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So anyway, I decided to buy a big new shining HD yesterday...60 gig. Maybe now I could finally play another game on the computer besides CMBB. (I only had 8 gig).

So I go to the store and buy my new HD...everything is fine so far.

I get home and open up the computer...Nooo problem. I figure "ok, I'll put the new HD right underneath the old HD, there seems to be plenty of room there...in fact there isnt really any other place to put it."


Lt Hortlunds appartment.

A dashingly handsome (if I may say so myself) young lieutenant is standing at his desk, working on his computer.

Lt Hortlund:

Hm...not that much space at all in this box actually. Well, first I'll move the old HD to the top slot and screw it in place there....*sound of a screwdriver* ...ah there nooo problem.

Now I'll just have to...get this new...HD into place...maybe if I bend that cable a bit...and flex that card just a millimeter I can get the angle correct and slide the new HD into place...yes yes..here its coming into pl..SNAP


Hmm...I wonder what that snap-noise was all about. Never mind, everything looks ok, now I'll just attach all the cable and the power supply.

Lt Hortlund turns on the computer and enters the setup

HA I am truly a great computer expert. The new HD was found in the bios in the first try. Primary slave, just as I wanted. HAHA I even managed to get those pesky jumpers correct IN THE FIRST TRY.

Ok, now lets just reboot and let windows do its thing.

Lt Hortlund reboots his computer

Hm...what is this..."Insert boot disk"

Lt Hortlund reboots his computer

Weird...it still wants the boot disk

Lt Hortlund reboots his computer

Lt Hortlund reboots his computer

But it worked all right just a second ago. Lets see what the bios looks like. It can find the new disc, no problem...wait a minute...where is the primary master?

Lt Hortlund opens up the box and examines all the cables

Weird...everything is attached as it should be.

Lt Hortlund reboots his computer

Still asking for that boot disk....wtf kinda piece of **** is this!!

Lt Hortlund reboots his computer


Lt Hortlund opens up the box and examines all the cables

Everything in place.

Lt Hortlund reboots his computer


Lt Hortlund reboots his computer


Lt Hortlund opens up the box and examines all the cables


Lt Hortlund reboots his computer

Lt Hortlund reboots his computer

RRRAAHHHHHH GIVE ME A HAMMER!!! I'll teach this machine who is the boss.

Lt Hortlund opens up the box and examines all the cables

Hmm...what is this tiny tiny 0.5 mm metal thingy laying at the bottom of the box? I wonder where its from.

Lt Hortlund removes the old HD and takes a closer look at it.

You know how a HD looks on the bottom side right? If you look really close on a circut board it looks like the Death Star trench run in Star Wars. Complete with some lazer towers and all.

Well, the bottom side of my HD looked just like that, but one of the lazer towers were gone. Apparently I must have knocked it off with the new HD as I was sliding it into place.


Everything gone. And I mean *everything* All games, all save files, all 1 gig worth of mods, all documents all mp3s, all pictures, all the porn


Just wanted to vent...carry on.

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All is not lost. You just need to find an exatly matching hard drive--down to exact model number. Buy it. Swap the logic boards (that thing with teh towers). Note that this violates any warranties you might have on either drive. But it does work.


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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Everything gone. And I mean *everything* All games, all save files, all 1 gig worth of mods, all documents all mp3s, all pictures, all the porn

It was only a 8 gig HD, how much porn could you possibly have had?

Make your big one the master and go have a data recovery service get your old stuff back.

P.S. – Nice job with the file backup. Sheesh, Squires these days...

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Hortlund, maybe in the future you should stick to litigation, maybe sending people to the gas chamber or something.....oh I forgot you're from Sweden...there is no crime there...and leave the technical aspects of microelectronics to the pros and those without two left thumbs.

This is the lamest excuse I have heard yet for ducking a game.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Everything gone. And I mean *everything* All games, all save files, all 1 gig worth of mods, all documents all mp3s, all pictures, all the porn

It was only a 8 gig HD, how much porn could you possibly have had?


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What other games do you plan on playing?

Right now, other than CMBB, the only thing I play is "Civil War Generals II" every now and then, just for a change of pace.

BTW, did you forget about our PBEM? I think we only had 4 or 5 turns left, and things were going quite well for me.

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I am starting a relief organization to replace the young Swede's exotic picture collection. I am calling it "Ho's for Hortlund." I will begin making billboards and possibly television commertials.

Here's an example.

*scene* A bright eyed young Swede sits dejectedly staring at a blank monitor

ANNOUNCER: Imagine the horror of lack of pornography. Doomed to nights of forlorn loneliness. Can you possibly allow another human being to suffer so?

We here at "Ho's for Hortlund" say no. That is why we are focusing our efforts to restore the lost treasures of our stricken Scandinavian brothers. We need you to look deep into your hearts and hard drives and make whatever contribution you can to this worthy cause. All donations will be appreciated (we hear he isn't very picky) and you will sleep better knowing that you have aided a fellow man.

Scene slowly zooms in. We can here our hero slowly muttering...

Gone, all gone.

Camera focuses on a bottle of hand cream and a box of kleenex, then fades to "Ho's for Hortlund" logo.

ANNOUNCER: Give now, give often.

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