, the old Swedish battle ship.

[Frenchlike chestbeater mode]

The admiral ship Mars... disappeared below the waves..and so on...

[/Frenchlike chestbeater mode]


There be no suprise that this Swede has gone stark raving mad for it is a trait of 'is nation it seems. Tha Kingdom of Sweden is renown for tha "history's greatest warships" that soon grace the bottom of tha sea. History's greatest shipwrecks morelike. When tha Baltic fishes observed tha Swedish fleet sailing forth twas they would soon be feastin' upon the crews. Even a longboat, of which a 10 foot variety does not exist, crewed by trusty British tars, who supped grog not "ale", would be a match for one of Sweden's "history's greatest shipwrecks" so long as 'twere manned by Swedes who would founder it at the first tack. For why would tha BilgeRat concern hisself with the Swedes "Mars" or her fellow clownships of the greatest show aflotsam like Vasa, Kronan or Sverdat. Better HMS Mars, which took the French Hercule, fought to gallant victory at Trafalgar and was with Lord Saumarez when he brought 'is fleet to save the misbegotten ingrates: the Swedes.

This Hortlhund's an insolent cur who will soon rue 'is empty bluster. You can expect my despatch forwith.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Boo_Radley I thank you for your efforts (I think my theme song is catching on) but would remind you that it was not my intention to create a rebellion or civil war.


Not to worry, Justicar, I don't think there'll be anything civil about any of this.

I will not stand idly by while some whey-faced pretender is forced upon all of us.

I only have one question for the "so-called" <small> king </small> Meeks: Is he a stick, hand or string controlled puppet? I'm just naturally curious about such things.

In other news, M'Lud Croda has finally consented to playing a game with his ex-squire. He told me that I'd be defending, but the parameters said I'd be attacking. Is this M'Lud's way of testing me, or is he just a gamey Hiram-wannabe looking for any kind of edge? You make the call.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Seanachai's continued ... "incapacity" is more proof that even the Olde Ones are turning from him.

Josef, you couldn't be more wrong. Seanachai has been busy reading about masturbating parakeets or somefink... he should return as soon as his eyes uncross </font>
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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

I say, couldn't we find some of Shaw's old friends, tell them to find out what madness afflicts him, inside and out, then send him to England to have his noggin lopped off?

Ah, there you are, your err..ah...Highness, yeah, that's it.

Since the replacement Justicar seems to have buggered off I'll present a report directly to you.

While the "Insane Knigget Posse" forms up, I have retained the Pet Rock of the Pool, Gaylord Focker, as a bounty hunter and set him on the Outlaw Justicar's trail. As Panzerleader is traveling in his company, it should be a matter of just following the soiled undergarments.

I expect a report from him any day now....

Yep, any day now....

Real soon...


SSN Hint Of The Day: Treat underlings as such.

Now sod off.

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Lars trumpeted:

I have retained the Pet Rock of the Pool, Gaylord Focker, as a bounty hunter and set him on the Outlaw Justicar's trail.
Bah, I can handle that Git, no need for the hairy...err..fleet-footed Justicar to be bothered.
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